Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-27-1989 The BG News January 27, 1989 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 27, 1989" (1989). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4892. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4892 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. See new creative section in Friday Magazine THE BG NEWS Vol.71 Issue 73 Bowling Green, Ohio Friday, January 27,1989 Liberation of 2 captives is anticipated Beirut. Most hostages are be- by linn.i Salameh lieved held in West Beirut's Associated Press writer Shiite Moslem slums. The reports said kidnapped BEIRUT, I-ebanon — Radio British journalist John McCar- and press reports Thursday said thy and teacher Brian Keen an. the release of two British hos- who has Irish and British citi- tages might be imminent, and zenship, could be freed within British Ambassador Allan Ram- days. say crossed into Moslem West Patrick McCabe, who is Ire- Beirut. land's ambassador to Lebanon After Ramsay's return to the but is based in Iraq, said he British Embassy, in the Chris- would fly to Beirut immediately tian sector of the divided capi- to investigate. tal, an embassy official said, McCarthy and Keenan are "We have no additional infor- among IS foreigners missing in mation." Ixibanon, who include two more Asked whether a hostage Britons and nine Americans. release was expected, he said, Held longest is Terry A. Ander- "All I can tell you is that we're son, chief Middle East corre- not on alert." The official spoke K indent of The Associated on condition of anonymity. ess, who was abducted March Earlier, when asked by tele- 16,1985. phone if his trip was linked to the One of the other Britons is firess reports, Ramsay said Terry Waite, a Church of Eng- rom the British consular office land envoy who disappeared in the Moslem sector: "I often Jan. 20, 1987, after leaving his come to West Beirut and there's west Beirut hotel to negotiate nothing significant in my cur- with people holding American rent visit. hostages. An embassy spokesman had Most of the foreigners are be- BG News • Deborah Gottschalk said the purpose of Ramsay's lieved to be captives of Shiite ex- journey was to check the re- tremists loyal to Iran, but no Phil Mason, executive director to President Olscamp. contributes to gram is to gain the support of University students and organizations to ports. faction has claimed to hold the "Massacre 2: The Dream Lives On"' campaign as Jon Felton, one fight racism. Donations are 50 cents and the campaign booth is set up The British Embassy and Waite or McCarthy and Keenan, of the chairmen of the campaign, looks on. The purpose of the pro- in the Union foyer. The pledge campaign ends today. Ramsay's residence are in east who were seized in April 1986. Link between pill, cancer unfounded Smoking Dr. Samuel Shapiro, director of Planned Parenthood Federation research was released because Gynecology of Boston Universi- by Jennifer Taday the Slone Epidemiology Unit at of America, said her organiza- her doctor informed her there ty School of Medicine, said no policies staff reporter Boston University, said women tion agreed. was no evidence of clanger. one knows for sure what causes should not stop taking the pill "The world's largest study to "My doctor said there is no breast cancer. Recent research on the link because no solid evidence to the date, entitled, 'Cancer, Steroid, hard proof of such a link, only Hoffman said despite this at- debated between oral contraceptive use contrary has been presented. and Hormone Study,' done by speculations of one," Ellen said. tempt to link pill use with an in- and breast cancer indicates "Not one test — including the U.S. Center for Disease Con- 'If there was a risk, I feel my creased risk of breast cancer, by Barbara A. Weadock women do not need to discon- mine — has shown that the birth trol in collaboration with the doctor would have called to in- other studies have proven the copy editor tinue using birth control pills. control pill causes cancer," he National Institute of Health, form me of the potential pill to be beneficial to women. Barbara Hoffman, University said. found no overall increased danger." "A benefit of taking the pill is nurse practitioner, said several On Jan. 12, Shapiro said he breast cancer risk among oral However, factors other than that there have been decreased University President Paul University women have called presented his research at the contraceptive users," Tyrer oral contraceptive use may nave incidents of ovarian and en- Olscamp took strides late last the Health Center asking if they Food and Drug Administration said. an effect on the increased risk of dometrial cancer, as well as a week to gather opinions from should stop taking the pill be- (FDA) hearings held on the pos- One University student who breast cancer, Hoffman said. reduction in pelvic inflamma- University governing bodies on cause of the threat of breast sible link between breast cancer uses the pill does not plan to dis- "Other circumstances are in- tory disease," she said. the possibility of a campus-wide cancer. and the pill. The FDA concluded continue her practice of birth volved," she said, "such as her- no smoking policy. Staff at the Health Center rec- that methods for prescribing the control based on the evidence editary factors of breast cancer Tyrer said to prevent any in- "If there is strong support of ommended that women already pill did not need to change, he presented. in the family and a woman's creased risk of breast cancer, the idea, I would take it to the on the pill could safely continue said. Ellen, freshman business ad- age." women need to have regular (University) Board of using it, Hoffman said. Dr. Louise Tyrer. vice presi- ministration major, said she Sati Chattorha, director of Ehysical exams and conduct Trustees," Olscamp said. Based on his own research. dent of medical affairs for the was not worried when the Research of Obstetrics and reast self-examinations. The President said he will ap- proach Faculty Senate, USG, classified staff and other governing bodies to solicit opin- ions on the issue. Proposal postponed USG Outreach seeks Complaints concerning tobac- co smoke from people around campus as well as a recom- Ashley Hall RAs act ^ prematurely' mendation to ban smoking by student submissions the University Task Force on president of student affairs, said in or- Health prompted Olscamp to by Jennifer Taday they wish, by filling out a yellow card and staff reporter der to be implemented, the proposal by Laura Hardy take action, he said. would need the approval of the complex staff reporter mailing it to USG offices. Cards can also Olscamp also said another coordinator and If necessary, the resi- be placed in boxes located at the front reason for action was a conflict Although resident hall advisers in dent education director. desk of residence halls, Jerome Library between an educational envi- Ashley Hall enacted alcohol-related re- She said the proposal would not need A project intended to better inform the and the Off-Campus Student Center, he ronment and a smoke-filled one. strictions, they acted prematurely and University approval. Undergraduate Stu- said. "All information we have the policy has been put on hold, officials Newbree said people of legal drinking dent Government of The idea for Outreach came from points against smoking," he said Wednesday. age prompted the proposal by taking student concerns will Wendy Wessels, USG Student Welfare said. "How can we on one hand According to Larry Newbree, Kreis- alcohol into rooms of underage resi- make USG "as acces- Coordinator, Peterson ssaid. be committed to education and cher complex coordinator, the policy dents, potentially placing them in a re- sible to the students as Wessels said she believes Outreach on the other have smoking?" was only a proposal and should not have ferral position. possible," USG's will be successful in bringing more stu- Though the University may been put into effect. Derek Dickinson, director of Stand- president said. dent concerns to the attention of USG. lose some revenues from loss of Tricia Lamb, resident adviser for ards and Procedures, said alcohol is Tim Peterson said "In our 85 to 90 person assembly, we tobacco sales, it is a risk Ols- third lows, said the proposal states visi- prohibited in rooms where residents are the project, entitled are aware of many issues, but there are camp is willing to take, he said. tors entering Ashley must check alcohol all underage. He said it is the residents' Outreach, encourages many more things we don't know about," "We would lose a few in at the front desk and pick it up when responsibility to inform their guests — students to submit Peterson she said. thousand dollars on the sale of they leave. including parents — of University their concerns or sug- Cards will be collected every Wednes- cigarettes, but it would be a loss Fayetta Paulsen, assistant vice O See Ashley, page 4. gestions about the University to USG. day and will be reviewed within the next well worth taking," Olscamp Students can do this, confidentially if IJ See Outreach, page 4.
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