North La Junta Woman's Club. HOLBROOK CENTER. The North La Junta Woman’s Club Miss Cover came out home Friday, met Saturday afternoon with Mrs. returning to Lu Junta Monday. Fred Magee. The Ballinger family moved from interesting Mrs Heifner read an La Junta to the Greybough farm last Society paper on the Japanese New Year.and week. gave selection, also a humorous "Jem- A 1. " Grom returned home Mon- ina A social hour followed the pro- day from a few days’ visit with his gram, when the ladies enjoyed a game futlier and mother who are living in of Peter Piper. were Refreshments Mindeii, Neb. the concluding feature of the pleas- Beatrice Stevens Editor Phone. 732 Mr Rhodes, Pueblo, benight Junta ant program. of who Mrs K. J. Jones The club nu ota this afternoon with farm near Cheraw, Fortnightly Club Guest Night. nuts took the principal part were oxpevts Mrs. J. G. Washburn. to take* possession soon and played for pastime and a Jolly good begin improving j +++ his home. The Fortnightly Club gave its time the light hearted youngsters en- i Harmony Club. The Center and Cheraw basket ball night joyed. fourteenth annual guest recep- te*am will play at Centre Saturday. | There was a pretty birthday cake, tion and banquet Wednesday evening The Harmony Club met, tn Its reg- Ju tin- lasi game at Cheraw the score and it. served with a delicious Ice, JAN re»ad u. to UARY of this week, the banquet being serv- ular we kly session. Monday after- 13 in favor of Center. gave the little people appreciated re- dining room noon, with Miss Ida Theits. Mra. Miss Mary Irwin,one the Cheraw ed in the of the Harvey freshment. of House, social hours spent at Matloek. of California, aud Miss Doty, teachers and Miss Olive Gardner,one CLEARANCE and the i »lt may easily be believed that Miss Andrews, of Denver, were appreciated guests. of the teachers at Center, drove over the home of Mrs. W. E. on Helen’s eleventh birthday will be a Miss Audrey Doty captured the to Swink last Saturday to attend Sau Juan avenue. 'thing of beauty, in the memory of all nearly sixty guests pretty plate, offered as a prize to the teachers* meeting. There were in who were present, for many days to the lady winning the gr<utest nuni- all. fourteen special guests and the come. James ('over returned home from be-r gumes favored husbands of the ladies who compose *** of at the club’s Utah a few days ago and immediate- game—high five, and hostess’ the club membership enjoying the Bon Voyage Surprise Party. tin* ly was taken down with an attack of courtesy o' being the guests of honor. plate* was presented to Miss Theits. pneumonia, hut is now improving and Wholesome and seasonable r fresh- l The company assembled in the The !adi*-s composing the memler- considered out of danger. ; arlor suite of the Harvey House at meats were served as a finale. I ship of the Aid Society of the Mi Ingram, of Bloomington, Neb., dining room | SHOE SALE o'clock, 7:30 the 7 and at was here last week stopping ut C. guests ! Presbyterian church planned and car- Unique Embroidery Club. was thrown open and the pro- Mai-lull's, and looking over our fair ried out u most delightful surprise ceeded to the banquet. valley He returned to his home Sat- party, giving it at the home of Mrs. The Unique Embroidery Club was Immediately after the dinner Miss urday and expects to return with Ids ONE WEEK, BEGINNING N. S. Larsen. Tuesday entertained Monday afternoon of last Emma Willson, as president of the evening, in family in the near future. club, gave address of welcome to Mrs. Frank Finney week by Mrs C. F. Hasten. The us- the Mrs T. J. Jones who has been here was responded to by F. Sabin i In the pleasant round of merry ual program of dainty needle work and A. the past six weeks visiting her games, music, grew son. Saturday, January 21st the guests. Later Mr. and the guests and conversation was enjoyed ami in behalf of Fred Jones, family something was served, and of La Junta Geo. Lee Hess r* spomled to a toast young and enjoyed themselves refreshing and while in Holbrook was the guest on Hums, and in the course with the zest of childhood. The club is to meet Wednesday af- We will all Shoes, Robert f Of Mrs W. K. Stanton, left last Wed- sell Ladies’ of the evening each guest gave a | In the course of the evening, each ternoon. Fel ruary Ist. with Mrs. E (» nesday morning for her home in Ros- to 1-2, at appreciated quotation from i lady presented Mrs. Finney with a Moody on Raton avenue sizes 2 1-2 3 fitting «»nd well. Calif. While here Mrs. Jones poet—among others sealed letter—supposedly long and ??? that much loved sold her farm consisting of eighty following, which was beautifully . ! newsy, and certainly heavily weighted Baptist Mission Circle. the acres m ar Cheraw, to Mr. Rhode*, of |¦with lo\e and friendship. These let- appropriate: Pueblo, the consideration being siou us ters Mrs. Finney will open—one each Mrs. F M. Stark. 