-UME44 No 1 South Amboy, N. J., Friday, March 28, 1924 Price Four Gents. FROM PROSECUTORS OFFICE, WITH ILUCIT TRAFFIC IN LIQUOR AT FROG IKLUX RUMOR, LEADS TO CALLING South Amboyans You Know HOLLOW" LEADS TO RAID AND ARREST: Few South Amboyans have as splendid a record of con- , OF POLICE AND MILD RIOT HERE scientious public service as Patrick F. Kenah, former Chief of HOMEMADE "HOOTCH" AND MASH TAKEN the South. Amboy Fire Department and a man who is respected and beloved in a huge circle of friends who call him "Pat". Stationed Near First Baptist Church on Request of Born in Philadelphia March 25, 1866, the son of Thomas and Mrs. Agnes Ziolo Arrested After Marco Marcella is Caught ker—Rumor of K. K. K. Auxiliary Meeting, Al- Ellen Costigan Kenah, P. F, Kenah attended the public schools With Jar of Liquor—Held Under $1000 Bail for Grand of that city until fourteen years of age when his father came to gh Not Verified, Leads to Mob Gathering. South Amboy, and where the lad obtained work in the shipyards. Jury. In 1890. he established a cafe at South Amboy and in 1895 he upon a "tip" from the of- erected the building he now occupies at No. 128 North Broad- aunty Prosecutor Joseph E. way. • • Yet, W« U«< Banana Peel. , "Chief of Police Gleason on ALL THINGS COME TO REV. WELLS WELCOMED He is very proud, and When Marco Marcella was night colled out all members THOSE WHO WAIT apprehended for the illegal pos- ocal police force and stationed '• rightly so, of his record Excerpts from the Mayor's IN NEW FIELD HERE session of liquor said to have .hem. in the vicinity of the First with the volunteer firemen Message to the Council taken One oil the largest receptions was been made by Mrs. Ziola, of Baptist Church on Second street to of South Amboy. One of, from the Citizen of March 3i, tendered Rev. E. A. Wells and wife, "Frog Hollow", one of the po- >flMfd against a mob demonstration. the charter members of 1894. the new Pastor of the First Methodist lice officers asked "Aren't they The'presence of the police gave rise Protection Engine Com- "I recommend the extension Church last evening in the Sunday the people who gather banana to ^ rumor that an auxiliary of the pany, he was elected Chief of Stockton Street." School Auditorium of the Church. peels and potato parings from Ku Klux Klan organization was in of the South Amboy Fire Representatives were present from the garbage dump?" •t that point, and later led to "I recommend the careful Department after four- the various churches who extended a "Sure", said Marcella, "that's . i Inlnor disturbance by young per- and frequent removal of gar- teen years of service as a cordial welcome to Mr. Wells and what they make the 'hootch' out •ons who apparently came from the ' bage from various streets with firefighter. In 1904 it Wife. The following programme was of." kith school Auditorium, where a bas. regularity as to the day of the was Chiof Kenah, who, re- given assisted by the church orches- When one of the witnesses, katball game between the South Am- week and hour of the_day." receiving word at 6:30 tra in charge of I. V. P. Selover. Mrs. Damyan, was asked the '-.liojr High School and St. Mary's "The annexation of parts of o'clock of the big Hess number of her house on Ferris • jtehool had been in progress. Sayreville Township." block fire in Perth Am- street she said "City don't give 7, The local police chie,f received the "I desire to publicly commend boy, obtained a flat car on me street number - all the city Sallowing communication from the the Council for their extreme the Raritun River Ruil- gives is tax bills." office of the. Prosecutor at New vigilance and hard labor, which road, went to the neigh- Brunswick: has resulted in the construction boring city with a small of one of the finest water plants but efficient band of fire- New Brunswick, N. J., Mar. 21, 24. Upon a "tip" received by Mayor at a cost that was much lower men, and by 7:15 had two Thomas Gleason, Esq., Chase the early part of this week that than was estimated." streams playing on the CUof of Police, considerable traffic in liquor was go- "I recommend the opening conflagration and was tenth Amboy, N. J. ing on in the Frog Hollow section. and grading of Ridgeway ave- instrumental in checking Dear Chief: On Wednesday night, a special ofli- nue." X , the fire that threatened Information has reached this office cer was detailed to keep an eye open * ' "I am opposed to the appoint- the very existence of tkat certain disorderly elements in | for substantiation of the complaint. ment of a Health Officer on the Perth Amboy. your city Intend to make a demon- Special Officer Manduka was detail- grounds of economy." When he retired as stration against the' Second and! PATRICK F. KENAH ed and was right on the job and af- chief, this paper, in its kton Street Baptist Church to- ter very few hours of waiting dis- editorial column, paid tribute to him as having a record of "con- it. If there is any foundation covered Marco Marcella, of Cath- scientious service, intelligently and faithfully performed." 