CATHOLIC COURIER DIOCESE OPBOCHESTER, NY PAGE 4 THURSDAY JUNE 1, 1995 -TV T WORLD- NEWS Ecumenism encyclical discusses pope's role By Cindy Wooden with one another, he said, both sides Catholic News Service must make an examination of con­ science because division "is an evil from VATICAN CITY — As a concrete sign which we need to be healed." of his commitment to Christian unity, "All the sins of the world were gath­ Pope John Paul II called for a new dis­ ered up in the saving sacrifice of Christ, cussion of one of the thorniest issues di­ including die sins committed against the viding Christians: the authority and min­ church's unity: the sins of Christians, istry of the pope. those of the pastors no less dian those of In an encyclical letter on ecumenism the lay faithful," he said. released May 30 at the Vatican, Pope John Christians must enter into dialogue Paul said the unity of all Christians is motivated by love and with a humble God's will and is at the heart of the mis­ awareness that mistakes and offenses Reuters/RNS sion Christ entrusted to his followers. were made by both sides, the pope said. At the Vatican The encyclical, "Ut Unum Sint" ("That In that spirit, he said, legitimate dif­ May 29, Pope They May Be One"), ends with a call to ferences will be seen as sources of en­ John Paul II "everyone to renew their commitment richment for the entire Christian com­ puts his sig­ to work for full and visible communion" munity rather than as obstacles to unity nature on his and with a specific exhortation to the or even sources of tension and conflict, -latest encycli­ world's Catholic bishops "to be espe­ "Legitimate diversity is in no way op cal, 'Ut Unum cially mindful" of their mission and duty -posed to the church's unity, but rather Sint' (That to work for Christian unity. enhances her splendor and contributes They May Be The pope apologized for times when gready to the fulfillment of her mission," One'). Catholics have contributed to the divi­ the pope said. sions among Christians and for ways in At die same time, the search for Chris­ which Catholics have contributed to odi- tian unity must be a search for the truth er Christians' difficulty in accepting die about Christ and his will for the com­ ministry of the bishop of Rome. munity of believers, the pope said. Plea for Christian unity marks "The Catholic Church's conviction "To uphold a vision of unity which that in the ministry of the bishop of takes account of all the demands of re­ 12th major letter over 16 years Rome she has preserved, in fidelity to vealed truth does not mean to put a the apostolic tradition and the faith of brake on the ecumenical movement," WASHINGTON (CNS) - "Ut Unum in the mystery of Christ and in the the Fathers, the visible sign and guar­ he said. "On the contrary, it means pre­ Sint" is Pope John Paul IPs 12Ui en­ church. antor of unity constitutes a difficulty for venting it from settling for apparent so­ cyclical in his 16 years and seven 7. "Sollicitudo Rei Socialis" ("On So­ most other Christians, whose memory lutions which would lead to no firm and months as pope. Here is a chronolog­ cial Concerns"), 1987: Second social is marked by certain painful recollec­ solid results." ical list of all his encyclicals. encyclical, marking 20th anniversary tions," he wrote. True Christian unity must include a 1. "Redemptor Hominis" ("The Re­ of Pope Paul VTs social encyclical "Pop- "To the extent that we are responsi­ common understanding of the profes­ deemer of Man"), |979: On Jesus ulorum Progressio." ble for these, I join my predecessor Paul sion of faith and the sacraments as well Chrisl and thetdi|Mt|his^'edeniptidn "" 8.."RedemptonsMissio"(*TJreJ&s- VI in asking forgiveness," the pope said. as bonds of communion between mepi- brings to die human face. '• sion of the Redeemer")/l#^"-On When Christians enter into a dialogue bers of the hierarchy, he said. 2. "Dives in Misericordia" ("Rich in spreading die Gospel fasHie! central Mercy"), 1980: On God die Father and and permanent mandate of die church. die meaning of God's mercy. 9. "Centesimus Annus" ("The Hun­ 3. "Laborem Bsercens" ("On Human dredth Year"), 1991: Third social en­ Work"), 1981: Social encyclical on cyclical, analyzing the social situation in .. .Another significant moment .workers' rights and dignity marking die light of communism's' collapse on -die 90th anniversary of Pope Leo XII- die 100th anniversary of "Rerum No- in our Synod Process Fs "Rerum NovarUm." varum." 4. "Slavorum Apostoli" ("The Apos- 10. "Veritatis Splendor" ("The Splen­ des of the Slavs"), 1985: Affirming East­ dor of Truth"), 1993: Eirst papal en­ "It is my hope that every ern Europe's Christian culture in a cyclical in history on the foundations of commemoration of Sts. Cyril and moral dieology. ' parish community will j£e'u\odius on die 1,1100th anniversary 11. "Evangelium. Vitae" ("The of St Methodius' deadi. Gospel of life"), 1995i On abortion, review this document with 5. "Dominum et Vivificahtem" euthanasia, embryonic experiments <"Lord and Giver of Life"), 1986: On and odier threats tobuman life, its sa- great care." die living presence of die Holy Spirit in credness and dignity. the.dbj|g&and rtje.wqrjd^ 12. "Ut Unum Siht" ("That They 6. "Ipraernptoris Mater" ("Modier of May Be One") 1995: On the impor­ s& the Redeemer"), 1987: On Mary's role tance of striving for Christian unity. Order, extr^i copifes while they last! A CatholicCourier Special Section With its Jan. 5 edition, the"Cadiolic Courier presented the Diocese of Rochester's _ Publication Date: full Pastoral Plan for 1995-1999. This plan, the result of nearly five years of thought­ ful labor, wilr lead Catholics of the Rochester-Diocese in faith, hope and love toward Thursday, June 29,1995 die year 2,000. 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