-------------------- ------ - This is our a er - he/ sha e it with the READER SuRvEv... • 3 23 May What's shakin' : We've got more 1990 columns than Romel Vol. I Quit fiddlin' and read.. p. 6+ No.26 o Get caught Op: with is$ues... p. 4 o Our readers are always write... p. 5 MSU's alternative o Check out (of) The Clydesdale... p. 9 o Fun Page... p. 1o and truly o Our Reviews are always right on... p. 11 endent voice o This is Entertainment... p. 12 STUDENTS LEARN ABCs, FAIL STD QUIZ BY SHANNON DRAYSON information provided in a Common Sexually Trans­ UR·! ISSUES CORRESPONJENT [!¥i] ~ lUJ ~ ~ ruJ cQ] ® m1 ~ ® o ~ ® ~ ruJ CID ~ mitted Diseases brochure published by the Ameri­ can Council for Healthful Living. , What MSU students don't know about sexually ~®lhJ CIDW o@IT' With the outbreak of AIDS - the almost­ transmitted diseases might hurt them, according to source: uR-1 survey always fatal STD that wipes out the body's immune a recent uR-\ suNe'f. Have had sexual Have had sexual system - much attention has been given to STD intercourse: 80% intercourse: 90% In an effort to promote awareness and educa­ Virgins: 20% virgins: 10% prevention and awareness. Chlamydia, genital tion on the topic of STD's thrpughout campus, the First time having First time having warts and herpes have reportedly increased to uR-1 last week conducted a random, non-scientific sex, ave. age: 17 sex, average epidemic levels. survey polling100 MSU students on their sexual Had sex before age:17 According to a 1988 American Social Health entering college: Had sex before behavior and STD's. The sample was comprised of 62% entering college': Association report, "an estimated four million students ages 18-23 living in Wonders, Hubbard, Lost virginity at 80% Americans get chlamydia! infections each year, Williams and Emmons halls and Ceda:r Village. MSU:36% Lost virginity at making it more than twice as common as gonorrhea According to the two-part survey - a six­ Average number MSU:20% and forty times more common than syphilis." of sexual Average number question STD quiz and personal questionnaire - partners:5.12 of sexual So why are MSU students unaware of this? most MSU students do not have their facts straight Sex with partners: 5.6 Because students are guided by the miscon­ about STD's. (see related chart) stranger: 26%, Sex with ception that contracting an STD can happen, but not More than half of the students surveyed an­ on average of 2. 7 · .stranger: 30%, to them, says Carolyn Fox, nursing administrator at times on average of swered incorrectly to four of the six questions on the Average number 2.78times. Olin Health Center. STD quiz. These questions were: of sexual Average number "Some pe.ople think because they are in •The most prevalent sexually transmitted partners in past of sexual college, or because this isn't New York City or San 12 months: partners in past disease in the United States is: a) syphilis; b) 0-2.5% 12months: Francisco, (safe sex) messages don't pertain to Herpes Simplex; c) chlamydia; d) gonorrhea. The 1·4-85% 0 -5% them, ft Fox said. "That isn't true. correct_answer is chlamydia, Which was missed by 5·10-10% 1·4- 82% "Nice people get STD's, too. ft more than 2/3 of students surveyed. 10+-2.5% 5-10-9% Fox said that college students sometimes have Protection: 56% 10+ -2% •Several precautions can be taken to reduce report male using Protection: 74% low self-esteem and feel obligated to "go along with the risks of contracting an STD. Some of these are: condom during report wearing the crowd.ft The consumption of alcohol and drugs a) use of a condom; b) limit ;your partner); c) intercourse. condoms during also initiates irresponsible and unprotected sex, she washing with soap & water immediately after 51 % report using intercourse. noted. birth control pill nole: some reported contact; d) a & b only; e) all of the above. The note: some using condoms, pill, "Most can't recall what they did or who they correct answer is e, which was missed by about reported using sponge, foams, were with, ft Fox said. pill, condoms, jellies, and two-thirds of the respondents. withchws/ me/hods The responsibility of having sex, Fox believes, withdrcr.val, •STD's involve