Abergelli Power Project Non-Technical Summary January 2018 1 Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 9 2. The Project .......................................................................................................11 2.1 What is the Project? .................................................................................11 2.2 What will it involve? ..................................................................................11 2.3 What changes have been made to the design since the 2014 PEIR? ..... 12 2.4 How does an OCGT power station work? ............................................... 13 2.5 Where is it located? ................................................................................. 14 2.6 The Need for the Project ......................................................................... 14 2.7 Alternatives to the Project........................................................................ 15 2.8 Who is the Applicant? .............................................................................. 15 2.9 What planning framework applies to the Project? ................................... 15 2.10 What steps are being taken to mitigate the Project impacts? .................. 16 3. Methodology: Significance of Effects ............................................................... 18 3.1 What are receptors and how are they identified within the PEIR? ........... 18 3.2 How are environmental impacts measured within the PEIR? .................. 19 3.3 How are the environmental effects measured within the PEIR? .............. 20 4. Environmental Impact Assessment .................................................................. 21 4.1 Air Quality ................................................................................................ 21 4.2 Noise and Vibration ................................................................................. 24 4.3 Ecology.................................................................................................... 26 4.4 Water Quality and Resources .................................................................. 29 4.5 Geology, Ground Conditions and Hydrogeology ..................................... 31 4.6 Landscape and Visual Effects ................................................................. 33 4.7 Traffic, Transport, and Access ................................................................. 37 4.8 Historic Environment ............................................................................... 39 4.9 Socio-Economics ..................................................................................... 41 4.10 Other Effects ........................................................................................... 42 5. Cumulative Effects ........................................................................................... 45 6. Conclusions and Next Steps ............................................................................ 52 7. References ...................................................................................................... 53 2 Abbreviations Abbreviation Description AGI Above Ground Installation AONB Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty APL Abergelli Power Limited BAT Best Available Techniques BOP Balance of Plant BPM Best Practical Means BREF BAT Reference documents BS British Standard CAA Civil Aviation Association CCGT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine CCR Carbon Capture Readiness CCS City and Country of Swansea CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan CHP Combined Heat & Power CIEEM Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management CO Carbon Monoxide CO2 Carbon Dioxide CSTP Construction Staff Traffic Plan CTMP Construction Traffic Management Plan DAM Development Advice Map dB Decibel, Unit of Volume DBEIS Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy DCLG Department for Communities and Local Government DCO Development Consent Order DECC Department of Energy and Climate Change EA Environment Agency EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMF Electromagnetic Fields ES Environmental Statement EU European Union FCA Flood Consequences Assessment GCN Great Crested Newt 3 Abbreviation Description GI Ground Investigation GLVIA Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Ha Hectare, Unit of Area HER Historic Environment Record HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle HRA Habitats Regulations Assessment HSE Health and Safety Executive IAQM Institute of Air Quality Management IED Industrial Emissions Directive IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention Control km Kilometre, Unit of Length kV Kilovolt, Unit of Electric Potential LCA Landscape Character Areas LDP Local Development Plan LNR Local Nature Reserve LPA Local Planning Authority LVIA Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment M Metre, Unit of Length m/s Metres per second, Unit of Speed MOC Minimum Offtake Connection MoD Ministry of Defence MW (or MWe) Megawatts, Unit of Electricity NATS National Air Traffic Services NETS National Grid Electricity Transmission System NNR National Nature Reserve NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide NOx Nitrogen Oxides (assuming as nitrogen dioxide) NPS National Policy Statement NRW National Resources Wales NSIP Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project NSR Nearest Sensitive Receptor NTS Non-Technical Summary NVC National Vegetation Classification OCGT Open Cycle Gas Turbine OS Ordinance Survey PA 2008 Planning Act 2008 PEA Preliminary Ecological Appraisal 4 Abbreviation Description PEIR Preliminary Environmental Information Report PHE Public Health England PIG Pipeline Inspection Gauge PINS Planning Inspectorate PM10 Particulate Matter PM2.5 Particulate Matter PPW Planning Policy Wales PRoW Public Right of Way PTF Pig Trap Facility PV Photovoltaic RGE Reciprocating Gas Engines SAC Special Area of Conservation SINC/SNCI Site of Nature Conservation Interests SLA Special Landscape Areas SoCC Statement of Community Consultation SoS Secretary of State SPA Special Protection Area SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest SuDS Sustainable Drainage Systems TA Transport Assessment TAN Technical Advice Note TCPA Town and Country Planning Authority UDP Unitary Development Plan VP Viewpoint WFD Water Framework Directive WHO World Health Organisation WSI Written Scheme of Investigation ZoI Zone of Influence ZTV Zone of Theoretical Visibility 5 Project Definitions 2014 PEIR: The 2014 PEIR summarising the preliminary findings of the EIA prepared at the time of the Phase 1 consultation. 2014 PEIR NTS: The 2014 PEIR Non-Technical Summary, a report presenting a non-technical summary of the information in the 2014 PEIR. Access Road to the Generating Equipment Site - from the B4489 which lies to the west, formed by upgrading an existing access road between the B4489 junction and the Swansea North Substation and constructing a new section of access road from the Swansea North Substation to the Generating Equipment Site. Above Ground Installation: The Above Ground Installation incorporates the minimum offtake connection (MOC) facility, which would be owned by National Grid Gas, and a Pipeline Inspection Gauge (PIG) Trap Facility (PTF), owned by Abergelli Power Limited. It forms part of the Gas Connection. Additional Mitigation: Includes actions that will require further activity in order to achieve the anticipated outcome. This may be imposed as part of DCO requirements or through inclusion in the PEIR topic chapters. APFP Regulations: Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedures) Regulations 2014 (as amended) Balance of Plant: Infrastructure required to support the Gas Turbine Generator within the Generating Equipment Site and includes: Raw/Fire Water Tank; Demineralised Water Tank; Control Room/Office/Workshop Building; Gatehouse; Transformer Compound; Natural Gas Receiving Station; Fin-Fan Cooler(s); Telemetry apparatus; and Emergency Generator. Ecological Mitigation Area: An area has been set aside within the Project Site boundary if ecological mitigation is required. Location and area to be confirmed post-consultation once discussions with NRW and CCS have been undertaken. Area likely to be commensurate with the extent of mitigation required and within the Order Limits of the Project. EIA Regulations: For the Project the relevant EIA regulations are the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2009 as amended, and this term is used to mean the 2009 (as amended) regulations. Embedded Mitigation: This includes modifications to the location or design of the Project made during the pre-application phase that are an inherent part of the Project, become a fundamental part of the design for which consent is sought, and do not require any additional action to be taken. Felindre Gas Compressor Station: Gas compressor facility located in close proximity to the Project Site and adjacent to the Substation. Felindre Park and Share: Free car parking facility, located just off Junction 46 of the M4. Felindre Water Treatment Works: Water treatment facility currently located to the northwest of the Project Site. 6 Gas Connection: A new Above Ground Installation (AGI) and underground Gas Pipeline. The Gas Pipeline: The underground gas pipeline connection from the National Gas Transmission System, to the Generating Equipment Site. Generating Equipment: Gas Turbine Generator and Balance of Plant which are located on the Generating Equipment Site. Generating Equipment Site: The area within which the Generating Equipment
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