^ x O N A M / ; , ç EBERAL REGISTER " " v ' ^ a 1934 ^ VOLUME 18 \ NUMBER 173 ■ O N iJlO * Washington, Thursday, September 3, 1953 TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE (5 ) “Salvage sugarcane” means sug­ CONTENTS arcane containing less than 9.5 percent Chapter Vili— Production and Market­ sucrose in the normal juice. Agriculture Department Page ing Administration (Sugar Branch), (b) Basic price. (1) The basic price See Production and Marketing Department of Agriculture for standard sugarcane shall be not less Administration. than $1.07 per ton for each one-cent per Subchapter I— Determination of Prices pound of the average price of raw sugar Coast Guard obtained by weighting the simple average Rules and regulations: [Sugar Determination 873.6] of daily prices of raw sugar for each Explosives or other dangerous Part 873— Sugarcane; F lorida week in which sugar is sold by or for cargoes within or contiguous the account of the processor by the to waterfront facilities; han­ 1953 CROP quantity of 1953 crop raw sugar or raw dling of explosives__________ 5348 sugar equivalent of the sugar sold dur­ Pursuant to the provisions of section ing each week: Provided, however, That Commerce Department 301 (c) (2) of the Sugar Act of 1948, as the resultant weighted average price Notices : amended (hereinafter referred to as may be reduced by the average cost per Under Secretaries and Assistant "act”) , after investigation, and due con­ pound of raw sugar for storage, insur­ Secretaries of Commerce; sideration of the evidence presented at ance, and other related costs actually delegations of authority un­ the public hearing held at Clewiston, incurred on such sugar as a result of der Reorganization Plan No. Florida, on May 6, 1953, the following marketing allotments. The weighted 5 of 1950_______________________ 5349 determination is hereby issued: average price of raw sugar and the de­ Defense Department § 873.6 Fair and reasonable prices for ductions provided in this subparagraph Notices: the 1953 crop of Florida sugarcane. A shall be approved by the Florida State Assistant Secretary of Defense producer of sugarcane in Florida who Committee of the Production and Mar­ (Properties and Installa­ processes sugarcane purchased from keting Administration (hereinafter re­ tions) ; delegation of au­ other producers (hereinafter referred to ferred to as “State Committee”). thority with respect to as "processor” ), shall be deemed to have (2) The basic price for salvage sugar- certification of construction, complied with the provisions of section canë shall be as agreed upon between replacement or reactivation 301 (c) (2) of the act with respect to the the processor and the producer. of bakery, laundry or dry- (c) Conversion of net sugarcane to 1953 crop if he pays or contracts to pay cleaning facilities___________ 5349 for such sugarcane in accordance with standard sugarcane. Net sugarcane (ex­ the following requirements. cept salvage sugarcane) shall be con­ Federal Communications Com­ (a) Definitions. For the purpose of verted to standard sugarcane by apply­ mission this section, the term: ing to the average sucrose content of Notices: (1) “Price of raw sugar1’ means the all sugarcane delivered by a producer the Hearings, etc.: daily spot quotation of raw sugar of the applicable quality factor in accordance Order closing Galveston, New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange with the following table: Tex., ship inspection office. 5353 (domestic contract) adjusted to a duty Average percent sucrose Standard sugarcane Royal Oak Broadcasting Co. Paid basis by adding the U. S. duty pre­ in normal juice: quality factor1 et al_______ _________ _____ 5352 vailing on Cuban raw sugar, except, that 9.5 ________ ____ ------------ --- 0. 70 South Jersey Broadcasting if the Director of the Sugar Branch de­ 10 . 0 — ................................................................................ ---------------- .75 Co. and Patrick Joseph 10.5 _____________ -------- ------ - .80 Stanton___________________ 5351 termines that such price does not reflect 11.0______________ ............ .85 the true market value of sugar, because 11.5 _____ _______ ---------------- .90 Straits Broadcasting Co. and of inadequate volume or other factors, 12.0_______________ — ---- . 95 Midwestern Broadcasting he may designate the price to be effec­ 12.5 _____________ ---------------- 1.00 Co^_______________________ 5352 tive under this section. 13.0 _____________ ........ .............. 1. 05 Superior Television, Inc., et 13.5 _________________________________.............................- 1 . 10 al_________________________ 5351 “Raw sugar” means raw sugar of 14.0 _________________________________— ................ ................Times-World 1.15 Corp. and Ra­ 14.5 _____________ 96 Polarization. ___________ 1.20 dio Roanoke, Inc________ _ 5351 ^ . ,<**e*' su&arcane” means sugarcane, 15.0 _____________ ---------------- 1.25 as delivered by a producer to a processor, 15.5 ..................................................................................... 1.30 Federal Power Commission rom which has been deducted the 1 The quality factor for sugarcane of inter­ Notices : eight of trash determined in the custo­ mediate percentage of sucrose in normal Hearings, etc.: mary manner. juice shall be interpolated and for sugarcane California Oregon Power Co_ 5353 having more than 15.5 percent sucrose in the Equitable Gas Co., and Mis­ (4) "Standard sugarcane” means sug- normal juice shall be computed in proportion sissippi Valley Gas Co_____ 5353 cane containing 12.5 percent sucrose in to the immediately preceding interval. Southern Pennsylvania Power ine normal juice. (Continued on next page) Co. et al___________________ 5353 5339 5340 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CODIFICATION GUIDE— Con. Interstate Commerce Commis- PaS® Title 7— Continued Page FEDEML^REGISTER sion Chapter IX: l'unto>934 ^¿¡¡r Notices: Part 941_______________________ 5343 Applications for relief: Title 20 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Brick and related articles Chapter H I: and days following official Federal holidays, from Knoxville, Tenn., to Part 422— ___________________ 5344 by the Federal Register Division, National Princeton, W. Va ______ 5356 Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Title 21 Lard and related articles Chapter I: ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ from Memphis, Tenn., to thority contained in the Federal Register Part 141_______________________ 5346 points in the South ____ 5357 Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Part 146 (2 documents)___ 5346,5347 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8 B ), under regula­ Tea from North Atlantic tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ ports to Cincinnati, Ohio,’ Title 33 mittee of the Federal Register, approved by and Louisville, K y_______:— 5357 Chapter I : the President. Distribution is made only by Pennsylvania Railroad Co,; re Part 126— _________________ 5348 the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ routing or diverson of traffic- 5357 ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. The regulatory material appearing herein Labor Department (d) Molasses payment. For each ton is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, See Public Contracts Division; of net sugarcane ground there shall be which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Wage and Hour Division. paid to the producer a molasses pay­ to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as ment equal to the product of 6.28 and amended June 19, 1937. Old-Age and Survivors Insur­ one-half of the net liquidation from the 7(116 F ederal R egister will be furnished by ance Bureau disposal of blackstrap or final molasses mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Rules and regulations: per month or $15.00 per year, payable in in excess of 4.75 cents per gallon, f. o. b. Statements of procedure; mis­ advance. The charge for individual copies sugarhouse tanks, during the 12-month (minimum 15^) varies in proportion to the cellaneous amendments_____ 5344 period ending May 31, 1954. size of the issue. Remit check or money Production and Marketing Ad­ (e) General. (1) The price for sugar­ order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, directly to the Government ministration cane specified in this section is appli­ Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. - Rules and regulations: cable to sugarcane loaded on carts or There are no restrictions on the republica­ Milk handling in Chicago, 111., trucks at the farm or, if sugarcane is tion of material appearing in the F ederal marketing area__ __________ 5343 customarily transported by railroad, R egister. Sugarcane; 1953 crop: loaded in railroad cars at the railroad Florida____ __________________ 5339 siding nearest the farm: Provided, That Louisiana___________________ 5341 if a producer delivers sugarcane directly Now Available to the mill the processor shall pay the Public Contracts Division producer for transportation of such UNITED STATES Notices: sugarcane an amount equal to the cost Employment of handicapped of transporting sugarcane by railroad or GOVERNMENT clients by sheltered work­ by other common carrier whichever cus­ ORGANIZATION shops; issuance of special tomarily is used. MANUAL certificates______.____________ 5350 (2) Methods of sucrose analysis, de­ Securities and Exchange Com­ ductions for frozen sugarcane because of 1953-54 Edition mission decreased boiling house efficiency, fiber (Revised through July 1) Notices : content determinations and deductions, Hearings, etc. : definitions of delivery schedules and Published by the Federal Register
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