THE IRAN-CONTRA AFFAIR: -Constitutional Confrontation? -Whither the White House? EDITOR'S TABLE OF CONTINTS COLUMN he Iran anns-contra aid affair has EDlTOR'SCOWMN .. .. ... .. .. •. .. •..•......•.. .. 2 left many Americans shaken and in wonder about the direction of T PROFILES AND PERSPECTIVES: the Reagan administralion. In particular, it A Conwrsalion wuh Sidney Blumenlhal ............•..•.•..• , • . .. 3 has left many in doubt about who is in charge of the White House and what the MERGER MANIA: An Insider's Perspective: administration's agenda will be during its 7 last two years. Steven B. Klinsky ............ ............... ................ In his interview, Washington Post staff writer Sidney Blumenthal , author of EDilURIAL: After a Disastrous FaU, Whith,r the White House? . 8 The Rise of the Counter-Establishment: From Consen'(l(ive Ideology to Political REVENUE SHARING: Looking Beyond a Forsaken Option: Power, claims thaI the Iran affair is al heart Jamie Mclaughlin •• . • . ••• . •••••• . • . •• . • . ••.•••..•.• . •.••.••••••• 12 the product of conservative ideology being carried into actio n by movement conserva­ LETTERS·T(). T HE-EDITOR . .. ... .... .. • . .....•........•. 14 tives like Lieute nant Colonel Oliver North. Blumenthal , who has been hailed THE LONG HAUL IN SOUTH AFRICA: as "the next Theodore White." also pro­ Terrence M. O·Sullivan ••. .... •• . •••.••.. • . • ...• . • ... • ••.•.••.• 16 vides a thorough examination of the devel­ opment of the conservative movement and IN MEMORIAM, Charles E. GoodeU. 1917-1987 . .. .. •••.••.••..•.•• 18 a sharp analysis of the Reagan presidency. About the former he says that conserva­ REVlEWS: Moorhead Kennedy, The AyaloUah ;n tire Cathedral: tives have been more interested in their Alfred w. Tate .•• . •• .• . •.•.•.• .. ..••. ••••..••• . • . • . •.. ... .. •. 19 movement than in the welfare of the Re­ publican Party and in reference to the latter THE CHAIRMAN'S CORNER: he claims that the administrntion is leaving COlIStitutioMl Con/rottUlliOIl: The NtIliolUll Security Council, a past that conservatives must now defend. 1M COlIStitrdion, and the Rule 0/ Law: Representative Jim Leach also pro­ Jim Leach . .... •. •.. •... .......... .. ..... ........ .. .. .. 22 vides commentary on the iran-contra scan­ dal and states that the issue provides a WASffiNGTON NOTES AND QUOTES ... .. .. •....... .. .. .. .... 24 constitutional confrontation. A Forum edi­ torial questions the confrontational strat­ egy the White House has adopted on a num ber of issues since 1984 and suggests that a more consensus-ori ented approac h mig ht be more practical over the rest of the president's term . Ripon Forum editorial board member Alfred W. ]late reviews for­ mer Iranian hostage Moorhead Kennedy's book The Ayatollah ill the Cathedral and concludes that Americans must first exam­ ine the cultures of the Middle East before waging a sensible foreign policy there. Such reasoning is not " blaming America flnt," but rather a step toward developing RIPON/orum a common-sense forei gn po licy. Only by understanding others, Tate argues, can we U1M: William P. McKenrit ~ ",. i ... ( ritidsm and in_ion in the S17.50 ror ~uc:kIl4. >en'icemcn.!'eKe accurately determine our own interests. M~ F.di4J;: Dak E. Curtis Rtpubl;(ln Party M a nu ~ ript ~ and C"'l"'. ViSla and other V(Jlunl«n. In this issue, Ripon Forum editorial EtIWriIII Soan: photosrIphi an: ~id lCd . bul do nOlI o.m.eas. add S6. Pk_ allow fi~ Daniel 1. Swillingcr Dale E. Cunii ~nl the views u the Socidy un· .....,tu. roraddress dwtSC" board member Steven Kli nsky also pro­ AlfrN W. Tau SlI:ven B. Klinsk y ItH 100 mltd. The Ripon Society lrw; .• William C, Gem E. Meyer Darla Alwood vides an insider's view on Wall Street Corunts an: ropyrighiCd 1987 by the CIoban. pm.idenl, ;.. Rc:publinn re­ COfIS"luurt: Christine Smith mergers, and two Mark O. Hatfield Schol­ Dair" Ripon So;idy, Irw;., 6 IJbrary Coon . scum and poIky organi~ion ",hose ,obr D~ : R(Ibey Graphics S.E .• Wtil!ini\Ofl. D.C . 2000), memben an: busi .... », acadcml<; , and ars, Jamie McLaughlin and Terrence proI'essio/lal men arid womcn. It Is O'Sullivan, present their work which was THE RIPON FORUM (lSN Second c lass pos~ and fees paid 01 hcadqlW1Crcd in WasltinlllOll. D.C., (0)5.5526) i$ published bi·moothly in Wuhinllton. D.c' and addiliorW mli]· ",ilh Naliona l Au odalc mcmbers spo nsored by th e Ripo n Educational jill I'o$tmI$tcr. Send Iddtes5 1987. otrlCCS. throughoul the UniiCd States. The So. Fund's Mark O. Hatfield Scholarship. ((Wises 10 Ripoo Fonam, 6 lltmry cl<;ly is wpporte<l by chaplcr dues. in· In the publication the Soc~y hopes to Coor1,S,E., Wtihin8ton, D.C. 20003. pnr<ide • forum for fresh idea~. well dividual contributions . arid rcvenues - Bill McKenzie rtSe~hcd proposals. and • spirit rL Subscriplion nln: S23 per year. from its publications. 