'his claim please be good enough erine street, rambling up out of the "Patsy" Kenah is known in South Amboy as a man of un- the proper precautions to dis- "Hollow" carrying a jar of what look- CAUSE ANNOYANCE questioned integrity; fair-minded and a liberal public-spirited e\ anything of this character ed to be the real article. citizen. He is a member of various fraternal and civic organiza- , necessary supress it I have Marco .was brought before the AT JOHN ST. CHURCH tions; a director of The South Amboy Trust Company, and for 3 confidence in your ability to Mayor and upon questioning stated seventeen years a director in the Star Building and Loan Associa- r. handle this matter. On Tuesday evening last the Police that he had been sent by his sister tion; , ' Very respectfully yours, Department were notified by a com- for the so called "hootch". When .[(Signed) Joseph Strieker, mittee from the John Street M. E. Mr. Kenah married in Philadelphia December 27, 1888 Mary questioned as to where the same was jning it of sufficient importance Church that two well dressed young A. Campbell, daughter of John and Mary Campbell. Coming to procured and tin - ' ""»cel- South Amboy to make her home she assumed quietly but faith- iVe immediate attention Chief men were annoying the worshippers la said the jar ir> fully an active part, in the social and religious life of South Am- ,on> called all policemen, both by opening and closing the doors.of REV. E. A. WELLS about half a pint and had cos boy, and when she passed into the Great Beyond in October of •oh duty and those on reserve, the Church. Sergeant Ryan gave cents. Sergeant Quinlan and 1922 she was mourned by hundreds, from little children of whom Singing, "How Firm a Foundation". ?ent': them, to the vicinity of this case his particular attention, and McCorniack were detailed to the case, she had been so fond, to her older acquaintances who knew and Prayer, Rev. H. J., Allsup. :ton' and Second street. They kept a watch for the repetition of the fortified with a search warrant made who loved her. Greetings, W. H. Emmoiis, Super- Iplaced at points of vantage in offense, but his efforts were not re- out by the Mayor. To her gentle companionship' and splendid inspiration much intendent for Sunday School. rtcinity, within ten minutes after warded. The Sergeant is some- Upon arriving at the home of Mrs. of P. F. Kenah's success in life, and his standing in the community Greetings, John Perkins, for Offi- ommunication had been received what "set on" catching some of the Agnes Ziolo they located a quantity is due. • • cial Board. ;.the 'Prosecutor's office, nuisance makers at this particular of ic uor and two h tre s • At the present time Mr. Kenah is .the Treasurer of the Greetings, Warren Abel, President , ! l * \ •* c* police headquarters it was la-point as it is a very common occur- behind a stove, samples of each were United Construction Company, which is engaged in the extensive Ushers Union* ttated that the policemen remain- rence, to hear complaints from mem- brought / in as evidence. Mayor paving improvement in conjunction with the Hole in the Wall Greetings, L. E, Stults, for the in, duty there until about 10:00 bers of the parish with reference to Chase called in City Solicitor Coan construction. ,. •,,.'-. \ Choir. i., when, after consulting Rev. these annoyances. • Particular pains to assist in the case, and upon ques- )g».W. McCombe, pastor of the are to be taken to catch one of these Solo, Mrs. Lawrence Pitt. No. 18: Series of "South Amboyans You Know." tioning Mrs. Ziolo as to whether she chj ,as to the probability of, any miscreants and make an example of Greetings, Mrs. John Perkins, President Ladies Aid Society. pleaded, guflity or not guilty, re- -reak,. he was informed that "It the case as a warning to others that ceived the reply "V>re!l they (meal- Greetijgfs, Miss Mary Gominger, jjjojt, likely", and the officers were might be foolish enough to continue ing the officers) seen what was there, President \Epworth League.
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