ORGANISATIONS & MEETINGS USEFUL CONTACTS ! Meet at! When Accident and Emergency Hospital: Child Health Clinic!Church Hall!2nd Thursday Ipswich Hospital, Heath Road, Ipswich 01473 712233 Felixstowe Community Hosp. Minor Injuries (01394) 458820 !!3:00pm Welcome to Doctors and dentists can be contacted in Felixstowe (listed in Parent & Toddler!Church Hall!Thursdays Thompson’s Directory and Yellow Pages) !!1:30pm Walton Surgery (01394) 278844 Kirton & Bell ringing!Falkenham Church (6 bells)! Central Surgery (01394) 283197 !Contact:!Loraine Beer!448490 Howard House (01394) 282706 Bowls Club! Haven Health (01394) 670107 Falkenham Police: Suffolk Constabulary Force HQ 01473 613500 !Short Mat!Village Hall!Tuesdays Village policeman !!!7:30pm Minicom 01473 611160 !Outdoor!behind Village Hall Website www.suffolk.police.uk !!!Summer only Parish Council Clerk: Colin Shaw 01394 448783 Deben Flower Club!Church Hall!2nd Tuesday [email protected] !!7:45pmTransport: Football Bus services run from Kirton (and some from Falkenham) to Felix- stowe, Woodbridge and Ipswich. Timetables are displayed on Kir- !Kestrels!Recreation Ground ton Green, the Post Office, and in Falkenham. !!Training: (boys & girls)! Felixstowe Area Community Transport Service (FACTS) runs a !!!Tues & Thurs evenings bus into Felixstowe for the disabled. Contact: (01394) 270339 !!Matches:!Saturday a.m. Emergency Car Lift Service for hospital visiting, etc. (01394) !Kirton United!Recreation Ground 448315 !!Training:!Thurs evenings Train services go from Felixstowe via Trimley to Ipswich for con- !!Matches:!Sunday nections to London and elsewhere. Schools: !Kirton White Horse Team!Recreation Ground Trimley St Martin County Primary School Friends of Kirton Church!various events Headteacher: Peter Lamb (01394) 448313 !Contact: John Parish!! 448476 Orwell High School www.orwellhigh.com Gardeners Club !Village Hall!2nd Thursday Contact: (01394) 282628 !!7:30pmPost Office: Trimley St Martin KAFPA (drama)!Contact Sarah Jones!448314 Citizen’s Advice Bureau: 2-6 Orwell Road, Felixstowe IP11 7HD (01394) 275958 Ladies Keep Fit!Church Hall!Tuesdays Library: Suffolk County Library van calls in the villages on alter- !!1:30pmnate Tuesday afternoons. See Village Diary. Line Dancing!Church Hall!Wednesdays Recreation Ground, Alley Road, has a play area for children, bas- !!7:30pmketball hoop and football pitches : Phil Barker (01394) 448493 Mothers" Union!Church Hall!4th Tuesday Pavilion bookings: John Beer (01394) 448490 !!7:30pmChurch Hall bookings: Peter Davis (01394) 448265 Open Circle!18 Burnt House Lane! Village Hall bookings : Vic Wilkinson 07961 594360 Allotments are available for rent. This information has been prepared by the Church of !!2nd Tuesday Contact Mrs S Harvey, 29 Falkenham Road, Kirton. (01394) 448780 St Mary & St Martin, Kirton, and the Church of St !!10am Kirton & Falkenham Review - the villages’ magazine Ethelbert, Falkenham. We hope you find it useful and Parent & Toddler!Church Hall!Thursdays Editor: Nick Claydon (01394) 448812 that you will be able to join in the many activities our !!1 – 3pm [email protected] community provides. Clinic!Church hall!2nd Thursday !!1:30 – 2:30pmwww.kirton-suffolk.info for the Village Diary, local Details change, so check our website Whist Drives!Village Hall!most Mondays news, hall booking, events, Parish Council notes, history www.kirton-suffolk.info for the latest & Diary. !!7:30pmand local pictures. Please inform us of any errors or changes. Call 01394 Womens" Institute!Village Hall!2nd Thursday Subscribe to The K&F Review for the latest local 448213 or email [email protected] !! 