I PLAYING FAV(VORITES H Ready TO BE Americans ■ ■ • CSI art s B j | Boise immigr;gration office sees s Magic Phllharnr m o n i c HI increase inI applications.a producing first b' P hosting concei! e r t . ; batch. , ■? ' COMUNIDAD, D3 Good Morning High: 52 ■ , THURSDAY U»w:30 April 10,2008 Cloud/and broozy. f 7 5 cen ts D«tBllc C8 ’ ' w s — Jfegfefe/fe/.com — XEgrannts Pnresidentiaal candidlate RonI Paul to visiti T.F. Mn Hutueker ' W\‘ e d n e s d a y a fte r- pass Corrospoiipondent____________________ n noon. ''CSI Is - “In my:ly 20 years of experlenence planning Jaycoaj c.c a p p e d a t ‘)()0 p<u)- 1C pe o p le refiise lo give up. pie.p so we need to ||( ^ y . politicalII ievents, I’ve learnedid diat anything Tiilws’Ncws has confirmed hnveh a back-tip )resldential candidate and loIt c atio n .” irv'^ canhapfppen. The police mayay even want to onroadifix ■ e'Htep, Hon I’aul, H-Texas, will Amanda l.ce, the jpQ . cliange visit'I\vlrwin Tails o n April 25 to deliv- schedulersi with the ^ H l( >e the venue for secururity reasons.” was on leech. The rally, according to H on P a u l . 20l)[] S j i -HI'Rick M artin, local coordinoInotor of Paul's campaign , Manufacturer Wi ical coordinator of Paul’s campaign,Ci said, PaulPai iiign. HickM artin, will take . "Ves, Dr. Paul will W a sh in g to n D.C. iilllc»ri p ro v id ed p en ," MMai arlin sa id . "T he police m ay the hook to wideden road; SlSii:either at CSi's Fine Arts bebi com ing to (lie aa-a on Ap(\pril 2;". further confirmatit::uion o f ilie d a t e . ev en wvant an to cliange ibe venue fur, A udltoriiiriu m o r d ie City Park. buthi I'm unable lo connriirm a n y " h i m y 20 year.s’ars o f e x p erien c e secu rityty rean so n s." ByJared S. Hopkins • ,“We.' s e c u r e d ih e C ity Park , locationslo at this time, We areai still pjaiining- politicaical events, I've S taff w riter ________________ ________ today.": Ihe told the 7/ h i«-AV'iw , consideringc( some veniies."." Paul's le a r n e d th a t anvillyihing can hap- PleasoI se e PAUL. Pajje A3 A fter bciiii; a p p ro a d ieL’d d twoi m onths a g o by layco. th u c ity's Urb;Jrban Henewal Agcncj’ successfully reireceived an exemption from . the 1 Planning and Zoning comi: By Jared S. HtHopkins • Staff writerter foiir-year*ol(l inandaie tooividcnaroad IV n e a r o n e o f th e c o m p a nly's y 's facility. : arkrkiiig In d o w n to w n i\vin l-alls C ity olTlcinls sa id th e reqi forDr years symbolized.by missi 'alley.com . tiny the rc<iiiirfinL‘ni to bu n d b ro k en m e te rs — h a s expl(:pl()fl- Howdo you)u ftfeel about lurning lane O n Wasbin}: cd at thee seams• In recent years, accoi'cord- poikinc downiiwniown? Go to South — was m ade due t»to in g to a.new ni study hya private consiinsiili- ■ Maeicvalley.cotn3tn ■and Ict u s know. struction cosis the city cou a n t . a n d a lack o f In ie re st fromm c -'T lic study, presenled to tbe CiiyC Hut layco (■enenil manager CouricllI t:this week, found the park!irking Meter enl'orceinent;nt is inolfeciive, ilie said he asked tbu ciiy iwo i system totti be ineffective, and. iis nilesnil siudyfmind.rirsl-ilniiIme violators receive about Onally reniuving Ihellu ' . ' im eriforcirceahle. .The ciiy, whiclill on> warnings; repeat oHenIfenders a r e lin ed Sii. from 2004 becausc It.won / officially assumed die hn:hiiic- w’hich c a n increasee IOii SU); ih ird -Iin ie business and cause iraflliifilc ' *ions o:)f f tbe bowiitowii . lUisini■ini'ss v io laio rs c an b e finetned Sin. w’hlcli can that have since been solved Im proveiieineni Disirict, lias preparlared in c re as e lo S2I), Hnimeline recoinmentleti a "I just didn't feel we siu vays to ll\ the situaiion but)ut Is single u n ifo rm fine wilbi>uiwit a warning, nuiney If It's not going to si pur* ’' undecidecled on a long-t(‘rm soluii<jn..1.. llramewroiethenienielershave failetl io p o se ,” Yoder said. ■ '' is.25 cents per luiiir lo parkk aia a live up lo die goal ofof iTealingt inrnovei: Jayco arrived in ‘l\vin I'al V meter. IllThere are about 2(>(l iiieierlen.'il c h arg in g for p ark in:ig g iriggersi turnover, recniiied in part by the ci . 