, GENEALOGICAL GROUP Visit our web page: www.italiangen.org Volume 7 No.3 November 2000 October Meeting Guest Speaker John Martino's "Beginning Genealogy" provided an informative and witty lecture cen­ tered on a series of transparencies of documents belonging to "famous people" that John has uncovered while performing his own research at the various local archives. Included in the lecture was the use of an overhead projector in which John displayed vital records of people such as Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig and Meyer Lansky. John urged all members to go into the various repositories and conduct their own research instead of doing it by mail. Our guest lecturer for November will be Jim Grillo who will speak about beginning genealogy focus­ ing on Italian records. Jim, past a vice president of the IGG and longtime researcher in Northern Italian and Sicilian records. Vice President June DeLalio opened the meeting in place of President Sal Sammartano. She distrib­ uted copies of the October (Christopher Columbus) Newsletter to those who had not as yet received their copy prior to the meeting. (Continued on page 9) Inside This Issue President's Message Salvatore Samrnartano Computer Corner Pg.2 As we approach the winter, we will hope­ 1930 Population Census Pg.3 fully have more time to perform our genealogical. I would like to remind you that like the four sea­ FGS Conference Pg.4 sons, we all have four grandparents and it is with Editor's Notes Pg.5 their names that we can begin our quest to learn about our family history. Finding My Great-Grandparents Pg.6 Recently, I discovered the passenger list of the steamship that carried my paternal grandmother 9th Annual Italian Experience Pg.7 to America from Italy. I would not have been able to locate this document without the help of the staff The Municipal Archives Pg.8 at the northeast region of the National Archives, Volunteer Profile Pg.9 (Continued on page 9) Computer Corner Ed Hess ITAVrAN GEN EA LOGICAL \.N-~I'\ GROUP Recently Michael Sant' Angelo reminded me of something we have covered in the past but it is al­ ---... ~ :~ ... --- ways worth repeat~g. Go to a Search site and put P.O. Box 626 in your surname or the name of an ancestral home­ Bethpage, New York 11714-0626 town and see what comes up. I tried it with Scla­ fani Bagni and got 453 leads. Many of them were President Salvatore Sammartano of marginal value for my purposes, but others were Editor Tony Sasso Vice President Programming June DeLalio defmitely worthwhile. Don't try it with a big city, Vice Pres. Public Relations John Martino however, unless you put in some modifiers - Pal­ Recording Secretary Catherine Nashak ermo came up with over 343,000 hits. One of my Corresponding Secretary Natalie Aurucci Stiefel favorite Search sites is www.google.com. but try Treasurer Bud Pape this at two or three sites. Here are two places to visit. One is about Committees: FGS Delegate Bill Gimello "Privacy and the Family Page", and can be found at Genealogical Database Paul Grieco www.genealogy.coml71_taylor.html.Itis an arti­ Hospitality Ann Chiappisi cle about using care in setting up your personal Frank Chiappisi website. It covers a number of basic precautions Library Judy Caputo that you should observe to protect yourself and Elaine Massey Caridi Meeting Reception Louise LaGatta your relatives. The other is a Biography Outline at Membership MaryAnn Horn www.thevision.net/tedpacklbioguide. html. Here, Publication Sales Anthony DiMarino you will get a lot of pointers to help you put to­ Publicity JoAnne Holmes gether a life story. There are a series of questions Web Page Frank LaRosa that you can ask your great uncle about, and they Newsletter Associate Rosemarie DiLandro Newsletter Production Joseph Battagliese are broken down to cover different periods of life. Sam Ciccosillo You might even want to use it to do a bio of your­ Catherine Nashak self. You certainly don't want to put your great­ great grandchildren in the same pickle that you are in when it comes to knowing all about the past. Annual Membership: Individual $20 per year; Family $25.00 per year; Outside u.s. Membership $25.00 per year If you are looking for ancestors who might have been in smaller counties in the early to mid 1800s, Newsletter is published 10 times each year. Meetings are held on the and some also from earlier and later periods, be 2nd Saturday of each month from September to June at 10:30AM ISSN 1523-522X sure to visit www.censuslinks.com.This is one of Advertising Rates for each issue: the places where you can begin to see actual census Full Page$80.00 data from various counties throughout the USA. 112· Page$40.00 114 Page$20.00 On the homepage there is a list of the states and Back issues of this Newsletter may be obtained (subject to availability) at a cost of$2.50 per issue by writing to the Italian Genealogical Group. Please note the date and number of the issues requested. (Continued on page 10) IGG DISCLAIMER I. The editors/publisher assume that all correspondence and articles sent to the Italian Genealogical Newsletter are intended for publication, unless the writer specifically says otherwise. 