r Page Six THE WESTERN JE.WISH NEWS Thursday, May 5, 1955 Thursday, Moy 5, 1955 THE WESTERN JEWISH NEWS • • • apartment block nt 040 Osborne for u one-storey egg candling p]nnt street. at 106 Higgins avenue, at a cost of A. ROTMANSZ Winnipeg Building • A. W. Haag for three horiics on $20,000. KUMMEN•SHIPMAN Lawn Mowers ru1 Pointer & Decorator UI Hand and Pow°' Mowen Cleaaod, 1n Brock strct-t, between Fleet and • B. Silvermnn for a dwelling at ELECTRIC, LTD. All Types of Palntl~g Sharpened and Repaired Grnnt avenues, at a cost of $28 1500. 010 Waverley street nt o, cost ot Eloctrlc WJrlng & Repairs Shean, Saw•, Kniv•, Scl1110n, Fruit Row Continues Upsurge • lntcfior alterations to Canndu $26,500. Electrical Appliances & Fixture, Good Work ot Reasonable Prices Skate,, Toot., etc:. By 1027 the flt·m moved to Ross Safeway Limited slore at 510 Selkirk • F. W. S. May for n dwelling nt 270 FORT ST. PHONE 93-1577 Phono Pipe Wrench Jaw, Rnharponed Construction of dwellings and commercial buildings in Winni­ 56-1450 avenue, or Fruit Row, as it was avenue,'al a cost ol $100,000. 1386 McDcrmot avenue at a cost ot Ultra-Modern Winnipeg ·Plant peg started off at a brisk pace this year and gathered momentum GOOD DEAL , known. That year the1·e was an • Imperial Construction Company $13,000. in recent weeks with building figures showing appreciable increases Drive in Your Co, te SERVICE SHOP amalgamation of the National nnd over the post year. ALL WORK GUARANTUI> The Scott Fruit companies, and to­ Total permlls taken out this year S. SORENSON .MANITOBA AUTO Open 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. day the widespread organization record total of more than $35,000,000 Embodies Latest In Scientific up to the past weekend adcled up SPRING WORKS Phones 56-7213. ROI. 59-3179 operates the branches as before with in construction value-permits had to $8,654,500. An ambltlous home To Star At BB Show DECORATING CO. "We Apprcr::late Your Patronage'' the head olllcc, Consoliduted Fruit been issued for 708 buildings worth 1896 MAIN STREET construction spurt - 81 dwellings Painting, DMoroting, Plo•torlng PROMPT REPAIR SE~VICE Prompt Pick Up and Delivery Siwrice Company Limited, in Calgary. $7,085,200. worth $749,800 since April 14- ESTIMATES FREE 175 Fart St, Phono 92-3741 Warehouse and Processing ·units 'l'hcre are now ·23 jobbing houses, A permit was to be issued this three bottling plants and three accounted for more than two .. Phone 72-3540 _TINDALL WEATHERSTRIP thirds of $1,139,500 in permits week by the city's engineering de­ FOR ALL ELECTRICAL Its 70-year history one of toba agriculture minister, in 1 packaging that will assure immediate shippilld divisions across Western partment for the largest single 759 McGEE ST. issued in the past two weeks. CONTRACTING AHD REPAIRS COMPANY the presence of civic and consumer accc,ptancc. Canada, represented by 150 sales­ construction job in Winnipeg's his­ • WEATHERSTRIPPING OF ALL TYPH TO continued expansion and Since the first of the year permits KEEP YOUR HOME WARM AND COM,. ever-improving service to the provincial dignitaries and a Easily accessible, the plant is men. A. W. STEWART J. C. CLEE M. K. TODD MEYElt PEARLMAN hnve been issued for 765 buildings tory - the new post office to be FORT ADLE located on 200,000 square feet of The organization maintains direct Eastern J)lvlslon Supervisor Credit Manager nr:mch !\lrmager Phone 3-0364 • PLASTIC WALL TILE A SPECIALTY host al well-wishers. Jobbers Sales of all types-including 196 homes to erected at a cost of over !!ilO,ooo,. SILEX AND PRESTO WARRANTY DEPOT. independent stores it sup- The extensive plant of steel and l property 1uoviding more than buying representatives in every ma~ PHONE 59-4901 the value of $1,847,000 as against 189 000. W. HICKS &SON LUSH BURKE ELECTRIC LTD. plies, The Scott Fruit Com- concrete block construction with ample parking facilities away from jar growing centre o! the United locki vegetable processing and ship­ unduly hurrying each procc~s re- to view the condltlo'n of the con- Building permits are also expect• States1 said to be the only set-up of 11 homes worth $1,061,900 for the same ' 611 Ellice Ave. Winnipeg 781 BANNERMAN AVE. pony hos officially opened brick facing occupies 62,000 square the city's congested areas. It is ping, D. W. Thomas; packaging and quired to bring the fruit along." tents. period last year. ed to be issued shortly for further Plumbing and Heating its brand new, ultra-modern feet with an office iection of 1,537 served by the Midland Railway its kind in Canada, in close contact dry lines, W. C. Tolhurst and plant Banana Ripening ''This is just one of the things we 1954 Record construction at Fort Osborne Bar• ----------~;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;~ $750 square feet. It houses what has been and cars can be unloaded directly with tlw central buying office in foreman; Ed Horner. Bananas, for instance, arc brought arc doing to stimulate consumer con­ Contractors ,000 offices, warehouse described as Canada's most modern 1 Calgary which has· teletype com­ During · a comparable period in racks where a multi-million dollar ltOTD-IIODTER FURNACES into the plant's spacious coolers, An indication of the capacity of in green and ripened under tropical fidence/1 commented Mr. Stewart. wholesale fruit and vegetable ware- I munication with all branches. 