ONTIXENTAL ON DITX. THfr TFESDALIi; MbRCURY—WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 5, 1870. that a large force is being orgaaiaed at I that in the event of an advance of the m the Loire—a contingency oon.-idered SECRET TELEGRAPHIC WIRES FROM PARIS. eupied by the Prussians. The fighting commenced at THE SEAT OF WAR. wine. The seoond-olass waiting room had, for the city as superior to those of other towns, but object* IM quarters—the representatives of the BERLIN, September 29. three a.m., and after a well-sustained fire, lasting night, been oonverted into an hospital. On the long that the violence of a portion of the population ren­ Jk will fall back on Nantes. several hours, our field batteries, supported by the General Podbielski reports from Ferrieres, Sept. tables had been placed rough mattresses, and on theso ders it unsafe to plaoe the Government of the BTT of French unifocu.8, addressed 'to the fire from the forts, completely carried the redoubt and THE QTJEES OF PRUSSIA'S BIRTHDAY. 28, that telegraph lines from Paris to Rouen and to were calmly sleeping a number of men who had been oountry within their control. " Of all the towns of •rusaia at headquarters, have been' it ia the Sagne mill of Villejuif, as well as the redoubt of BERLIN, September 30. the S >uth have been discovered in the bed of the Btruok down at Sedan, and were now sufficiently re­ France," says the Pafe-ie, " Lyons is the only one lized in Paris. It is easy to guese, the the Haute Bruyere. They maintained the oonquered The Queen's birthday was celebrated by a grand Seine and underground, and destroyed. There is covered to bear carriage by railway. In a spirit of that has ventured to raise the red flag, and in which pnues, what was the objeot of the King positions and still oeoupy them. The enemy suffered serenade. Six hundred singers and musicians were nothing new otherwise. rough, masculine kindness the poor fellows seemed to for ten days the well-dispoeed citizens have been un­ I to olotbe his Boldiers with them; to tend considerably. The Garde Mobile behaved well. On engavi d. There was an immense crowd and great The artisles of capitulation at Toul contain a pro­ bo watched by soldier nurses. able to suppress a commune which seams to be ntly with pacific intentions on Paris, the the same day Rear-Admiral Saisset effected a bril­ sheering. vision that in case of an occurrence similar to that of desirous of introducing terrorism into the Govern­ I their head, and make them enter, liant reconnaissance on the side of Bourget. At the "THE MOURNERS QO ABOUT THE STREETS." On Wednesday there was heavy fighting at Metz, Laon, the whole garrison Bhall be at the merey of the mental system. Not only were the magistrates for of Paris, M. Etienne Arago, has pub- head of 200 Fusiliers, 400 marine infantry, and eight France has gloom enough at present. Franoe is German oommander. who held office on September 4 thrown into i which orders that the Place Royale near Colombey and Ars-la-Quenexy. companies of light cavalry of the Seine, he quickly filled with mourners. The sight of her women alone prison, kept in solitary confinement, and threatened •forth be called the Place des Voeges. Paris is quiet. • -DETAILS OF THE SURRENDER OF dislodged the enemy from the village of Dranoy. would suffioe to show how mighty is the national with still greater severities, but also the I'refet •eoalis the fact that the latter name was THE SIEGE OF METZ. STRASBOURG. sorrow, and how wide are its branching roots. .*' ' On the same day again General Hill anon ordered sent by the Government of the Republic was for a _ the First Republic, as a souvenir of the LUDWi•..SHAKEN, October 1. MUNDELSHEIM, September 28. Among these classes who are rioh enough to buy a' an attack on the village of Pierrefitte, and the enemy, long time unable to procure recognition of hie |f the Department of the Vosges, whioh The Frenoh at Metz are growing more nervous. The formalities of the surrender of Strasbourg were garb of mourning, you everwhere see the dark tokens though in considerable force, was driven out after authority, and he was continually watched by I of the Department to furnish to Franoe On the 21th, Tuesday, the Motz garrison seat a rail- gone through to-day. of sorrow. Look along the streets and you eee rather a sharp fight, our troops effecting their return delegates of the communo, which paid no attention kyment of the impost and the military Toad train containing several infantry battalions, with The garrison will be sent as prisoners of war to women dressed in blaok ; the dinner-table reveals the to St. Denis without being disturbed by the enemy.' " to