FARMERS' CELEBRATION Fair To pQfisre the Hus University students and eastern !the Fort Robinson Beef Cattle Re- Voice el a Gimat Midwestern University Nebraskans will get their first search Center. glimpse of the Cornhusker Cara The crops and grasses section VOL 52 No. 116 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Wednesday, April 22, 1953 van at the Farmer's Fair Friday shows crop drying equipment, how and Saturday. to obtain maximum yields through The Caravan, with four units irrigation, ways to grow 53 bu and 140 feet of exhibits, gives shels of wheat per acre, effective it happened at nu latest information on crops, ways to keep gram clean, adapted "I have just transferred a grasses, livestock, home economics grasses and legumes for meadows positive charge onto the elec- Valodlatedl; 4-- H troscope," ecfioms and club and Rural Youth and pastures, the fertilization of the physics professor work. wet meadows in the Sandhills and said. The exhibits include a modern sprinkler irrigation for Sandhills And as the class dozed, he 7 "L" shaped kitchen with all of meadows and pastures. The sec- continued: "And now, I bring i the necessary equipment. The tion of the Caravan will display the negatively charred rod near uu kitchen is designed so that the many pictures, models and sam- and a reaction goes underway." homemaker can get a maximum ples to. illustrate the crop Still no response from the amount of work accomplished, Class. with a minimum amount of effort The Rural Youth and 4-- H sec Now, as I bring my hand up Students From 8 Colleges exerted. All of the material shown tion of the Caravan will explain to the electroscope, I get an- - Afmefy-ffV- 4-- e in the kitchen can very economic the scope of the H club and other reaction. You see the Coeds Chosen ally be incorporated into most rural youth work in Nebraska, ex- needle move? To Run For Council Posts very strange re- homes. plains some of the more popular "This is a Class officer elections were validated by the Student The kitchen exhibit also will in- projects and emphasizes the part action. The electroscope is clude information regarding stor- parents and leaders play in the made of metal. But I am not To Form Chains Council pending approval by a faculty sub-committ- age space in bedrooms. program. made of metal. Now, why do Ivy, Daisy Twenty-seve- n names will appear on the class officer In the livestock unit, exhibits Colored pictures, disappearing I cause a reaction? Because I ballots in the general spring elections class officers am also a conductor," pro- - Ninety-fiv- e University coeds Marilyn Musgrave, Love Hall, for and show latest information on beef mirrors and moving models are the May 9, feeding, tessor explained. have been selected to form the Diane Young. Kappa Kappa Student Council representatives cattle the use of antibi- used in the youth section of the xnree otics and new protein supple- display. From the back of the room traditional Ivy and Daisy Chains Gamma; Joyce Laase, Alpha Xi as of last weanesaay oniy of a student quipped; "Where's which will be a part of Ivy Day Delta; Nancy Hemphill, Pi Beta officer positions had received the kan photographer. ments, the use trees for pro . The Caravan will be set up at applications tection of beef cattle, effective Ag Engineering Building, your badge?" ceremonies on May 9. Phi; Marlene Dumke, Sigma required two student Norman Ganger, Law, Sigma ways controlling The women, chosen by organ Kappa. for each office needed to vali- Phi Epsilon, AUF, Builders, Uni- of disease and The displays will remain open Cherrington The required parasites ana the objectives of for the two days of the fair. ized houses on basis of scholar Freshmen date an election. versity Singers, past Union com- ship, leadership and service, will Kappa number of candidates for class mittee chairman. Jan Healy, Kappa Stu- chant the familiar "who will bear Gamma; Janice Baker, Love Hall; offices was filled when the Sandra Daley, Arts and Scien- Small Crowd the ivy" strains to open the Ivy Betty Sisson, Alpha Omicron Pi; dent Council passed a resolution ces, governor of Residence Halls Day program. Joan Knudson, Alpha Chi Omega; filings. for Women, Coed Counselor First rehearsal for both chains Joyce Taylor, Chi Omega; Sharon Candidates for senior class Board, Tassels, YWCA, Phi Epsi- is Thursday at 5 p.m. in Parlors Mangold, Gamma Phi Beta; Mary president are: lon Iota. Hears Talk XYZ, Union, announced Cecelia Domingo, Delta Gamma, Gertrude James Tangdell, Teachers Col- James Collins, Arts and Scien- Mor- Sigma Delll Tau; Co-o- p, Epsilon Dr. Ben Mark CherrinFtnn Pinkerton and Joan Hanson, Bronstien, lege, Pioneer Phi ces, Acacia president. Corn Cobs, lijIlfcHSllJlJllllJ spoke to a tar Boards in charge of the two Gloria Harris, Wilson Hall. Kappa. Junior Class and Interfraternity small crowd of stu chains. dents at the Z5th annual Honors Mary Pat Keenan, Alpha Phi; Eldon E. Fark, Business Admin- Councils. Four senior women and six Jayne Laase, Alpha Xi Delta; istration, Delta Tau Delta, Build- secretary :4i if I Day Convocation Tuesday. Senior class candi- Mi. i 't:WMimMI:M$i In his 45 minute address Ttr junior women will be selected for Marilyn Mitchell, Pi Beta Phi; ers president. Student Council dates are: llli special recognition as Ivy and Jan Evers, Sigma Kappa; Vivian Class Council. 