\ Madison Knits German Dance The Dark Past ZE Tomorrow Night L m Established 1922 Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Friday, January 23, 1942 Vol. XVm No^4* X3 Student Survey Votes Against Marriage German Midwinters Tomorrow Aud Motherhood Combined With Career "■Women should not try to combine than prbfessionals. The plurality, Will Open Winter Social Season marriage and motherhood with a ca- thirty-eight per cent, are opposed, reer outside the home"—heads a list while twenty-eight per cent approve. Rogers, Willis Lead Figure of beliefs of American students as Interesting Is the fact that more men Ice Skaters' Atmosphere than women like the idea. Erskine, Dance Group polled by the Student Opinion Sur- As Satterfield Plays In veys of America, the cooperative The three related questions asked Are Tentative Lyceums weekly poll sponsored by college in this survey are as follows: Having as its theme an Ice skaters' Tentative lyceum programs newspapers including the Breeze. ball, the German midwinter dances "Do you wish more colleges would for the remainder of the ses- 6econd opinion is: "There would be adopt the idea of training girls to be sion will feature Dr. John will take place tomorrow in Reed more divorces if women were given gym, which will be decorated as a primarily wives and mothers, or Erskine, famous lecturer, and more nearly equal social status with miniature outdoor skating rink, sur. should women receive the same sort the Martha Graham Modern men." rounded by trees laden with new- of education that men get?" Thirty- Dance group. The general effect Is given that eight percent are in favor of educa- fallen snow. Lights are from the Definite arrangements have while American students are not tion like men. meon and stars shining from the not yet been made, but Dr. Duke ready to adopt the idea that college "Do you think it is generally a night blue sky. Window drops will education ehould train women to be has approved the selection of ; portray the same design of blue with good or a bad Idea for a woman to the lyceum committee, and It is primarily wives and mothers, neither silver as on the program cards, try to combine a career outside the expected that the contracts will do they want to accept equality be- home with marriage and mother- This design was originated by Lee be signed In the near future, Schaaf, -business manager of the tween the sexes. hood?" When it comes to education, how- according to Miss Edna T. German club. "If the.ro were more equality be- Shaeffer, chairman of the com- ever, opinion is divided on such a The entrance to the gym Is the tween tne sexes, do you think tnere mittee. If all plans prove sat- plan as has made Stephens college of same as the entrance to Madison would be fewer or more divorces?" Missouri attract national attention: isfactory, the dance group will Square Gardens, with the words appear on March 20, during training women to be educated as Fifty-seven percent voted that there "German club" over the door, and capable wives and mothers rather would be more divorces. Homecoming weekend. decorations of blue and silver sur- The Chekhov Players, who ap- Annette Rogers, president of Ger- rounding. peared here last year, were man club, who, with Clyde Willis,: President Leads Sophomores Prepare Bundles Of Fun scheduled to play here again this will lead the figure at the formal season but will be unable to do Annette Rogers, president of the dance tomorrow night in Reed gym-! For Class Day Exercises Next Friday so, as several of the players German club, with Clyde Willis from have entered military service. naslum. Swathmore college, will lead the Sophomore class day, the first figure. Rogers will be dressed In an typical class day the freshmen will off the shoulder white net evening see, to to be on Friday, January Bobby Gets Letter From President's Secretary; dress trimmed with ostrich feathers. 80. The committees have been hard Following her will be Dorothy at work and an extra good theme Is Dog Buys Defense Stamp Every Week Council, chairman of the Social com- said to be on its way to completion, Madison has a distinguished can-1 a good growl) Hitler won it, he mittee, with Jack Beale, Franklin, but it's a secret until next Friday, so ine. Not every dog receives a letter would kill all little dogs. He didn't Virginia; Lillian Burnley with Paul don't try to find out what it is. signed by the private secretary to the know what war was, but he didn't Council, Swathmore college; and Ida The class will have charge of the President of the United States. Miss want to be killed so he was putting Halbert