Y~l INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS * Ask\',~k de.picTs The Jackson County School District will receive sealed bids until 2:00 PM, October 2, 2008, at 4700 Colonel Vickrey Road, P.O. Box 5069, Vancleave, MS 39565 for the specified musical )owest & b~5-+ hId. instruments and related items on the attached bid form. All bids shall be placed on said Bid Form. All bids shall be sealed and plainly marked on the exterior of the bid envelope, "Bid on Musical Instruments", and addressed to the attention of Harold W. Rushing, Business Manager, Jackson County School District at the above address. All items shall be bid at delivered prices and include shipping and handling and all costs. The bid will be awarded on a per item basis. The bid shall be completely itemized with unit and extended prices. The items listed are for replacement of items destroyed by Hurricane Katrina and the bidder shall bid equal quality. The bidder shall state the manufacturer and model number in the "quoting on" line if bidding a brand or model number other than specified. If bidding the exact manufacturer and item number the bidder may simply place an X on the "quoting on" line. It is the responsibility of the bidder to include descriptive literature for evaluation purposes if bidding on items of different manufacturer and model number. The Jackson County Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive formalities. I propose to furnish the above items at the prices on this bid form within below calendar days after receipt of purchase order. These are delivered prices and includes shipping and handling. ***Most items will be delivered in 30-60 days, some items do have longer factory deliveries, which have been noted by each instrument. Signature Please print name Lana Steger Company name Taylor Music, Inc. PO Box 670 - 513 S. Main Company address Aberdeen, SD 57402-0670 Phone 1-800-872-2263 Fax 1-605-225-2051 Email: lana@1800usaband.com BID FORM Quoting on DESCRIPTION Quanti!L. Unit Price Total Item # 3 Yamaha YAS23 Alto Saxophone Yamaha YAS23 ~ $ 2565 ~ Selmer LT402 Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece Selmer Larry Teal 1 211 211 2 V16 Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece Vandoren V16 1 144 144 3 2 r. D.,I. Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece Bundy JlQ Jl..O.. 4 Yamaha Standard Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece Yamaha Standard 1 27 27 !I Peavey Micro Bass Amplifier 1 No Bid No Bid 6 Yamaha YBS52 Baritone Saxophone Yamaha YBS52 1 3444 3444 7* Selmer SBS280R Baritone Saxophone Selmer 156A (new 3025 3025 model) ~;).~ 8 * specf attached* Selmer 1430P Bass Clarinet Selmer 1430P 4 1222 4888 9* Fox 51 2 3344 6688 Bassoon Fox Renard 51 ( ..3-~ 10 1:- I •. IH Concert Bass Drum Ludwig LECB32x8wf 1 --1077 1077 !L?t- Peavey TNT Combo Bass Amplifier 1 No Bid No Bid 12 Buffet B 12 Clarinet Buffet B12 Bb 4 410 1640 13 344 688 Yamaha YCL250 Clarinet Yamaha YCL250 Bb 2 14 * Selmer CL211 Clarinet Selmer CL211 2 670 1340 15 ,,- -- -'- RI1I:\ Clarinet Mouthpiece Vandoren B45 3 ~ ...2BL 16 ~ Clarinet Mouthpiece Leblanc 2540P 2 No Bid No Bid 17 M645 w/LE1368 1 844 844 Sta~Concert Bells and Stand Musser M645 ~ YG250DS70 Concert Bells and Stand Yamaha 1 535 535 19 Kinq 605W 1 575 575 Cornet King 604W (new model) ~ attached * Digital Piano Yamaha YDP223 1 No Bid No Bid 21 Drum Kit Ludwig LE2481 (new model) 2 195 390 Ludwig LE2477R 22 *spts attached~ Pearl PL800CH Drum Kit Pearl PL800c 2 335 670 23 Electric Bass Peavey Milestone Transparent Blue 1 No Bid No Bid 24 Electric Bass Hondo w/Maple Neck Blue 1 No Bid No Bid 25 4 Yamaha YEP211 Euphonium Yamaha YEP 211 lacquer w/case 1398 5592 26 * 2 1050 2100 Jupite r 474L Euphonium Jupiter 474 lacquer w/case 27 ~ 2 Deg 823L Euphomium DEG Schaefer 823 lacquer w/case 799 1598 28 'it Yamaha YFL221 Flute Yamaha YFL221 2 385 770 29 ~ Flute Pearl 501 E 1 No Bid No Bid 30 Gemeinhardt 3SH Flute Gemeinhardt 3SH low C 2 595 1190 31 ~ Emers(m EF106S Flute Emerson EF100 (new model) 2 495 99() 32 *speqs attached . - . - .. .