8h i i Cherrington discussed the con- treasurer, Junior Roclcford J. Yapp, Agriculture, tributions of a free society toward Daisy Chain leaders this year. Lenner, Delta Delta Delta; Doris Earl E. Marcus, Engineering, Beta Theta Pi, AUF president, increasing the productive Seniors Mach, Towne Club; Corliss Kruse, Sigma Alpha Mu, Red Cross and and Kappa Delta and Virginia Reeves, Student Council. 1 scientific strength of the ITnitprt Ivy Chain members are: Janice NUCWA worker. Judy Wiebe, Teachers College, States and other frp nrnintrips. Loomis Hall. Ad- Ottoman, Loomis Hall; Kathleen Each organized house chose two Ted James, Jr., Business cheerleader, past chairman f Dr. Cherrington also noted Clouse, International Tau Omega, that Dill, Deloris senior women, one junior, one ministration, Alpha Builders art committee. h Kussian communists have at- House; Margaret Harmon, Mar-cel- la an one Varsity football and track, Inter-fraterni- ty Murphy, Ra-mo- sophomore freshman for Shirley Arts and tacked the free svstem bs. "indif Schacht, Terrace Hall; na Council rush chairman. ferent to the chains. Sciences, Sigma Kappa, AWS vice the welfare of man." Laun, Sally Matteson, practices scheduled Candidates for senior class vice Dr. Charles Kennedy Kappa Delta; Herzog, Other are president, Red Cross secretary, J. read the Patricia for Thursday, April SO at 5 p.m., nresident are: past list of senior men women Edna Schneider, Town Club; Builders board member, and Parlors XYZ, Union, and Friday, Wendell (Del) Harding, Jr., Daily Nebraskan columnist, Gam- who had ranked in the unnpr imp. Penny Sloan, Jane Fletcher, Kappa Alpha of May 8 at 5 p.m., Temple Build Arts and Sciences, ma Alpha Chi president, Pi Lam- r third their class for the last Kappa Alpha Theta. Mu president, Daily jNeoras- - two semesters or had been listed Nancy Dark, Marlene Oehrle, ing. vice bda Theta, Delta Sigma Phi. CORNHUSKER CARAVAN . , Displayed in the exhibit for the on the University honor roll for Delta Delta Delta; Jackie Grif- Gerald Adcock, Business Ad- 1953 Farmer's Fair is the model kitchen exhibiting the most eco- all semesters of their undergrad fiths, Beth Alden, Alpha Phi; To ministration, Men's Dorm coun- nomical methods of conserving space and effort. uate work Alice Hall, Mary Lou Solfermoser, Capactiy Audience Listens selor, Provost Corps, Pershing Chancellor R. G. Gustavson nre- - Wilson Hall; Ruthann Lavine Rifles. sented each with a certificate of Bush, Adelle Chasanou, Sigma Charles E. Wead, Business Ad Board OK's Coliseum Front achievement. Delta Tau; Mary Margaret Madrigal Singers Program ministration, Theta Xi, Union (Excerpts from Dr. Cherrinc- - Loomis, Damaris Riddell, Delta The University Madrigal Sing sistant dean of women, and Earl worker. ton's speech are printed on Gamma. ers, on a recent trip to Milwaukee, F. Jenkins, instructor in voice, Bert Sample, Teachers College, As Point page 4). Gladys Novotny, were also with the group. Parade Starting Barbara sang before a capacity audience Delta Tau Delta treasurer. The parade route for the Farm The parade contestants will Young, Gamma Phi Beta; Rose Merle Manpin, Engineering, Phi mary Amos, Idonna Burkhart, at a breakfast meeting of the Gamma Delta, secretary, AACE, er's Fair Parade, which will be leave the Coliseum and proceed Omega; Music morning, Dr. G. Chi Beverly Mann, Mary North Central Educators Entries Due Kosmet Kluh, NUCWA, Blueprint held Saturday has been south on 14th St. to R; west on R Kuriyan Lou Flaherty, Alpha Chi Omega; Conference. approved by the Fair Board. 11th St.; south on 11th St to O; dates are: Marlene Mecke, Judy Sehnert, pre-.l"- -, The entries in the parade will east on O to 16th St.; north on 16th The Madrigals, who had D- -i Senior class treasurer candi- Coliseum at Will Discuss Alpha Xi Delta; Margaret McCoy, viously been invited to sing at the PO 1 I V lO dates are: form in front of the St. to Vine St.; east on Vine St. Winnie Owen, Pi Beta Phi. lU J 9 a.m. to 33rd St, on 33rd St. Janet Steffen, Teachers College, and north Barb Bredthauer, Faye Graham, Or- to the Ag campus. with the Chicago Symphony Gamma Phi Beta, AWS president, India Economy Sigma Kappa; Gretchen Hein, chestra woodwind quintet. Competition Student Council secretary, Alpha The judges for the parade will Mary Ann Nelson, Alpha Omicron be Miss Michaud, Miss Wilson and "Ec o n o m i c Development and Seated around a candle-l- it table, By DEE JACKSON Lambda Delta, Phi Lambda Theta.
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