Ear Tl E 31St De Mbe. 1949

Ear Tl E 31St De Mbe. 1949

Annual Report of the Game Department for the year ended 31st December 1949 Item Type monograph Publisher Game Department, Uganda Protectorate Download date 28/09/2021 17:37:12 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/1834/35668 UCANDA P OTECTORATE • I.J REPO o THE AM A T OR THE ear Tl e 31st De mbe. 1949 • R CE: TImEE lDLLING ENTEBBE PRh TED OV HE OVERNMTh'T PJIDo,'TER, UGA OA 1950 -0000: ..... ;... ~ 01:. ",.... ., UCANDA ."'OTECTORATE ,/,,' -;. ... ..t;· ~"',.," !!l". .... .c- ~. ' • . " . • < A~1fIJAL OF THE GAME -, '\; FOR THE ,. Year ended 31st Decemb,r, 1949 '1. •. , ' ... , ~. .. .,. • ';-- >1' , '''4 .~:Jt., ENTBBBB ",,"'f! PRINTBD BY THB GOVERNMENT PRINTER, UGANDA ~ 1950 GPUf-1676......S0G-S-J.. i, ~ ~~ ~" .~ ~., ~ .c,... ·· .~ (B) ECONOMIC INDUS~~ ~. LIST ~. :.,. Of CO!N1'ENTS' • .;' , ., < '1 k' : ~.' '!~ Crocodi e S InS .. ..••. • .,1 :;,.p!1.~~: Section i.-:Adnliniatratio~ Game Skins ... ',': ' . .. Page (C) NOTES OF GENERAL INTER! General-Designation and Staff ... ..•.. ~ . I Murchison Falls 11ip., .. Financial-Expenditure and Revenue '~;:'~ ": . 1-2 Honorary Game· . Illegal Killing of Game and Breaches of Game~> ., , 3 The Third (Mric.t~.rI .,.:r " Legislation Affecting Gp 3 Game Warden's Tours Game Reserves an.d·&nct~ies .'J .~~;~tific and Filming Ex~ Game Trophies, indudingTable ofWeights of "~ence" Ivory7 ... ;:'~l~ (;..' ·1: ·~faereaaea Costs '" ." After 25 Years Section II.-Elephant Control Sectil General Remarks ... 6-7 ,~A) , . Return of Elephants Destroyed ADMINISTRATION:- 7 .' (I) General ... '. Table of Control Ivory; based on tusk weight, and notes 7 (2) Legislation Table of FOuD,d Ivoryfrona Control areas, and notes 8 (3) Nets Notes on ~ Rangers and Game Guards 8 (4) Imports and Exports ~ . District Coritrol .,., ·'.i." 9-14 (B) ECONOMIC:­ GeneraiNotes:- (I) Lake Victoria .' . Capture of Juvenile Elephants 14 (2) Lake Albert (including Biological Research.' 16 14- (3) Report by Lake Albert Material for British Museum (Natural History) 16 (4) Lake Edward and Assoc Elephants Killed by Lightning ,., 16 (5) Lake Kyoga Cow Elephant Dyin,g after Giving Birth '" 16 (6) Minor Lakes and the V Stones in Elephant's Droppings 16 (7) Dams Spearing an Elephant ... 16 (8) Introductions Huntin~ Elephant with Bow and Arrows ... 16 ~ (9) Fish Transfers FataJiti~s ... ... ... .. -'A>,. 17 (1'0) Crocodiles:­ Elep):).ant and Lorry 17 (i) Control Eleph.a.qt Crossings-Kazinga Channel 17 (ii) Industry . "Karan;toj0 Safari" 17 (iii) General "'; Four-tusked Elephant ... 17 .... (II) GENERAL NOTES: Section III.-N.s on the Fauna Maximum Weights of i (A) MAMMALS:- Fish Mortality (i) Primate&;. ..... I8-J9 . East African Freshwatel . ' (ii) Carniitu'i. ..~ 19-22 Uganda Fish Marketinj . ~ (iii) Ungulates .. 23-2 7 Fish Farming ... (iv) Rode~t. ..; ,: ... 27 Fiah.~ (B) BIRDS .A. ... ..~.~. .:.~ 1 27-3 Fi,sh ~tbF;;';~, ~ J, Recoveriealll Birdg Ringed in Europe and ~ .: .... '':;'S':, .•. 31 lara.. I,.... ~t.! ~:j .. - .••.. ~.. " (C) REP~.;.:T ••• ......,.,. ••• . •• , ,,~., ·.~~~f;;'> ... t~ 31-32 Vi~\tllA" i;a Freshi X~laeW(P~ :It ." • Seetio~ IV.-General $;.....~ (A) DIS,EAjES OF GAM~:'-:"· Mollusc-eating Fish I ~dt!tpett Weed-eating Fish '. #. • ••• ... :.t.. 32 Identi~CatiQns~~' RIDderpest Cdntrol .,. ... .!~ ;;, 32 Other Dheases ... ... ...: + • 2 Expen.mental Ne'fa . 