THE R '^t^COLLEGe Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/recordofclass1954have THE RECORD 1954 Editor Montgomery T. Furth Managing Editor Philip S. Benjamin Editorial Associates Howard I. Kalodner, John H. Kelly Editorial Staff Harris C. Arnold, J. David Bhatty, Theodore G. Belote. M. Willis Bibbins, E. Kearney Carpenter, W. Wistar Comfort, James D. Crawford, Larry J. FiNKELSTEIN, PETER B. GoNTRUM, FREDERIC R. JAMESON, WiLLIAM M. PACKARD, Rodman S. Rothermel, Stephen H. Sachs, Robert A. Seeley, William B. Watson, William C. Wilson, John C. Wren Sports Editor W. Wistar Comfort Sports Staff John F. Benton, John C. Burton, Philip M. Forman, Thomas H. Garver, David H. Kelsey, Grant Morrow III, David R. Perry Photography Editors Peter I. Moore, Stewart L. Swihart Photography Associates Thomas H. Garver, Alexander M. Goldfinger Business Manager William G. Kaye Adertising Manager John Y. Trumper Circulation Manager Ira E. Kanter Business Associates John S. Barrett, Richard L. McCandless, Donald C. Mead, William L. Newmeyer, John B. Perera, Richard D. Rivers HAVERFORD COLLEGE, HAVERFORD, PENNSYLVANLA Professor Albert Harris Wilson This book is dedicated to Professor Albert Harris Wilson, with the respect and the warm affection of the Class of 1954. CONTENTS Index to Seniors 5 Seniors 6 The Composite Day 50 Class of 1955 56 Class of 1956 57 Class of 1957 58 Graduate Unit 59 Administration 60 Faculty 62 Philips Visitors 76 Students' Council 78 Council Committees . 80 Studentship 81 Activities 84 The Composite Meeting 94 Founders Club 97 Athletics 98 Patrons 122 Advertising 123 Note This book is a very tallcy one. Unlike most college annuals, it was conceived in accord- ance with the notion that ten good words are worth a thousand pictures. Index to Seniors Animann, Williuni B 14 Jones. Richard I. 42 liarwick, James P 44 KaliKlncr, Howard I. 16 barwick, Peter E 44 Kayc, William G. 16 18 Beatty, J. David 30 Kelly, John H. Bell Bcrtrand P., Ill 40 Kelsey, David H. 16 Belote, Theodore G 42 Keyscr. James M. B. Jr. 36 Beniamin, Philip S 10 Kindig, Stephen J. 34 Bibbins, Martin W 8 Klein, P. Richard 48 Bittol, William H., ]t 38 Koch, Heinz F. 22 Bourne, Richard B 22 Lcngcl, Lawrence M. 40 Brewer, Talbot M. 32 Lissfelt, Mark C. 10 Bull, Robert L., HI 32 MacDonald, Dondd G. 40 Burton, John C 32 March, Robert M. 26 Burtt, Howard G 16 Matthews, Norman E. 46 Carpenter, P. Kearney 22 Meads, William C 44 Comfort. W. Wistar 20 Miller, Franklin R., Jr. 36 Craij!, Paul P. 34 Miller, Kenneth L., Jr. 30 Crawford, James D. 24 Muth, D. Frederick 12 dcBerry, Joseph G. T 12 Perry, David R 26 Dunn, H. Michael 26 Polsky, Richard M. 44 Eaj;leton, S. John 6 Prager, Lutz A. .20 Euster, Roger 38 Reno, R. Ronald, Jr .30 Farrell, Austin J. 26 Rentschler, Thomas B. .22 Peeser, Robert P. 6 Rettew, John B., Ill .42 Pelstiner, James P 10 Rickert, Hiram D. .12 P. Pinkelstein, Larry J. 48 Rickctts, William 40 Forster, Stanley A. 46 Rothermel, Rodman S. 20 Frink, Orrin 38 Ruddick, C. Townsend, Jr 34 Fry, Charles L 8 Ruff, John K 30 Furth, Montgomery T 18 Sachs, Stephen H. 18 Gage, William H 14 Schofer, C. Edward 46 Gardner, Peter C 38 Seaver, Paul S. 18 Glatzer, Robert A. 36 Silver, Philip W -. 28 Gontrum. Peter B. 30 Silver, Richard W 34 Grimm, David L. 28 Singh, Amar 24 Hankamer, F. Peter R. 20 Steele, Edward M. 14 Hansen, Christian M., Jr. 24 Stern, Albert F 20 Swihart, Stewart L Hardman, Keith J. 14 12 Harris, James M 28 Taylor, Richard K 24 Harrison, Earl G 6 Thomas, E. J. Baylis 10 Harvey, John S. C, III 8 Thomas, T. Darrah 24 Haynes, William G., Jr. 36 Tcxid, George F., Jr. 32 Heller, Martin F 28 Trumper, John Y. 18 Veneziale, Hellwege, Conrad F., Jr. 16 Carlo M. 48 Hiers, Thomas S 32 Walton, John G. II 22 Hollingsworth, Edward P., Jr 42 Watson, William B 24 Howorth, H. Philip 46 Werner, E. Robert, Jr 42 Hummel, Jonathan A 16 Wheaton, Dan A 12 Hutton, Robert W 48 White. Christopher 6 In.eles, James D. 14 Wilson. William C 8 Jameson, Fredric R 36 Winston. Rudolph, Jr. 48 Johnson, L. Morris 46 Woll, Peter 34 Wren, John C. 10 Sterling John Eagleton PolUical Science Born September 20, 1932 Earl Grant Harrison, Jr. 615 St. Andrews Lane Sociology Silver Spring. Maryland Born Oaober 10, 1932 Fencing 2, 3; Golf 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Moylan - Rose Valley, Pennsylvania Club 2, 3, 4; Class Night 2, 3; WHRC Curriculum Committee 2; Customs Com- 1, 2, 3 mittee 3, 4, Chairman 3; Honor Cystem Committee 2, 3; Soccer 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Basketball, JV 1, 3.