County Planning Committee Date Tuesday 3 October 2017 Time 1.00 pm Venue Council Chamber, County Hall, Durham Business Part A 1. Apologies for absence 2. Substitute Members 3. Declarations of Interest 4. Minutes of the meetings held on 4 and 25 July 2017 (Pages 3 - 34) 5. Applications to be determined a) DM/15/00127/MIN - Thrislington Quarry West, Ferryhill, DL17 9EY (Pages 35 - 102) Extraction of remaining limestone reserves and revised working area for extraction of Basal Permian sand for 15 years until 2030, relocation of internal haul road and a scheme for the progressive and final restoration of the site. 6. Such other business as, in the opinion of the Chairman of the meeting, is of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration 7. Any resolution relating to the exclusion of the public during the discussion of items containing exempt information Part B Items during which it is considered the meeting will not be open to the public (consideration of exempt or confidential information) 8. Such other business as, in the opinion of the Chairman of the meeting, is of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration Helen Lynch Head of Legal and Democratic Services County Hall Durham 25 September 2017 To: The Members of the County Planning Committee Councillor J Robinson (Chairman) Councillor F Tinsley (Vice-Chairman) Councillors A Bell, J Clare, D Hicks, I Jewell, C Kay, A Laing, L Maddison, H Nicholson, G Richardson, A Shield, A Simpson, P Taylor, M Wilkes and S Wilson Contact: Ian Croft Tel: 03000 269702 Agenda Item 4 DURHAM COUNTY COUNCIL At a Meeting of County Planning Committee held in Council Chamber, County Hall, Durham on Tuesday 4 July 2017 at 1.00 pm Present: Councillor F Tinsley (Chairman) Members of the Committee: Councillors A Bell, D Bell, J Clare, D Hicks, C Kay, H Nicholson, G Richardson, A Shield, L Taylor, P Taylor and M Wilkes 1 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from Councillors I Jewell, A Laing, L Maddison, J Robinson, A Simpson and S Wilson. Councillor M Wilkes was in attendance but took no part in voting on the planning applications under consideration as he had not yet received the mandatory training. 2 Substitute Members Councillor L Taylor as substitute for Councillor I Jewell and Councillor D Bell as substitute for Councillor A Laing. 3 Declarations of Interest Councillor C Kay declared a personal, non-pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 5 (b) as a volunteer at Kynren and would withdraw from the meeting during consideration of this item. 4 Minutes Councillor F Tinsley referred to the first line of the final paragraph of the minute on page 9 of the papers and informed the Committee that this should read 2,000 people rather than 2,000 properties. Councillor A Shield informed the Committee that he had left the meeting prior to discussion of Agenda Item 5 (e) and this was not reflected in the Minutes. 5 Applications to be determined a DM/16/04067/OUT - Land To The North Of Mount Oswald, South Road, Durham, DH1 3TQ Page 3 The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an outline application for purpose built student accommodation comprising 850 bedrooms, with all matters reserved at land to the north of Mount Oswald, South Road, Durham (for copy see file of Minutes). C Harding, Senior Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included a site location plan, aerial photograph, site photographs, an indicative masterplan, indicative building heights and indicative sections. Members of the Committee had visited the site the previous day and were familiar with the location and setting. Councillor E Scott, local Member addressed the Committee. Councillor Scott informed the Committee that while she expressed support in principle for purpose built student accommodation, she had concerns about the application. In general, creeping developments such as this should be discouraged. Plans had previously been approved for a 1,000 bed student accommodation at Mount Oswald plus over 300 houses, and this application was for an additional 850 bed student accommodation. While the report indicated that further recreational facilities would come forward, it was difficult for committees, residents and Councillors to get a sense of the whole picture. Most recent figures from the County Council showed that student residence currently accounted for just under 22% in Neville’s Cross. This application would take that figure to over 50%, including other schemes which had already been approved. These additional residents would pay no council tax and because they were student residences the developer was not required to pay the same Section 106 contributions as had they been private dwellings. The total number of residences in the Neville’s Cross division would be 7,000 in an area which had no GP’s, no dentist and no community facilities. Councillor Scott informed the Committee of three specific areas of concern. Firstly, the pressure on community facilities. Paragraph 24 of the Committee report referred to NPPF Part 8, the promotion of healthy communities including the development and modernisation of facilities and services. Across the road from the development at Merryoaks was a football field and a MUGA and the football field in particular was in need of upgrading with better drainage. There were also plans for a community centre which was still in need of funding. With the vast rise of student residences and therefore students there would be a high demand for facilities. Councillor Scott informed the Committee she had requested a contribution from the developer but had been declined. Secondly, an increase in pedestrian footfall along South Road. Paragraph 68 of the report highlighted the concerns of the Police Architectural Liaison Officer that sections of footpath on South Road were too narrow for the current pedestrian traffic. Although the developer was making some improvements to Mill Hill Lane, pedestrians would still have to spill out on to South Road even if they were Page 4 encouraged to use alternatives. The University had proposals for a pedestrian superhighway which would alleviate this problem and Councillor Scott considered the developer should contribute to this. A contribution had been requested from the developer but had been declined. Thirdly, the previous planning application by the Banks Group on this site which had been approved included plans for a GP surgery, which made it an attractive application. Plans had now been shelved due to lack of take up from the NHS and Councillor Scott queried how robust the consultation had been. Local surgeries were currently stretched as was the Student Health Service. Councillor Scott has seen nothing to suggest any direct approaches had been made other than a light touch approach to the NHS. Councillor Scott asked the Committee to consider a condition to the planning permission for a £250,000 voluntary contribution to be shared between sports and community facilities and the pedestrian superhighway project and to formally request the developer to revisit the GP proposal and make direct approaches in the area with the support of the Council if necessary. This scheme would generate tens of millions of pounds in years to come and for the developer to make no contribution to the community was wrong. Mr A Doig, Secretary of the Neville’s Cross Community Association addressed the Committee to object to the application. The Neville’s Cross Ward had some 7800 registered votes. Sheraton Park would have over 400 students, the Berendsen’s former laundry site will have nearly 400, the University’s site would be 1000 and this application was over 800, a total of 2,600 students. By adding in the current HMO and other students there was an average of over 10% student density and hotspots, such as Sheraton Park, had reached a 30% student density. With all of the proposed developments this would move close to a 50% student density. The Council’s background paper to the old Policy 32 specifically stated that the ‘tipping point’ for balanced communities was 20% of the population or 10% of the properties. It stated at that time that Neville’s Cross overall was already at 19.4%, and this was before any of the above mentioned additional 2,600. While it was understood that this proposal was not new and that it had the support of the University, the Community Association asked that, if not rejected, the application be deferred pending a full community impact statement, not just on the Neville’s Cross ward but on Durham City itself. Mr Doig presented various saved Polices which would merit a deferral as follows: H13 – Character of Residential Areas – Planning permission would not be granted for new development which had a significant adverse impact on the character or appearance of residential areas; Page 5 H14 – Improving and Creating More Attractive Residential Areas –required development to respect, and where appropriate enhance, local character. H16 – Residential Institutions/Student Halls of Residence – should not detract from the character and appearance of the surroundings or from the amenities of existing residents; and would not lead to a concentration of student accommodation in a particular area that would adversely detract from the amenities of existing residents. This area was one of the few stable affordable residential communities close to the centre of the City. It attracted young couples, many of whom worked at the University or the hospital and many of whom had young families. The area was home to two popular primary schools and a limited number of other local amenities of one pub, one newsagents, one coffee shop and a local supermarket. The approach must be to consolidate and sustain such a community, and one that was based on informed local discussion and local decisions by local people.
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