2pm information – only 50p/month or £6/year Call John Pardy on 448581 Issue: 110319 Welcome! PLACES OF WORSHIP We wish you very warm welcome to the villages of Kirton Times of church services in Kirton & Falkenham are adver- and Falkenham and hope that you will find this Welcome tised inside and outside the respective churches, and in The brochure useful. Review. Kirton and Falkenham share the Parish Council, the school, the Village Hall, and Recreation Ground and, as Church of England you will see from the lists, most of the organisations. Kirton!!St Mary & St Martin There are two Church of England churches and the Meth- Contact:!Mrs Barbara Payne odist chapel. There is a considerable amount of shared (01394) 448582 worship. ! [email protected] Sunday Club meets 3rd Sunday morning in Kirton Church Hall This part of Suffolk is fairly isolated between the two rivers Deben and Orwell. We also seem to have a somewhat Falkenham! St Ethelbert individual climate with relatively low rainfall. The ports of YOUNG PEOPLE"S Contacts:!Lorraine Beer! (01394) 448490 Ipswich and Felixstowe have developed enormously in the [email protected] ORGANISATIONS last decade as has the industrial estate on the historic air- Mrs Pauline French field at Martlesham, mainly due to Adastral Park and to (01394) 273770 many other enterprises that have availed themselves of the ! Meet at!When Rector Priest facilities offered by this area. KAFY Club!Pavilion!Thursdays!7pm The Rural Dean,!Revd Helen Davy This is an expanding area but is also very ancient in origin, Rev"d. Canon Geoffrey Grant! (01394) 270703 and we are justly proud of our very early connection with 01473 659232 [email protected] the Christian faith. Romans are believed to have settled in [email protected]!9 Roman Way! and around Falkenham but it is the Anglo Saxon era that The Rectory,!FELIXSTOWE gives us the confirmed facts. Nacton!IP11 9NJ The name Kirton comes from the Anglo-Saxon name of IPSWICH IP10 0HY Kirkatuna, meaning “the place of the church”. Kirton is mentioned in the Domesday Book, not just as having a Readers Explorers church, but also having a priest of its own. His name was Stephen Harvey!Edna Collins (14-18 yrs)!Scout Hut!Tuesdays!7:15pm Godric and to find such an entry is exceptional. We also (01394) 448780" (01394) 282718 ! [email protected] know that there has been a place of Christian worship, Sea Scouts 29 Falkenham Road! ! [email protected] probably on the site of the present church, since the 7th (10#-14# yrs)!Scout Hut!Wednesdays!7:00pm century. This does give us a great sense of continuity and Kirton!17 Tylers Green we hope that you will join us in worship in our churches. IPSWICH IP10 0NP!Trimley St Mary !FELIXSTOWE IP11 0XF Guides Falkenham also has an ancient history based on the min- (10-14 yrs)!Church Hall!Thursdays!7:15pm ing of coprolite, and the river was used for its transport. Methodist!! Kirton Methodist Church Earlier the part of the river Deben known as Kings Fleet !! Trimley St Martin Methodist Church Cub Scouts was where Edward III fitted out his fleet for his expedition Revd David Kemble (8-10# yrs)!Scout Hut!Mondays!6:30pm to Flanders in 1338. Parts of Falkenham church probably Trinity Manse, Tower Road date from this time, though it was extensively refurbished FELIXSTOWE IP11 7PR Brownies in the late 19th century. Felixstowe (01394) 282023 (7-10 yrs)!Church Hall!Thursdays!5:30pm There are many beautiful walks in this area, mostly well ! [email protected] marked by signposts. Local contact: Mrs Helen Robertson (01394) 448395 Beavers Welcome again to this community! May your stay be a long and happy one. Roman Catholic St Felix, Felixstowe (6-8 yrs)!Scout Hut!Tuesdays!6:00pm God bless you all. Free church!Trimley St Mary Contacts change so please turn up at a meeting if Other denominations have churches in Felixstowe, Walton, you would like more information or would like to Woodbridge & Ipswich offer help..
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