Bulletin of the SCANDINAVIAN SOCIETY FOR PARASITOLOGY PROCEEDINGsO F THE SYMJlOSIUMXVtl OF TilESCANDINA VlAN SOCIETYFOR PARASITOLOGY, FINLAND, 15- 17 JUNE, 1995 Vol. S No. 2 1995 lllll.l.ll'I'IN ()11 Till\ SCANDINAVIAN SOCIETY FOR PARASITOLGY l(tlllm: lon111 Thnmldru•n, �•tnll• Vt•INinnry Laboratories, P.O. Box 8156 Dep, N llll \\ t l,.lo, Nt lHWA Y. 'l't•le•pho1w: 147 22964617 Jlax: +47 22600981 l(lllllll'll'll bc11ml: llt�lllll"l"• I1IL1111111111H lt•ttlAIUI: �'IHIII'l\ur Sweden: Lars-Ake l'ltlllllrtl'll, Uoynl Vt•l l(ldlh•r, I lniVI'r11lty ol Nilsson, University of .uul i\1411t I 1nl\• , 1h•• I t. ••t.uul. 11'"1111111• lm ( ;l)teborg, Inst. of l111 I o11l , lW•I lot l(�t•••llll111111nl l'nthn­ Med. Microbiol. & h 11l """ Mole•• lltolo IIIH Y 1\t•ldur, 1'.( l. Immunol., Guldheds­ M\' ltuloWII\'1'1 ' I, 11�. llm 11'\110, l�i 1'.1./i l(t•y gatan 10, 5-413 46 , .. m,., ...�l,�'4 ····n. �jrt\'lt.. ('h•l: t:l'i4 I . Goteborg (Tel: 46 31 11 .. 1 ;4'1 \'IJnJt,"t. (o'/•l'/1), l1111\: t:l�i4 I 604717, Fax +46 31 h•• �•" tl'lmJ/I.t) to'/ \IJ'/'J) 604688) t'llll""''' ·� lt•llt•l \'0 Nm WAY I Tor A ll11kkl•, Editor of Baltic News: Vttllolll'lt. I 1111\'t'IIIIIV /uui11Mh'r\l MIWC'lllll, Peter Nansen, Danish "' h· \' itli�, . '" ''''I'' "' I IIIIVt•H•IIY ol ( l�lo, Ctr. of Exp. Parasitol, ''"''"M "' I' I I u... \'1, ! itll �HI I, N o.rih:l OHio Royal Vet. and Agric. I'IH ��� t''ll IY�'�I"� vlu ( lt•l to!'/ :J:J.H!llh7H, Univ., Biilowsvej 13, 1 ' " ' 1 I'IH �I nOJ1N, 1'11�. I •I'/ :J:J.H�i I H:l7) DK-1870 Fredriksberg htto I l'lH 41 foO)IJI) C, (Tel: +45 3528 2780, Fax: +45 3528 2774) llu• 1'1111••111• ,,. 11 llll'lllht•nehlp journal of the Scandinavian Society for l'.tlll11ll�tl1114'' lt••�thlt•ll 1111•111lt111"hlp 111lommtion, it. lso presents articles on all aspects "'I'"' Rulh •I• 't\v, wlilt I'''"'" v �lvt•ll tol'llnlrlhutors fr m the Nordic countries and other llll'lltl•l'tlllll tlu• ����� l�•tv 11 wi ll h1dud1' n•vlt•w arti I s, short articles/communications. t otiiV of IIIIUIII'Itlll 1111 lol'h wllhl11 tlw liPid parasitology may be presented as Letters lt• tlu• lldll111 llu• ll ulh•lln 111 ellllo "1'''11 for a short presentation of new projects. All 'ttllllll•lllh•w• ttllltllld l�t• wl lll••tt 111 1\n�lish. Review articles are commissioned by the .-.tllt•t. lu•w••v••t, IIIIHH•'ttllllllll lot· n•v il•ws arc welcomed. tutluu tlt•ll111111 tilt' •W•III•Ihh• lo non-members upon request from the Publisher. llu• illllllullt•lloll '''''' lh �;1\K :lOO p••r yt•ar (two issues annually) . ... ""'lln.-viAn Nndttly lur J•i\r;\Hitology (Nordisk Forening for Parasitologi) Society Board: l'u•�ldt•lll 1111\1'1 I .jllltH�Irl\111 (Swt•dt•n) VII •• l'11•11ldt•11l 11. Tt•llr•t vu Vnllmu•n (Finland) I •1'111'11\l ·�•'• 11•1•11 y �ivt•ll Nll..tllldt•t' (Finland) I tl'liilllll'l 1\ltt�.llll• Yt�IIIII'I'V•tld (I )l•nmnrk) ll•tou d M••111l"'' '''" 'l'l111lln (Swt•d••n) t 11\'tll• 111 N1111w lllylh"I"V.Y· tlw v,lnnl ash tree- Yggdrasill - spreads its limbs over tlu• ''"" ''' '"'"'�·'"" lh•• "''" hnH thn·t• roots, each of them sucking water from its 11\\'11 .. ,.,IIIH llw 111 ..1 i!J•t iiiH 11v••t t\1'111111' 111 found in the ice cold North; next to the spring, the ""'IJ'""' Nlnlu•H!