Da~ r~\ssions L\br~J THE SIXTY-SIXTH ." .. ~, ~ ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BIBLE CHRISTIAN HOME AND FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY, F,)R THE YEAR ENDING JULY, 1887 With a List of Collections, Subscriptions, and Donations. "FOR IT BECAME HIM, FOR WHOM ARE ALL THINGS AND BY WHOM ARE ALL THINGS, IN BRINGING MANY SONS lINTO GLORY, TO MAKE THE CAPTAIN OF THEIR SAL'vATION PERFECT THROUGH SUFFERINGS."-Heb. ii. 10. PRICE SIXPENCE. LONDON: CHRISTIAN BOOK-ROOM, 26, PATERNOSTER RO\V. SOLD BY ALL THE ITINERANT PREACHERS. /.. Works Pub/~shed at the Bible Christian Book Room, 26, Paternoster Row, London, E.C. ": HE KING'S SON; OR, A MEMOIR OF BILLY BRAY. By F. W. BOUR1JE. Price Is. cloth boards; Is. 6d. gilt edges. Twcl1.ty-fourth Edition. TA new illustrated Edition, printed on thick paper, with IUe-like portrait, hand­ somely bound, is now ready, 2s. 6d. " Long ago we gave a resume of this singular biography, and our friends at once bought it..Xhose who did !lot do so had bette: h:un:"Y up. Scarcel~r do we remem­ ber a biography more amusmg and yet more e<P£ying."-Sword arid Trowel. LL FOR CHRIST-CHRIST FOR ALL: Illustrated by the LIFE AND LABOURS OF WILLIAM M. BAILEY. By F. W. BOURNE. Eighth thousand,A with life-like Por!'rait; cloth boards, Is.; bevelled boards, gilt edges, 1s.6d. "A better book of this kind than this we have seldom, if ever, fallen in with. It is packed full of soul-stirring facts, and is all aglow with holy feeling."­ Primitive Methodist Mag~ine. ILLER M~TNING: A STORY OF CORNISH LIFE. By MATTHEW FORESTER. Preface by F. W. BOURNE. Is. cloth boards. \ M" An admirable little book from beginning to end. Let all who want something at once profitable, refreshing and racy, get it. Our good friends the Bible Chris­ tians are to be congratulated on their success in so happily preserving such sketches of original characters. The story is well told, in a simple and straight­ forward style, and is rigorously confined to the man himself, withoutanymoralising or reflections such as often swell the pages and annoy the reader. There is not a page to be skipped or skimmed."-Rev. ..M. G.Pcat'sc, ill WcslcyanMetlwdistMagazinc. y BATTLE FIELD. A Temperance Tale. By Miss M. A. PAULL. Price Is. cloth boards, foolscap 8vo., 144 pagea. M" This is as good a tale written for the purpose of promoting total abstinence as we remember to have seen'. The characters are natural, the incidents probable. and some of the conversations indicate a very skilful hand." -SmuZay School Olwonielc. ~YlYlo Ready. Price Is. HE LOST MANUSCRIPT. By SAME AUTHOR. " <The Lost Manuscript' is a story of home life, more particularly of a young ministerT and his wife. The initial difficulties of a minister's life are very sympa­ thetically set forth, also the necessity, and especially in that profession. for patience and self-denial. The authoress has already wen her laurols as a story writer, a.nd thi", will bear favourable comparison with her other books."-Primitive Hetltodist World. HE COMPREHENSIVE GOSl!EL HISTORY.. By C. BlUDGlUN. Designed for the use of Schools, Bible Classes, and Private Families. Second Edition. illustratedT with Full-page Engravings. Price Is. "Unquestionably the best thing of the kind that has come to our hands."­ Briti81~ Standa1·d. Third and carefully .Revi8ed Edition of HE NEW AND COMPREHENSIVE SCRIPTURE CATECHISM. De­ signed for the use of Schools, Bible Classes, and Private Families. By ClrAm.EsT BlUDGlUN. Is. 6d. cloth boards. "This valuable compend .... displays much analytical skill and power of con­ iensation, great clearness of exposition, and force of truth."-Okri8tian Age. Now Ready Pt'ice Is. 6d. NIMALS' OWN TALES. By'< UNCLE WILL." Royal 16mo. Handsomely bound and illustrated. A" There is a freshness and quiet wisdom about these narrations which cannot fail to establish them as permanent favourites with the little ones."-WC8tertlHail. Tltese or any books P08t free on receipt of Stamps or Postal Order. Address-l!'. W .. BOURNE, 26, Paternoster Row, Lgnaon, E.C. THE SIXTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BIBLE CHRISTIAN HOME AND FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY, FOR THE YEAR ENDING JULY, 1887 With a List of Collections, Subscriptions, and Donations. "FOR IT BECAME HIM, FOR WHOM: ARE ALL THINGS AND BY WHOM: ARE ALL THINGS, IN BRINGING MANY SONS UNTO GLORY, TO MAKE THE CAPTAIN OF THEIR SALVATION PERFECT THROUGH SUFFERINGS."-Heb. ii. 10. PRICE SIXPENCE. LONDON: BIBLE CHRISTIAN BOOK-ROOM, 26, PATERNOSTER ROW. SOLD BY ALL THE ITINERANT PREACHERS. LONDON: l'BmTED BY T. WILSON BOOTH.' 