LI) COLUMBIA R. Ixm HMSC GC rter 856 .0735 DIno.67-7no.67-; TMENT of OCEANOGRAPHY cop. 22 NEHALEM R. TILLAMOOK BAY SCHOOL of SCIENCE OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY 5/LETS R. Y4OUIM4R. ALSE4 R. 51USLAW UMPOUAA. COOS RAY PROGRESS REPORT Ecological Studies of Radioactivity in the Columbia River Estuary and Adjacent Pacific Ocean OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Charles L. Osterberg, Principal Investigator Compiled and Edited by James E. McCauley Atomic Energy Commission Contract AT(45-1)1750 RLO-1750-22 Reference 67-7 1 July 1966 through 30 June 1967 ECOLOGICAL STUDIES OF RADIOACTIVITY IN THECOLUMBIA RIVER AND ADJACENT PACIFIC OCEAN Compiled and Edited by James E. McCauley Principal Investigator: CharlesL. Osterberg Co-Investigators: Andrew G. Carey, Jr. William O.Forster James E. McCauley William G. Pearcy Department of Oceanography Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon97331 PROGRESS REPORT 1 July 1966 through 30 June 1967 Submitted to U. S. Atomic Energy Commission Contract AT (45-1)1750 Reference 67-7 RLO 1750-22 July 1967 STAFF CharlesL.Osterberg, Ph. D. PrincipalInvestigator Professorof Oceanography Radiochemistry Andrew G.' Carey, Jr., Ph. D. Co-Investigator Assistant Professor of Oceanography Radiochemistry William O. Forster, Ph.D. Co- Investigator Assistant Professor of Oceanography Radiochemistry James E. McCauley, Ph.D. Co-Investigator Associate Professorof Oceanography Benthic Ecology WilliamG.Pearcy, Ph. D. Co- Investigator Associate Professor of Oceanography Nekton Ecology Kilho Park, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Oceanography Chemistry Leonard R. Coleman, B. S. * Nekton Ecology Rodney J. Eagle, B. S. * Nekton Ecology Norman F. Kujala, M. S. ae EstuarineEcology I. Lauren Larsen, B. S. Gamma-Ray Spectrometry Roger Paul, B. S. Benthic Ecology Atomic AbsorptionSpectro- Mary J. Thompson, B. S. photometry Harriet A. Van Arsdale, B. S. Nekton Ecology William R. Vermeere, B. S. Gamma-Ray Spectrometry Joan E. Heeter Nekton Ecology Donna J. Sharpnack Benthic Ecology Personnel responsible for field work and qualified to serve as a Party Chief on Radioecological cruises. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A major expense in oceanographic research is "time atsea." Operations on theR/V YAQUINA,our primary vessel, werefunded by severalagencies,with the bulk of the support coming from the National Science Foundation and the Office of Naval Research.Certain special cruises of radiochemical or radioecological import werefunded by the Atomic EnergyAgency,as was much of the equipment forradio- analyses and stable elementanalysis.Most of the support for student research,plus some of the gamma spectrometry facilities, were pro- vided by theU S. PublicHealthService.We gratefully acknowledge the role of these agencies in support of the research reported in the following pages. ECOLOGICAL STUDIES OF RADIOACTIVITY IN THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND ADJACENT PACIFIC OCEAN TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ................................. 1 Counting Procedures- Larsen .... .... .... ... .. .. 6 II.RESEARCH IN PROGRESS . ... A.Estuarine Research .. .. .. .... ... 9 Columbia Estuary Fishes - Kujala, Osterberg ...... 10 Estuary Plankton Study - Haertel............... 13 Transfer of Radionuclides through Estuarine Food Webs - Renfro, Thompson .. .. .. .. .... 16 Vertical Distribution of Soluble and Particulate Radionuclides in the Columbia River Estuary - . Hanson ....... ... .. .. .... .. 19 Dissolved Chrome-51 in the Estuary -Hanson. ... ... 20 Differential Uptake of Radioisotopes by Various Body Parts of Cancer magister, the Dungeness Crab -Tennant.................... 22 25 B.Radiochemistry. .... .. .... ...... .. .......... Medium Volume Precipitation Techniques - Hanson .. 26 Hexavalent Chrome-51 - Cutshall............... 30 Tracking the Winter Plume by Large Volume Chemistry - Frederick .... .... .. .... .. 34 Measurementof the Flow Time of the Columbia River between the Hanford Reactorsand Astoria, Oregon - Hanson ....... .. ....... 39 . 41 C.Chemistry ..... ......... .. ...... .. Extraction of Zinc from Seawater - Buffo, Forster. 42 Stable Element Analysis - Thompson, Forster. ... .. 51 Specific Activity of Zinc in Natural Water - Forster, Thompson ........................... 54 Dissolved Organic Acids in Seawater and RiverWater - . .. .. 57 Cronin . ... .. ... D. Chemical Studies .................................. 60 Chemistry of Columbia River System - Park... 60 E. Radiobiology ...................................... 64 Effects of 60Co Gamma Irradiation on the Reproductivity Performance of the Brine Shrimp,.. Artemia - Holtou .............. 65 Radiosensitivity Studies on Pacific Coast Starfish - Vermeere, Forster, Osterberg ............................ 69 Iron-55 Studies Jennings ................... 