Document of THE WORLD BANK Public Disclosure Authorized Report No. 17396-MAR, PROJECT APPRAISAL DOCUMENT ON A Public Disclosure Authorized PROPOSED INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION CREDIT IN AN AMOUNT OF US$24 MILLION TO THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF MAURITANIA FORA Public Disclosure Authorized HEALTH SECTOR INVESTMENT PROJECT February 24, 1998 Public Disclosure Authorized Human Development II Africa Region CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (Exchange rate effective as of December 22, 1997) Currency Unit = UM I UM US$0.006353 US$1 157.41 UM FISCAL YEAR January I to December 31 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AfDB - African Development Bank AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ARI - Acute Respiratory Infections BCI - Budget consolide d'investissements (Public Investment Budget) BHA - Better Health in Africa CAS - Country Assistance Strategy CDC - Center for Disease Control CGP - Comitetde gestion du programme (Program Management Committee) CHN - Centre hospitalier national (National Hospital Center) CPF - Centre de promotion feminine (Center for the Promotion of Women) CPP - Commission de preparation du PASS (Project Preparation Committee) CSA - Centre de sante cate,gorieA (Health center category A) CSB - Centre de sante categorie B (Health center category B) CSPD - Commission chargee du suivi et de la mise en oeui re du Plan Directeur 1998-2002 (Sector Policy Implementation Board) DAAF - Direction des affaires administratives etfinancieres (Directorate of Administrative and Financial Affairs) DALY - Disability Adjusted Life-Year DGI - Direction de gestion des investissements (Directorate of Investment Management) DHR - Direction des ressources humaines (Directorate of Human Resources) DHS - Demographic and Health Survey DPCS - Direction de la planification, de la cooperation et alela statistique (Directorate of Planning, Cooperation and Statistics) DPM - Direction de la pharmacie et du medicament (Directorate for Drugs) DRASS - Direction regionale de l 'action socio-sanitaire (Regional Health Directorate) ENSP - Ecole nationale de la santepublique (National School of Public Health) EPI - Extended Program of Immunization EU - European Union FAO - Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations FDI - Foreign Direct Investment FGM - Female Genital Mutilation FPU - Family Planning Unit GDP - Gross Domestic Product GOM - Government of Mauritania GTZ - German Agency for Technical Cooperation HIV - Human Immuno-deficiency Virus HP - Communal Health Post HSIP - Health Sector Investment Project IBRD - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IAPSO - United Nations Inter-Agency Procurement Services Vice Presidents Jean-Louis Sarbib and Callisto Madavo Country Director Hasan Tuluy |Sector Managxers :Ok Pannenborg /Nicholas Buniett Task Team Leader :Sergiu Luculescu. ICB - International Competitive Bidding IDA - International Development Association IEC - Information, Education and Communication IMR - Infant Mortality Rate KAP - Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice (survey) MCH - Maternal and Child Health M&E - Monitoring and Evaluation MEP - Manuel d'execution du programme (Program Implementation Manuel) MF - Ministere des finances (Ministry of Finance) MMR - Maternal Mortality Rate MSAS - Ministere de la sante et des affaires sociales (Ministry of Health and Social Affairs) MP - Ministere du plan (Ministry of Planning) QAG - Quality Assurance Group NGO - Non-Governmental Organization ONS - Office national des statistiques (National Bureau of Statistics) PASS - Projet d'appui au secteur de la sante (HSIP) PDIS - Plan de developpement des infrastructures de sante (Health Infrastructures Development Plan) PDRH - Plan de developpement des resources humaines (Human Resources Development Plan) PER - Public Expenditure Review PFP - Policy Framework Paper PHC - Primary Health Care PHRD grant - Policy and Human Resources Development grant POAS - Plan d'operation annuel pour le secteur (Annual Operational Plan) PPF - Project Preparation Facility PRCI - Plan de renforcement de la capacite institutionnelle (Plan for institutional capacity strengthening) PTHG - Plan triennal a horizon glissant (Three-Year Rolling Plan) RH - Regional Hospital SECF - Secretariat d'etat a la condition feminine (Executive Secretariat for Women Promotion) SBD - Standard Bidding Document SDR - Special Drawing Rights SIP - Sector Investment Project SOE - Statement of Expenditures STDs - Sexually Transmitted Diseases TB - Tuberculosis TSS - Techniciens superieurs de sante (Senior Health Technicians) UM - Unite monetaire (Ouguiya) UNFPA - United Nations Fund for Population Activities UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund UNIPAC - UNICEF Procurement and Assembly Center (Centrale d'achat et de stockage de l'UNICEF) USAID - United States Agency for International Development WDR - World Development Report WHO - World Health Organization MAURITANIA Health Sector Investment Project CONTENTS A. Project Development Objective ................ 