CHILDREN LEARN BY DOING. THEY WANT AND NEED TO PARTICIPATE ACTIVELY IN ALL AREAS OF FAMILY LIFE AND LIVING. AT THIS AGE THEY ARE PHYSICALLY STRONG AND HEALTHY, GREGARIOUS, CAPABLE OF RESPONSIBILITY AND She Was Ours Maria Montessori’s Barcelona Years (1916-1936) by Punum Bhatia ARE BECOMING MORE AND MORE REFLECTIVE. THEY ARE CAPABLE OF GREAT ENDEAVORS AT THIS TIME IN THEIR LIVES y the start of the 1920s, Dr. her own books in a public square both ed grants for seven teachers to attend the (6-12 YEARS OLD). AS ADULTS WE MUST HELP THEM FIND THE WORK THEY LOVE TO DO AND LEAVE THE REST TO THE Maria Montessori had built in Berlin and Vienna” (Standing, pg.85). second International Montessori Course CHILDREN. THEY WILL CONTINUE TO AMAZE US WITH THEIR SPIRITS AND EFFORTS!" —MARIA MONTESSORI Bquite a reputation around in Rome. Palau Vera also received Mon- the world. The first Casa dei Bambini So when Montessori returned to Eu- tessori's permission to translate her writ- (Children’s House) opened in 1907 in a rope at the end of her second Ameri- ings in to Spanish, and this helped to working-class neighborhood in Rome, can trip, she took the invitation of local popularize her work even more. and, within a short period of time, there government officials in Barcelona and were schools following her Method not made Spain her home. In 1915, just as Maria Montessori left only in Europe but also in the United for America, she sent Anna Maccheroni, States, Asia, and Central and South A Spanish magazine, Feminal had pub- who had worked with her from the start, America. Simultaneously, Montessori lished an article on the Montessori to Barcelona, where a small school with was also offering courses for teachers and Method on the 24th of September 1911. just five children opened. This was the writing articles in Italian and English It “presented the Method’s character- Casa dels nens (Carrer Universitat # 21). to publicize her Method and thoughts. istics and highlighted the fact that, by Fame and recognition came quickly to giving children freedom, Montessori The school became popular very quickly Montessori. The world’s press recorded managed to maintain a high degree of and within six months already had over stories of how successful her Method discipline among them” (Rubi & Garcia, one hundred children. was, and cultural leaders placed power- 2011). The first Montessori school in ful tools in her hands and supported the Spain was started in Barcelona in 1913, “There had been no attempt to publi- growth of her educational system. when Spain came to realize that the an- cize the school and no promotion was swer to its need for modernization lay undertaken; there were no prospectuses However, when the fascist rule became in improving its educational system. In and no newspaper articles. The parents dominant in Italy, Maria Montessori 1913, the Barcelona Provincial Council of the original five children told oth- saw that her ideas of education could began to reform the Casa de Maternidad ers, who brought their children to the not work in this authoritarian atmo- from a gloomy orphanage to an institu- school and asked that they be allowed to sphere. She realized that schools were tion where the most economically dis- attend.” (Kramer, 1976, p.248). part of the social mechanism that con- advantaged children could receive care ditioned people towards an acceptance from the principles inspired by Montes- Larger premises were needed to ac- of war, prejudice, hatred, and violence. sori's ideas. “Although the project could commodate the growing numbers. This was in conflict with the social not be developed in its entirety, the and the school moved to Carrer de la ethos of her schools that reflected a nursery at the Casa de Materinidad would Diputacio #262. concern for civic virtue and incorpo- become a frame for disseminating Mon- rated this by teaching peace, respect, tessori's pedagogical ideas from 1914 on- Around this time, Anna Maccheroni grace, and courtesy, the skills needed ward” (Rubi & Garcia, 2011). was invited by the Abbot of the Bene- to resolve conflicts in an orderly and dictine Order to take part in a Liturgi- dignified manner. John Palau Vera, a teacher who attended cal Congress in Montserrat. Macche- the first International Montessori Course roni felt that the teaching of the Liturgy “Indeed, the fascists ordered all her in Rome in 1913, played a large role in could be presented to the children and schools to be closed. In Germany and publicizing the Montessori Method in announced that she was