LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD. VOL. 9-NUMBER 44. LONG BRANCH, N. J., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1910. PRICE ONE CENT BULLET VICTIM BURIED EXPECT TROLLEY EXTENSION Son of Louit Livingston, Who Was NEW FIRE CO, TO North Long Branch people Enthusias- PIER LEASE SIGNED; Fatally Shot, Was Engaged to tic Over Prospect of Improvement SOLDIERS UNABLE Wed Red Bank Girl. —Ordinance Introduced. Tho funeral of David Livingston, REPUCjJipTICS Residents of the North Long Branch son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Living- section of the city are already congmt- WORK TO BE BEGUN ston, of Eatontown, who was fatally elating each other on the proposed ex- shot Thursday evening of last week, CoinniitH Hiidad bj Thtei Forair chiefs '.rns'fm of the trolley down Atlantic • TO QUELL QUAKER was held Sunday at the Eatontawn avenue. Now that the ordinance has colored church. The funeral was the l« HIM Clurge tf Property bren introduced and will bo taken up largest ever held in that church, over lor amendment or passage or both ut BY MARCH 15th 300 relatives and frienda being pres- It MilitlM the ntfxt regular meeting of the City Council, they feel assured that tho CITY STRIKE RIOTS ent, road will be built. Livlngsl on was twenty years old According to a resolution passed by and watt to have been married on the City Council at Its meeting Mon- There has been no opposition as Plans and Specifications For Ocean Structure Al- March 3rd to Maud Holmes, of lied day night. Long Branch Is to have a yet to the extension and none is ex- Three Regiments of Militia Now Under Arms in Bank. new flre company to replace Atlantic pected. The proposed route of the ready Filed at Washington and Contractors The choir sang his most favorite Pfre Engine Company, No. 2, which JK trolley calls for a right of way as tar Philadelphia but Situation Grows Worse and hymn "Does Jesus Care." Rev. Mr. no-longer connected with tbe Long north as the Monmouth Beach bor- Hutcheson and Dr. Strahm, of Tied Branch Fire Department. ough line. Kesiik'nta of Monnioulb Are Making Estimates-No Action Taken Bank, officiated. A large pillow was Until a new company is formed vol- Beach are also anxious for trolley ser- Whole State Guard May be Called Upon- given by his Long: Branch friends. unteer duty will be done by a commit- vice, and a committee has bpen ap- The pall-bearers were: Leroy Lane, pointed lo confer with the Lon^ on Minor Changes Suggested tee of former members of iho Atlantic Branch Board of Trade regarding tlu- State of Anarchy Prevails Floyd Wylle, Andrew Taylor, Leroy Fire Engine Company, beaded by ex- Richardson, Andrew Richardson, matter. Sea Bright is not going to The most important announcement Chiefs R. B. Storm, J. A. Burns and be isolated if the progressive citizen* Philadelphia, Feb. 23.—Threo regi- Floyd Taylor. T, L. Slocum. made at Monday night's meeting of Livingston formerly worked in New can help it, and already trolley exten- ments of militia were ordered under the City Council was that the Long . The resolution opening the way for sion Is being agitated. Should the in-ill; to answer riot callB this morn- WEST LONG BRANCH York. A year ago last March he bur- a new company, which was adopted at Branch Pier and Land Company had Atlantic Coast Electric Company tounl. ing. If they prove Impotent, th* en- led a brother aged seventeen, from Monday night's meeting, ia an follows: Eigned the twenty-year lease of Ocean typhoid fever. the borough line of Monmouth Beach, tire State Guard win be called out. Park and had filed the necessary Resolved, That H. B. Storm, Joseph there 19 no question but that it would Rioting continues and a' state of an- bonds, amounting to |10,000. When HAS WOMAN'S BAND A. Burns, Thomas L. Slocum, C. Henry Itl lime be extended through the bor- SPEEDWAY PLANS archy prevails. Three are dead and Big Democratic Banauet ftt Red Bank. the acceptance was read it Caused nn Irwln, John W. Slocum, Karl SonunerR, ough. A right of way could no doubt it's estimated 1,000 have been Injured Robert Wells, Byrant B. Newcomb, be obtained, and those who predict a outburst of applause from the auditors. Oozis Members o! LaflJts' Aid, In Uniform, The Democratic ExoeuUve Commit- Lode Branch Avenue lo be Impraved Forto dato. Thnra have been 850 arrests. Tb^re In nothing now lo prevent the tee of the Borough of Red Bank held Joseph V. West, William H. Howlaiirt, great luture for this end of tbe shorfe There- are A,000 special pollen on duty. a special meeting last Thursday night Leonard S. Van Dyke, Charles H. Van- realize the possibilities of Increased promoters from carrying out their GiTi I Concert Before Luge Purpose, Under ResoluHo i Uoial- Five wore Injured so that they had to plans so far us the city is concerned. and decided to hold a big banquet in Dyke, Samuel Hayden, Sr., Edward L. transportation. go to the iNwpNAi this morning. The papers were not signed until the Globe Hotel on Thomas Jeffer- Reynolds, W. Elwood Jeffrey, A. B. AlU'UCS son's birthday, Wednesday, April J3th. Morris, John L. Price, Carnie P. Soffel, At Monday night's meeting of tho Moptid itlmoHt iho. oxMi'f'tion °f tho timo lim- City Council, when the trolley ordi- Phllodelpuln, Feb. 23.