CAMPANIA. SO BEAUTIFUL YET SO REAL. specialities www.incampania.com Assessorato al Turismo e ai Beni Culturali specialitiesspecialities S. MarcoS. dei Marco Cavoti dei Cavoti PiedimontePiedimonte Matese Matese Cusano MutriCusano Mutri Sessa AuruncaSessa Aurunca Cerreto SannitaCerreto Sannita CampaniaCampania Cellole Cellole MondragoneMondragone SolopacaSolopaca Ariano IrpinoAriano Irpino S. Agata S.dei Agata Goti deiBenevento Goti Benevento LacedoniaLacedonia Castel VolturnoCastel Volturno CasertaCaserta how to gethow here to get here BisacciaBisaccia MontesarchioMontesarchio by air: directby air:flights direct link flights all the link allby the train: theby Italian train: railway the Italian network railway networkby car: Campaniaby car: Campania is reached is by reached by Taurasi Taurasi Calitri Calitri major Italianmajor and Italian European and citiesEuropean(Ferrovie cities dello(Ferrovie Stato) dello links Stato) links the motorwaysthe motorways A1 from central A1 from central Nola NolaMonteforteMonteforte Irpino Irpino with Napleswith Capodichino Naples Capodichino airport airportthe whole theof Italy whole with of theItaly station with the stationand northernand Italy, northern A3 and Italy, A16 A3 and A16 PozzuoliPozzuoliNapoliNapoli Lioni Lioni AvellinoAvellino S. AndreaS. di Andrea Conza di Conza (www.gesac.it,(www.gesac.it, tel. 848 888777). tel. 848 888777).of Napoli Centraleof Napoli Centrale from the southfrom the south Bacoli Bacoli Serino SerinoMontellaMontella Long haulLong flights haul land flights at Rome land at Rome(www.trenitalia.it,(www.trenitalia.it, tel. 892021) tel. 892021) Sarno Sarno Procida ProcidaCastellammareCastellammare Bagnoli IrpinoBagnoli Irpino FiumicinoFiumicino (tel. 06 65951), (tel. 06 from 65951), from by ship: Moloby ship: Angioino Molo Angioino Miseno Misenodi Stabiadi Stabia where you wherecan continue you can to continue Naples to Naplesby coach:by the coach: coach thecompany coach companyin the portin of the Naples port of Naples Vico EquenseVico Equense by plane, trainby plane, or bus train or bus SITA runs servicesSITA runs between services Naples between Naples(tel. 081 2283302(tel. 081 - 2283302081 2445111) - 081 2445111) Ischia Ischia Vietri Vietri and many andItalian many cities Italian and citiesalso and isalso served byis servedItalian by Italian SorrentoSorrento SalernoSalerno Germany (www.sitabus.it)Germany (www.sitabus.it) and internationaland international cruise lines cruise lines Massa LubrenseMassa Lubrense Amalfi Amalfi PositanoPositano Capri CapriNerano Nerano Sala ConsilinaSala Consilina how to usehow this to guide use this guide RoccadaspideRoccadaspide PaestumPaestum the series the series themed insetsthemed insets this bookletthis is onebooklet in a isseries one inof a seriesevery of itineraryevery features itinerary certain features certain AgropoliAgropoli Padula Padula themed guidesthemed designed guides to designed help to themedhelp insetsthemed which, insets in additionwhich, in addition tourists planningtourists a tripplanning to Campania. a trip to Campania.to the specificto the topic, specific highlight topic, the highlight the The five separateThe five booklets separate illustrate booklets illustratemost importantmost importantthings to see things and to see and CastellabateCastellabate the wealth ofthe attractions wealth of toattractions be found to be dofound in that particulardo in that particulararea (art and area (art and Ascea Ascea in this regionin this region archaeology,archaeology, nature and nature parks, and parks, for young forpeople, young specialities, people, specialities, PisciottaPisciotta colour schemecolour scheme spas and fitness).spas and The fitness). colours The colours PalinuroPalinuro each guide eachis identified guide is by identified a specific by a specificused refer toused the refer respective to the respectiveguides guides colour colour in the series,in the where series, the whereplaces the places Marina diMarina Camerota di Camerota and topicsand featured topics in featured the insets in the insets Sapri Sapri themed itinerariesthemed itineraries are presentedare presentedmore fully more fully each guide eachis organized guide is in organized itineraries in itineraries five the indicationfive the indication“not to be “not to beabbreviationsabbreviations missed”, featuringmissed”, the featuring absolute the absolutethe abbreviationsthe abbreviations Doc, Docg Doc, and Docg and ‘musts’ ‘musts’ Dop indicateDop official indicate EU official EU recognitionrecognition of quality ofproducts. quality products. The Doc (DenominatedThe Doc (Denominated origin origin curiosities,curiosities, in-depth treatments, in-depth treatments,controlled)controlled) and Docg and Docg useful informationuseful information (Denominated(Denominated origin