ready to try out Austria (then under Nazi rule), things Barcelona. While the pilot project at the the experiment in the model Montessori were even more drastic. An effigy of Casa de Materinidad was being launched, school in Barcelona. With this, Montes- Montessori was burned over a pyre of the Barcelona Provincial Council provid- sori’s religious education began, and in VOLUME 17 ISSUE 3 w 2015 | WWW.MONTESSORI.ORG/IMC | © MONTESSORI LEADERSHIP 21 1930, The Child in the Church was pub- setting, which the Catalan government lished. Montessori schools were gaining gave to Maria Montessori to continue in popularity, and the City Montessori with her work. School opened at Carrer d’Aribau 155. “The institute was housed in an old Plans were made for Maria Montessori building of traditional Spanish architec- to give a training course in Barcelona in ture with spacious grounds, gardens, or- mid-February 1916, and so, when Mon- chards, and winding, palm-lined paths. tessori returned from California, she There were little pools with fountains moved to Barcelona to prepare for this. and goldfish, sheds, and cages for pets, all under the brilliant southern sky” There were 185 attendees from Eu- (Kramer, 1976, p. 250). rope, Australia, and North America who came to learn the theoretical and Around 1920, the Catalan independence practical components of the Montessori movement began to demand that Mon- an armed escort arrived at my house I Method. As a result of this course, the tessori take a political stand and make a thought I was to be taken to a prison, but Association of Friends of the Montessori public statement favoring Catalan inde- they assured me that I was safe. ‘We are Method was created. The Catalan gov- pendence, but Montessori refused to do not killing women,’ they said. ernment, very interested in educational so. Official support was withdrawn from reform, fully backed and supported Ma- her programs. In 1924, a new military Just then the British Consul’s car ar- ria Montessori. Her popularity grew, dictatorship closed Montessori’s model rived and I was told to make immediate with people expressing their admira- school in Barcelona, and Montessori preparations for my journey to London. tion for her and inviting her to visit their education declined in Spain, although I packed, and within a few minutes, we schools. So much so that once, when she Barcelona remained Montessori’s home were driving down to the quay-side could not hold back her tears in church for the next twelve years. In 1933, un- with the British flag flying prominently and later apologized for breaking down, der the Second Spanish Republic, the on the front of the car. she was told not to be sorry for, “She government sponsored a new training had cried with us; she was ours” (Kramer, course and government support was re- The British cruiser Douglas was waiting 1976). Such was her acceptance! established. However, with the onset of there, and I was taken on board, received the Spanish Civil War in 1936, the po- by the commander, and then taken to a For Montessori, “it seemed, she had litical and social conditions drove Mon- cabin. I was the only foreigner and the finally found the opportunity she had tessori to leave Spain permanently. She only woman on board. We left imme- been waiting for, the chance to experi- left Barcelona aboard a British warship diately for Marseilles” (London Evening Tele- ment on a large scale under her own for England, where she and Mario took graph, August 3, 1936). u control with the application of her refuge. As Montessori herself said to an Method to children of various ages and English newspaper: References backgrounds and to extend the Method Kramer, R. (1976). Maria Montessori: A biography. into the program of the elementary- “I do not think I was ever in danger. Bar- New York: Putnam school years” (Kramer, 1976, p. 248). celona was still in Government hands, but Rubi,F.C., & Garcia, B.S. (2011). The photography and the priests had taken an active part in the propaganda of Maria Montessori method in Spain The Seminari Laboratori de Pedagogia fighting, and I believe most of the danger (1911-1931). Paedagogica Historica, 48(4), 571Ð587. (Diagonal 482), training and research to the churches was caused by stocks of Standing, E. M. (1957). Maria Montessori: Her life and center as well as a school, was the perfect ammunition left inside by them. When work. London 22 © MONTESSORI LEADERSHIP | WWW.MONTESSORI.ORG/IMC | VOLUME 17 ISSUE 3 w 2015.
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