2 ~PONFORUM . MARCH1~ PROFILES AND PERSPECTIVES A Conversation with SIDNEYBLUME RIPON FORUM: Perhaps the central politics of the conservative movement. tenet of your book can be fou nd in this RIPON FORUM: Can this mythology be statement: " Reaganism is the popular ex­ challenged? For example. you write in pression of a sectarian worldview, that of a your book: " Reaganismcannot be dis­ rising policy-and opinion-making elite­ proved by history or events. To believers, the Counter-Establishment. " Could you the flaw s are in the world, not in the doc- elaborate upon that idea? trine. " BWMENTHAL: We saw in the recent BUJMENTHAL: It's challenged most of State of the Union message a reiteration of all by events, which don' t stop and will not President Reagan's mythology. He always accommodate themselves to fixed, pla­ expresses himself in simple language. One tonic categories. Movements that are myth is about a pure free market in which based on ideology can also become pris­ government can be completely banished oners of ideology. Instead of becoming a and a perpetual equilibrium reached. The driving force, ideology can becomeajusti­ second is a myth of community where per­ fication of unintended consequences. The fect harmony exists because we're all greatest example in the 20th century is Americans. Class or race conflicts don't communism. occur, and all problems can be resolved if Ideology can limit you if you don' t Sidney Blumenthal's The Rise of the Coun­ we simply believe the same things. Con­ change with circumstances. For example. ter-Establishment : From Conservative flict is due to outside agitators, or so-called President Reagan is now saying pretty Ideology to Political Power describes the special interest groups. much what he's always said. He is not development of the modern conservative The third myth is about demonic moving political society, al though events movement. and the Washington Post stab power, which explains why wedon't live in are. He is no longer in control. He is being writer states that conservath'es should be Utopia. The demonic power is govern­ controlled. credited with promoting the thesis that ment , which destroys incentive. The One of the great weaknesses of mod­ ideas mLllter. But the former New Republic fourth myth is about restoration, or the em conservatism is that it is a radical right­ reporter says that the much-heralded real· idea that by smiting the dragon of govern­ ism and not conservatism in the ignment in American politics is primarily a ment somehow the lost worlds of the past continental or English sense. This is a con­ shift among elites. Blumenthal. author of can be recreated. In one way or another, servatism that was born yesterday, which The Permanent Campaign, also providej,' Ronald Reagan always talks about these makes it American. The movement began an analysis of the Reagan presidency, and themes. in the 194Os, and has been l ivingoffth~ in­ claims that Ronald Reagan has preached These myths also happen to fit the te llectual capital of "The Remnant. " The four myths during his career as conserva­ doctrines of the modem conservative Remnant comprises seminal thinkers of tive spokesman. In this interview with movement. The free-market myth fi ts vari­ the right such as Friederich vo n Hayek, Ripon Forum editor Bill McKenzie. the ous schools of thought, whether monetar­ Russell Kirk, Whittaker Chambers. and author presents that argument. and also ist or supply-side, and the myth of James Burnham. They propounded the provides his predictions about thefuture of community fits the New Right's quest for movement's original doctrines. and the the American conservative movement. the return oftTaditional values. It fits the ri ght has only elaborated upon them . They idea that once we really were a whole have not altered the doctrines, the biggest place. not a diverse pluralistic nation. The threat to which has been the reality of the myth of demonic power fits the efforts to Reagan presidency. The past is no longer slash government spending, to make bal­ myth . The right now has a record toex­ ancing the budget an absolute principle, plain, and even if conservatives refuse to and to deregulate industries regardless of accept responsibility for Reagan's actions, results. The restoration myth is left to the others will charge this responsibility to them. mPONFORUM . MARCH/~ 3 oriented. servative movement who have served in RIPON FORUM: Let's return to the idea the Reagan administration? of the Counter-Establishment. Could you BLUMENTHAL: That's their mentality. ex plai n more about that? They bring a bitterness to Republican poli­ BLUMENTHAL: Historicall y, the con­ tics. The reason things haven' t worked out servative movement has been intertwined is that the liberal establishmem and the with a powetful resentment agai nst a lib­ press have betrayed them. The Senate was eral establishment that conservatives be­ lost because of moderate Republicans, or lieve runs the universe. This is a vulgar because the Republican Party didn' t stand Marxist concept of power, that somehow up for passion or principle, as they under­ there is a central committee of the ru ling stand it.
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