his authority or his deii»ions. In the same phich were requirtd from it two locomotives, forward on the Saarbrnoken road Rastadt. They number in all 400 officers and 17,000 same symbol of grief; the railway carriage is filled MARSEILLES, September 26. number in which it was proposed to constitute Lyons as far as Crepy. The twenty or thirty piokets who men. with the same proclamation of mourning for the CLARE-TIE, one of the commissioners The Mayor of Marseilles has posted up a placard as the provisional capital, tne Saint Public published wore in view delivered fire and alarmed the line, but At eight this morning the gates of the town and dead. In one compartment of the carriage by which |y the French Government to edit and calling for a loan of 10 millions of francs. even more lamentable accounts of the expulsion of the enemy got out of the carriages quickly a little the citadel were taken possession of by the Germans, I reached Tours there were four women; they were Imperial oorrespoadeuoe captured at M. Zaffiroputo, a Greek merchant, has placed three public functionaries and the continued confinement in rear of picket line, captured 150 of 15th and German pioneers at onoe commenced restoring all dressed in black, and the face of more than one | letter which appears in the Cloche says : millions of francs at the disposition of the Munici­ in prison cells of several oommissaiies of police, the Prussian Infantry, broke their rifles, and set the bridges. At nine a.m. the mayor and munioipal would have borne witness to freshness and depth of | doubt of the depth of the mire. The pality for the purchase of rifles. expulsion of the Carmelites, and the robberies to the prisoners again at liberty. After cap­ council came to this place. At half-past tea a.m. the sorrow without the parade or attestation of funeral it reads what we aro reading, will The young men between the ages of sixteen and which they were subjected." The Patrie conclude* turing 80 beeves, they returned before German garrison troops laid down their arms. drapery. One woman, whose pious instinots were kaus<a." twenty are forming a French legion to replace the by atking what evidence there is to induce a belief reinforcements arrived. Last night, large masses At eleven the Germans oocupied the different quarters betrayed by the rosary beads which served her for a Garde Nationale should that body be mobilised. that in future the authority of the Central Govern­ of the north of France are/it is Baid of cavalry of the 7th Corps were thrown north­ of the town and the public buildings. Three batteries watch ehain, was reading a book on whi h I read the Five hundred and fifty-one Garibaldians, among ment will be more respected in Lyons than it has ligoroualy to resist any attacks of the ward from Courcelles, to reinforoe the 1st Corps were stationed in the Kleber square. The German title, " L'Art d'etre toujours content." Poor woman! whom are 15 officers left for Tours this evening. recently been, and adds that until such proof is given I In Arras the municipality has published at Sainte Barbe, Antilly. The first oorps of artil­ staff will enter the town in the course of the day. Her pale, worn face and mourning dress told how the oountry will not be disposed to intrust its in­ Hiich states that the approach of the lery advance! from Sainte Barbe to Noisseville. The Southern League has published a manifesto hard it was for her to learn that "art," and how THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON. terests to such turbulent politicians. i less than twolve kilometres of the walls This was to meet an offensive north-eastern whioh concludes thus :—" We do not wish to dimi­ profoundly she laoked its benedictions. And the CASSEL, September 29. * nish the aotion of the oentral Power, but on the lesson before the sorrow-stricken women is also that unoed by ringing all the bells of the city, movement of the enemy. As Bazaine withdrew CAPTURE OF THE KINO'S COURIER WITH LETTERS Some German newspapers have given publicity to contrary, to aid it." before the country. With her finest armies shat­ alarm has been given, no one will be to-day, the cavalry will partially be used north, AND DESPATCHES. a report that the Emparor Napoleon has attempted tered, her capital besieged, and her military supremacy ome into or go out of Arras without a east, and west of Thionville, to sweep the hitherto M. THIER'S MISSION. Dr. Russell, writing from Chaumes, thirty mUes to oommit suicide. This statement is a pure destroyed, poor Franco—la belle France of other unscathed villages thoroughly clear of provisions in ST.
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