www.newhampshirelakesandmountains.com Publishing news & views of Lancaster, Groveton, Whitefield, Lunenburg & other towns of the upper Connecticut River valley of New Hampshire & Vermont [email protected] VOL. CXLVII, NO. 23 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 2014 LANCASTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE TELEPHONE: 603-788-4939 THIRTY PAGES 75¢ North Country Charter Academy celebrates 10 years of success BY EDITH TUCKER Berlin, Lorraine “Rain” [email protected] Morales of Lancaster, Ashley Prince-Miles WHITEFIELD — The of SAU #58, and James North Country Charter Sams Jr. of SAU #68 — Academy (NCCA) cel- echoed his sentiments ebrated its 10th year of and outlined some of the success on Sunday af- many obstacles and chal- ternoon, June 1, in an lenges they’d faced and impressive ceremony overcome with the help in the Ballroom of the of their families and the Omni Mount Washing- faculty and staff at the ton Hotel. Charter Academy. Thirty-seven students Governor Maggie earned their high school Hassan in her keynote diplomas during this ac- address pointed out that ademic year at the pub- all members of the Class lic charter school that of 2014 had “different serves 10 SAUs across stories and different PHOTO BY EDITH TUCKER the North Country. dreams” but that they Members of the Class of 2014 of the North Country Charter Academy, now in its 10th year, posed on Sunday afternoon, June “The Charter Acade- shared important traits 1, on the stage of the Ballroom at the Omni Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods: Tiana Lyn Rowe, left, front row, my provided me with a in reaching this mile- Sonseeahray Renee Flores, Savannah Renae Walter, Tonya Arrianna Colangelo, Colleen Marion McElwain, Brittany Lynn Farrow, way to get an education stone: the ability to hold Taysia Wood, Ashley Rose Prince-Miles, Britney Cross, Michelle Jackson, and Jocleyn Rose Francis; and Quade Kadle, left, middle that otherwise I would up their heads when row, Logan Matthew Kadle, Daniel Call, Trenton Alexander Lowe, Taylor S. Oakes, Jacqueline Meagan Chubbuck, Dalton Pelkey, have missed out on,” ex- the going gets tough; to James M. Sams Jr., Dylan Matthew Perkins, Nicholas James Gilcris, and Carl E. Brooks Jr.; Jacob M. Demers, left, back row, Jason plained student speaker work hard to achieve Scott George, Joseph L. Wallace Jr., Kyle Joseph Greene, Anthony T. Berry, Lukas E. Ayers, Randy Lee Whittum, Hunter Chance Joseph Wallace Jr. of their own goals to en- Patten, and Kayn Whitney. Five are missing: Lorraine “Rain” Morales, David Angelo Bona, Colton W. Burns, Owen Walker, and Berlin. The other four sure better futures for Dakota Shepard. student speakers — Son- themselves; and aware- alone but have families families in providing the governor said. failure if you reject a seeahray Flores, also ness that they are not and others who are like support. “Well done!” “You are now pre- path and choose a new pared for great success one — there is no for- in the next stage of your mula, no predetermined Concerned WES parents seek life, whether it is enter- steps to take. Your edu- ing college or the work cation has prepared you force,” Hassan said. She for any path you might smaller 3rd-grade classes this fall thanked those heading take. Continue your edu- into the military for cation; it will pay off for BY EDITH TUCKER the high classroom en- The state-recommend- the unexpectedly large their bravery and com- the future of your com- [email protected] rollment numbers, stu- ed number is higher for kindergarten “bubble” mitment to our free- munity, the state, and dent-to-teacher ratios, third grade classes, how- in 2011 — started its first- doms. the nation,” she said. WHITEFIELD — safety and supervision ever, one board member Classes, PAGE A11 “You shouldn’t fear Success, PAGE A11 Some 35 moms and dads, concerns, as well as re- noted. all parents of some of spectful and equitable The parents’ letter the 51 students enrolled educational opportu- also said that they hoped Mountain View is “Certified Local” in the two second grade nities for the children the board and adminis- classes at the White- presently enrolled in tration seriously consid- field School, attended this large cohort of stu- er reducing class size for for using local farm products the Tuesday, May 27, dents.” these youngsters “into BY EDITH TUCKER WMRSD school board The parents wrote, more manageable num- [email protected] meeting to ask that a “Several studies have bers for the next school way be found to come up been done across the year in the interest of WHITEFIELD — with three smaller, more country with data that both safety and academ- Charles Burke, presi- manageable third-grade supports a direct rela- ic achievement.