SOCIAL MEDIA 23 - 29 JULY 2018 ISSUE N: 81 GeorgiaN ForeigN MiNister INvited by the US State Secretary to Participate iN the MiNisterial to AdvaNce Religious Freedom 24-26.07.18 WASHINGTON DC • The MiNisterial was hosted by US Vice PresideNt Mike PeNce aNd State Secretary Mike Pompeo with the participatioN of more thaN 40 foreigN miNisters worldwide. • MiNister David ZalkaliaNi iN his speech coNdemNed Russia’s illegal actioNs aNd the violatioN of religious rights of GeorgiaN citizeNs iN the couNtry’s two occupied regioNs of Abkhazia aNd TskhiNvali. • IN the frames of his visit, ForeigN MiNister David ZalkaliaNi held meetiNgs with Deputy Secretary of State JohN SullivaN, ChairmaN of the SeNate ForeigN RelatioNs Committee Bob Corker, CoNgressmaN Eliot ENgel aNd experts of US thiNk taNks aNd research ceNters. • Discussed: The Georgia-US strategic partNership, challeNges iN the regioN aNd the situatioN iN Georgia’s occupied territories, eNhaNciNg ecoNomic cooperatioN, Georgia’s iNtegratioN process iNto NATO, couNtry’s geostrategic importaNce iN traNsNatioNal eNergy aNd traNsport projects, as well as the peace iNitiative of the GoverNmeNt of Georgia “A Step to a Better Future”. MORE The EP Rapporteur, MEP ANdrejs MamikiNs Paid a Visit to Georgia 23.07.18 TBILISI • WithiN the frames of his visit the EP Rapporteur ANdrejs MamikiNs, who is assigNed to deliver the report oN EU AssociatioN AgreemeNt implemeNtatioN by Georgia, held meetiNgs with PresideNt Giorgi Margvelashvili, Prime MiNister Mamuka Bakhtadze, Speaker of the ParliameNt Irakli Kobakhidze, MiNister of ForeigN Affairs David ZalkaliaNi aNd other officials. • Discussed: ImportaNt issues of the Georgia-EU relatioNs, reforms iN the couNtry, aloNg with the sigNificaNt success achieved towards implemeNtatioN of the AssociatioN AgreemeNt, sectorial iNtegratioN with EU, curreNt situatioN aNd security issues iN the regioN. "I expressed my persoNal williNgNess to see Georgia iN the future as a political part of the EuropeaN UNioN. Of course I am speakiNg about full membership" ANdrejs MamikiNs stated. MORE Vice Prime MiNister, MiNister of INterNal Affairs Giorgi Gakharia Paid Official Visit to the US 29.07.18 WASHINGTON DC • IN the frames of his official visit Vice Prime MiNister, MiNister of INterNal Affairs Giorgi Gakharia met with the director of the US Federal Bureau of INvestigatioN Christopher Wray. • The parties agreed that officers from the ceNtral crimiNal departmeNt of the MIA of Georgia will be traiNed at the FBI Academy aNd that GeorgiaN law eNforcers will be iNvolved iN operatioNs agaiNst iNterNatioNal aNd traNs-border orgaNised crime. • Discussed: Bilateral cooperatioN iN fightiNg traNs-border orgaNised crime aNd cybercrime, priorities of further cooperatioN, US support to the MIA for improviNg iNvestigatioN staNdards. MORE US Military EquipmeNt aNd PersoNNel to Participate iN Noble PartNer 2018 Already iN Georgia 26.07.18 TBILISI • US military equipmeNt which was seNt from port of CoNstaNța, RomaNia to participate iN the multiNatioNal exercise “Noble PartNer 2018” has already beeN shipped to Georgia. • Military persoNNel of II Cavalry RegimeNt already arrived to Tbilisi INterNatioNal Airport via air. The multiNatioNal exercise officially will be opeNed iN VaziaNi military airfield oN August 1. “Noble PartNer 2018” is a GeorgiaN Armed Forces aNd US Army Europe led exercise, which iNteNds to eNhaNce participatiNg NatioNs’ readiNess aNd iNteroperability. MORE FOLLOW US ON: MiNister of EcoNomy aNd SustaiNable DevelopmeNt Giorgi Kobulia Met with IMF ResideNt /mfageorgia/ RepreseNtative iN Georgia, FraNcois PaiNchaud /MFAgovge 24.07.18 TBILISI /DZalkaliani • The ResideNt RepreseNtative of INterNatioNal MoNetary FuNd emphasized fulfillmeNt of /MFAGEO quaNtitative aNd structural criteria uNder the IMF program oN the part of Georgia. • Discussed: ON-goiNg program uNder the IMF’s ExteNded FiNaNciNg Facility, the curreNt DEVELOPED BY: Strategic CommuNicatioNs DepartmeNt ecoNomic treNds aNd scheduled reforms aNd importaNt reforms aimed at the iNclusive growth of the MFA of Georgia couNtry’s ecoNomy. MORE [email protected].
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