-�1 '" ,.,,,,m•I••,H•Iy V,IUiwlnK nl llw roots of the ash. The second spring­ "'lhlllitl•lluuu '" Ill" �lllltn• ol wl�dom nnd is guarded by Mimir. The third spring­ I ltiltuluwuu l11 t',lltll dt•d hy lhn••• wonwn, the Norns, which mete out man's thread "' lit .. ISSN 0803-4907 PROCEEDINGS of the 17th Scandinavian Symposium of Parasitology University of JyvaskyUi, Finland June 15-17, 1995 Editors Jouni Taskinen and E. Tellervo Valtonen Venue University of Jyvaskyla, Finland Scientific Secretariat Associate Professor E. Tellervo Valtonen, Department of Biological and Environmental Science, University of Jyvaskyla, P.O. Box 35, FIN-40351 Jyvaskyla, Finland Tel: +358 41 602 329, Fax: +358 41 602 321 e-mail: [email protected] Symposium Secretariat SSP XVII Secretariat, Jyvaskyla Congresses, Salme Vaaraniemi, P.O. Box 35, FIN-40351 Jyvaskyla, Finland Tel: +358 41 603 661, Fax: +358 41 603 621 e-mail: [email protected] ii Scientific Programme and Organizing Committee E. Tellervo Valtonen (chairman), Department of Biological and Environmental Science, University of JyvaskyHi Jouni Taskinen (secretary), Department of Biological and Environmental Science, University of Jyvaskyla Hans-Peter Fagerholm, Institute of Parasitology, Abo Akademi, Turku Voitto. Haukisalmi, Department of Zoology, University of Helsinki Inger Ljungstrom, Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control, Stockholm Sven Nikander, College of Veterinary Medicine, Helsinki Antti Oksanen, Centre of Veterinary Medicine, Troms� Mats Wahlgren, Microbiology and Tumor Biology Center, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Sponsors Department of Biological and Environmental Science, University of Jyvaskyla Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jyvaskyla Finnair Finnish Ministry of Education Nordic Council of Ministers, NORFA Oy Hoechst Fennica Ab Oy Suomen Bayer Ab Introduction by the editors The present Proceedings comprise the Welcome words of the President of the Scandinavian Society for Parasitology, the abstracts of six invited speakers, and the abstracts of 55 oral presentations and 64 poster presentations at the 17th Scandinavian Symposium of Parasitology. On behalf of the Organizing Committee we would like to thank all contributors for their interest in the symposium. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome by the President of the Scandinavian Society for Parasitology. Ljungstrom I .................................................. INVITED SPEAKERS Toxoplasma-like organisms - a hazard to animals and man. Rommel M .......................................... ...... ... 2 Cell-to-cell interactions of importance for the development of severe malaria. Wahlgren M . .. .. .. .. 3 eo-evolution of microparasites and a facultative sexual host. Ebert D ..................................... ................. 4 Plant allelochemicals and the control of parasites. Whitfield PJ . 5 Through the looking glass: host-parasite coevolution and sex. Lively CM . 19 Anti-parasitic treatment - a potential risk to animal production and human beings. Borgsteede FHM . 20 WORKSHOP 1 Parasitism and biodiversity: a parasitized ecosystem is a healthy one? Kennedy CR, Holmes JC . 24 WORKSHOP 2 Biological control of parasitic nematodes of livestock by means of microfungi.A survey. Nansen P, Larsen M, Henriksen SA, Grr;mvold J, Wolstrup J . 25 Non-chemical approaches to nematode control - how models can help. Barnes EH . 26 Duddingtonia flagrans - a potential candidate for biological control of horse strongyles. Larsen M, Nansen P, Gr(Dnvold J, Wolstrup J, Henriksen SA . 27 SUBMITTED PAPERS- ORAL PRESENTATION Session 1: Evolutionary biology of parasitism The evolution of heteroxeny by parasitic nematodes of mammals. Read AF, Skorping A . 