with Dan Caldwell from program in chapel Friday morning, Myrtle "Wilson and Dr. Ruth Phillips aside his license fee's worth of de- Richmond, Virginia. and after their formal banquet in own a Scottish terrier, Bobby, who fense stamps in his book and his Figure Explained Bluestone dining hall they are put- buys defense stamps each week to meat's worth each week. Since he For the figure, the girls will go ting on an informal program in the put in his very own book. was not well known he was writing to the left and the boys to the right, big gym, with the Lost Chords play- One day he had the idea that other to Fala hoping that he, our country's after which they will form the let- ing for dancing afterwards. dogs ought to be doing the same First Scottish Terrier, would tell ter G. The committees at work are— thing. He cannot be said to suffer other little dogs so they too would drawings: Marion Bennett and Dot from an Inferiority complex, but he save stamps. „ Dr. Pittman will take pictures of Kirchmier; decoration committee: realizes that he is not known over A few days ago he received a let- the dance. Evelyn Dent, Johnny West, Mary Ann the entire country, so he sat him ter from the White House saying Wilson, Frances Wade, Helen Peck, down one afternoon and pawed a let- that Fala wished him to know how Peggy Wenzel, Marjorle Perkins, Ann ter to Fala, the President's Scottie. much his master appreciated his co- Students Choose Lankford, Jo Scott, Dot Anderson, He told him that his very responsible operation in our country's defense Marlon Bennett, and Ruth Green; job of guarding the home of the two effort. Although t*he letter was "Sergeant York" costume committee: Dot Anderson, Evelyn Dent, president of the ladies he owned, who taught at Mad- sophomore class, who Is completing signed by Grace Tully, Bobby feels Jo Anderson, Nell Grimes, Evelyn ison, left him plenty of time to think. very sure that Fala himself dictated As Best Movie Dent, Dusty Miller, and Jane Elmore; plans for sophomore class day next He had heard them talk about the Friday. door tags: Margie Fitzpatrick, Fran- war and how if Generalissimo (what it. The favorite movie seen by college ces Wade, and Helen Peck. Jo An- students during 1941 was Sergeant derson is in charge of the program York, the annual motion picture poll March Of Dimes Begins committee. Nominees Will Lee To Attend conducted by Student Opinion Sur- veys of America shows. Only slightly Evelyn Dent, clasB president, heads The March of Dimes will be spon- sored on campus by the Y.W., an- more than one-seventh of the stu- the plans for class day. Mr. and Be Introduced Convocation nounces Ruth Lynch, president. The dents, fourteen percent, however, Mrs. Clifford T. Marshall are the class money will be collected In the dor- could agree on any one plcture'as the Vice President Of Society sponsors. Their Bon, Dicky, Is mas- mitories. The drive will end next On Monday "best they had seen." cot. Thursday, January 29. To Represent Kappa Delta Th top ten shows, compiled from the questions, "What was the best Led by Jane Dingledlne, president Pi In San Francisco of the student body, the present picture you have seen during 1941?" Satterfield s Twelve Pieces of Jive-Hot Metal major officers on campus will intro- In just one month, Martha Lee, were not necessarily released during duce the candidates for their respec- vice president and program commit- the last year. In order of their se- From UNC To Play Here Saturday Night tive offices for next year in Monday's tee chairman for Kappa Delta PI, will lection, they are as follows: Sergeant Johnny Satterfield and his orchestra, scheduled to appear here tomor- chapel. As each of the ten nominees be In San Francisco, California, as York, Citisen Kane, One Foot In row evening for the German Midwinters, features solos by Bob Montgomery, for the five offices is recognized, she Madison's delegate to the Fourteenth Heaven, Meet John Doe, Gone With trombone; Frank JuBtive, alto sax, and Wade Denning, trumpej. Satter- will be "pinned" by the present hold- Biennial convocation of Kappa Delta the Wind, Blossoms in the Dust, fleld's orchestra with twelve pieces er of the office with a badge of iden- PI, honor society in education. Honky Tonk, The Little Foxes, Dr. of jive-hot metal was rated as the tification. The badges will bear the Lee was appointed yesterday and Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, and I Wanted best swing band on the University of title of the offices for which the can- will leave February 19, all travel ex- Wings.
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