613 Cimarron av- “Frien'shlp makes a' more an acre. happy. I day—on the voyage over, and we may ' »*nue. entertained the lariits of the 1-2 great PRICE Fricn'ship gleg us a' delight: jsafely surmise that will be the Baptist Mission Circle at the circle’s Frien'sbip consecrates the drappie : pleasure that the perusal of them regular monthly meeting Thursday af- AII other Ladies’ Shoes, also Misses’ Frien'shlp brings us here tonight." will afford. ternoon. The a< salon was taken up OUR TOWN AND THE MAP. A four piece orchestra played soft- The remembrance of this pleasant by the tinnsattion of business fol- and Children’s Shoes, at ly during dinner. evening adds one more to the host lowed by a social while and the serv- ing Where is our town on the Up at Mrs. Andrew's pleasant home . of happy memories that will chet of sulta le refreshments. map. white and pink carnations and pret- the hearts of friends while they are Godding Quashed. Ah, yes, there It Is, right at 20 Per Cent tily twined smilax made the rooms absent—one from another. Indictments Discount the point of my pencil—see? bright and fragrant for the expected ??? Wonder who else sees guests. The reception commlttee.Mrs Woman's Club. In the dtstrht court last Wednes- Who town Is on Lee. Mrs Herbert Croxler. Mrs. A1 day Judge Riz< r delivered a very knows our the map? Shoes at bera and Mrs. C. W. Bomgardner. The Woman’s Club held a ph asaut lengthy and exhaustive opinion upon $1.25 $l.OO $2.50 Shoes at $2.00 Who cares—olhc than our acted as receiving hostesses, and Mist f session last Friday afternoon at the r the mol ion to quash the indictments home folks? $1.50 Shoes at $1.20 $3.00 Shoes at $2.40 Lee and Miss Andrews presided at 1 home of Mrs S. R Mendelson. on against John K. Godding, six of w hich What does our town mean, the punch bowl and dispensed frag- 'Santa Fe avenue Mrs E G. Ed- $2.00 Shoes at $1.60 $3.50 Shoes at $2.80 filed in the district court since Industrially, to America? rant carnations as favors Added to wards aud Mrs. John Walsh were in were the club members and their fortunate vlted guests. The pntgram given was he was released from the penitentiary I Anything? as follows What is its rank In the Special prices offered in many depart- husbands, the following were ou the where he *< rveJ a t- nu for receiving ( Ann rlcau town development guest list: The Americ an Prtina Donna deposits in the Korky Ford State game? ments at this time. J Mr and Mrs S R Mendelson, Mr j Mrs Geo. Lee Hess Bank after he knew it was in an ill Fatuous Actors, Are we really in the game? and Mrs Geo. L* «• Hess, Mr and Mrs American and Re- solvent condition The motion was | Witching it is almighty impor- S. K Bebym. r, Mm. V. \V Holme*, I view of "Tlie Hour" argued1 on January :fd. Judge Voor tant, the po* tion our town Mrs. C. Talliaferro. Miss Robinson. Miss Shropshire 'he a. of Pueblo, and E U Glenn, of was lakes in this ran* for munici- Miss Sloan, Miss McN’een. Miss Parks, There much autuiated discus Rocky Ford, appearing for the de pal supremacy Miss Lee. Mbs HUI. F. A Sabin. Mr Hion which was inspired by the*- ex fens** and Dlsti let Attorney Duvilson And the old town cannot and Mrs. Geo Thompson. cel lent papers. and A. B. Wallis for the defense. fight her battle* without you ??? When the program had been con- The «ont«iit lon was ns to whether JANUARY and me to boost. We can Music Study Club. cluded Mrs Mendelson made* known or not receiving d*|M>hitn after a 1 to her gu* st* that she had arranged boost, at least, U we do not bunk was known to be insolvent con for a pleasant build. The Music Study Club met in social hour in compli- st it uted a misdemeanor or u felon v ment to Mrs.
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