43, WRITE HORSE LANE, MILE END, E. BIBLE CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Qt.Q'mmitt~~. ELE(JTElJ .A. UGUST 2nd, 1887. J. H. BATT, President. BALKWILL, J. D. LARK, W. B. BATT, H. H. MARTIN, J. BRIDGMAN, C. MORRIS, J. BROKENSHIRE, M. MUNDY, T. E. DEN NESS, W. NICHOLLS, W. J. EDDY, B. H. OLIVER, T. P. ELLIS, H. PERRYMAN, W. GAMMON,F.T. REE~, W.B. HEYWOOD, S. RUDDLE, T., B.A. HIGMAN, W. SMITH, W. HOCKING, W. J. TERRETT, W. HONEY, J. C. TRENGOVE, A. HORSWELL, J. VAUGHAN, W. HORWILL, J • YEO, J. KEEN, J. 0., D.D. F. W. BOURNE, Treasurer. J. DYMOND, Home Secretary. 1. B. VANSTONE, Foreign Secretary. -: The Committee meet at Providence Chapel, Exeter, on Tuesday, April 10th, 1888, at 9 a.m., and at St. James' Church, Forest Hill, on Tuesday, July 24th, 1888, at 2 p.m. Sermons in connection with the Sixty-sixth Anniversary were preached on Sunday, July 31st, 1887, in Oxford Street Chapel, Swanse~. by F. W. BOURNE and J. STEPHENS; in the Presbyteria.a Church by J. O. KEEN, D.D.; and in Neath Road Chapel by T. E. MUNDY, J. H. SHILSON, and W. B. LARK. The Annual Meeting was held in Oxford Street Chapel, on Monday, August 1st, beginning at half-past two o'clock. After prayer had been offered .by W. JEFFERY, the chair was taken by R. CORY, Esq., J.P., of Cardiff. J. DYMOND read the Report, and F. W. BOURNE the Treasurer's Statement. Moved by A. TRENGOVE, and seconded by J. DYHOND- 1. That the Report be adopted, and that the thanks of this meeting are due and are hereby presented to all the preachers, subscribers, managers of Sunday schools, collectors, and friends generally, for their zeal and liberality during the past year, by which, under the blessing of God, 1,398 persons have been added to the Lord on our Ipission stations, and nearly £7,300 contributed to the funds of the Missionary Society. And we record our fervent gratitude to God for His saving power. 4 Moved by T. P. OLIVER, junr., and seconded by T: RUDDLE, B.A.- 2. That we greatly rejoice in the continued substantial progress of our Colonial Missions, as indicated. specially in the p\ll'chase of eligible College premises in Adelaide, the opening of three laige churches in the suburbs of Melbourne, the pressing call for an additional agent in Queensland, the com­ mencement of two new Missions in New Zealand, and the ingathering of many precious souls to the mission churches generally;. and we fervently pray that our churches may be prepared by the "Baptism. of Power" to supply the urgently needed labourers to' enter effectually every open door with the Gospel of Christ. The adjourned meeting began at hali-past six, in the Presbyterian Church, and after prayer had been offered by G. HOLMES, the chair was taken by Sir H. HUSSEY VIVIAN, Bart., M.P. Moved by J. H. BATT, and seconded by W. TERRETT- S. That we gratefully recognise the hand of God in opening our way to China as a field of missionary labour, in the help afforded to the Brethren Vanstone and Thorne in the commencement of actual mission work in Yunnan Fu, in the safe arrival of the Brethren Dymond and Pollal'd, and Miss Stewardson, at Ganking, in the great joy they all possess in their consecration to this sernce,and in the deep practical sympathy shown by our churches in this new and most important undertaking . We are also solemnly impressed that th9 needs and claims of China's perishing millions are so vast, that we pledge ourselves to do our utmost to increase and support our staff of agents, and pray that it may become more and more manifest that the seal of God's blessing is resting upon His servants and their work. Moved by H. ELLIS, and seconded by \\T. J. HOCKING- 4. Thatl whilst rejoicing at the moral and social improvemeL.t of the country during the last fifty years, mainly through the various evangelistic agencies in operation among us, we see no ground for relaxing our efforts, but are encouraged in unison with all other Gospel .organizations to greater exertion and fuller consecration, that the whole realm may be brought under the saving power of the Gospel and become in reality what it has been too long only in name, a Christian nation. Moved by T. P. OLIVER, senr., and seconded by S. ALLIN- 5. That believing thit the salvation of the soul is man's greatest need, and that the moral and spiritual renovation involved therein lies at the root of all true progress, we resolve, by preaching .and teaching "the truth as it is in Jesus," by earnest prayer and holy living, to seek "in season and out of season," to bring our congregations and as many as we can reach to instant decision for Christ, and see no reason why the membership on all our stations may not be constantly largely increased.
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