- Traw/'i 2, 3, 4; p'arj/o C/a* 1, 2, 3, 4; N^w/ 1, 2; Founders Club Award 1; Founders Club 1 II Robert Paxson Feeser Political Science Born May 4, 1932 Christopher White Box 150 Biology Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania Born December 3, 1932 Class President 3, 4; Customs Commit- Westtown, Pennsylvania tee 2, 3; Honor System Committee A; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Traf;^ 1, 2, 3; K«rjrfy Basketball 1, 2, 3, Ca/)/ai« 4; Go// 1, C/»^ 2, 3, 4; C/aj/ Nj'^y!)/ 1, 3; Biologi- 2, 3, 4, Captain 3; Karj/Vj' C/«A 1, 2, cal Sciences Club 3, 4; Mountaineers 3, President 4; Founders Club 3 2, 4 ALL-AMERICAN BOYS The four nonentities on the opposite page represent a hitch-hiking hedonist (John), a crackpot idealist (Karl), ferocious and sinister Bob, and the monster glutton Chris. Putrid jokes, sex, swearing, and even inhahng are tab(X) in the All American atmosphere of upper eighth entry. Dignified discussion and the harmonious synthesis of cultured intellect will always prevail in argument among these classical students. John Eagleton is a man of many talents, not the least of which is his amazing ability to migrate occasionally to Washington and Neets on little or no cash. However, his income is constantly supplemented by the accomplished techniques of baby-sitting, caddying, and waiting, John loves to wait except for high grades in his major field of political science. Always cheerful, his conscience is clear enough to talk in his sleep. If you listen closely to these mumblings you can hear John's strategy for his checkmates, grand slams, repostes, and holes in one. For a man who claims that he does not know where he is going he is bound to get there. Earl Harrison is the only person in college who can carry on an intelligent conversation while paying no attention to what he or anyone else is saying. Being one of Ira's boys, he has thoroughly mastered the sociological jargon; as a result he is able to carry on brilliant conversations about anything or nothing to the amusement of his roommates. He possesses many admirable stiindards, all of which he wishes that he had broken at one time or another. Captaining the MAS championship soccer team, he ended his soccer career in an outstanding fashion. His personal charm, deep conviction, and keen insight assure success in life, for which he has great zest. High man on the emotional stability chart and the most eligible bachelor in this foursome is homespun Bob Feeser. The numerous governmental myths and harangues of R(xhe and Co. have failed to opinionate and warp this steadfast lad. His middle class morals only rarely appear paradoxical as the life of "Feez" is increas- ingly serene. Never under par, he has nevertheless captained the Fords' greatest golf team. Bob's unassuming leadership has also been effective in the administrative affairs of class president and again as the hustling captain on the basketball floor. Modesty can not hide his strength and his genial nature will always, as it has at Haverford, bring Bob many friends. Finally, there is the capable cartoonist Christ White who knows how to draw the line except for women. In this strange character we find a combination of Calypso, bagpipes, and banjo music, he mournfully staring into the distance. Mountain climber, accomplished ornithologist, star soccer fullback, Alaska adventurer, Chris was long ago converted to the realities of bugs, beetles, snakes, corpuscles, duodenums, and skeletons: in short, Sharpless Hall. His car, or should one say taxi, become Eighth's avenue to BMC or rather faith, hope, and frustration. Although his future is at present uncertain, it is promising. Martin Wyllis Bibbins History Born March II, 1932 Charles Luther Fry 25 Blossom Heath Philosophy Buffalo 21, New York Born March Freshman Introduction Committee 8, 1932 3; 37 Beckwith Terrace Spring Day Committee 3; Nautical Club Rochester 10, New York 2, 3, 4; News 1, 2; C/aw Ny,?>f>/ I, 2; Nautical Club 1. 2, K;V^ Commodore Drama Club 2, Business Manager 3, 3, 4; Karw/y C/»* President 4 2, 3, 4; Debating 1; Drama Club 1, 2, 3, Secretary 4; G/ee C/»i I; C/<«/j N;s/!)/ 2, 3, 4 John Sykes Curtis Harvey III History Born January 2, 1933 William Croft Wilson 532 Avonwood Road English Haverford, Pennsylvania Born May 31, 1931 Freshman Introduction Committee 4; Grahampton Lane News, Alumni Editor Class 3; Night Greenwich, Connecticut 2, 3; Drama Club 3, 4 Class Secretary 3, 4; Collection Speak- ers Committee. Chairman 4; Freshman Introduction Committee 4; News 1, 2, 3, 4, News Editor 3; C/ajj N;^/)/ 1, 2, 3, 4; Drama Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Secretary- Treasurer 3; C7/^e C/ai 4; Record 4; /CG 1 HEARTBREAK HOUSE: MERION ANNEX I Far beyond the busy hubbub ot the "on campus" life stands a brown and white, barn-like structure whose traditions reach far back into Haverford history.
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