w m^ tiiiiK m ;^ •: ■‘".g '-'P ^ AViBBAGlB DAILY OIROULATION for tke Moat^ of Janoaryt 1982 5)568 Member of tbe Audit Bureau of OlroulatiouB. T VOL. LI.. NO. 121. (Classified AdvertlBlng on Pngi) 12.) SOUTH MANCHESTER) CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1932. (FOURTEEN PAGES) TO DEDICATE George Washington’s Last Portrait HOOVER FORCED Just Discovered NEWY.IICA. BANONBEAR BIG JAPANESE DRIVE IS ON; SUMYP.M. RAlDSINSTOaiS MEETS STIFF RESISTANCE Special Dedicatory Program Presidat Discloses Be To Feature Address By Al­ Warned Exchmge To Jap Drive Means War, HEAVY ARTILLERY bert E. Roberts> National Curb Sbbrt Selling Or He Chinese Paper States Y. M. C. A. Executive. Wonid Seek Laws. SWEEPS TRENCHES Nanking, Feb. 20.t—(A P )— The^> 'Tf the. nation has the wjll power Albert E. Roberts ' New York, Washington, Feb. 20.—President Central Daily News, spokesman for and spirit of resistance to fight, Hoover in a statement 11218 con­ the,National government, said in an whatever the military results may luominent Young Me s Christian be, China will have a chance at re­ Dozens of Jap Planes Rain Showers of Powerful Association official who has spoken demned short selling for specula­ editoriri today that General Uye- birth and rebuilding.” in every state in the Union, will de­ tive profit on the New York Stock da’s ultimatum to the Chinese at The Hsin Chin Jih Pao, an Inde­ On Chinese Positions— Fleets of Tanks Push Ahead of liver the principal address at the Exchange and said that he and other Shanghai means “Japan’s war pendent daily said: declaration on China” and that to­ dedication services of the new Man­ administration officials had fre­ “The greatest glories belong the day’s battle there “will largely de­ chester Y. M. A. building at the quently expressed the view to man­ Chinese troops fighting at Shanghai Advance Lines— Japanese Makini; Slow Progress Chi­ termine tb^ future of the world, north end tomorrow afternoon. agers of the Ehcqhange that meas­ today, for these young men are giv­ The Y. M. C. A. has been open ures should be taken to protect In­ whether civilization is to follow jus­ ing their lives that their nation and nese Shells Strike Jap Destroyer Cansing Hre Casual- during the past week 1 ut the offi­ vestors from “artificial depression” tice and peace and humanity or race may live and that human law cial dedication does not take place of the prices of securities they bold. whether barbarism is to dominate and justice be not destroyed without until tomorrow. Charles W. Hol­ Individuals conducting "bear raids” by brutal force.” resistance.” ties— Bombs Fall Into International Setdoment Near man, prominent Manchester busi- he pictured as “not contributing to “The Shanghai struggle,” the edi­ The sole interest among officials pess man long active in Y. M. C. A. the recovery of tbe United States.” torial continued, “will sdso test the and the public today was the news activities, is chairman of the com­ The President’s statement fol­ CTblnese race and determine whether of the fighting at Shanghai. U. S. Marines Bat No Americans Hurt-Wounded Are mittee in charge. lowed the ruling of the governing the nation can rise up against for­ The widespread feeling here was Public Ileception board of the Ehcchange Thursday eign aggression, cleansing itself of that if the (Chinese could withstand The program opens at 3 o’clock that, after April 1, member firms decades of corruption and degen­ the first general Japanese assault Already Being Brought In From Front Lines. at which time the board of directors must not lend securities unless they eracy or sink back -into a state of they, would be able successfully to submission and inactivity. of the Y will hold a public reception first obtain the written consent erf resist further attack. By Assoriated Press to the visitors. The entlre*^ public is the owners, an action which some or CHINESE FLAG FLIES welcome, in fact encouraged to at­ the bankers felt would reduce short Poimding the CJhinese from land, AS TOWN IS BURNED selling by 50 per cent. sea and air, Japan’s army has be­ tend. During the reception which (Courtesy the Old Print Shop, New York) LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY will be in the main lobby and first It may not be art, or even a good likeness, but the portrait of George Gave Final Warning CAPTURED THIS THIEF gun a tremendous effort to blast the Shanghai, Feb. 20.—(AP) — Mr. Hoover said that the final floor social room, the Manchester Washington reproduced above is historically important because it is the CHAItITIES BUDGET stubborn defenders out of the Woosung village was being de­ High school orchestra undCr the di­ caution by the administration had last one loiovim>tO)rha«a been made of him from life. Its date is 1799, St Paul, Feb. 20.