controlled origin controlled and guaranteed)and guaranteed) labels refer labels to refer to coloured insetscoloured insets wines, Dopwines, (Denominated Dop (Denominated origin origin the text of presentationthe text of presentation is is protected)protected) to local gastronomic to local gastronomic accompaniedaccompanied by a series by of a series of specialitiesspecialities coloured insets:coloured recomendations insets: recomendations of things toof do things if you to are do stayingif you are staying just 1 or 3 justdays 1 andor 3 hints days onand what hints on what to buy, whereto buy, to go where with tochildren go with children and what’s onand (“shopping”, what’s on (“shopping”, “outings “outings on the coveron the cover with children”with and children” “events”) and “events”) Pizza Pizza Sapori e aromi_INGL_2010:Guida_enogastronomica 05/09/11 13:48 Pagina 1 regione campania theme guides specialities Sapori e aromi_INGL_2010:Guida_enogastronomica 05/09/11 13:48 Pagina 2 Sapori e aromi_INGL_2010:Guida_enogastronomica 05/09/11 13:48 Pagina 3 contents 6 People and aristocracy: the tradition 36 Eating on the ‘divine’ Amalfi Coast of Naples 39 ‘Colatura’ – salted anchovy sauce 8 Cuisine from land and sea 39 A sfogliatella fresh from the convent 9 The ritual of ragù meat sauce 10 Babà, sfogliatelle and desserts for special 40 Land and sea: Cilento cuisine occasions 42 A compulsory detour: Salerno and the Agro 11 The king of cakes Nocerino-Sarnese 11 Coffee for connoisseurs 43 On the Sele plain, amidst buffalo and Doric temples 12 A food-and-wine tour 43 The Controne bean in the Phlegraean Fields 44 Vallo di Diano, home to traditional peasant food 15 The ‘queen’ of apples 44 The Cilento coast - all the flavours of the sea 45 Menaica anchovies 16 Procida and Ischia: tastes from the islands 46 Caserta and Matese, gastronomic 18 Procida, isle of lemons trails in the Campania Felix 19 Where to try wine ice-cream 48 In search of real buffalo mozzarella 20 In search of Ischitan cuisine 49 Buffalo Mozzarella DOP 50 The Matese district, home to high-quality wines 22 Below Vesuvius: cherry tomatoes and pecorino cheese on the vine and other delicacies 24 Amidst “monache” apricots 52 Sannio - ancient traditions and archaeological sites that are unique and strong flavours in the world 54 A backdrop of mediaeval villages and genuine 25 Eating with the ancient Pompeiians foods 55 The indigenous vine, symbol of the Campanian 28 Sorrento Peninsula and Capri: art of wine-making gourmet dishes in the land of 57 Pietraroja ham lemons 30 Thornless artichokes, traditional pasta factories 58 Highly-prized meats, truffles and fresh dairy products and wines: Irpinia à la carte 32 Pizza? You can buy it by the metre here 60 Authentic flavours of an unassuming land 32 A landscape dotted with citrus and olive trees 33 A gourmet cuisine 33 The creel shrimp 34 Capri: sins of gluttony on the ‘Blue Island’ Sapori e aromi_INGL_2010:Guida_enogastronomica 05/09/11 13:48 Pagina 4 Sapori e aromi_INGL_2010:Guida_enogastronomica 05/09/11 13:48 Pagina 5 5 Land and sea. From the teeming coastal waters This is without even mentioning the production and the fertile plains come Sorrento lemons of extra-virgin olive oil and wine, which has and Vesuvian apricots, Paestum artichokes and had a strong tradition here since Greek and lobsters from the Gulf of Salerno. A continent Roman times: from Lacryma Christi to waiting to be discovered, where quality and Solopaca and the three DOCG (Controlled and territory are closely linked and Nature and Guaranteed Denomination of Origin) – Taurasi, History dine at the same table. Fiano di Avellino and Greco di Tufo, the jewels in the crown of a wine-making tradition rich in Spaghetti, pizza and buffalo mozzarella have local vines that in recent years has come on in made Neapolitan cuisine famous worldwide, leaps and bounds. but there are many other surprises in store for anyone wishing to stray off the beaten track. In Unmistakable aromas, such as freshly baked addition to linguine served with seafood or the bread, which has special importance in the legendary ragù meat sauce, traditional popular culture of local communities and whose shape dishes co-exist with the aristocratic cuisine of and texture varies from place to place. Flavours the past like rice sartù and pasta timballi, and colours of raw materials that for thousands created by the “monzù” French chefs who came of years have been equated with the Campanian to Naples in the 18th century. sunshine. Wine Trails have been established throughout the region: these lead to wineries The rest of Campania has all this and more: the open to the public, vineyards, traditional sea-based cuisine of the coast, the islands and restaurants and handicraft
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