., . .. RAJASTHAN RAN A VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAJ\1LIMITED. [Corporate Identity Number (CIN):U40 I09RJ2000SGCO 16485] (Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jan Path, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur - 302 005) OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (PROJECT & PLANNING) OJ +9l-l4l-2740623.Fax:+9l-l41-2740794: oo.W[?1]:[] e-mail: sc.pp@rvpn ..:o.in; wcbsite:www.rvpn.co.in All ISO 9001:2015 Certf1'Ied Company No. RVPNISE(P&P)IXEN -/ (P&P))IAE-IVI F. 311 (Annual Plan 2021-22)/D ~~ ~ Jaipur, Dt. ~%- 'S -~ ~ The Chief Engineer(T&C), The Chief Engineer(Civil), The Chief Engineer(Procurement/Contract), R.V.P.N.Limited, Jaipur/JodhpurIAjmer. Sub: Revised Annual Plan 2020-21and Annual Plan 2021-22 (Proposed). Ref: This office letter No. 98 dated 22.05.2020 Kindly refer this office letter no. 98 dated 22.05.2020 vide which Annual Pan 2020-21 (Proposed)for capital works was circulated having outlay ceiling of Rs. 2000.00 crore. The Plan size for FY 2020-21 has been revised to Rs. 1584.99 crore ( Rs.1546.99 Cr for transmission works + Rs. 38.00 Cr for shared generation projects), in compliance to I:~ERCorder dated 08.10.2020[In the matter of approval of InvestmentPlan for FY 2020-21]. The proposed Annual Plan for FY 2021-22 is of Rs. 1600.00 Cr ( Rs.1500.00 Cr for transmission works + Rs. 100.00 Cr for shared generation projects) including all the schemes approvedby BoOIWTOafter last Plan circulatedvide this office letter no. 98 dated 22.05.2020. In view of above, a copy of the revised Annual Pan for FY 2020-21 (Revised) and FY 2021-22 (Proposed) is endosed at Annexure-A herewith for your kind reference and further necessary action. The execution of various schemesl Projects is to be done as per plan targets and plan provisions indicated in the enclosed Annexure- A of the Annual Plan. It is to be noted that the earlier Annual Plan circulated vide this office letter no. 98 dated 22.05.2020 have now been replaced by this new Annual Plan. End: As above. Chief Engineer (PP&D) Copy along with enclosures submittedI forwardedto the following for intimation and n/a. 1. The Chief Engineer (MPT&SI NPP-ReformsI LOI IT), RVPN, Jaipur. 2. The Chief Controller of Accounts, RVPN, Jaipur. 3. The Chief Engineer (Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd.), Shed No. 5/5, Vidyut Bhawan, Janpath, Jaipur,Rajasthan. 4. The Addl. Chief Engineer (Communication),RVPN, Jaipur. 5. The Addl. Chief Engineer (MPT&S), RVPN,Ajmer I Jodhpur. - • y • 6. The Addl. Chief Engineer (Civil), RVPN, JaipurI Ajmer I Jodhpur. 7. The Superintending Engineer (MIS), RVPN, Jaipur for immediate publication on RVPN website. 8. The Superintending Engineer (Procurement-II Procurement-III Contract- I I Contract- III Designl Automation I QC-Insp.I HRDI NPP-ReformsI SO-LD, RVPN, Jaipur. 9. The SuperintendingEngineer Communication,RVPN, Jaipurl Ajmer I Jodhpur. 10.The Superintending Engineer (Protection), RVPN, Jaipur I Kota I Ajmer I Udaipur I Jodhpur I Bikaner. 