Rural Romania National Rural Development Network Issue 32 year II, June 2015 David Eugen POPESCU Investments in animal husbandry, based on SAPARD Lavender – an architecture and art platform Agri-tourism boarding house, a finality of the investment in animal husbandry „Romontana” National Association for Mountain Rural Development ROOTS OF A EUROPEAN COUNTRY Ministerul Agriculturii și Dezvoltării Rurale UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ Rural Romania – no. 32 REGIONAL OFFICES Support Network of the National Rural Development Network Contents BRĂILA EDITORIAL 282 Independentei Blvd., 1st floor, postal code 810124, [email protected] Animal husbandry: A value in which we should invest ..........................................................................................................3 Tel.: 0339 732 009, Fax: 0339 732 016 CRAIOVA INTERVIEW 19 Libertatii St., The Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, room L-311, 2nd floor, postal code 200421, David Eugen POPESCU, General Manager of the Agency for the Funding of Rural Investment (AFRI): Investments [email protected] in animal husbandry with European funding, based on SAPARD, 2007 – 2013 NRDP, 2014 – 2020 NRDP ....................4 Tel.: 0251 460 377, Fax: 0251 423 651 ZALĂU RURAL DEVELOPMENT 49 Kossuth Lajos St., postal code 450010, [email protected] Main measures taken for the development of animal husbandry ..........................................................................................6 Tel.: 0360 404 056, Fax: 0360 404 158 Impact of the specific aid provided to cattle milk producers in the disadvantaged areas .................................................. 19 TÂRGU MUREŞ 60 Mihai Eminescu St., postal code 540331, [email protected] PEOPLE Tel.: 0365 430 349, Fax: 0365 430 351 Agriculture: Family tradition and successful business ........................................................................................................24 IAŞI Lavender – an architecture and art platform .......................................................................................................................27 Ciric Recration Area – Ciric Recreation Complex, postal code 700064, [email protected] Tel.: 0332 881 281, Fax: 0332 881 282 EXPERIENCES TIMIŞOARA My farm: Passion equals success ....................................................................................................................................... 31 53 Take Ionescu Blvd., 2nd floor, office 26, postal code 300074, [email protected] My business: Agri-tourism boarding house, a finality of the investment in animal husbandry ...................................34 Tel.: 0356 460 982, Fax: 0356 460 983 TÂRGOVIŞTE 7A Varzaru Armasu St., postal code 130169, [email protected] UP-TO-DATE LEADER „Pe Mureș și pe Târnave” Local Action Group Association ..................................................................................................37 Tel.: 0345 100 025, Fax: 0345 100 605 „Banat – Vest Local Action Group” Association ...................................................................................................................42 BUCUREŞTI 39-41 Nicolae Filipescu St., 6th floor, 2nd district, postal code 020961, [email protected] Tel.: 0316 900 214, Fax: 0316 900 215 MARD NEWS AND EVENTS New measures for 2014-2020 NRDP beneficiaries, as of July .............................................................................................45 The text of this publication is purely informative and does not imply any liability. Additional information on MARD and NSU may be found online at: www.madr.ro, www.rndr.ro NRDN MEMBERS INTRODUCE THEMSELVES „Romontana” National Association for Mountain Rural Development ...............................................................................46 NSU, Publications Department, June 2015 Federation of the Cattle Breeders from Romania .................................................................................................................49 ISSN 2393-123x ISSN-L 2393-123x Pro-Romanian Food Association – PRFA ............................................................................................................................. 