![District Census Statistics, N. W. Provinces and Oudh, Jhansi, India](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
~hltfitt ~.enJns ~tatistits, N.-W. P,ROVINCES AND OUDH. ,JHANSI DISTRICT.. ALT.ABABAD : weaar-WJI8'tB.B.N noTUtQaa AllD 017DB QOVUNJDIIB'l' Pl\1mS. 1896. TABLE UF CONTE~TS. Serial Jlum­ Contents. Page. bet. 1 Preface statement .howing the variations of population in the pal'ganas and tllohails of th Jhansi 6 uistrict. 8 Stalement sllowing the variations in the population of the Police circle Jbtinsi district 6 4 Statement showing by population the number of towns and viIlnges in the Ta.bsils of tbe 7 JMnsi district. Village DU'octory, tahsil GarothAJ pa.rgana. Garotha , 10-16 6 Ditto ditto .Tb{inlli, ditto 113-25 7 Di~to ditto Moth , ditto Motb 8 Ditto ditto Mau; ditto Mau 27-83 9 Ditto ditte> Mehroni, ditto Bau1?ur 38-37 10 Ditto ditto ditto ditto Marau.ra 11 Ditto ditto ditto ditto Mehroni 12 Ditto ditto dittQ ditto Bansi 13 Ditto ditto LaJitpUf, ditto Lautpur 406-61 Ditto ditto ditto ditto Dalabehat 51-58 15 Ditto ditto ditto ditto Talhebat 53-66 16 Statement showing the figures of the Village Directory totalled for each of the thanu of tbe Jhilusi district. _ 17 Alphabetical ind x to the villages a.nd towns of the JhlInai distriot 63-67 PREFACE Tll.E census ta.bles published for the North-Western Pl'OvinMs snd Oudh, tmder the orders of the imperial government, coJl'tain no detailed statistic £01' any aren. smaller thun the district. The local government has cODsidered.- it necessary to publish in addition to these impel'ial ta.bll."s- lit-A provjncia,l suppJement to the report on tbe census of 189], oonlia:iniog certain impor~ ant statistics for tahsil, pal'gaollo, tht'na (lnd town DTOOS. 2nd-A collection o£ census sta.tistios for ea.ch district for tbe use more especio.lIy of dist.lict offioers. The contents of the volume of census statistics for the Jhallsi district are given OD the preceding poge. The first three statements requil'o no explanatory ref reD 'e. Regarding the village directory the fol1owiJ1g xplanations may be u eful ;- Column I.-The seria.l nurobel' of villoges runs separately £01' each pl1rgana.. Tho pnl'ganal are arra.nged by tahsils and the tnhsil total follows that for the last po.l'gnlla. belonging to it. :rhe villages for each pat'gana a.rc divided into sepaJ'at gl'OUPS, one for ea ·h of t110 poli 0 cit'cl s w11ioh wholly or pa.\·tly lie in it. As pal'gana a.nd HuiDa boundaries almost invariably overlap ach other, there may be for a. single thana two 01' more gl'OUpS 1)£ villages aah in 0. separa.te 'pugana. The thana. totals are collect d in a supplementary statement, ref(ll'ence to which ",ill show in how many p.rgana. lists the villages of the thUna lie. The gonel·a.l alphabetical ind x to the villages of the district, which ends the; volumo, shows by reference back to the village directory the thiina, pargana. and tahsil to whioh any village belongfl .. OoVwnvn 2,-Thc following are the d finitions adopted of the term,1f tJilla!J~ and town :- A village denotes the area. demarcated for revenue pm'poses as a. (t mauza," provided thAt. "here a. village or part of a village forms a part of tile ll.l'ea of a town, it will be included. in such toWD, The rema.indeT, if UJly, will be regarded for census purposes as the village. A tQW7~ denotes- ]st-Every continuous group of houses inhabited permanently by not le s tl1o.n 5,000 people. 2nd-Every area within which t\,o Cbn.ulriual'i Act (XX of 1856) or either of the Municipal Acts (XV of 1873 01' XV of 1883) is in force. S rd-Evel'y military cantonment. Column 12.-Det~i1s of the number of persons belonging to each r ligion included in this column al:e gi en in the l·elXl!l.~·ks column. Oollwrnn 13.-A grioult.urists include all persons who own or occupy land for purposes ot agriculture 01' paslurage, bnt does not include agricultural labourers. It includes all p rsons who own or cu.ltivat.e land in a.ddition to any other occupation. Tho figUi' Ii in impcrial tabl 8 XVII A and B &how ucb persons under the head of the aduitional occupa.tion I\nd not as agricultul'istA. CO~'URnn 14.-Includes shopkeepers, pedlars and dea.lers of all descriptions, Column I5.