11.The Superintending Engineer (T&C), RVPN, Ajmerl Alwarl Babail Barmerl Bhadlal Bharatpurl Bikanerl Bhilwara I Chittorgarhl Hanumangarh I Hindaun IJaipur city/Jaipur Rural I Jaisalmer I Jodhpur IKankani I Kota I Merta I Ratangarh I Ramgarh I . SwaimadhopurI Sikar I Sirohi I Udaipur 12. The SuperintendingEngineer (765KV GSS), RVPN,Anta (Baran)1 Phagi (Jaipur). 13. The Superintending Engineer (Planl PPM), JWNLI AWNU Jd.WNL, Jaipur.l Ajmerl Jodhpur. 14.The CAO (Accounts- Budget-Insp.I P&F-Cont.),RVPN, Jaipur. 15.The COlA, RVPN, Jaipur. 16.The RCAO, RVPN, Jaipur I Ajmer / Jodhpur 17.The Sr. Accounts Officer (B&R / Accounts / LD), RVPN, Jaipur. 18.The Executive Engineer- II (P&P), RVPN, Jaipur. 19. TA to Hon'ble CMD, RVPN, Jaipur. 20. The PS to Director (Tech.lOperations),RVPN, Jaipur. 21. The PA to Chief Engineer (PP&D), RVPN, Jaipur. Enel: As above. ~eer(pP&D) , Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigarn Limited Annual Plan of RVPN 2020-21 (Revised) & 2021-2~~(Proposed) (a) Financial targets 2020-21 (Revised) & 2021-22 (Proposed) IRs. In Cr) S. No. Head Plan Outlay Plan Outlay Plan Outlay 2020-21 2020-21 2021-22 (Proposed) (Revised) (Proposed) 1. Generation (Shared generating 20.00 38.00 100.00 projects) 2 Transmission Works 1980.00 1546.99* 1500.00 Total 2000.00 1584.S19 1600.00 * Note: RERC has approved an investment of Rs. 1546.99 Cr for transmission works for FY 2020-21 (b) Physical Targets 2020-21 (Revised) & 2021-22 (Proposed) S. Particulars Unit Target Target Target 2021-22 No 2020-21 2020-21 (Proposed) (Proposed) (Revised) (Tentative) 1 765kV Lines ckMs -- -- -- 2 765 kV SIS MVA 1500 -- 1500 Nos. -- -- -- 3 400 kV Lines ckMs 505 334 491 4 400 kV SIS MVA -- 500 -- Nos. -- -- -- 5 220 kV Lines ckMs 237 330 12 6 220 kV SIS MVA 480 480 320 Nos. 3 3 1 7 132 kV Lines ckMs 249 410 130 8 132 kV SIS MVA 275 225 150 Nos. 11 9 6 9 Augmentation MVA 2000 2000 1500 400/220/132kV 10 Capacitor Bank MVAR 100 50 30 • Annexure-A Transmission - Details of Plan Provisions & Physical Targets for Annual Plan 2020-21(Revised) & 2021-22 (Proposed) S.No. Name of the Work/Project SAP code Category Line Capacity Estimated Working Outlay Annual Plan 2020-21 Annual Plan 2021-22 Length (in Originall target! date 2020-21 Revised) (Proposed) (Ckt. MVA) Revised cost of of (Budgeted Provision Physical targets Provision Physical targets kM) scheme/Project Commission I Plan Plan (With IDC) Proposed) (Revised) Ckt. Km MYAI Ckt, Km MYA Nos. /Nos. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 I 765kV Schemes On-going schemes Jaipur Zone I Installation of3x500 MYA, 76S/400kY Power Transformer ([CT-3) at 76SkY GSS CGSSIl7.02 ES - 1500 7S09.4 202 [-22 3S00 3500 - - 3800 ISOO at Phagi alongwith associated bays. New start 2020-21 Jodhpur zone RVPN Transmission system Uprating, Upgrade and Strengthening schemes for Renewabe energy evacuation in Western Rajasthan (Part-A) 2 765/400 kV, 3x 1500 MYA, Substation by Upgrading 400 kV GSS Kankani to CGSSIl9.36 ES - 3XI500 72226.76 2023-24 15000 - - 3600 - - 765 kV GSS lising GIS Technology, I x 330 MYAR 765 kV Bus Reactor, 2 Nos. Termina[ 765 kV Bays with Switchable 2 x 330 MYAR Line Reactor. 