1954-which ended with an all-time expansion has taken place the past PHONE 56-2634 FOR e INSTALLED and processing plant ot 1200 · cutting deterioration to a very the plant is the fact that it is equip­ conditions. The firm was the first, it I "It should also be pointed out that CLOGGED house and packaging plant. minimum. Loading and unloading Large Following ~-----------, few years. 19 BANNERMAN AVE. SEWERS e OVERHAULED So rgent avenue. ped with scientifically controlled re­ is interesting to note, to cut and box we package to quality and not to & DRAINS Spectollzlng In Scientific Controls is done under cover, protecting The Scott Fruit Company has a frigeration to handle 25 carloads. Recent Permits The event was hailed os bananas fa western Canada. salvage." Guaranteed Plumbing • SHEET METAL WORK . another milestone in the in- Emphasis is on proper care and produce from the elements at all large following of Jewish merchants . The firm is continually on the and Heating Supplies Among permits issued recently e AIR COHDITIONING "Some of our best and most valuec;l It also pioneered Ute packaging Packaged products all bear the e ROOFING dustrial development of the handling of all fruit and vegetables times. lookout for new means of Packaging, • Kllchen 51nb • Pipe and m- were thC following: The Sheffield Silver NO ~IGGING province, Significantly, the , with up•to-the-minute scientific con­ The Scott Fruit Company had its support is from Jewish merchants," contairiers, and methods of pre­ of tomatoes 1n consumer cartons. Scona brand trade mark, packed • Wash Ba1ln1 ting, M t !'I C t I' C m Free Estimates • Work Guaranteed A. W. Stewart, area supervisor for • Closat comblno• • Heavy Hot • e ropo 1 an ans rue 10n o • I Plating Co., Ltd. T. W. DUNN opening ceremonies were per- I trols to minimize waste on the mer­ beginnings in 1885, founded by cooling merchandise. A new carton just developed pro­ under strict quality control regula­ uans Water Tanb panY for 16 homes to the value of Sllvenmlth and Electro Ploteri PHONE 42-2678 Robert Ross Scott as a small whole­ Manitoba and North-East Saskat­ • Laundry Tub1 • Preisure Sr,- 566 Pembina Highway 43-0508 formed last weekend by the nhant's shelf and in the housewife's Local Vegetables vides two transparent wjndo\\-"S tions, and recognized as an indication • Heotlng Furnace tem1 $144,000, I Experts chewan, for Consolidated Fruit, said 1 on the north side of Polson sale fruit concern on Main street1 SIiverware Repaln, Gold, ·. Sliver, Bran, kitchen, plus attractive, practical It has a local vegetable department • Radlotor, • Reinforcing avenue, between McPhillips and Hon. R, D. Robertson, Mani.. this week. giving a full view of the product, of quality. • Coal Chutn hon Hlckel, Copper, Chrome, Cadmium Platlng, just across from where the city hall where potatoes and other root vegc~ Agents for Furno.smon Stoker Airlies streets. Oxldh:lng, Bronzing r---------------------------, now stands. Between 1900 and 1910 11 Our objective is to give the in­ tables arc processed, washed, re­ making it unnecessary for the Tomatoes are packaged according John Smaizy Construction Com­ CANDELABRA RESILVERED MOVING - PACKING - STORAGE Our Heartiest Congratulations to . branches had been · established in dependent retailer tho type cif graded, and automatically packaged housewife to tear apart the carton (Conunucd on ncx.t page) • Pool Cart lo hasanabl, Rot" SCHWARTZ pany for five homes worth $50,000 52 Princess St. Winnipeg Prlnclfol Canaillan Clfl1t Brandon, Regina, Medicine Hat, produce he requires, properly pro­ in moisture~proof, transparent fllm at reqvent lnt,rval1 Cartful Howllltg IRON & METAL CO. LTD. on Wellington avenue, between Phone 93-2844 Lethbridge, Calgary, Edmonton, cessed, graded and packaged, and bags. This department alone is des• . HEARTIEST FELICITATIONS TO STAR Saskatoon, Swift Current and Moose to give the efficient service illat is tined to give a shot-in-the-arm to 299 Jarvis Ave, Phone 59.7309 Clifton and Spruce streets. · STORAGE The Scott Fruit Company required," he said. Cor. Edmonton & St. Mary• Jaw. Manitoba agriculture. General Building Company for PHONE 92-2951 LIMITED For Health's Sake Insist On Fresh Fruits pnd Vegetables Winnipeg branch manager is M.
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