28 Parasites and fluctuating asymmetry in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.). Markusson E, Folstad 1 .......................................... 29 Optimal body size and maturation in tapeworms. Heino M, Haukisalmi V, Kaitala V . 30 Genetic polymorphism and host parasite coevolution. Paulauskas A . 3 I Association between haematozoan infections and reproduction in the pied flycatcher. Ri.itti 0, Siikami.iki P, Hovi M, Bennett GF . .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 The effect of a long-lived parasite on the reproductive effort of Atlantic cod. Skorping A, Lysne D-A . .. .. 33 iv Spatial variation for infection by digenetic trematodes in a population of freshwater snails (Potamopyrgus antipodarum). Jokela J, Lively CM . .. .. 34 Session 2: Parasitic diseases of domestic animals I Prevalence of parasitic diseases of goats on small scale farms in Embu district - Kenya. Githigia SM, Okomo MA, In yangala BO, Okeyo M, Thamsborg SM . .. .. 35 Schistosoma bovis in goats. Consequences of challenge infections. Johansen MV, Monrad J, Christensen N(/J . 36 Characterization of the antigen employed in the ELISA for the diagnosis of sarcoptic mange in dogs. Bomstein S, Thebo P, Zakrisson G ... .. ........ ........ ... ........ .. 37 Molecular-genetic markers for parasitic helminths. Gasser RB, Stevenson LA, Chilton NB, Haste H, Nansen P, Beveridge I . .. .. .. .. .. .. 38 The occurrence of Babesia divergens and Anaplasma marginale in Austrian cattle. Edelhofer R, Baumgartner W . ...... ... .. ... .. .. ...... .. ... .. .. ... 39 Morphology of the cuticle of Oesophagostomum dentatum (Strongyloidea, nematoda): ultrastructural observations, development, and phylogenetic implications Neuhaus B, Bresciani J, Christensen CM, Frandsen F . 40 Session 3: Fish parasitology I Population dynamics of the endoparasitic fauna of Pomatoschistus minutus (Gobiidae) of the Grevelingen Voordelta area (SW-Netherlands). Geets A, Boden G, Ollevier F . .. .... ... .. ....... .... ... ..... .... 41 The effect of water pollution on the occurence and distribution of metazoan parasites of chubb (Leuciscus cephalus L.) . Sebelova S, Gelnar M, Kon{cek L, Koubkova B, Zahradkowi S . .. 42 Mortality of reared sea trout and brown trout caused by cestode larvae, Diphyllobothrium dendriticum (Nitzch, 1824). Rahkonen R, Aalto J, Koski P, Sii.rkkii J, Juntunen K . .. 43 The effects of Lemaeocera branchia/is on the growth rates of caged Atlantic cod. Lysne D-A, Skorping A, Hemmingsen W ........ .... .. .... ...... 44 Gyrodactylus salaris on salmon on the Swedish West Coast. Malmberg G, Malmberg M, Alenas /, Carlstrand H . .. .... .... , . , . , . , . 45 Investigation of some parasites of three-spined stickleback Gastero.l'lt!ll.\' m·ulrCIIU.I' L. from western Norway with comments on its functions in the parasite community. Alvik T, Hole ABL, Bohne H .......... ....... ....... , .. , , , , . 46 Ecological study of the Gasterosteus aculeatus • Trlcumoplwru,Y llm/11/0,YII,¥ huNt-parasite relationship in the freshwnters of Derbyshire, UK, Hunjan G, Thomas J, Siclda/1 R . , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . 47 V Session 4: Parasitic diseases of domestic animals 11 The effect of Oesophagostomum dentatum population density changes on the development of adult worms.
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