2..................................................2 1. Project development objective and key indicators for development outcome/impact.. 2 B. Strategic Context.................................................................. 3 1. Sector-related CAS goals supported by the project ....................................................... 3 2. Main sector issues and Government strategy ............................................................ 3 3. Sector issues expected to be resolved before project effectiveness............................... 4 4. Sector issues to be addressed by the project and strategic choices ............................... 5 C. Project Description Summary .................................................................. 6 1. Project components ............................................................ 6 2. Key policy and institutional reforms supported by the project .....................................6 3. Benefits and target population ............................................................ 7 4. Institutional and implementation arrangements............................................................ 8 D. Project Rationale ................................................................. 10 1. Project alternatives considered and reasons for rejection ............................................ 10 2. Major related projects financed by the Bank and/or other development agencies ...... 10 3. Lessons learned and reflected in the Program design .................................................. 11 4. Indications of borrower commitment and ownership .................................................. 13 5. Value added of Bank support in this Program ........................................................... 13 E. Summary Project Analyses ................................................................. 14 1. Economic ........................................................... 14 2. Financial........................................................... 15 3. Technical........................................................... 15 4. Institutional ........................................................... 16 5. Social ........................................................... 17 6. Environmental assessment ........................................................... 17 7. Participatory approach ........................................................... 17 F. Sustainability and Risks ................................................................. 18 1. Sustainability ........................................................... 18 2. Critical risks ........................................................... 19 3. Possiblecontroversial aspects ...................... 21 G. Main Credit Conditions ............................ 22 1. Conditions...................... 22 2. Legal Covenants .................. 23 H. Readiness for Implementation ........................ 23 I. Compliance with Bank Policies ........................ , 24 Annexes Annex 1. Program Design Summary Annex 2A. Detailed Program Description Annex 2B. Donor Activities in the Health Sector Annex 3. Estimated Project Costs Annex 4A. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of the PTHG 1998-2000 for the Health Sector in Mauritania Annex 4B. Economic Analysis Annex 5. Financial Summary Annex 6. Procurementand DisbursementArrangements Table A. Program Costs by Procurement Arrangements Table B. Thresholds for Procurement Methods and Prior Review Table C. Allocation of Credit Proceeds Table D. Estimated Disbursements of IDA Credit (1US$million) Annex 7. Program Processing Budget and Schedule Annex 8. Documents in Project File Annex 9. Statementof Loans and Credits Annex 10. Country at a Glance Annex 11. Letter of Sector Policy Map: IBRD 29419 Mauritania Health Sector Investment Project Project Appraisal Document Africa Regional Office AFTH2 Date: February24, 1998 Task Team Leader/Task Manager: SergiuLuculescu Country Manager/Director: Hasan Tuluy Sector Manager/Director:Ok Pannenborg/NicholasBurnett Project ID: MR-PE-35689 Sector: Pop. Health & Nutrition Project Objective Category: PovertyReduction LendingInstrument: Sector-wideInvestment Credit (SIP) Program of Targeted Intervention: [X] Yes [ ] No Project Financing Data [] Loan [X] Credit [ Guarantee [ ] Other [Specify) For Loans/Credits/Others: Amount (US$m/SDRm):US$24 million / SDR 17.8million Proposedterms: [ ] Multi-currency [] Single currency, specify Grace period (years): 10 [x] Standard Variable [ ] Fixed [ LIBOR-based Years to maturity: 40 Commitmentfee: 0% Service charge: 0.75% Financing plan (US$m): Source
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