“ dent of the N. H. Farm classes come September. tionship between small- After listening to the to Restaurant Connec- Former WES art er class size and student parents in front of them, tion, presented Adam teacher Michelle Over- achievement.” the board asked SAU Parker, now Director of hoff served as an infor- Furthermore, they #36 Interim Superinten- Food and Beverage Op- mal spokesperson and stated, “The present dent Dr. Harry Fensom erations at the Mountain delivered a collectively class size for our chil- to bring forward one or View Grand, with Certi- written letter on be- dren in second grade more recommendations fication no. 14, verifying half of the youngsters currently exceeds the at its next regular meet- that the Grand Hotel has in the District’s Class recommended NH State ing at 7 p.m. on Monday, earned “Certified Lo- of 2024. Parents asked Board of Education Ad- June 9, at WMRHS. cal” status by using and PHOTO BY EDITH TUCKER the board to “address ministrative Rules.” The class — part of promoting New Hamp- Charles Burke, left, president of the N. H. Farm to Restaurant shire-grown farm prod- Connection, presented Adam Parker, now Director of Food ucts and by educating its and Beverage Operations at the Mountain View Grand in Hearing on ATV-OHRV access employees and the gen- Whitefield, with Certification no. 14, verifying that the Grand eral public about how Hotel has earned “Certified Local” status by using and promot- important “sourcing ing in-state farm products and spreading an understanding of to Village streets set for Monday locally” is to the region how important “sourcing locally” is to the state and region. and the state. er local products — one The Certification let- BY EDITH TUCKER Village, including, but 27 meeting to open Page The presentation was of five stops on a North ter also points out that [email protected] not limited to, Melcher, Hill Road that connects made on Friday, May Country agricultural the hotel supports and Main, Arlington, State, Groveton to Lancaster 30, during a lunch at the tour for members of the promotes the North NORTHUMBER- and Preble Streets as back up for one year, hotel that featured lamb House Environment and Country Farmers’ Co-op LAND — The selectmen well as Station Square. with self-patrol and raised by Heidi Mason Agriculture Committee, by working with direc- will hold a 6 p.m. public The board will listen monthly reports to the at Northwinds Farm in organized by Rep. Rebec- tor Julie Moran of Cole- hearing next Monday, to comments, concerns board about any issues, Stratford as well as oth- ca Brown of Sugar Hill. Local, PAGE A11 June 9, in the municipal and questions and then according to the draft office building at 10 Sta- hold its regularly sched- minutes. Chairman Jim tion Square to discuss a uled biweekly meeting Weagle made the motion NEASC awards WMRHS continued proposal to open up ATV- afterwards. in front of an overflow OHRV access to specific The selectmen vot- crowd, seconded by Jim streets within Groveton ed, 2 to 1, at their May Tierney. accreditation, removes warning BY EDITH TUCKER progress detailed in the daily operation; the de- [email protected] accreditation report, the velopment of a common Committee was pleased format for curriculum; WHITEFIELD — to removed the school the implementation of Good news came by mail from warning for the WMRHS, PAGE A11 on Monday to the desk of Standard for Accredita- WMRHS principal Mike tion on Assessment of Berry. and for Student Learn- INDEX The New England ing,” the long-awaited Association of Schools letter states. Business Directory ......... B8 and Colleges’ Commit- “The Committee was Calendar ........................... B7 tee on Public Secondary impressed with many Classified .....................B9-11 Schools at its Jan. 26-27 of the programs and Editorials & Letters ....A4-5 meeting reviewed the services and wishes to every-10-year evaluation commend the following: Obituaries ....................... A2 report following the fall, the positive school cul- Real Estate ..................... A16 2013, visit to WMRHS ture and climate driven Sports .......................B1-6, 12 and voted to award the by the social expecta- school “continued ac- tions in the ‘Image of a creditation,” accord- Graduate;’ the clear de- PHOTO BY JONATHAN BENTON ing to the May 27 letter lineation of school pol- The VFW drop a remembrance wreath into the Israel River during the signed by Director Janet icies and expectations Memorial Day Parade through Lancaster. D. Allison. that are reflected in the “Citing significant school’s culture and A2 COÖS COUNTY DEMOCRAT WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 2014 ••• Eleanor Mae (Lakin) Bacon Frank Davenport GROVETON—El- of the late William and nor Mae’s name to the BERRIEN SPRINGS, and Richard Davenport eanor Mae (Lakin) Ba- Edna (Haynes) Lakin. Country Village-Gene- Mich— Frank Daven- of Stratford; his father, con, 82, of State Street, She was a graduate of sis Elder Care Center; port died on May 28, Ivan Davenport, in 1981, Groveton died peace- Groveton High School, Activities Department; 2014 after a long battle and a sister, Joyce in fully at Week’s Medical class of 1950.
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