different complications, includ­ sflemstlely. lies with the individual. Furthermore, she· says one foams andjellies ing death. Which of the following STD's can lead to alternately needs to continue to educate themself and be death? a) syphilis; b) gonorrhea; c) AIDS; d) only b aware of the consequences of practicing unsafe & c; d) only a & c; e) all of the above, The correct sex. answer is d, syphilis and AIDS, which was an­ a)AIDS; b)herpes; c)chlamydia; d) a & b only; e) a & Her message to students? c only; f)none of the STD's listed above are cur­ swered incorrectly by more than half. "You're responsible for yours (body and life) " able. ft The correct answer is "d.ft •Necking & Petting can lead into the contrac­ Fox said. "You're an adult. Be informed.ft tion of an STD. True or False? The correct answer The only question that nearly all students St.udents concerned about being infected with is true, which also was missed by more than half. answered correctly was "A person infected with an an STD can be tested for free at the Ingham County STD may have no outward signs of infection. True The one question answered correctly by Health Department STD clinic. slightly more than one-half of the respondents was or falser The correct answer !s true. Olin Health Center charges $16.50 for a pap · The quiz questions above were derived from 'Which of the following STD's are not curable? See sfos, p. 2 ALL current staff members - and those interested in working next year- meet at the uR-1 Sat. at 2:30 p.m. -- ------ ·university Reporter-Intelligencer 23 May 1990 FROM STDs, p. 1 $30 for an STD infection check, depending on the patient's weekly - uR-/ CORRESPOMJENTS TIM LEPHEW, smear and gonorrhea and chlamydia family income. BRIAN MARSHAU AMJ AMY KURAS tests. It costs $8.50 for the STD tests Womancare, 201 1/2 E. Grand CONTRIBUTED TO THS REPORT. \l.i.V .6\ ·•w11 JUI without the pap smear. River Ave., charges $30 for an office ,, 11-,;- ~ Planned Parenthood, 1400 E. visit The lab usually bills the patient Michigan Ave., charges between $0- directly for the test cost. .. ......... ' .... ·.·.·.·.· .· .·.·. ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· .· .·.·. ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· .· .·.·.·.·.· .·.·.·.: -· -:-· -:·:- :- :-:- :.: -·-·. · . ... .... ·.· ·.·.· .·.·.·.·.·.·.· .· .·. ·.·.·.·. ·.·.·.·.·: . .·. ·.·.·.·.·.· . ·.· ·.-.:.:.:_:_:_: _:_:,:,:_:_:_: ,. .·. ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· ... ·.·.·.<-:::<::::: ::: MOVl>IG SALE: ONKYO 2::> watt receiver good condition ... $ 75 TECHNICS cassette recorder/ player... dbx noise reduction ... $70 TECHNICS compact disc player... fresh tune-up ... w/remote ... $110 BOSE 201 direcUreflecting speak­ ers ... still under warranty ... $130 $325 TAKES ALL! - Assorted rock & roll compact discs ... $10/disc diai4 IJ MeU? Assorted rock & roll cassettes ...$3 Let Us Help You Out-Come To . per tape K2 5500 skis w/ SALOMON 747 GARY'S CAMPUS bindings... 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So take this opportunity to probe our minds with this first uR-1 I I reader survey. Your responses should be sent or dropped off at I I 142 Gunson St. They wlll be used to deftne next year's I paper. So put up, or shut up. Just tell us If you dig I or If we should bury a feature by circling the I I appropriate, heart- fen response. I I I I w{j] 0 il f?ww f? tD@flflJ o o o o I 1 1 1 Rancid Did you know that: 1 I Raves I I •the uR-1 reaches more 1 I than 101000 readers 1 I weekly I •Lots of • I . •we are cotnpletely lnde- I -1 columnists... pendent and relY solely I : D1G! OR BURY? on advertising revenue : I Geek of the •the uR-1 ls avallable at I I more than 60 campus 1 1 Week.... locatlons and 2 dozen I I D1G! OR BURY? East Lansing and Lansing I I Dr. Sex businesses I I • ••• ' I I D1G! OR BURv? •our staff works for free I I I I the Provoc... •about 2 dozen people I I D1G! OR BURv? Fun Page... THE UR.ii LITERARY work on each Issue I I The Clydesdale.. D1G! OR BURY? SUPPLEMENT... •our staff has more pro- I I D1G! OR BURY? Op.•• DiGI OR BURv? fesslonal experience than I =Dog Boy... D1GI OR BURY? Reviews..
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