-Includes, besides persons bclonging to the'leo.rned professions, strictly '0 called, aU government servauts above lninisterial rank. CoLumn 17.-In this column a.re included ministerial government servants, domestic "ervallt. a.nd village m nia.ls. Oolwnn I8.-Labourers include both agricultural and general laboureri. Co1;wmn 22.-All male of ng 0-4 have been assumed to be illiterate. Column 26.-For each village the caste which is most nUIDm'OUS is shown, ILnd where two or more cast s each ex. d 25 pel: cent. of the total populntion, the number of persons belonging '0 ea.oh of them is sbown. Sub nstes of lliljputs only are given. The number of lepers, male aDd fema.le, ennmerat d in any i11a.ge is also shown here. These figures have been cO'D.l'il d from the v rnacula.r registerl, which will be presened for each mUDicipality by the municipal board, and £01' each tabioU by the diitrict oJlicer. }'ull details of .u .tati.ticI published for the distriot or province in the imperia.l tables can be uoortained for IUIY' ceDlI08 block or village on reference to these registers. The content, of each 01 the 20 regi.ten are as ful10ws :- Register No. I.-RouB " and totBl population. Ditto 2.-Variation in population. Ditto S.-Classified list of villages a.nd towns. Ditto 4.-Rcligions. Ditto 5.-Age-]leriods for each religion. Ditto a.-Age-periods for ea.ch civil oondition of eaoh religion. Ditto 7.-Ed.uoation by age-periods for ea.ch religion. Ditto 8.-Par nt tongu s. Ditto 9.-Bidh-placos. Ditto 10 & lOA.-Insanes by age and. oa.ste. Ditto 11 & llA.-Deaf mutes by age a.nd caste. Ditto 12 & 12A.-Blind by age and casto. Ditto 13 & 13A.-Lepers by age and oa.ste. Ditto 14.-Ca.stes and subcaste~. Ditto 10.-0coupations by agc-periods. Ditto 16.-S eta of all religions. Ditto 17.-Sects of Christians by race. Ditto 18. .-Races of Christia.ns by age-period II. Ditto 19.-Education by casLc. Ditto $l0.-Civil condition by caste, The arra.ngement of the vernn.cula.r registers is similar to that of the villa.ge direotory. Villages are grouped together for eaoh pargana. and within the pargo.na. arra.nged. by 'tbanas. The paging is the sarno throngh;>nt a.ll genera.l registers, viUllges whioh ocour on pa.ge 1 of register 1 .110 occur 00 the first set of the pages of the more elabora.te registers 14, 151 It} & 19. ( I) ) STATEYENr SHOWING THR VAtU TION'S 0].1' POPULA.TIO~ IN THB PARG NAS AND • TAllSlLS OF THE JHAN I DIS'I'Rlc'r. ., ~ .. FCIJIQlo,. l Total popula.tion. ){.. 10" PargA1I& &nil taheU. Incr_+ Cun8u, Inero 0+ Cen~U8 onlue C !lAn. Inerel\8o + C n811 189l. l)ecr_- COll'US 1 Ul. 18St. 18 1. DCC1"OlLee - 1 1. l>0\l ~ "" - 188!. ._--------_----_------- --- _- +20,400 fi8.670 56,stlll +U.222 70.7 8 113,058 14G,OSO +82.(122 50.388 J"hal)8i ••• ... ... ---- -- +20.,WO 53.G70 6G,8Q.ll +U,!22 +82.622 60,3 8 70,788 Total, Tall.il Jha".! ... 118.058 14.5.080 . +4,072 62.220 I)G.721 +4,CiOl +8.578 54.l}81 59,003 -M111l ... ." ... 107,151 115.72' + 4,072 1).ll.220 60,721 +4.G01 +8,(;73 64,931 60.003 T~tal, Te.bellMall .. , 107,151 115,724 4.2.800 43,308 +1,002 - +1,029 4.5,691 45.018 + 27 Garotb& ... .., 7,1397 88,920 - 45.61 +2'1 4.2.600 43,808 +l,oo~ Total, T,ball Gllrotba ... 87,897 88,926 +1,020 45,501 ---- +1,169 27,805 28,070 +1,165 +2.834 28,950 80,119 Moth ... .., ... 50.'155 G!J.OS9 ---_. --- +1.1(;5 30,119 +1,160 27,80" 28,970 Totlll, Tllhafl Moth ... 56,7CiO fl9,OSO +2,934 l!8,!l50 - + .j,,31<l 21),110 SS,70!l +4,089 +9,ooB 82,071 30.300 L"litpul'" ... ... 61,181 70,189 · ~I,llt:8 12,704 +1,273 10,S97 ll,5!lu ll&rui ... 21,6GB U,aH!) +2,591 n,"21 ... ... 22,rW-4 + 3,34.8 20,8,13 2i-,20a +3,360 Ill,OOI Till bebltot ,.. ... 89,904 4O,G07 +O,70S 7,587 +185 8,17l 8,3S1 01-210 7.402 D41 J,eb&t ... ." 15.G7S 16,968 +39(; - -- +9,·175 81,708 +0,102 0;;,910 7G,!l85 Total, TllhaU Lalitpur , .. ISB.G tG 157,153 + 18,637 72,ooG --- ----_- --- ---- 20,011 Z,~,i)ll +3,006 22,443 26,106 +3,603 Dallpur ... 43,354- 51,012 +7,01>8 ... +G15 11,600 +147 10.(l.U 11,250 :Mohroni 22,100 22,862 +762 11,159 ... ... 21,217 -GI0 -1.9.J.G 28,291 21,9:m -l,a85 2~,827 :M""a.Ul'& ..
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