's p a c e s, ai;and ai ii'as'i 2^! lack ineierss anilai b n i if en ip ltiy t’es useietlic tl spaces, poien- Henewal Agency, wliich m a n y n iolore i a re b ro k e n , a c c o rd in g Ki10 tthe lial c u s to m e rs are disciliscouraged fniitivis- responsible for attraclingg a handrul S3,111)0 study,Sll iierftirini-d by Porilanland- iiing due lo a lack oof f p a rk in g . T h e fat't business successes. Includii.iding Dell a n d . .ba.svdcon□nsultani Dane niaine.- people t;an "meier■r fifeed" also tleieis Seasirom M anufacturing . ' : “It's a.-,i. big drill," said, licoiu^n■qniic tu rn o v er, th e stu d v foimfoi: tl. In 200‘l. a special-use ]• /Develripii;)ment Direcior Melhilliula . gnuited lo the Urban Renei Agency' ■ ' Anderson.)n. Please seese e PARKING. Page A3 so jnyco could ojierale its "'r»^!ilni>t''n Street Soulli. A special • requirem ents was die road the plant was on. The agency failed to ai .V receiving a one-year extensi in H m P j Hy Septem ber 2007 the agongoncy w as o m . of compliance, althoughll llIhere is no penalty, said city planninner Amber H SA fl .Westensktiw. ' H a p i r ' • On 1\iesday, the city's planningpla and - zoning commission imanimonslytnj; agreed to delete ibe re(|iiirc v‘ | ; v ■ d e c isio n d o e s n e e d Cli>Clly . approval. Yoder said widening iheie roadr would . force h im lo l<ise b u s in e s s ai roads. Ilis second facilityy ono lankiiis Hoad, ivhich opened last y< fo r iniffic lo b e d iv e rte d fnfrom diuvn- town. If Washington Sn w ere w id e n ed , he'd a lso b a v e to pi tu re s for w a te r d ra in a g e to n 'V' •' die hew road area, he said. “I just can't afford to give lip ' A visitor to) downtownd Twin Falls tries to push i acre," he saki. ijh a quarter into a parking meterr WcWednesday on Main -.Aveniie. Thele meterI did not accepi the quarter,ter. Missing and broken meters likekethls tl one arc lust part Please see lAYCAYCO. Poge A4 . ofthe reasonion that revenue conlinucs to plumirimmct. M u r t a u g h ddigester i receijivesjBnalapp]p r o v a l L a ceking fore!e s i g h t i n hl i i n d s i g h t L^fn' . dnraiion, die rise t Operators seetrencind P l i r a s e ^e o f llie S u n n i iiiMiigciu y ;e‘we didn't anticlpat _ anil Shiite mllilla>lias, liie tlisplateineiii <jl' in soutiiem Idaho0 . ■ 11 Snin millions of Iraqis,Is, tthe ethnic suite and llic ' ■ becommes one-size-fits-all s inability of the lra([ra([i govenunenl m renm- [Jgj- die seciariaii differffeieiices. By Nate Poppino . , on maiaking bad news belte Ihit il's ntit jnsla Ihili e w ar. "W e tildri'i aniie- Staff writof__________■ . By Paul FaiFaiti ifiatc ..." has becoicome a surellie, oiie-si/i-- • T s B i » The WashIshlngton Post_________________________ llis-all formulationion foi anyone siiirk wiib A n a n ae ro b ic d ig e s ie r slaic ' W W w K M ir^'ing lil make batlbat: n e w s se e m iietler. Il's for a new Heiiencouri daidalr>' ■ . '■ rfwj . ^Ve adndiiiit it: We did not aniicipaiilale dial . die go-lo jiiirasee forl'( polillcians, gcneials, southwest of MurtaughI hashi H r ' ‘JO h B n o ta n iicIcipating i sliilT woultl bect)meme Mu li eeononiists. biisintsiness exeeulives, tloemrs, received Ils final p e rm il froi ' j from I ! I ! I rhelorical device and all-piipurpo.se coaches and olller^lers siuck in jams laiigiiin the Idaho DepiirtmeniIt i 8 ’ ^ of I' U ' ' c-NplaiiaiiiIlion for Why SlnffW eni Wron•ong. irom the mongageIge market iiielidown ii> an Hnvironniental Qiialltlallty. I week, for example, Hynn Cnicker.Cn early (i.e.. unaniitiiiieip ale d ) exit I'riim th e adding to a small yet groivii'"•ing I . am bassador tn Iraij. lold a SenateS NC/\A basketballII imlo iriianient.
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