Hugo Marsh Neil Thomas Plant (Director) Shuttleworth (Director) (Director) Music & Entertainment Auction 20th February 2018 at 10.00 For enquiries relating to the sale, Viewing: 19th February 2018 10:00 - 16:00 Please contact: Otherwise by Appointment Saleroom One, 81 Greenham Business Park, NEWBURY RG19 6HW Telephone: 01635 580595 Christopher David Martin David Howe Fax: 0871 714 6905 Proudfoot Music & Music & Email: [email protected] Mechanical Entertainment Entertainment Music As per our Terms and Conditions and with particular reference to autograph material or works, it is imperative that potential buyers or their agents have inspected pieces that interest them to ensure satisfaction with the lot prior to the auction; the purchase will be made at their own risk. Special Auction Services will give indica- tions of provenance where stated by vendors. Subject to our normal Terms and Conditions, we cannot accept returns. Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price Internet Buyers Premium: 20.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 24.6% of the Hammer Price Historic Vocal & other Records 9. Music Hall records, fifty-two, by 16. Thirty-nine vocal records, 12- Askey (3), Wilkie Bard, Fred Barnes, Billy inch, by de Tura, Devries (3), Doloukhanova, 1. English Vocal records, sixty-three, Bennett (5), Byng (3), Harry Champion (4), Domingo, Dragoni (5), Dufranne, Eames (16 12-inch, by Buckman, Butt (11 - several Casey Kids (2), GH Chirgwin, (2), Clapham and inc IRCC20, IRCC24, AGSB60), Easton, Edvina, operatic), T Davies(6), Dawson (19), Deller, Dwyer, de Casalis, GH Elliot (3), Florrie Ford (6), Elmo, Endreze (6) (39, in T1) £40-60 Dearth (4), Dodds, Ellis, N Evans, Falkner, Fear, Harry Fay, Frankau, Will Fyfe (3), Alf Gordon, Ferrier, Florence, Furmidge, Fuller, Foster (63, Tommy Handley (5), Charles Hawtrey, Harry 17. Fifty vocal records, fifty, (AGSB13), in T11) £20-40 Hemsley (2), Harry Kenrick, Horace Kenny, Alcaide, Alda (11), Alpar, Amato, Ancona, Lauder (3), Nellie Wallace (52, in L64) £40-60 Anders, Anitua, Annsseau, Arral, Arnoldson Order of Auction 2. English Vocal records, seventy-five, (G&T53467), Augez, Austral, Badini, Barbieri, 12-inch, by Gardner, Gates, Gilbert, Glynne, 10. Vocal records, Fifty-seven, 12-inch, Battistini (3 inc AGSA24), Bauge, Beach Yaw, Gowings, Groves, Halland, Joan Hammond by Bampton (4), Barbieri, Basiola, Battistini Beddoe (3 - 2 Victors and Brunswick Elijah), Historic Vocal & other Records 1-198 (22), Harrison, Helder, Hempsall, Henderson, (21), Baumer, Bechi, Bellincioni (IRCC), Bellati, Berger, Besanzoni, Bettendorf, Beyle, Hill, Hislop, Hyde (5), Jarred, Jones-Hudson, Belmas (5), Ben Sedira, Berger, Bettendorf (8), Bohnen, Bonci, Bonelli (50, in L52) Phonographs, Cylinders & Gramophones 199-220 James Johnstone (8), Jordan, Kirkby-Lunn, Bindernagel, Bispham, Bonci, Bonelli (57, in £20-40 Miscellaneous 221-224 Olgina, Evan Williams, Winter, Yarrow, Young T17) £30-50 (75, in TF1 and S3) £20-40 Vinyl Records 225-505 11. Fifty-six vocal records, 12-inch, by Neil Young 506-548 3. Vocal records, sixty, 12-inch, by Boninsegna (16 inc 7 G&Ts and Pre-Dogs), Ackté (IRCC signed), Carlo Albani (2 inc HRS Bori (7), Borgioli, Borisenko, Boronat, Branzell, Music Memorabilia 549-682 1003), Alda, Alexina, Alsen, Althouse, Amato Brohly, Bronskaya, Brownlee, Burzio, Callas (14 inc 