- " 1044,. :Jk~$104,825.00inn"2055No2588244410';';2222106012951688266627301035NO866489695299440395455L3S1444M1003346194926PracticeBid62523542435047Bid59616353546057404858564655413639454410.66410.92037MarchinQ9101776182015801321R4~4*spec67527651No34~258816881295207020888802122598NoBid66666958661060244420554891066~*specs*~"-*'~~Uspe!:s~* specBidTrumpetPadsTromboneMarchinQTenorTimpaniStrobetunerFrenchMellophonePortableOboePiccoloMusicTromboneSousaphones_ BaritoneTrumpetLudwigYamahaSelmerFoxSaxophoneStand4HornYamahaYamahaBachYamahaTunerBaritoneRenardBlessingYamahaMouthpieceYamahaBachPetersonBlessinQBlessingYamahaGladstoneJupiterMouthpieceCartConn104BStradivariusYOB441KorgYPC32SymphonicYTR2335B1105THManhasset"YamahaSelmer333Bach3822KYSL354B128DoubleCA30YMP203MM300Scholastic590Double*specBachL351GrenadillaB1106Yamaha(w/caseTS2001085YTS23sLacquer.852Lw/case23"26"61/2AL(discontinued)YHR667MH48(discontinued)37B(new12730B(discontinued)Silverlacquermodel)354213 YamahaJupiterYPC32852L *' 2122- 90,I)Ocb.vp)_2/3*"jf* 1 (1, .\.(M'\)i~tenor(~O~,,·_)·3 ~ 33 ~ L •. * * ~ - YamahaKoraPeteYamaharsonCA3036KYMP204MYTR2335590YamahaMellophonePortableYHR667ElectricaidsMarchingKeyboardA42 TromboneYamaha"aidsEZ250i021 R~rhYamahaSelmerFox** MDeaYamahaDeqYaml.nnnJUDiBlessinaBlessinqBach3331900B50··6.104BYOB441ter541L571LY180S37ACHR30BStandTP6223ACLTP6226ACL989GLYTS23YSL3545ALBB127128CartTromboneFrenchMouthpieceHorn MouthpieceKelly CrystalKellyBlueCrystal6.5AL Blue Total attached i:I attached >I; attached *' attached ** Blessing B 126 Trumpet, sames specs as B 127 except 3rd slide finger ring instead of 3rd slide stop (new--in stock) *specs attached 2 395 790 ** (Total $104,735.00) MISSISSIPPI MUSIC Inc. MERIDIAN • HATTIESBURG· BILOXI· JACKSON To: Jackson County School District 4700 Colonel Vickrey Rd. Vancleave, MS 39565 Attn: Harold Rushing, Business Manager From: Mississippi Music inc. 2744 Pass Rd. Biloxi, MS 39531 Brock Cain, Sales Re: Bid on Musical Instruments Greetings, Mr. Rushing I am pleased to be able to participate on behalf of Mississippi Music inc. in the bid process to reequip your school district after the losses sustained during Hurricane Katrina. Attached is the bid fonn my company received by fax from your office. While completing this bid, I made every effort to remain as close to the original specifications as possible. Instrument manufacturers, however, change products and models quite fTequently and many of the models and brands specified in the bid are no longer available. I have substituted comparable brands and models where necessary while remaining within the closest possible parameters to the original instruments. With regard to the expected date of delivery, the volume of merchandise and variety of manufacturers and vendors makes estimating a date of completion a near impossibility. We already know, for instance, that Fox estimates at least twelve to fourteen months wait on their double-reed products. Mississippi Music inc. will happily provide updates on shipping time from the manufacturer on any bid items awarded. Thank you for the opportunity to serve your school district. If there is any additional information you require, please do not hesitate to contact us. We can be reached at (228) 388-6547 or by fax at (228) 388-6983. Sincerely tJ-J!~ Brock Cain ~112/~ 2744 PASS ROAD • BILOXI, MISSISSIPPI 39531 TEL: (228) 388-6547 • FAX: (228) 388-6983 PAGE a4/85 SEP-08-2008 02:46 PH JA CO BUS OFFICE 2288263871 P. 03/1>a~6" , .. BtD FORM . - M J -:S<'f)'-Ij ;(-()<')J~<I">t)'f~1AltuUnitC1arint:t.~Bl1lIsoonaT~J.V'M'>Sa]l.()ph~e13~FSIt CunCt!rtBel]" MouthpieceIUnsbJtBellsl.)F~CRI?TIONand BundyStand Yama"-MO<to6 II2•••••4-iit'"'t2IIJ.,1I1 J ., :;>l,"'t.J.~:17<:;qcI~I\-+(f)II"'()jI'>D()\ 1bIm.ofMarchinI!FCOrnA.-M;FluteConcert"Z()18jJrt!nchPnee:; 2&1,'">tY)28G€!m<!inhardtHunlClarin@lM(}uthp~I-ox YRenardand Stand3SHVandoren5Double1 MUilferYHR667~ 4.t121w/CJJ8C; '-I{).J< )\ 'i75S'.JI.~()')<:0('f)1/Cj~ LIe~()X'.AMarr.hinlCfo:u"h{)niumAlto1,.Iz:ztoDrurl1111.Saxophone•• ClarinetMassEuphumiumBIenHaritonef>rumSelmerYamahaMouthpieceaachBJe"inJCEo:CtAIIIHYYCLi601106M:soo14030PVandoreoBb V16 1I ;jJ /.(.(')7r::. It;I'~~\J.~/)~gc,y~u/)i\. 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