70 Lead-110 and Polonium-210 in Marine Organisms - Beasley .................. 72 Determination of Specific Activity of Zinc-65 in Mytilus Californius--A Comparison of Neutron Activation and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy - Larsen ................. 73 F.Radioecology and Ecology of Benthic Animals ......... 74 Echinoid Studies - McCauley ................. 80 Status of the Heart Urchin, Brisaster latifrons -'McCauley (in press)......... 81 Echinoidea of Oregon - McCauley, Carey (in press) ............................ 81 The Feeding Habits of Asteroids off Oregon - Carey, Alspach, Hufford ............... 82 G.Ecology and Radioecology of Organic Animals......... 87 Radioecology of Albacore from the North- eastern Pacific - Pearcy, Osterberg .... 90 Migration of Sonic Scatterine Layers - Donaldson............................ 101 Radioecology of Benthic Fishes- Pearcy....... 102 Population Ecology of Euphausiids:Sampling Problems- Smiles .................... 111 An Annotated List of MidwaterFishes Captured off Oregon- Coleman ......... 116 III. STUDENT PARTICIPATION 126 THESES (Abstracts).. 131 Techniques of Solvent Extraction,of Organic Material from Natural Waters-Cronin.. 131 Chromium-51 in the Columbia River and Adjacent Pacific Ocean - Cutshall ..............132 Dispersion of the Columbia River Plume Based on Radioactivity Measurements -Frederick ..... 1 33 Coastal Upwelling and the Ecology of Lower Trophic Levels - Laurs ........................134 Extraction of Zinc from Sea Water - Buffo ...........135 Vertical Distribution of Radioactivity in the Columbia River Estuary - Hanson 136 Distribution and Occurrence of the Salpidae offthe Oregon Coast - Hubbard .......................136 The Distribution of Hyperiid Amphipods off the Oregon Coast - Van Arsdale ....................137 IV. PAPERS PRESENTED AND MEETINGS ATTENDED .............1 39 Meetings .................... 139 Papers ................................................. 142 Radioecology of Marine Benthic Invertebrates off the Coast of Oregon - Carey ................... 142 The Effect of Temperature, Sediment, and Feeding upon the Behavior of FourRadionuclides in a Marine Benthic Amphipod - Cross, Dean, Osterberg .................................... 157 Radiozinc Decline in Starry Flounders after Temporary Shutdown of Hanford Reactors - Renfro, Osterberg .............................177 Radioisotope Measurements in Pacific Salmon - Kujala, Larsen, Osterberg .....................190 Sediment Radioactivity in the Columbia River Estuary - Jennings, Osterberg ..................211 Abstracts................................................222 Depth, Day-Night, andSeasonalVariations in Zinc-65 and Biomassof Oceanic Animals off Oregon - Pearcy .......................................222 A Chemical Investigation of the Subarctic Boundary Near 170° W, June 1966 - Park .................223 Studies on the Ecology of Benthic Invertebrate Fauna in the Northeast Pacific Ocean off Oregon, U.S.A. - Carey ................. 224 An Ecologic Investigation of the Benthic Inverte- brates off the Oregon Coast - Carey....... 225 A Modified Nitroso-R Method for the Determi- nation of Cobalt in Sea Water - Forster.... 226 V. REPRINTS ............................................. 227 A Modified Dimethylglyoxime Method for the Determination of Nickel in Sea Water - Forster, Zeitlin ......................... 227 Food and Feeding Apparatus of Two Pelagic Shrimps - Renfro, Pearcy ................ 239 A Modified Nitroso-R Method for the Determi- nation of Cobalt in Sea Water - Forster, Zeitlin ................................. 244 Deep-Sea pH - Park ......................... 258 Surface pH of the Northeastern Pacific Ocean - Park .................................. 260 Depth, Diel, Seasonal, and Geographic Variations in Zinc-65 of MidwaterAnimals off Oregon - Pearcy, Osterberg........... 266 Retention of 65Zn by Columbia River Sediment - Johnson, Cutshall, Osterberg ............. 280 A 'Four-Eyed' Fish from the Deep-Sea: Bathylychnops exilis Cohen, 1958 - Pearcy, Meyer, Munk ........................... 284 Spectrophotometric Determination of Nickelin Sea Water with Quinoxaline-2, 3-Dithiol - Forster, Zeitlin ......................... 291 Energetics of The Benthos of Long Island Sound I.Oxygen Utilization of Sediment - Carey .................................. 293 Depth, Distribution of Oceanic Shrimps(Decapoda; Natantia) off Oregon - Pearcy, Forss...... 302 Nutrient Regeneration and Preformed Nutrients off Oregon - Park.......................... 311 Electrolytic Conductance of Sea Water and the Salinometer, An Addendum to the Review - Park, Burt................................ 316 Recent Researches in the Fields of Hydrosphere, Atmosphere, and Nuclear Geochemistry - (Book Review) - Park...................... 320 Elements of Geochemistry - (Book Review)
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