3x12” Fonotipias), Ancona, Anderson, (Puritani), Calve (6), Campanari (3), Caniglia, Music Posters 683-706 Anselmi (2 - IRCC and Fonotipia), Annsseau Carosio (5), Castellano, Cavalieri (56, in T40) Entertainment Posters 707-741 (14), Arral (3 inc IRCC signed), Arangi-Lombardi, £30-50 Austral (10) (60, in T26) £20-40 Entertainment Memorabilia 742-789 12. Fifty-five Caruso records, 12-inch, Hi-Fi & Musical Instruments 790-820 4. English Vocal records on early including many coloured labels (55, in T2) labels, sixty-seven, 10-inch, by Bates, Cove, £20-40 Dawson (4), Dews, Doreen, Drew, Dudley, Esty, 18. Boninsegna and Giorgini, 10-inch Harrison (19), Haydn, Grover, Jones-Hudson, records: Boninsegna 13 G&T, 3 Columbia; Kirkby, Pearce, Percy, Pike, Radford, Roberts, Giorgini 3 G&T, 1 Victor (20, in L52) Scotland, Tree (5), Tubb, Turner, Evan Williams £60-80 (67, in L15) £20-40 19. Thirty-four vocal records, 10-inch, 5. English Vocal records, seventy- by Bori (11), Borgioli, Borgatti (IRCC1056), Tom nine, 10-inch, by Adams, P Allen, S Allen, N Burke (7), Burian (2), Burzio (2), Easton (6), Allin (11), Bardsley, Baillie (12), Baker, Balfour, Endreze (2) (34) £20-40 Bates, Bennett, Blackwell, Bledsoe, Bonner, Brunskill, Buckman, Brindle, Jordan, Joyce, 20. Forty-six vocal records, 10-inch, Karan, Kinniburgh, Krkby, Labette, Lawrence, by Campagnola, Carosio, Cavalieri, Cazette, Lett, Licette, Llewellyn, Lloyd, locke, Lough, Cebotari, Cerney, Chaliapin, Chamlee (5), Lynch and Lytton (79, in L66) £20-40 Ciaparelli, Colazza, Constantino (8), Cortis (10), 13. Fifty-nine vocal records, fifty- Crabbe, Crestani, Crimi, Crooks (8), Culp (46, in 6. English Vocal records, seventy- nine records, 12-inch, by Cebotari, Cerney, L64) £20-40 two, 10-iinch by Malone, Marshall, Mason, Cesbron-Viseur (3), Chaliapin (14), Christoff de Monnete, McEachern, Megane, Morgan, (5), Cigna, Clement, Constantino (19), Cortis (3 21. Fifty vocal records, 12-inch, by Morel, Midgley (7), Morton, Moxon, Mullen Parlophones), Couzinou, Crabbe, Ctimi, Crooks, Fanelli, Farnetti, Farrar (18), Ferrari-Fontana, (7), Mummery (5), Nash (6), Newell, Naylor, Cuccini (G&T 053080 Favorita) (in T9) (59) Flagstad, Fleta, Formichi, Franci, Franz, Noble (6), O’Farrell, Oldham (10), O’Neill, £40-60 Fremstad, Friant, Fumagalli (3), Fusati (50, in Palmer, Passmore, Pearl, Pike, Purves (72, in T23) £20-40 L7) £20-40 14. Sixty vocal records, 12-inch, by Dalmores (AGSB9), dal Monte (8), M D’Alvarez, 22. Fifty-seven vocal records, 12-inch, 7. English Vocal records, sixty-nine D’Andrade (PO69), Danise, D’Arkor, N de by Galvany (6), Garden (3), Garrison, Gatti, records, 10-inch, by Radford (8), Raphael, Angelis, del Campo (3), de Gogorza (3), de Luca Gay (4), Geori Boue, Gerville-Reache (5 inc Richardson (5), Ripley, Robertson, Romaine, (1 inc Fono 74023), de Muro (19), de Muro IRCC73), Giannini, Gilibert, Gilly, Ginster, Gluck Rowlands, Scotney (4), Serena, Sharp, Lomanto (60, in T31) £40-60 (7 inc HRS1037 - signed), Grin, Granda, Grandi, Sherwood, Smithson, Souez, Suddaby, Thorne, Granforte, Graveure, Guerrini, Guglielmetti Thorpe, Thomes, Thornton, Thursfield, (57, in T51) £20-40 Titterton (15), Tubb, Turner, Vane, Wheatley (69, in L23) £20-40 23. Galli-Curci and Gigli, forty-eight 12-inch records (19 Galli-Curci, 29 Gigli inc 8. Film and personality, sixty-seven AGSB49 and 50, unpub duets with Ruffo) (48, 