RECITAL, DANCE MAY DAY CEREMONIES PROGRAM TONIGHT TOMORROW, 4 P. M. -MADISON COLLEGE- VOL. XXIII Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Friday, May 3,1946 No. 5 Willock Attends Large Majority Passes Apple Festival Honor System Vote In Winchester ■ • »: ■ ► . The Student Body, in a ballot.taken Monday in assembly, ratified Toni Willock, of Hampton, Virginia the,proposed Honor System by a 77 per cent vote, 10 per cent<over was Madison's representative at the the 66 2/3 necessary. Of the 931 students who cast their ballots, 720 19th Shenandoah Apple Blossom Fes- Sirls voted "yes" and 211 voted "no." tival, in Winchester, Virginia held The Honor System constitution was drawn up by a committee set Thursday and today. Mrs. B. B. Dut- up in the spring of 1945. This com- ton, Director of the Queen and her Witten Foretells mittee is composed of faculty mem- court, announced the participants Senior Plans bers appointed by Dr. Duke and stu- Monday. dents elected by the student body. Toni was recently elected Maid-of- The following program has been This committee began its work last Honor of the annual May Day fes- planned for graduation, announces spring with an Honor System confer- tivities here on campus. She is a mem- Mildred Witten, acting president of ence held here to discuss "Honor Sys- ber of Pi Kappa Sigma and was chair- the Senior class. tems in Women's Colleges." At which man of the Social Committee the past On Friday, May 31, there will be a eleven Virginia colleges were repre- year. She may be seen in the picture reception in Senior Hall at 7:30 p.m. sented. at the left. followed by a musical program at 8:30. Following this the committee held Over 100,00 spectators were esti- On Saturday, the activities will be- group meetings of the students to de- mated to be present at the 19th cele- gin with a Class Day program at 10 termine their opinions. With their bration, the first held since 1941, which a.m. This will consist of a speech of findings tentative plans were drawn "was staged in Winchester yesterday greeting by a member of the class, the up, and again group discussions were and today. reading of the class prophesy (or held. Then a constitution was pre- Miss Nancy Anderson, daughter of will) closed with a speech "Farewell pared and presented to the students Secretary of Agriculture, Clinton P. to Madison College" by a member of for ratification. Anderson, reigned as Queen Shenan- the Senior class. Members of the committee are: Mr. doah XIX at the opening program At 2:00 p.m. a movie will be shown Conrad Logan" Dr. W. J. Gifford, Miss yesterday afternoon. She was crowned in Wilson Auditorium. Mary Louise Seeger, Miss Hope Van- festival queen by Fleet Admiral Ches- A reception for the Seniors and dever, Dr. Mary Armentrout, and Dr. ter W. Nimitz, Chief of U. S. Naval their friends will be given in Senior J. H. Carter. Cordelia Robbins, Pat- Operations. hall at 4:30. ricia Pumphrey, Betty Jo Stretchberry, Highlights of the grand festival par- From 8:30 to 11:50 p.m. the Grad- Lucia Zeigler, Barbara Wensel, Eliza- ade, which was held this afternoon, uation Dance will be held in Reed beth Miller, Margueritte Berryman, were the Army and Navy displays. Gym. and Hilda Davis. Irene Reider, May Queen, of Norfolk, and Toni Willock, Maid-of-Honor, of Hampton, who are principals in tomorrow's May Day festivities. There were exhibits of many Army The Baccalaureate Sermon will be vehicles and other military equipment. preached at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday. As "Poetry And More Captured Japanese and German war yet the speaker has not been named. May Festival to Open Tonight, equipment was also on display. Vespers will be conducted at 8:00 p. Abundant Life" Is About 100 Navy planes were flown m. followed by the Seniority Service. Crowning And Dance Saturday from fields near Washington in addi- This is a traditional service whereby Theme Of Speech tion to the other Navy exhibits. each year the Seniors holding lighted "Poetry and the More Abundant The schedule for thrrraditional May honor; Frances Grimes, crownbearer; candles form a figure- on the quad- Life" was the theme of a talk by Mr. Day festival to be held May 3-4 be- Mary Stuart Mosely and Jane Hart- rangle. Dr. Duke and Mr. Eagle will Joseph Auslander, poet and critic, in gins tonight at 8:45 in Wilson audi- man, trumpeters; and members of the Sigmas Win Award light the candles. Wednesday chapel. His overflowing torium, when all students without court and their attendants. Alpha Upsilon chapter of Sigma Final graduation exercises >will be love of poetry held Mr. Auslander's guests will witness the May Day dan- The annual May Day dances, to be Sigma, Sigma has been awarded