51 © NRDN, 2015 The reproduction of the texts from this magazine is authorized, provided that the source is indicated. Printed in Romania. Photo copyright: Cecilia Dinu, Sándor Kálmán, „Pe Mureș și pe Târnave” Local Action Group Association, „Banat – Vest Local Action Group” Association, „Romontana” National Association for Mountain Rural Development, Federation of Cattle Breeders from Romania, Romanian Food Promotion Association – RFPA II 1 Rural Romania – no. 32 Editorial Animal husbandry: A value in which we should invest Along the history, the products whi- for the local farms to develop both as family business, but with real impact ch have been of value for society have it comes to size and quality. Animal on the community. continued to change. Nowadays, many husbandry, about which we invite say that the worldwide need of food you to read in the pages of this issue We obviously did not omit to submit will make great powers of the coun- of our magazine, was also supported to your attention the measures taken tries capable of providing such resour- during the period prior to the accessi- at local level for the economic and so- ces. From this perspective, Romania on of Romania to the European Union, cial development of communities. In has potential: wide agricultural areas, but it has faced a higher intensity af- the current issue, we provide you with environment optimal for both exten- terwards. In this issue we recapitu- information from several communiti- sive and intensive animal husbandry late the efforts made under SAPARD – meaning an assembly of factors suf- programme and the two national rural es from Banat and Ardeal. ficient to generate a high-performan- development programmes, 2007-2013 ce agriculture. To these we must add NRDP and 2014-2020 NRDP, but also Last but not least, we invite you to also a rural area still well populated with by other supporting measures which meet a few of the associations which people who can implement any well- the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural are, not by accident, member of the defined project. Development has taken in accordance National Rural Development Network, with the Common Agricultural Policy. which are active in the animal husban- Investments are necessary in order to dry development process. Enjoy the capitalize this potential. Even though We also tried to provide examples of reading! the agriculture from our country has these efforts in a few stories of some also faced more difficult times after farmers who have developed projects Viviana Vasile, Team Leader of the revolution, being in a continuo- based on these programmes. They de- „Establishment and Support of the us transformation process, suffici- veloped large businesses or they con- National Rural Development Network” ent efforts have been made in order fined themselves to starting a small Project 2 3 Rural Romania – no. 32 Interview and state budget contribution); for the they signed funding contracts in to- contribution afferent to 2015 annu- David Eugen POPESCU, General Manager animal sector afferent to this measure, tal amount of 34.5 million Euro. Also al session is of 205,776,952 million 330,346,319 million Euro were availa- under the Measure 112, 6,508 funding Euro, consisting in the contribution of the Agency for the Funding of Rural ble. 1,164 compliant funding applica- contracts were signed with beneficia- of the Government of Romania and of tions were submitted and evaluated, ries who have mixed investment pro- the European Union. 72,021,933 milli- in total non-repayable amount of over ject (vegetal crops and animals), their on Euro are assigned for the animal Investment (AFRI): Investments in animal 824 million Euro. Funding contracts total non-repayable amount being of husbandry sector. were signed with 229 beneficiaries, approximately 151 million Euro. husbandry with European funding, based on the non-repayable amount of the con- The measure regarding the support tracts being of 173, 4 million Euro. 551 Under Measure 215 “Payments for the for the set-up of young farmers re- payment applications from the benefi- welfare of the animals” a total alloca- ceives a total budgetary allocation of SAPARD, 2007 – 2013 NRDP, 2014 – 2020 NRDP ciaries, accounting for approximately tion of EUR 369,762,612 was achieved. 444,839,556 million Euro. The total 89 million Euro, have been authorized public contribution afferent to the Which were the first measures for payment. On May 26th, the European taken to support the farmers in session for 2015 for Sub-measure 6.1 Commission approved the is of EUR 111,209,889, including the the field of animal husbandry? Measure 112 “Setting up of young far- National Rural Development contribution of the European Union Which were the amounts recei- mers” of 2007-2013 NRDP has benefi- Programme for 2014-2020 pro- (90%) and that of the Government of ved by the farmers under this ted by a total allocation of 303,682,367 gramming period. Which are the Romania (10%). measure? million Euro, which was insufficient if measures supporting the animal we relate to the number of submitted husbandry sector? Based on the experience with the pre- David Eugen Popescu: The first funding applications, 22,494 compli- form of aid, which was provided to ant applications in amount of over 630 vious programmes, the new program- support the Romanian farmers, was million
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