S'-.V,''!',! £■' T h e ' FEIDAT. AFJUL K IHfl Forecast of L*. S. We ATence Dally Cfrcirtalloii/ Manchester Evening HerfMld For tko MMth of BUreb, ^ Fair, nut .cool tonigbt; M r, continued mild Snndny. ijjj -■ ’Tk ‘ Charles’ Bakery on,. North Main that Surrell was aeeuaed by Mrs. George H. Williams o f Ox­ St. Margaret’s Circle, Daughters 9,138 Charlea of making a wrong entry ASHES and RUBBISI ford street* received a telegram of Isabella, will hold its monthly U f l l U f l f f G street, haa brought suit for $1,000 DON WILLIS Member of Andlt, ‘AboiilTowii today announcing the death of meeting Tue.sday evening at eight ~ " against Erwin Surrell. of Eemdale In the book! of the bakery and as REMOVED naisaa of ObeabitioM Mrs. James W. Duffy of Provi­ o’clock In the K. of C. home, and road, as the result of trouble he al­ a result Surrell. quit Urork. He Mancheiter^’A City o'1 VUlage Charm all members are requested to att- GARAGE dence, who was the second su- Suit Brought leges he ha*l w'lth Surrell in front aald ha had asked fo r his release TBLBPHONl 8N8 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Tht ansuAl r«tfUtr»tion for Boy nrema president of the supremo tend. A social time will follow, Complete Anto Serrlce Scout* of Emanuel Lutheran with refreshments In charge of t — o f the bakery on Saturday, March and later when he went to get It GAVBLLO « B. 8CHI MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 7,1945 Emblem Club of the U. S., and 24. there was an. argument between 18 Main SL TeL 8085 (ClaMiaed AdvertHteg ea Page It) church will Uka place Tueaday known to a number of the mem­ Mrs. John L«ppen and her com­ Legal Action Started as )L. LXIV., NO. 159 evanlnr at 7:30. The spaaker for mittee. Surrell, an employe o f the him and the owner o f the bakery, * ________________ bers of the Rockville Emblem bakery, was fined $1 on the fcharge who Is a brother o f Samuel the evening wlU be William Davl*. CTub. Her late husband was past Result of an Argument aaaiatant execiitlve of Charter The monthly meeting of the War of broach of the peace in the Town Charlea. During fhe argument Krand treasurer of the g ^ < l In North End. Court on April 4 by Deputy Judge Surrell admitted puahing Samuel Yankeea Drive Forward Oak Council, Hartford. The lodge of Elks. The Emblem Oub Records committee will be held Tanks Push Charles, but did not admit hitting Scouta have planned a fine pro­ Monday evening at eight o'clock George C,, Lessner__ British will have a ritualistic service at Samuel Charles, an employe of At that time it was brought out him. ix Jap Warships gram, to be followed by- » social her hosB* Saturday ev^ ln g. 'Hte at the Whlton Memorial Library. HALE'S SELF SERVE hour. funeral srtll be Monday morning from the Cathedral Parish. Provi­ Ihe Original In New England! • 4^ .. The Ladles Aid Society of the dence. Covenant-Congregational church And 391 Aircraft Closer to Bre on Spruce street has plans prao- Mrs. Pauline Berrett of 43 Peart tically complete for Its annual an­ street has received a letter from niversary party at the church Fri­ her son. Leon O. Berrett, store­ New SATURDAY SPECIALS! day evening of next week at 7:40. keeper 2-c, U.S.N.R., now in the Bagged in Battle One of the attracUons on the pro­ Philippines. In which he gives de­ Battle gram w ill be the songs and ac­ Hard tails of the Naval support for the Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! cordion numbers by 12-ycar-old landing of the forces at the recap­ Roland Oran ter of Hartford. Re­ ture of Corregldor. He said "The rgest Remaining Nip-1 E n t r V freshments and a social time will Rock” was well plastered by Army Maxwell Hoiiee I Germans Report Fierce follow the entertainment. ponese Battleship Sunk i bombers and then the paratroop­ banana \^an conflict m American ers In parachutes of varying colors C offee 1 Lb. Jar 35c End Expected Hia Toung People’s Society of lllled the air, a marwelous sight to ^cene of Combat On­ Seen End the Concordia Lutheran church PRINT Third Army Terrilory watch, then the landing o f the ly 50 Miles from Jap­ Curb Yanks win hold its monthly meeting this troops on the beach, made one of Of Arguments , East of Muelhaiisen; evening at 7:30. the moat thrilling and unforget­ an; United States For Japs table sighU of the war." Vi Lb. Pkg. 4 5 c On Shopping Reporters Are Unable Salada T ea Loses 3 Destroyers. In Fire Cases ------ To Confirm or Deny The Emblem Club of Rockville Uoyid DeMert Form er British Envoy to A REMINDER! will have a card party Wednesday Guam, April 7.