Compriler-Aided Design. Vol. 29, No. 12. pp. 895-905, 1997 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd Printed in Great Britain PII: SOOlO-4485(97)00028.6 0010.4485/97/$17.00+0.00 Research Report A repository for design, process planning and assembly William C Regli*t and Daniel M Gaines* for collaboration, allowing, researchers to post challenge This paper provides an introduction to the Design, Planning and problems to a wide audience, share results, or perform Assembly Repository available through the National Institute of larger-scale experiments requiring bigger data sets with Standards and Technology (NIST). The goal of the Repository is to industrially relevant data. It is our belief that establishment provide a publically accessible collection of 2D and 3D CAD and of this Internet-enabled communal library will hasten solid models from industry problems. In this way, research and advances in solid modeling and application areas such as development efforts can obtain and share examples, focus on manufacturing process planning, feature recognition, and benchmarks, and identify areas of research need. The Repository is assembly planning. available through the World Wide Web at URL http : / / The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 overviews www.parts.nist.gov/parts. Publishedby Elsevierkience the current status and content of the Repository, describing Ltd the manufacturing domains it covers and giving a number of examples. Section 3 discusses research issues that either Keywords: solid modeling, CAD, feature recognition, feature- emerged during development and population of the based manufacturing, manufacturing process planning, Repository and outlines some of the new problems which assembly planning can be addressed based on the Repository’s contents. Section 4 gives concluding remarks. BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION Several efforts to build repositories of test cases, algorithms, and sample data have been undertaken by other academic The Design, Planning and Assembly Repository is an effort research disciplines in recent years. Notable among these: at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) joining government agencies, industry, and acade- l The European Computational Geometry Algorithms mia to provide a library of example data for use by the Library(CAGL):http: //ww.cs.ruu.nl/CGAL. research community. This data includes 2D and 3D l LEDA, a C++ Library of Efficient Data Types and designs and solid models, assemblies and process planning Algorithms: http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/ information. LEDA/w/leda.html. This paper introduces the Repository and gives an over- l CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository: http: / / view of its contents and structure. It is the goal of the www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/pro- Repository is to give researchers access to a wide variety ject/ai-repository/ai/html/air.html. of problems taken from industry-thus improving the base l UC1 Machine Learning Repository: http : / / of common working knowledge for the community and www.ics.uci.edu/-mlearn/MLReposi- giving students access to challenging and high-impact tory.html. problems. The Repository will also provide a focal point l The Guide to Available Mathematical Software (CAMS): gopher://gams.nist.gov. ‘Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Current address: The ascendency of the Internet and World Wide Web has Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, Drexel University, 32nd provided the communication medium to build vital online & Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA libraries having wide user-bases and access. tManufacturing Systems Integration Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Building 220, Room A-127, Gaithersburg MD, The NIST Design, Planning and Assembly Repository USA (http://www.parts.nist.gov/parts) has initi- $Department of Computer Science, The University of Illinois at Urbana- ally been designed to serve three communities: Champaign, Urbana IL, USA Paper Received: 6 November 1996. Revised: 12 May 1997 l Manufacturing Process Planning has been an area of A repository for design, process, planning and assembly: W C Regli and D M Gaines active research activity over the past 15 years. The two format that is either an established international standard or traditional types of approach to computer-aided process industry-developed ‘open’ standard: planning are the variant approach and generative approach. The variant approach involves retrieving s tp / . step-STEP Application Protocol 203 (AP existing plans for similar parts and making modifica- 203) is the International Standards Organization (ISO) tions to adjust the plan for new parts. Generative process standard 10303-203 for the exchange of boundary repre- planning creates new process plans using decision logics sentation solid model of mechanical artifacts.’ Various and process knowledge. For additional details and litera- levels of STEP AP203, as of 1996, are beginning to ture surveys on recess planning, readers are referred to become a common import/export option in high-end References ‘,‘,‘< and mid-priced CAD/CAM systems. igs/ . iges-The International Graphics Exchange l Feature Recognition and Feature-based Manufactur- ing I9 has emerged as a critical enabling technology for Standard (IGES) format. I4 Originally only for the a number of application areas in CAD/CAM, including exchange of 2D and 3D wireframe, recent IGES exten- process planning. In essence, product descriptions as sions include surface information. geometry alone do not convey sufficient information . sat -Spatial Technologies’ ACIS solid modeler file formatZ3. for downstream manufacturing activities; hence, designs must be interpreted in terms of manufacturing features. Some of the Repository’s content is maintained in a Automated feature recognition has become the preferred number of proprietary native CAD/CAM file formats: technique for producing feature-based representations, having been employed with varying success for a variety . acs / . ac is-The ACIS kernel ships with a self- of applications including process planning [I, part code contained test harness.” The test harness is an inter- generation for group technology and design analysis i’. active text-based interface to the functionality of the These feature technologies rely heavily on the geometric ACIS kernel, allowing users to create scripts that and topological manipulation capabilities of solid create, manipulate, and save/retrieve models. acs modeling systems and deal predominantly with form and . acis files are scripts for generating ACIS or machining features. bodies within the test harness. l Assembly planning has been approached as both a geo- . dgn-The design file format for Bentley Systems Inc. metric and symbolic reasoning problem. Geometric MicroStation and MicroStation Modeler CAD system. reasoning applied to assembly planning has focused in The . dgn file format represents 2D and 3D surface and motion planning, fixturing, and robotic as well as human wireframe data (as designed in the MicroStation CAD grasping ‘3.27. Symbolic approaches emphasize the system), as well as 3D solid model data (for artifacts generation of assembly sequences for individual compo- designed in the ACIS-based MicroStation Modeler nents and sub-assemblies as well as on the development system). of rules and spreadsheets to help designers create more . dxf / . dwg-The design tile format for Autodesk’s efficient assemblies2. Much of the existing geometric AutoCAD system. Similar to Bentley’s MicroStation reasoning work operates on polyhedral approximations environment, . dxf / . dwg files for earlier AutoCAD of the CAD data and on designs with uni-directional releases (V12 and earlier) contain 2D and 3D surface assembly plans. and wireframe data. Recent releases of AutoCAD (V13 and the Mechanical Desktop) are ACIS-based products Although significant progrerss has been made in these supporting solid models. research areas, at present there are no fully automated . kid-The Parasolid modeling system includes an process planning, feature recognition or assembly planning interactive programming environment based on LISP. systems for other than very specific problems. Complicating The Kernel Interface Driver (KID) is a runtime environ- matters is that most previous research efforts have ment for generating solids and interacting with the Para- proceeded individually-each focusing on particular some solid modeling engine. kid files are LISP programs sub-domain with its own idiosyncratic examples. Organiza- that run in the KID. tions such as Computer Aided Manufacturing International . p f i -PADL-23 is an early solid modeling system that (CAM-I) have put forth suggestions for benchmarks and came out of research at the University of Rochester. example parts on a number of occasions, however current PADL files are LISP-like in structure and define the trends require a more efficient mechanism for collecting and CSG tree for the artifact they describe. disseminating example cases. .prt, .neu, . asm-Pro/ENGINEER (from Para- metric Technology Corporation uses several of its own internal and exchange file formats. The Repository con- DESCRIPTION OF REPOSITORY CONTENTS tains examples in several of these. pr t is the ‘part’ file format-often containing a history tree of modeling The repository covers a variety of commonly used operations and dependencies. This is a format close to manufacturing processes. Many of these parts are taken Pro/E’s internal data model. directly from industry or government efforts and describe
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