2 Nos. of400 kV Diameter (Line-Line with Switchable 400 kV SO MYAR Reactors), 3 Nos. of 765/400 kY Transformer Incomers , 3 2 Nos. of765 kV Terminal Bays at existing 765 kV GSS Phagi with Switchable 2 x ES - - 12066.99 2023-24 2500 - - - 600 - - 240 MYAR Line Reactors ('3 1 4 765 kV D/C Line with Hex Zebra Conductor in each phase in the approach section ES 10 - 2409.43 2023-24 500 - - - 500 - - of proposed 765 kV GSS Jodhpur (Kankani) 5 Strengthening of 765kY suspension type towers of 765kY SIC Anta- Phagi lines SS - - 1977.72 2022-23 - - - - 1500 - - (Ckt-I & Ckt-II) I. Total (765kV ) 10 1500 21500 3500 10000 Working target 0 0 0 1500 Annual Plan Target 0 0 0 1500 II 400kV Schemes Jaipur Zone New start 2020-21 Additional transmission system proposed for obviating evacuation constraints in Kalisindh - Chhabra- Kawai Generation I (i) 400/220kY, 2x SOOMYA,220/132kY [X[60 MYA, GSS at Sangod (Dist. Kota) CGSS/[9.02 12330.38 2023-24 0 0 0 (To be executed on TBCB) (Provision for land etc.) (ii) L1LOof one circuit of 400kY D/C Kalisindh- Anta line at 400kV GSS Sangod CL1N/19.13 4713.94 2023-24 800 0 0 (To be executed on TBCB) Additional transmission system proposed for obviating evacuation constraints in Kalisindh - Chhabra- Kawai Generation Revised interconnections at Kalisindh TPS AP 2020-21 (Revised) & FY 2021-22 (Proposed) No. 287 dt. 28.05.2021 cirulated to field Annual Plan 2021-22 S.No. Name of the Work/Project SAP code Category Line Capacity Estimated Working Outlay Annual Plan 2020-21 Length (in Originall target! date 2020-21 Revised) Proposed) (Ckt. MVA) Revised cost of of (Budgeted Provision Physical targets Provision Physical targets kM) scheme/Project Commission I Plan Plan (With IDC) Proposed) (Revised) Ckt. Km MVAI Ckt. Km MVA Nos. !Nos. II 12 /3 14 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1000 2 Sub-station equiprnents for replacement of 400/220kY. I x500MYA Transformer in AUTRiI9.7 ES 500 2338.61 2022-23 500 200 place of 315MYA transformer at Kalisindh TPS Ajmer Zone NIL Jodhpur zone Delinked Power Evacuation schemes of Banswara Super Critical TPS ( IPP llnit-I&2) (2X660MW) 1000 315 3 400/220 kY . Ix500 MYA. Ix315 MYA GSS at Jodhpur (New) alongwith 400kY, CGSS/09.06 ES Ix500. 20020.61 12.10.2018 100 500 Ix80 MYAR Bus Reactor. iRe'hed) Ix315 & 2021-22 \! \:;OU\" .. cummissiuncd on 12.10.2OIS) 400kV Interconnecting Line (Suratgarh Super Critical TPS Evacuation linit 7 & 8, 2x660MW): 491 4 400 kY D/C Suratgarh TPS- Babai (Jhunjhunu)(Quad Moose) Line (Cost revised) CLlN/09.24 ES 490.61 - 61317.00 2021-22 800 800 500 (Scheduled commissioning as per PO 20.01.2013) (Revised ) Transmission System for New Solar and Wind Power Plants in Jaisalmer, 8armer & Jodhpur Districts W 5 Augmentation at 400kY GSS Barmer 3177.51 07.05.2019 300 - ! (i) Ix 125 MYAR, 400kY Shunt Reactor (Bus type) at 400kY GSS Barmer ES - (ii) 400kY bays for 400kY D/C Barmer-Bhinmal (PG) line CGSS/14.01 ES 6 Augmentation of 400k Y GSS Jodhpur (New) (i} 2x50 MYAR, 400kY Shunt Reactor (line type) at 400kY GSS Jodhpur (New) CGSS/14.03 ES - - 3701.39 2020-21 1250 1250 1300 for 400kY D/C Akal-Jodhpur(New) line (ii) 400kY bays at Jodhpur (New) for L1LO of one ckt.
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