6220 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 13, 1896. supply of electricity and all matters incidental break up for the purpose of laying down, placing,, thereto as the said Acts authorise, or the Board maintaining, altering and renewing the said of Trade may prescribe, and will alter, vary, or electric lines, wires, conductors,maius, pipes, and extinguish all rights and privileges which would other apparatus and works the following streets or might interfere with any of its objects, and not repairable by a local authority (or in case of" confer all other rights and privileges necessary streets the names of which are followed by the- for carrying such objects into effect-. words if in part"), such parts of such streets- 12. To provide that the area of supply shall respectively as are not repairable by a local be (a) the whole parish of Greenwich, in the authority, that is to say:— county of London; and (b) also an area or (1.) Parish of Charlton : district in part in the parishes of Charlton, Bellefield-road; Blackheath Park-road; Brook- Eltham, Kidbrook, Lee, and Lewishani, respec- lands-road ; Cressweli-park; Kidbrook Park- tively, in the county of London, and bounded by road ; Morden-road; The Paragon ; Pond- a line drawn in or through the parish of road; Priory-lane. Lewishani from the parish boundary post at the (2.) Parish of Eltham : south-western boundary of the parish of Green- Meadow Court-road; Weigall-road. wich, and situate at the foot of the embankment (3.) Parish of Greenwich : of the South Eastern Railwa3'', thence along such Aldeburgh-road (in part); Azof-street r- railway embankment to Hither Green Junction, Beaconsfield-road; Braddyll-street (in part); and thence (in part in the said parish of Lewi sham Chesterfield-walk ; Coleraine-road; Coller- and in part in the said parish of Lee) along the stone-road (in part); Collington-road; Den- embankment of the Dartford "LoopLine" of the ford-street ; Dinsdale-road ; Dupree-road (in said South Eastern Railway from Hither Green part); Foyle-road; Glenluce-road; Halstow- Junction, in the parish of Lewishani, to Leylaud- road ; Hardy-road; Home-lane; Humber- road, in the parish of Lee, where Leyland-road road (in part); Invicta-road; Kemsing-road ^ abuts on the Lee Railway Station, on the said Mauritius-road; Melton-road; Morley-road; " Loop Line," and thence in a northerly or north- Mycense-road; New Braddyll-street; Crans- western direction along the Leyland-road to its ton-road (in part); Ruthin-road; St. Georges- junction (in tbe said parish of Eltham) with the road ; Segismund-street; Selcroft-road (in Eltham-road, and thence along the Eltham-road part); Siebert-road; Station-road (West- to its junction with the Weigall-road, and thence combe-hill) ; Vanbrugh-fields ; Vanbrngh- along Weigall-road into or at its junction with hill (in part). Kidbrook Park-road, in the parish of Kidbrook, (4.) -Parish of Kidbrook: and thence along Kidbrook Park-road (in part in Kidbrook Park-road (in part) ; Matjorway the said parish of Kidbrook and in part in the Park-road; Meadow Court-road. said parish of Charlton) to the junction of Kid- (5.) Parish of Lee: brook Park-road with Shooters Hill-road (which Abernethy-road; Burnt Ash-road (in part) y. there forms the southern boundary of the parish Lochaber-road; Micheldever-road (in part),-, of Greenwich), and thence along Shooters Hill- Manor-lane; Rembrandt-road; Victoria- road to its junction with Marlborough-lane (in mews. the parish of Charlton), and thence along Marl- (6.) Parish of Lewisham : borough-lane to its junction with Charlton-road, Albion-grove ; Albion-street; Albion-terrace ^ and thence across Charlton-road and along Astoria-place; The Avenue; Avenue-square;, Victoria-road to its junction with the Woolwich- Bennett-street; Blackheath-rise; Black- road (formerly called the Greenwich and Wool- heath-vale; Blessington-road; Cold Bath- wich Lcwer-road), and thence along the Wool- street ; Conington-road ; Glen view-road ;-. wich-road (there forming the boundary between Granville-road; John Penn-street; King- the parishes of Charlton and Greenwich) in a street ; Lanier-road; Morden-grove; Morden- westerly direction to the point where such road street; Orchard Hill; Princes-road; Ravens- ceases to be in the parish of Charlton, and which bourne-street ; St. Stepheu's-road. is marked by a parish boundary stone. Also all such parts of any streets or places,, Provided that where 'the boundary of the area being public highways, within the area of supply,, of supply is a street, the houses and premises on but repairable with or without the approaches, both sides of such street shall be deemed to be by any railway company or tramway company. within the area of supply. Provided also that 16. The railways which the Undertakers pro- in case or difference between the above descrip- pose to take powers to break up, or pass or cross tion and the area, delineated upon the deposited over or under, are as follows:— map the latter shall prevail. (1) The South Eastern Railway (Main Line, 13. The streets and other places in, over, or Dartford Loop Line, North Kent or Black- along which it is proposed to take power to heath Line, Greenwich and Woolwich Line)*. place any electric lines or other works are all (2) The London, Chatham, and Dover Railway. the streets and other places within the area of (3) The Bexley Heath Railway. supply, whether repairable by a local authority or 17. Tbe tramways which the Undertakers pro- not. pose to take power by the Order to break up,, 14. The streets or parts of streets or other pass, or cross over, are as follows :—/ places, in, over, under, or along which it is pro- (1) The tramways of the London Tramways- posed that electric. lines shall be laid down Company, Limited. within a period of two years after the com- (2) The tramways of the South-Eastern Met- mencement of the Order are as follows, namely: ropolitan Tramway Company. Trafalgar-road (from its junction with Creed- (3) The tramways of the Woolwich and place to Park-row ; Creed-place; Maze-hill; South-East London Tramway Company,, Westcoinbe Park-road; Eastcombe-terrace Limited. (from the junction with Westcoinbe Park- 18. Notice is hereby given, that printed copies- road, to the junction with St. John's-road); St. of the Draft Order will be deposited at the office John's-road; St. German's-placd; The Para- of the Board of Trade on or hefore the 21st day gon ; South-row ; Montpelier-row ; Montpe- of December next, and printed copies thereof,, lier-vale; Tranquil-vale; The Village ; when applied for, and of the Order when -made,, Lee-road (as far as Lee-green). can be obtained at the office of George Whale, 15. To authorise the Undertakers to open and 107, Cannon-street, in the City of London,..
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