—Tbe atWra) it, due to thn fact thai. Janus C, Bw- Frank 8. Kiatzenbach, of Trenton, Willimn Waugh, H. Hampton, James For uniqueness and originality, the and Peier Dflly.of New Brunswick, Ley ton, Isaac H. Crunracr, William nance waB introduced, there wfts ho An ndded attraction to Long Branch of four companies of state troop*, tbe Ing, petitioner (or tho lease, was in entertanmeht given last evening in have accepted invitations, aa have debate, and supporters of the measure .South Carolina for tho benefit of his Jones, It. Morris, Vincent Van Dyke the coming summer win bo a (hii-o rhllflilelphli FenclbjM, -mrt their In- (he church hall at West Long Branch many prominent county and local and R. R. Hughes be appointed with- anticipate no delay in passing fin ordi- (juarter of a mMc speedway located on troduction as a punitive force into the health. The papers wbilu iti transit nance that will meet the Approval of under the auspices of the Ladles' Aid Democratic leaders. Alexander D. out compensation to take charge of I "iig Branch avenue. For a iotiff Uffte street car strike brought About tbe were mislaid. ni)d hurried communica- Society, proved to be one of the mid- Cooper is chairman of the committee, both the city and the trolley company. tion by wire summoned Mr. Ewing tne apparatus In tbe fire engln»;4w*uso owner* of rant borflea bave been anx- most' cVniientte riot so tar, and tbe winter features of that hustling Howard Cole secretary and George O. on Third avenue, subject to the jjrder iously waiting for the city to eitablUh north, where, after arriving at his borough. The entertainment' was Hendrlekson treaturer* Ftnclbles were anved from a savage homo in Montclair, N. J., other -pa- of the Flre and Water Committee and such a thoroughfare, where friendly hammering only by the courage of a styled "How They Earned Their Dol- chief engineer, until such time when a brushes or npeed racing might 66 held pers were prepared for his signature. lar." While the women, In prose Qerina'D ek-cavalry officer, who com- He atarted south a few hours later, new company is formed. TO KALON WINS wUhout beiag tnterferrod with by ail- and rhyme told how they made The resolution was offered by Mr. tomoblleB and business wagons. manded a squad of mounted r»uU>»- as his health Is still impaired. ihelr dollar to aid the old church, they Only minor changes were suggested CARPENTERS' UNION Sherman. At last such a thoroughfare has been went further and gave to the audi- in Hie tease, but as they were not es- Tbcre haa been no change in the III DISTRICTJMEST found in Long Branch avenue. Foi men were sbot, at least £00 ence an entertainment thai surpassed sential at this time no action was tak- occupancy of the building. ynarB the avenue has been greatly were clubbed, women were knocked any held this season. A feature was neglected and but very little traveed. down and trampled upon, children en. If the company can use Ocean the initial appearance of the West HEARSJflR. SHIELD Long Branch Lodge of EIRUS victor U Park to better advantage than now It Is ideally located for speedway were Injured, and for two hours there Long Branch Woman's Musical Band, purposes, and a three-quarter of a intended, it IR quite likely that the In command of Leader Willis Wool- First Tell of Series For was a fierce bnltle between tbe police Ciiy Council will be asked to sanction First Reformed Pastor Tells Lirge Audi MANY IMPROVEMENTS mile Htralghtaway can easily be se and 10,000 strlk.6 sympathisers that ley. the change, as it is understood more cured without Infringing upon the raged for live blocks along Uerruao- There was a rustle of excitement IKCB Wiif Men Are Outside Silver Gup rights of the traveling public. revenue can be obtained. when the number was announced, and town nvenue. Plans and specifications of the pro- For several days past petitions have he large audience was simply fee* Thi Church FOR FIRE ffiNHIKIT Long Branch Knights or the Golden been In circulation favoring the pro- Coats Strlpp.d From SoWi.ri.
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