2. In publishing news items, articles, etc the editor and the Italian Genealogical Group assume no responsibility or liability fo r facts, recommendations, or opin· ions of contributors. 3. Unless indicated otherwise by the editor and publisher, original articles and material may be quoted or reprinted by genealogical or Italian·interest publica· tions, providing that they aclrnowledge and furnish the date of the issue. 4. However, no commercial use may be made of the contents of the Italian Genea· logical Newsletter, its database, or membership lists, "hand·outs', etc. Page 2 Italian Genealogical Group Vol. 7 No. 3 1930 Population Census Education 1. Attended school or college any time since Sep­ tember 1, 1929 On April 1, 2002, the 1930 census and its ex­ 2. Whether able to read and write. isting soundex indexes will become available at Place of Birth the National Archives Building, 700 Pennsylvania 1. Place of birth - Person. Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20408-0001, and 2. Place of birth - Father. at regional facilities in 13 major cities. This par­ 3. Place of birth - Mother. Mother Tongue (or Native Language) of Foreign Born ticular date is chosen because it ends the statutory I. Language spoken in home before coming to the 72-year restriction on access for privacy reasons United States. (92 Stat. 915; Public Law 95-416; October 5, Citizenship, etc. 1978). The census day was April 1, 1930. 1. Year of immigration to the United States. 2. Naturalization. 3. Whether able to speak English Microfilmed Indexes Occupation & Industry Twelve states are fully or partially indexed. I. Trade, profession, or particular kind of work Indexes, using the soundex indexing system, for done, as spinner, salesman, riveter, teacher, etc. the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, 2. Industry or business, as cotton mill, dry- goo d s Kentucky (part), Louisiana, Mississippi, North store, shipyard, public school, etc. Carolina South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and 3. Class of worker. Employment West Virginia (part). Counties that are indexed in I. Whether actually at work yesterday (or the last the two partial states, Kentucky and West Vir­ regular working day) Yes or No. ginia, are: Kentucky: Bell, Floyd, Harlan, Kenton, 2. If not, line number on Unemployment Schedule. Muhlenberg, Perry, and Pike. West Virginia: Fay­ Veterans ette, Harrison, Kanawha, Logan, McDowell, Mer­ 1. Whether a veteran of U.S. military or naval force - Yes or No. cer, and Raleigh. 2. What war or expedition? [World War (WW), Questions Asked on the Census Spanish-American War (Sp), Civil War (Civ), The 1930 census asked 32 questions about each person: Philippine Insurrection (Phil), Boxer Rebellion Place of Abode (Box), Mexican Expedition (Mex)). I. Street, avenue, road, etc. Farm Schedule 2. House number (in cities or towns) I. Number of farm schedule [Farm schedules no 3. Number of dwelling house in order of visit a­ longer exist). tion How to Get Information before April 2002: 4. Number offamily in order of visitation Name If you need information about yourself or a de­ I. Name of each person whose place of abode on ceased person from the 1930 or later censuses for April I, 1930 was in this family. legal or other purposes, get a Form BCC-600 from Relation the Bureau of the Census Age Search Service and I. Relationship of this person to the head of the return the form with the required fee to that agency. family. Home Data Forms are also available by writing to: U.S. Census th I. Home owned or rented. Bureau, National Processing Center, 1201 East 10 2. Value of home, if owned, or monthly rental, if Street, Jeffersonville, IN 47132. rented. 3. Radio set [Information is from the National Archives Records Admini­ 4. does this family live on a farm? stration Web site at http://www.nara.govlgenealogyI1930cen. Personal Description htm, dated July 24, 1999 the article was submitted by Bill Gi­ I. Sex melio, from "The Forum "]. 2. Color or race [White (W), Negro (Neg), Mexi­ can (Mex), Indian (In), Chinese (Ch), Japanese (Jp), Filipino (Fil), Hindu (Hin), Korean (Kor), other Races spelled out in full]. 3. Age at last birthday. 4. Marital condition [Single (S), married (M), widowed (Wd), divorced (D)]. 5. Age at first marriage Italian Genealogical Group VoL 7 No.3 Page 3 FGS Conference very limited value, and place studies often include Pat DeStefano surnames and links to surname sites.
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