—</P)— Six Eisleben Area Opera­ evening, April 18, at thfe Elks DRESSES Tokyo Asserts *Early Circus Attorney Ques­ Sprees to Buy Meat Pkgs. 2 7 c lapanese warships, including Home, lor the benefit af the In- Pudding And Other Rationed tions ; Bremen Flanked When Yon Need More sUllatlon May 2. Mrs. Peter Fa­ Iheir largest remaining bat- Destruction* Faced If tioned by Shea on gan of this town, vrho la chair­ leship— the 45,000 ton Ya- Items Illegal; Mtty Bulletin! man, will be assisted by officers Russia Goes to War. Moves to Bring Pres- INSURANCE Aunt Jemima lato, and 391 enemy planes of the club. Members are request­ Enforce Export Laua. Paris, April 7.— (/P) — Fire • Theft • Aatonobile irere destroyed in a two-day sure Upon , Court. ed to bring a g ift for the "white | Liondon, April 7.—(IP)—Sir Rob­ American tanks struck to !^ - AH Purpose Floiir tattle between planes and or Famitnre elephant" sale. ert Craigie, British smba«ador to Ottawa, April 7— (Jh— Those within 10 miles of Hannover lurface units of the two Hartford, April 7—(e>—State’s 25 Lb. Bag Japan from 1037 to 1941, aald to­ shopping sprees by American-s today in a breakout from CALL leets yesterday and today. Attorney Hugh M. Alcor;ji, Jr., day that Japanese leaders may be who come to Canadian border their Wescr bridgehead. The Japan. Adml- and Defense Counsel W llllsm L. TALL CBDAE8 Inly so miles from found "who care for Japan and the to a^Cheeter W. Nlmitx announced. Hadden were expected to conclude cities to buy meat and other items Ninth Army lashed out from ALEXANDER Japanese people more than the Mine Owners Soviets Start .Driving Tbree Deotroyero Loot their arguments today in a hear­ rationed in the United State* are Hamelin on the Weser river Nazis care for Germany and the Illegal and steps may be taken to BINGO I ' i Lb. Pkg. Three United Stetes destroyers ing before Superior Court Judge and careened eight miles to­ JARVIS Walnut Meats German people." curb them. M ALEXANDER STREET irere sunk, several others and In an article In The London Ask for Help William J. Shea on a defense mo­ ward Hannover 072,500). TONIGHT Germans From Vienna tion for suspension of sentence im­ It la against Canadian export WeeMaja aad SmiOeye Armoarta >me amaller craft damaged. Sev- Dally Mail on Russia’s denuncia­ regulations for anyone to take into posed on five officials and em­ 0 «M « U f EeaMeMS m » ORANGE HALL |n planes lost. j.,,..-., tion of her neutrality pact with the United States goods which may Paris, April 7. — </P)— I Japanese fieet lossea in addition Japan, Craigie wrote: “ Perhaps On Contract ployes of the Ringling Brothers Cans Barnum and Bailey circus on Feb be rationed there unless the pur­ British tanks drove forward SIZES Evaporated 29c lo the battleship were one AgM O were Russia now to Join the Allies Good Indications En- j RFC Program chaser obtains an export permit, Ilasa light cruiser, one other llgni- Admiral Suzuki may be found to 21, and permission to withdraw 12 miles from Bremen today emy Faces Possibility ^ pleas of no contest to charges of and such permits may be granted Ir crulaer, and three destroyers. be one o f these.” only to Canadian citizens or Cana­ and the German high com­ isy, The battle opened Friday after- Appeal to War Labor involuntttry manslaughter grow­ May Be Seeking Soft Spot O f Early Encirclement Shares Loans ing out of the circus fire disaster dian firms. mand reported a fierce battle Bradshaw Honey loon when heavy forces of •'“ P*’ He added: "W e may regard the Board as Talks With Not Obsers-ed la Practice in U. S. Third Army territory to lese planes attacked United SUtes here last July fl which took 168 ^RECORDS— fall of the Kolso cabinet after only If Forces Remain. lives and Injured hundreds. This is the law, but in practice ships and shore Installations In the Union Collapse; Wild­ east of Muehlhausen. This is lLb.J.r21c \ 2 Jar' nine months of office as a measure Closely Questl ins Attorney it is not observed by Canadian Lb. riclnlty of Okinawa. Three de- With Bankers authorities. They do. however, try near the Eisleben area in 2 6 > / , of the Japanese consternation on cat Stoppages Critical. Moscow, April 7.— (/P)— _____ Hearing of testimony was com­ itroyera were sunk and several receiving the news from Moscow. pleted yesterday after a ao^en- to enforce other regulations which which the Germans yester­ DrotiMdwry lamaged.
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