6020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE April 27, 2000 Santorum Smith (OR) Thomas PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO FEINSTEIN and I, however, are of the Sessions Snowe Thompson Shelby Specter Thurmond THE CONSTITUTION OF THE view that because of various things Smith (NH) Stevens Warner UNITED STATES TO PROTECT that have occurred, it is unlikely that THE RIGHTS OF CRIME VIC- a cloture motion, if filed, would be sup- NAYS—44 TIMS—Motion To Proceed—Re- ported by the requisite number of Sen- Akaka Edwards Lieberman sumed ators to succeed early next week. Baucus Feingold Mikulski Mr. KYL. Mr. President, we are in Therefore, what we are prepared to Bayh Feinstein Moynihan do is speak to the issue of the resolu- Biden Graham Murray the process of attempting to work out Bingaman Harkin Reed an arrangement of time for the debate tion, where we are with respect to the Boxer Hollings Reid resolution, to thank the many groups Breaux Inouye on the pending motion. I ask for all Robb concerned if the Chair will describe the and sponsors and other individuals who Bryan Johnson Rockefeller Byrd Kennedy have been so supportive of this effort, Sarbanes pending business of the Senate. Cleland Kerrey Schumer The PRESIDING OFFICER. The and to seek permission of the Senate, Conrad Kohl Torricelli when people have finished their com- Daschle Landrieu question is on the motion to proceed to Dodd Lautenberg Voinovich S.J. Res. 3. ments, to withdraw the motion to pro- Dorgan Leahy Wellstone Mr. KYL. I thank the Chair. ceed and to move to other business. Wyden Durbin Levin We are in the process of determining That merely means a timeout in our ef- forts to secure passage of this constitu- NOT VOTING—5 just how much time speakers are going to need in order to conclude debate on tional amendment. Kerry Mack Roth We recognize at this point in time Lincoln McCain the motion to proceed. Senator FEIN- STEIN and I both have some prelimi- that proceeding will simply encourage The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this nary remarks we would like to make in more Senators to use a great deal of vote, the yeas are 51, the nays are 44. connection with that debate as the two the Senate’s time in unproductive Three-fifths of the Senators duly cho- chief proponents of the resolution. We speeches that really do not go to the sen and sworn not having voted in the understand Senator LEAHY and Senator heart of our constitutional amendment affirmative, the motion is rejected. BYRD wish to take some time, and Sen- but take time away from the Senate’s important business. We have no inten- The Democratic leader. ator BIDEN as well a little later on. As soon as we can confirm the tion of doing that. Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I re- amount of time people will need, we So we will make some remarks that gret that this vote had to have been will probably propound a unanimous will set the stage for what we are about taken. I have made it clear from the consent request in that regard. to do. But let me begin by noting the very beginning that my hope is we can Mr. LEAHY. Will the Senator yield? tremendous amount of support around find some way to compromise. We have Mr. KYL. I am happy to yield. the country that has accompanied our thought we have already compromised Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I am per- effort to bring this measure to the extensively. We have limited the num- fectly willing, from this side, to work floor of the Senate. I have to begin by ber of amendments. We have limited with the distinguished Senator from thanking two people in particular, Sen- the time on those amendments. We are Arizona and the distinguished Senator ator DIANNE FEINSTEIN and Majority now even prepared to allow second de- from California on time. I do not ex- Leader TRENT LOTT. We could not have grees so long as we get a vote. That is pect an enormous amount of time to be brought this amendment, over the course of the last 4 years, to the bipar- the regular order. consumed. It has not been announced, but there is a certain sense that there tisan level of support it now enjoys We believe, as strongly as we want to may not be any more rollcall votes this without the ability to work on both resolve the marriage tax penalty, that week so a lot of people are probably sides of the aisle. No one could have having the opportunity to offer a bet- going to be leaving. I will definitely try carried this matter on the Democratic ter alternative is something that is so to accommodate them. side more capably than Senator DIANNE fundamental to the rights of every The distinguished Senator from West FEINSTEIN. Before she came to the Sen- Democratic Senator. This vote we took Virginia does have a statement he ate, she was a passionate advocate for had nothing to do with the marriage wishes to make. I have a statement I victims of crime. As mayor of San tax penalty. It had everything to do wish to make. I am simply trying to Francisco, she was a proponent of area with a Senator’s right to offer an protect some others who may want to residents who were victims of crime amendment that would improve a mar- speak, as I am sure the Senator is on and carries that passion with her to riage tax penalty bill. I am hopeful we his side. But I will continue to work this debate now. can have some resolution on this mat- with the distinguished Senator to cut She and I have worked closely with ter at some point in the not-too-dis- down this time any way we can. victims’ rights advocates to shape the tant future. Mr. KYL. We will announce to all legislation. I might say, while some of Members, if we can work that time ar- our colleagues have suggested there is I will tell our colleagues in the ma- rangement out, just exactly how this something wrong with the fact that we jority that this vote will not change. will proceed. have conducted dozens of meetings This vote will stay at 45 for whatever In the meantime, let me see if I can with the administration, Department length of time it takes. So there will set the stage so everyone will know of Justice, and many others, and honed not be any diminution or any erosion where we are in this debate. Then I this amendment in 63 different drafts, in the strength of feeling we have would like to thank some people and we are very proud that we have in- about our right to offer amendments. I then move on to a colloquy with Sen- cluded anyone who wanted to talk am hopeful with that realization we ator FEINSTEIN, if I might. about this in our circle of friends work- can reach some compromise. Because of the way the Senate works, ing to get an amendment that could Mr. President, I yield 2 hours to the we have moved back and forth in Sen- pass the Senate and that we have care- distinguished senior Senator from West ate business. But the pending business fully taken their suggestions into ac- Virginia under the cloture to be used is the motion to proceed on S.J. Res. 3; count, thus accounting for the many as he deems appropriate during the de- that is, the crime victims’ constitu- different drafts as the 4-year progress bate on the marriage tax penalty. tional rights resolution sponsored by of this resolution has brought us to Senator FEINSTEIN and myself. this point. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The lead- We gained cloture earlier this week The fact that we have taken their er has that right. so we could proceed, and the motion to suggestions to heart and continually Mr. DASCHLE. I thank the Presi- proceed will certainly be agreed to, if polished this amendment we think is a dent. I yield the floor. we carry the debate that far. Senator strong point. While we were criticized VerDate jul 14 2003 12:37 Aug 24, 2004 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\S27AP0.000 S27AP0 April 27, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 6021 yesterday on the floor for engaging in using this time on the floor and explain Alliance of America, Darlene Hutch- yet more negotiations that might re- all of this to them, with the hope they inson and Laura Griffith have been sult in a final, 64th draft, I must say will then be better able to support us helpful. that was largely at the instigation of in the future. Various attorneys general, such as Senator FEINSTEIN, who said, given the So I thank Senator FEINSTEIN. We Delaware Attorney General Jane fact the Department of Justice has four have gone through a lot together on Brady, Wisconsin Attorney General concerns still pending with regard to this. There is nobody in this body for Jim Doyle, and Kansas Attorney Gen- our specific proposal, let’s meet with whom I have greater respect. eral Carla Stovall. By the way, these them and see if we can come to closure Again, I thank Senator LOTT, the ma- are Democrats and Republicans alike. on those items. jority leader, for his support for us as It is a totally bipartisan effort. As a Because of her leadership, we were well.
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