an at 10:00 a.m. Monday in Wilson Audi- audience. ces under supervision of Miss Louise held tomorrow night in Reed and Ash- torium. ♦ efficiency cup for having the highest When he was a "downy little fresh- Covington. by gyms, will conclude the festivals. Those on the class program com- national average for the sorority ex- man" at Harvard, Amy Lowell, critic The dances to be presented by the mittee are: June Payson, Elizabeth amination. from the family of the Lowells who students of the Modern Dance club Miller, and Mary Stuart M'oseley. On Glee Club To Give made American poetry "front page," and accompanied by the orchestra, are The presentation was made by Miss the Senority Service committee are: visited the Harvard Poetry Society, an "Dance Tribute to The Queen," "Pre- Margaret Hoffman, sorority advisor, Connie Morris, Kathleen Brothers, lude," "Cake Walk" and "Celebration." Assembly Concert organization to which Mr. Auslander at a Founder's Day Banquet held in Gayle Chowning, and Kathleen Lucy. The crowning of the queen will take In connection with National Music belonged. For- her criticism his poem Senior Dining Hall Thursday, April place in front of Wilson auditorium Week, to be celebrated from May 4- "Farewell to a Skylark" out of Shake- tomorrow afternoon promptly at 4:00. 11, the Madison College Glee club di- 25, 1946, when the club celebrated its Bowman Speaks In Chapel speare, by Shelley, through Words- worth, through Auslander was pre- At this time the Glee club will render rected by Miss Edna T. Shaeffer, will 48th anniversary. Dr. Earl M. Bowman, pastor of the sented. their "Tribute to The Queen." The present a concert in assembly on May Following the banquet a program Church of the Brethren in Harrison- orchestra will play during the reces- 8. was given by chapter officers and alum- burg, spoke in YW chapel today on Upon Mr. Auslander's utterance of sional when the court ushere^ by The first portion of the program will nae visitors. » "Hitch Your Wagon to a Star." the last "Farewell," Miss Lowell shook members of the Mercury club, will consist of "Salutation," by Samuel R. cigar ashes on him and said, "You proceed to the auditorium where the Gaines, "Choric Song" (from "The worm!" In that moment a star was dance program will be repeated for Lotus Eaters"), by Deems Taylor, Doris Tignor To Present Voice Recital, born. Mr. Auslander was warned by the guests. "Triumphant Thanksgiving" by Rach- Accompanied By I Fill man And Cook the famous critic to "never write about Those praticipating are Irene Rei- maninoff, "Sapphic Ode," by Brahms, something you have not seen nor heard der, queen; Toni Willock, maid of "When the Year Goes A-Maying," by Doris Tignor, senior, will present or smelled or experienced." Rowley and "Country Fair," by Kan- her voice recital tonight in Wilson au- Then Miss Lowell read one of her itz, all to be sung by the club. ditorium at 7:30 p.m. Mary Elizabeth own poems. It was a poem inspired by Pi Omega Pi Elects Next, a group of soloists will be Hillman will accompany on the piano, a rumor in a newspaper about German Carolyn Woodfield presented. The first will be Wanda with Virginia Cook as assistant. aviators dropping poison candles into Lee Lewter singing "Think on Me," The program is as follows: Vag- Belgium, but it was not her best work. Carolyn Woodfield was recently ele- by Scott and Barbara Farrar singing, hissima "Simbrianza and Spirate She had been too angry when she cted president of Pi Omega Pi, Na- "In the Silence of the Night" by Rach- Ppier^Spirate," by Stephano Donaudy; wrote and "her hand shook." A poet tional Honorary Society for Business maninoff. "Through the Years," by "Vissi d'Arte, Vissi d'Amor," from must wait until anger is translated in- Education students for next year. Youmans, will be a solo by Courtney "Tosca," by Peccini; "Gesang Weyla's to indignation. The fact of this parti- Other officers include: June Hardy, Fauver and Giannini's "Tell Me, Oh and Er Ista," by Hugo Wolf; "Die cular news item was not given into the vice-president; Grace Fielding, secre- Blue, Blue Sky" by Helen Housman. Nacht and HeimJiche Aufforderung," truth of poetry. tary; Jean Lockard, treasurer; and "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes" by Richard Strauss; "Les Papillons Later, when Mr. Auslander was tra- Phyllis Epperson, historian. an old English Air, arranged and di- and Les Trois Prieres," by E. Pala- veling in England "from poem to The society also held its annual ini- rected by Emily Leitner presented as dilke; "Minuet 18th Bergerettes" by poem," he saw and heard his first sky- tiation and banquet, Friday, April 26, the last number in this group.
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