3 Reseateh .........'to Tset. Control in Connection with G~.(. 32-33 ~:; ~ •• &--< ...:(:."i- :" .. 11 (B) ECONOMIC INDUSTIU1lS:­ Page Crocodile Skins 33 Game Skins .. , ,'33 Page (C) NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST:­ 1 Murchison Falls Trip. ... 33 1-2 Honorary Game Rangers 33 The Third (Mrican) International Tourist Congress 3 33 '" Gan'te Warden's Tours ... -......... :;: ... 33 :":'~' '~', ~~lcientifl~and Filming Expeditiol¥ ," ,~ ", .-, . 33 tsof"~nce"Ivory .f .. '. ,., ..facreaseP- Costs ... .., 34 7", After 25 Years .. , ... 34 t ceaerol- ;v.; .f" : Section V,-Fisheries 6-7 "', ~A) AoMINISTRATION:- 7 (I) General ... 34-35 7 (2) Legislation 8 35 (3) Nets ... I 6 8 35-3 (4) Imports and Exports of Dried Fish 36-37 9-14· (B) ECONOMIC:- (I) Lake Victoria 37-41 14· (2) Lake Albert (including the Albert Nile) 2 16 4 14- (3) Report by Lake Albert Fisheries Officer .42:-4$ 1History) 16 (4) Lake Edward and Associated Fisheries 8 16 4 -54 (5) Lake Kyoga 54-55 16 (6) Minor Lakes and the Victoria Nile 16 55-59 "(7) Dams 59-61 16 (8) Introductions 61 ows ... 16 (9) Fish Transfers 61 ,'. 17 (10) Crocodiles:­ " 17 (i) Control ~1-62 el 17 (ii) Industry 62-63 17 (iii) General 63 17 (II) GENERAL NOTES: "on the Fauna Maximum Weights of Fish 63-64 Fish Mortality 64 , ... 18-J9 ' East African Freshwater Fisheries Organisation .' 64 j.",~ 19-22 Uganda Fish Marketing Corporation Ltd." ' ,••1 6. 23-27 Fish F_ming , , ,., 6.t 27 F_~ ~'Y, 64 'i.h~ .....:~... 27-3 1 ... 64 31 Jaio•• r ::" ,*co '" 64 31-32 V.i~\fOAniA Freshwater Fish 65 laeW (Plathander) nefti xen1Jliii 65 .. MoIlusc-eating Fish 65 , . ,. Weed-eating Fish ' 65 .. ~'; , enta'fl"ca1lQIlS .•,to .~~.: '".. ,- . Id .. 65 ...~~, .' .". ~ .... - Experimental Net& 65 Reseaareh. ," ~ . 66-67 .., ~., ""'. .. " (~ -,-. , ~ ;. iii THE GAME AND FISlfE Ecto-Parasites 67 Anglo-Belgian Conference on Island Fisheries 67-68 ANNUAL F (C). ANGLING:­ For the Year ended 3I, Trout 68 Nile Perch 69 SECTION I.-ADM Barbel 69 Tilapia variabilis 69 Gener~ I. ,.! . Designation.-The title of the I Statistical Tables Game to Game and Fisheries which I. Lake Victoria-Western Meng~FiveInch Nets functions. , 7° :1.-\ If. Lake Victoria-Eastern Mengo (including Kome Island)' 2. Staff.-In the original Developn Five Inch Nets ... 7° was accorded the responsibility for laq III. Lake Victoria-Masaka District (including Sese Islands) provision was made for essential expans rt' Five Inch Nets ... 7° has now, been rectified by the appointm( IV. Lake Victoria-Jinja-Five Inch Nets ... 7° :F who unfortunately, did not materialise ttl V. Lake Victoria~Small Mesh Nets-Various Landings 71 ".~ Expenditure anc VI. Lake Victoria-Seine Nets-Entebbe, Mengo and Masaka'" , 3· Figures are as follow:- Districts 71 VII. Lake Victoria-Dried Fish-Various Landings 71 Expenditure (approximately) Revenue STAFF LIST-ApPENDIX I. 72 The Revenue was derived as follows (a) Sale ofivory, rhinoceros horns 2 (b) Game licences Receipts from (a) show a decrease of ne. increase of 18 per cent.; in the case of I ,: sale of ivory., 4· This is the first occasion since thl in 1925 that expenditure has exceeded that from 1933 onwards the Fisheries S is non-revenue producing, has been steac of the Fisheries' staff of three European 4 and their relevant activities, has deprh the customary excess of revenue over derived from the sale of Game and Sped of the sales of ivory, rhinoceros horns, an.i 5· At the two ivory auctions, held . realised per lb. was Shs. 1'3/54 and Shs.' ~ ..:"'~... and Shs. 14175 in 1948;ja sharp drop .