—(AP) — ^ll^jmghal area. , ^ stroyed tonight by flames which rection of Miss E. Marion Dorward, the year of Washington’s death, and it was executed in crayon color by preceded this action, and there were Janies Vernon decided to , be "Soared and crackled among the The Japanese announced they had will furnish a musical program. Dr. gjigha who attended Washington during his last reports that the President had given noncludant OWTOVllAFIi flimsy houses. The Chinese flag, The dedication program will open illness emd who niarkra'a dock at Mt. Vernon to show the exact moment notice to the Stock Ehcebanga offi­ He was, but that didn’t stop taken Kiangwan town but the Chi­ still fluttered from the forts, with an innovation followed by mu­ of the First President’s death. The portrait, executed on the back of a cials that, If drastic steps were not the music. nese denied it. The Japanese said however, in spite of an intense sical numbers by Rev. Elmer T. parchment certificate of membership in a Masonic lodge to which both taken voluntarily, he would en­ Ftom the inside of his clothes the CSilnese had shelled a destroyer bombardment by the Japanese courage action by Congress and Thienes, head of the Hartford Coun­ Washington and Dr. Dick belonged, recently was discovered in Alexemdria, came the strains of “Annie in the Whangpo river infiicUng sev­ from land, sea and air all day. ty Y< He will be accompanied at Va. might even make definite recom­ R ooney.” Sngle Item Only Important eral casualties. Apparently the the piano by Mrs. R. K. Anderson. mendations for legislation. The clerks in the store called Japanese were advancing slowly This begins at 4 o’clock. Wells A. Text of the Statem«it detectives and it seemed that Deficit — Selectmen Try north of Chapei, through Kiang­ tillery fire and screeching shells Strickland, a member of the board ’The statement by the President everywhere Vernon went the wan, to Woosnng, using everything churned the Chinese positions, cover­ of directory and one of tl. most ac­ was as follows: strains were sure to follow. they had. ing them with clouds of smoke and "I have a question fronv the press tive workers in the erection of the Vernon admitted he filched the To Pare Tax Rate. There was fighting on another dust. as to conferences held with offi­ new Y, will give a brief talk, trac­ WASHINGTON’S HISTORY murical powder box but he hadn’t front in Msmehuria, the new state cials of the New York Stock Er- Whoosung village was set afire ing the history and origin of the expected the melody. which has been christened “Land of by the bombardment of Japanese new Y. cjiange. ’There have been discus­ A judge said “15 days.” sions, as is reported, betweeii my­ With six months of the fiscal Peace.” Chinese and Japanese destroyers. A cloud of dense smoke Mr. Roberts Address forces were locked at Tunhua, one poured forth from the embattled Harry Hedley Smith, state Y. M. UNKED UP WITH STATE self and other officials of the ad­ year completed, it was indicated at of the most strategically important town and several fires also could be C. A. secretary, will speak on Y. M. ministration with officials 'of the the regular meeting of the Board of New York Stock Exchange on the towns in Kirin Province. News from seen in the Kiangwan district and C. A. organization work in general, Selectmen last night that charitiea the areas to the south of it, nearly question <rf bear raids, snid Henry Puyi, the form­ fallowing which will come the prin­ POSITS wffi bas-the only item erf the town er...‘TSoy Emperor” would become as far as Ch&pri, cipal address by Mr.^,Rpberts whx> ie First President Visited “Stock Bxchaaf^ R O O S E m iS VISIT during the ~ ^ t right m on^','from .budget that will be noticeably over-’ the ruler -nf the n ^ stale On March - - Attack Increased a gradiiat"! of 7 Tt. Hermbn school Late in the afteriioon Japanese in Northfield, Mass., and has been, tiM to ttte taken ^ restrain (frawn i ^ s year, a^ndrdlng to To'Vrii S x Times and Each Visit bear raid^ with n degree of suc- MORE THAN $18,000 A^t Tol^o, Japan, in the midst of aerial bombs increased the intensity in Y. M. C. A. service for more than Treasurer George H. Waddell. Mr. of their attack upon the area west EMPEROR OF JAPAN -bess, but during the latter part of Waddell stated that In his opinion a general election, prepared to smd January, despite these steps, there the Strongest group of statesmen it of Kiangwan. Reports said they Had Historical JSiguifi- the amount expended on charities were using the.
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