10-inch records, by Crummit (4), Dalheart, in T30) £20-40 Bebe Daniels, Desmond (4), Dietrich (3), Doyle, Jimmy Edwards, Etting, Farr, Fay, Froman, Judy 24. thirty-two vocal records, 10-inch, Garland, Joyce Grenfell (2), Hale, Holloway, by D’Alessio, Dalmores, D’Arkor, D’Alvarez, de Bob Hope, Hough, Frankie Howard, “Hutch”, Gogorza (9), del Campo, de Luca (6), de Lussan Spike Jones, Dorothy Lamour, Laye, Vera Lynn (IRCC22), de Muro, de Muro Lomanto, E. de (4), McKeller, Jessie Mathews (3), MacDonald, 15. De Lucia: sixteen records, 12-inch, Reszke (IRCC), Destinn, Didur, Doloukhanova 744. Max Wall, hard backed autobiography Carmen Miranda (5), Mistinguet, Marilyn including 13 G&T and Pre-Dogs (16, in T1) ((32,in L31) £10-20 and letter signed Max on his headed note paper Monroe, Mullen, Peterson, Milicent Phillips, £70-100 Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price reader, Robins, Ronalde, Shelton, Summers, Internet Buyers Premium: 20.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 24.6% of the Hammer Price Annona Wynn, van Densen (67, in L8) £50-70 2 3 25. Thirrty-seven vocal records, 10- 36. Forty-two vocal records, 12-inch, by 45. McCormack, 10-inch: sixty-one 64. Tagliavini Cetra records, 12-inch: inch, by Farrar (10), Favero, Feraldy, Ferrani Lashanska, Lauri-Volpi (6), M Lawrence, Lazaro records, HMV and Victor (61, in L12) £10-20 BB25022 (Sonnambula/Faust), BB25026 (IRCC), Ferrari-Fontana, Finzi-Magrini, Flagstad, (3), Lazzari, Lo Lehmann (Heliane), Leider, (Lombardi/Amico Fritz), BB25056 (Quattro Fleta, Fornia, Formichi, Franci, Franz, Fremstad, Leisner, Lemeshev, Lemnitz, Lenghi-Cellini, 46. Fifty-seven vocal records, 10-inch, Rusteghi/Arlesiana), BB25118 (Tosca), Friant, Frijsh, Fugere (37, in L31) £20-40 Leoni, Lary Lewis, List, Ljungberg, Lorenz, by Ursuleac (2), Taccani (Ratcliff/Silvano), BB25119 (Manon/Mignon), BB25230 (Marta/ Luart, Lubin, Lugo (36, in T21) £20-40 Thill, Tibbett, Turner, Sack, Salvarezza, Luisa Miller), 68001 (Siemens pressing Tosca) 26. Four tenors, fifty-nine 10-inch Sayao, Schellenberg, Schiotz, Schlusnus (7) £40-60 records by Caruso (10), Gigli (18), Schipa (15), 37. Forty-eight vocal records, 12- (3), Schmidt (9), Schoene (3), Schorr (2), Tauber (16) in (59, L1) £20-40 inch, by Mason, Malipiero, Marak, Marconi, Schumann, Schumann-Heink (5), Schutzendorf, 65. Fonotipia vocal records, 12-inch: (052200), Mardones, Marsh, Martin, Masini, Schwarzkopf, Scotti, Sheridan, Slezak, Spani, Vignas (74019), Parsi-Pettinella (74001, 74102, 27. Forty-two vocal records, 10-inch, Matzenauer, Mayr, McCormack (14), Melba Stabile, Stolzenberg, Storchio, Stracciari (5), 74015, 74145) (Garbin and de Angeles (74121), by Galli-Curci (7), Galvany (6 inc G&T53485 (7), Melchior (6), Melius, Merli (3 inc Sly and 2 Strienz, Suoervia (3) (57, in L32) £20-40 56. Sigrid Onegin, 12-inch records: 6 Mazzoleni (74114), Stracciari (74184, 74190), Puritani, 53551 Sonnambula, 53550 Crispino Giuliano), Micheletti (48, in T49) £20-40 Polydor, 4 Brunswick and two others (12) Russ and Magini-Coletti (74002) (10) £40-60 and IRCC92), Garbin, Garden, Garrison (5), 47. Vocal records, 12-inch: forty-seven, £40-60 72. Mattia Battistini, 10-inch Warsaw GeoriBoue, Gerville-Reache (2 - AGSA1, 38. Thirty-nine vocal records, 12-inch, by Schumann-Heink (9 inc IRCC 51 and 93), 66.
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