< cent. and 21 per cent. ",' : ,. 6. Game and Special Licences issu~ ... 1 " , . Resident's (Full) ". Visitai"'s (Full) ... ,~: • -""l', Resident's (Fourteen-day~' Visitor's (Fourteen-day)' First Elephant . Second Elephant Third Elephant '" Native's Two Elephants Native's Third Elephant ..• I Native's Three ElephantS' One Black Rhinoceros, ... Bird 1'" THE GAME AND FISHERIES DEPARTMENT 67 ANNUAL REPORT 67-68 bIsland Fisheries For the Year ended 31st December, 1949 68 SECTION I.-ADMINISTRATION 69 69 General 69 I. Designation.-The title of the Department has been changed from , . ~cal Tables Gamet~ Game and Fisheries which is more descriptive of its actual go-Five Inch Nets ..• fuoctions. 7° \~. engo (including Kome Island) 2. Stafl-In the original Development Plan although the Department 7° was accorded the responsibility for large scale fisheries development no Sese Islands) provision was made for essential expansion of staff at headquarters. This 7° has now. been rectified by the appointment of an Assist~.nt Game Warden, InchNets ... 7° who unfortunately, did not materialise until November. Nets-Various Landings . 71 . Expenditure and Revenue. -Entebbe, Mengo and Masaka 3.tigures are as follow:- ,£ 71 1 Expenditure (approximately) 24,297 l-Various Landings 7 Revenue 21,910 LIST-ApPENDIX I. 72 The Revenue was derived as follows:- £ (a) Sale of ivory, rhinoceros horns and hippo teeth 14,870 (b) Game licences 7,040 Receipts from (a) show a decrease of nearly 22 per cent.. ans;l from (b) an increase of 18 per cent.; in the case of (a) £14,691 was derived from the . sale of ivory. 4. This is the first occasion since the establi&hment of the Department in 1925 that expenditure has exceeded revenue, but it must be realised that from 1933 onwards the Fisheries Section of the Departm.ent, which is non-revenue producing, has been steadily expanding. In 1949 the cost of the Fisheries' staff of three European officers, clerks and 44 fish guards, and their relevant activities, has deprived the Department of showing the customary excess of revenue over expenditure. This revenue is derived from the sale of Game and Special licences and from the proceeds of the sales of ivory, rhinoceros horns, and hippopotamus teeth. 5. At the two ivory auctions, held at Mombasa, the. average'price realised per lb. was Shs. 13/54 and Shs. 11/67 compared with Shs. 16/05 and Shs. 14175 in 1948;"a sharp drop in prices respectively of 15t per cent. and 21 per cent. " 6. Game and Special Licences issued:- . 1949 1948 Resident's {Full) i67 3°3 Visit.s (FuU~ I 5 Resident's (Fourteen-dayl'. I 2 Visitor's (Fourteen-day)' 8 2 First Elephant . 27 1 160 Second Elephant 171 100 Third Elephant 100'· 96 Native's Two Elephants 23 Native's Third Elephant 14 Native's Three Elephants' 7 One Black Rhinoceros· ... 3 Bird 1,157 935 -,?1~'; ... .: .;... "',~- ',' ,;1 ,~ " ..,. Owing mainly to an increase in the cost of elepJil,lmt .. licences, IU-eIfl Killing .of Gaa c9tQb;ned with 20 per cent. more Resident's (Full) Game· ticences and ·1U~galities 24 per cent. more Bird licences being taken out, £1,087 more revenue I 2.

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