INDEX Abdera 55, 59, 61, 65, 67, 69, 75 Byl, Simon 37 Abderites 21, 23, 29, 40, 57, 59, 61, 63, 69, Cadmus 3, 117 71, 75, 77, 79, 93 Calydonia 115 Abderos 59 Calydonians 115 Achilles 89 Calymnus 10 Aelius Aristides 16 Casson, Lionel 67, 75 Aeschylus, Agam11mnon 61 Celsus, De m11dicina 26, 27, 33 Alcibiades 12, 121 Cltrysos 113 Alexander the Great 12, 13 Cltrysostomus, Johannes 103 Alexandria 6, 13 Cicero, De Oratore 29 Alexandrian Library 1, 7, 9, 39 Cirphius, Mount 111 catalogue 6 Oeomyttades 49 Alexis,Kpanva; ii Cl>ap11a1C071Cl».. 11i;, 20, Cnidos 13, 14, 16 71 Cos, history 2-4, 6, 8-9, 12, 14, 16-17 Arnelesagoras 59 Crateuas, 'P1~0'tOf111Cov 71 Arnphictyons, Amphictyonic War 3, 4, 111- Crisamis 49 115 Crisa, Criseans 3, 111, 113, 115, 117, 123 anatomy in Alexandria 26, 33 Critodemus 13 Anius 5, 109 Ctesias 16 Anonymus Londinensis 33 Cynics, Cynic philosophy 20, 22, 28, 57 Anticyreus 73 Damagetus 67, 73, 91, 93 Antigonus 33, 34 Darius 55 ci11a8Eta 57 De Ley, Hennann 31, 34 Apollo 59, 71, 75, 109, 111, 115 Deichgriber, Karl 7, 44 ciPXai11 c,,icni; 65 Delphi 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 111, 115, 119 Argos, Argives 4, 125 Demeter 10, 51, 121 Aristogenes 34 Demetrius 53, 105 Aristotle 13, 33 Democritus 19-24, 26, 27, 28, 31, 40, 42, History of Animals 25 57-103 Parts of Animals 25 On the Nat11re of Man 103 Problems23 71tpi Qf1£l ljlll)UCJfll(l)V 9 3 Arrian, Anabasis 13, 16, 17 11tpi aa'tpovo11{ai; 93 Artaxerxes 18, 24, 49, 51, 55 71tpi ICOOflOU 93 Artemidorus, Onirocritica 69 71tpi 'tii>v 61aq,tpoV't(l)V pua fliilv 9 3 Artemisia I 3, 12, 117 110)..oypaq,{a 93 Artemisia II 13 Diller, Hans 30, 44 Asclepiads 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 53, Diocles 11, 26, 33, 34 55, 77, 113, 115, 117 Affection, Cause, Treatment 26 relation to medical profession 14-17 Diogenes of Sinope 28 Asclepiasts 15 Diogenes Laertius 28 Asclepieion 9, 10, 12, 13, 16 Dionysius, Hippoc.'s correspondent 65 Asclepius 5, 14, 17, 23, 32, 49, 51, 55, 57, Dioscorides, De materia m11dica 11, 13 59, 69, 73, 89, 97, 107, 123 Dioscurides and Capiton 8 in dreams 69 Doric dialect 55 Assumption of the Staff 59 Draco 119 Astyochus 12 drugs, storage 71 atara:cia 51, 63, ci'tapa!;{11 85 Dudley, D.R. 28 Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae 22, 25 During, Ingemar 38 Athens Edelstein, Ludwig 4, 6, 11, 23, 31, 69 Decree 107 Ehrenberg, Victor 111 ' Prytaneum 107 V..btoA.ti; 61 Athenian Empire 12 Epibomios, 3-6, 109 atoms, motion of 85 dramatic date 12 Attridge, Harold W. 29 Epicurean philosophy 57, 63 av'tap1Ctla 57 Epione 59 Bacchius 6 Epicureans 22 Bousquet, Jean 14, 16 Erasistratus 26, 27, 33 Buck, Carl D. 55 Erotian 6, 14, 33, 43, 113, 125 132 INDEX Euripides, Hippolytus 21 Fract11res/Joillts 8 Euiylochus l lS law91 Fawn (Nebros) 2, 49, 113, l lS Na111re ofMan 25 Fraser, Peter M. 9, 17 Nat11re of Woman IOI Galen 17, 33 Oalh II Anatomical Proced11res 2S, 27, 49 On Ancient Medicuu 6 Commentary on Hippoc. Joints 16 On Generation', 'On the Na111re of the Hygiene 33 Child', 'Diseases IV 8 lntroductio si11e medicus (sp.) 33 On the Science (n. 't£XVT'lt;) l, 6 Methodus me~ndi 16 On Women's Diseases (7) 101 On his own Boo/cs 26 Precepts 73 On the Na111ra/ Facultiu 33 Prognostic 99 Quod animi mores 103 Pro"httic / 101 Usefulness of the Parts 33 Pro"httic 116 gall bladder 21, 24, 2S, 32 Regimen 34; Regimen IV (Dreams) 69 Gelon 3, 117 Regimen in Acute Diseases (On Barley Gnosidicus 49 Gruel) 99, IOI Gold (Chiysos) 2, 113, llS Regimen in Acute Diseases, Appendix golden crown 4, S, 107, 121 99 Gorgias S3 Sacred Disease 25 Gosswein, Hans-Ulrich 37 Hippolochus 117 Greek Anthology 16 Haner, Iliad 89 Halicamassus 6S Horace, Epist .. 29 Hanson, Ann 12, 39 hybris 6S Harig-Kollesch, Jutta 7, 4S Hygieia 7S HeinimaM, Felix 34 Hystanes SI, S3, SS Helios 67, 1S Ilberg, Johannes 33 Hellas S1, 101 filyria 4, 6, 119 hellebore 3, 30, 32, 40, 99, 101 initiation 49, 79, 107, 121 Heracles S9, 73, 79, 107, 109, 123 Ionia, founder of S1 choice of Heracles 69 Irigoin, J. 3 7 Heraclides 49 Jaeger, Werner 34 Heraclids 125 Jouanna, Jacques 2S, 44 Heraclitus, utters, 29 Juvenal, Sat. X 29 Herodotus 2, 3 Kahn, Charles 29 Histories VIl 163-4 and VIl 99 3 Koenen, Ludwig 12 Hist. VIl 3S 18 koinon 10, 13-IS Hist. VIl 163-4 12S Kudlien, Fridolf 7, 11, 4S Herophilus 13, 26, 33 Kiihlewein, Hugo 44 hieromnemones llS Letters Hippocrates Diogenes 38 worshipped as hero SI Euripides 97 Airs, Waters, Places 6S Heraclitus I, 29 Aphorisms 32 Minor Socratics 1 Aph. I 1 73; Plato 1 Aph. I 9 8S; Themistocles 1 Aph. I 2, IV 13-16, IV 19, V 1, V 4 Locrians 111 99; Lonie, Iain 8 Aph. VI 11 !OS Lycus llS Coan Prognoses 99 Macedonia 4, 7, 12, 125 Crises IOS Machaon 22, S9, 123 Critical Days 10 I Manetti, Daniela 38 Diseases IS, 91 Marcks, J.F. 30 Diseases IV I OS Marinos 26 Diseases of Women I 101 Melaina (city) 111 Epitkmics I/ 6S Melampus 73 Epitkmics V 8, 9S Melos 7 Epitkmics VI 99 Menippus 28 .
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