Fort Hays State University FHSU Scholars Repository University Leader Archive Archives Online 9-16-1994 University Leader September 16, 1994 University Leader Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://scholars.fhsu.edu/university_leader Content Disclaimer The primary source materials contained in the Fort Hays State University Special Collections and Archives have been placed there for research purposes, preservation of the historical record, and as reflections of a past belonging to all members of society. Because this material reflects the expressions of an ongoing culture, some items in the collections may be sensitive in nature and may not represent the attitudes, beliefs, or ideas of their creators, persons named in the collections, or the position of Fort Hays State University. Recommended Citation University Leader Staff, "University Leader September 16, 1994" (1994). University Leader Archive. 663. https://scholars.fhsu.edu/university_leader/663 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives Online at FHSU Scholars Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in University Leader Archive by an authorized administrator of FHSU Scholars Repository. .,, Inside•.. ..... ,,.,. ,..... , THE ~Al') Editorial •.•••• • •••••••••••• 2 , ..... ......, ..... llll t-Gi Cart()()n ••••••••••••••••••• 2 UNIVERSITY Briefs ••••••••••••• : ••••••• 3 Homecoming canfdates • . • • 3 Amateur radio . • . • . • . • • 4 j Sexual abuse confere nee • . • 4 :, r( -! i''J ,... ,.. - l ,.,. - .,• ., •• : T .i r ·Jr-- Professor paints postcard . 5 L ·i , ' · · c i L l ., ·· : · r _· . ,J I L J ! ·1 · r ~ -, -: TY Volleyball • .. .. • • .. • 6 .: . Pl I .. ": r,._. ) T_ ,-, ::1(4 , Tigers look for win .•.......• 7 page6 ,;- O l ., Vol. 89 No. 8 News 628-5301 • Advertising 628-5884 -------Friday, September 16, 1994 Beach/Scmidt a 'classy' setting for performance of novel Rebecca Alatrup University Leader The Fort Hays State University Special Events Com- mittee of the University Activities Board will present 'The Secret Garden" Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Beach/ Schmidt Perfonning Ans Center. LB. Dent, director of the University Activities Board, said, "This is a great thing to take a date to. Show your date that you have some class. A classy date should have a classy setting." Inspired by the classic Francis Hodgson Burnett children's novel, "The Secret Garden" tells the story of a young girl sent to live with her uncle on the English moors in 1906. On his large, lonely estate she discovers a secret walled garden. Her loving attention brings the garden back to life, even as ii heals her own spiritual wounds and those of her new-found family. Dent said, "Th.is is certainly a show that women know about. Young girls probably either had this story read to them or they read the story themselves. It is like a fairy tale of a girls story." He said, "This is a huge hit on Broadway and it is a new show." The show opened on Broadway April 25. 1991 at the St. James TheaLre where it played to sold-out houses. The show is directed by Victoria Bussert, choreo- graphed by Janet Lover and is produced by Big League Theatricals. It has received a record 14 Drama Desk nominations, seven Tony nominations and four Outer Critics Circle Award nominations. It won Tony Awards for best book of a musical, best set design and best supporting actress; Drama Desk Awards for outstanding book of a musical, outstanding orchestration. and outstanding set design; and Outer Critics Circle Awards for outs1anding design. COURTESY PHOTO Dent said, "Our students need to have the c;,;perience The University Activity Board will present "The Secret Garden· at 8 p.m., Tuesday in the Beach/Schmidt Performing Arts Center. of going to a Broadway show." Sometimes it is.so easy to overlook what all goes into that are on the stage crew and they work all day long. We tion, it is a major road show." chase unreserved balcony seats for $8. a major production. have a crew ofabout 20 studen_ts who work.all during the . ~-. Tickets for the show are on sale now at the Student Dent said, "l think sometimes students don't reali1.e Dent said. "There is a tremendous amount of work show itself. And then 26 students to toad out after the Service Center in the Memorial Union. Ticke t prices arc: the si ze of the productions we are doing here. This is not involved.' Sometimes you don't realize all of the other show is over." $ I 6 for the general pub! ic, $1 4 for senior citizens and little league stuff. it is major league. I hope students things that goes on. He said, "There are two 18-wheel tractor trailer those! 8 and under. $14 for FHSU faculty and staff. and realize what is being provided for them at this ridiculous "The truck comes in a 8 a.m. and we have 26 students trucks. two buses and a ,van. This is not a small produc- S 12 for FHSU students. FHSU students also may pur- low price and hope they will take advamage of it." Senate urges public to attend forum Japanese professor Julie G. Long University ·Leader week," he said. erythingfrom housing to student apa- by the instructor so the instructor can At last night's Student Govern- Anyone having a question or con- thy. gain personal critiques:· Cri tes said. compares education ment Association meeting, senators cern, not just senators. will be free to The report was produced "in an Such a program is being used by were strongly urged to spread the word speak during the forum. effort to receive some additional di- the Fon Hays State agriculture de- Candas Graham cry, the Americanequivalentofapre- about the coming administrative fo. "Any type of issue that anyone rection regarding pertinent student partment. University Leader school. children enter when they rum. wants to bring up is completely open. issues." he said. In other business. the office of Cherry Kids , development of well- are six months old. They enter kindergar- Phil Covington, SGA vice-presi- It's their chance to interact with these The SGA executive staff hopes Legislative Affa irs has received a list balanced Japanese children, was the ten any where from three to six years dent, encouraged the senators to tell people on a more one to one basis and to be able to address the issues raised of Kansas county clerks and their topi c of dic;cussion yesterday in the all their friends and classmates. get a direct answer." Travi s Crites, and intends to initiate another report addresses for students needing to vote Frontier Room. Memorial Union. old." "When a child graduates from kin- "Let everybody know. Everyone SGA executive assistant. said. in January. by absentee ballot. Dr. Kunio Wakai. director of re- is invited," he said. The forum will be held at 7:30 Crites also spent time this week Three open senate scats were search and clinical center of child dergarten. the majority have been in Covington also suggested that p.m. ne;,;t Thursday in the Black and doing researching student manage- filled. Michelle Shwccrs. Wichita development at Hokkaido University. there for at lea.st two years." Wakai each senator prepare a question for at Gold Ballroom. Memorial Union. ment teams for Audrey Nogle, SGA senior. filled a Humanities seat: Luis Japan, was the guest speaker. said. "The kindergartens are regulated least one of the speakers. Crites returned issue reports. a president, who had not yet returned Marquez, Leoti senior, filled a Health As a Fulbright Scholar. Wakai chose by the Ministry of Education and the "I know everyone of you has listing of what the senators consider from the Wednesday and Thursday's Human Performance seat: and the University of Buffalo. to do his something on your mind that you to be their constituents most impor- Kansas Board of Regents meeting. Stephanie Lanning. Colby senior. research. day nursery 's are regulated by the would like to ask one of the five indi- tantconcerns, to the SGA body. There "Student management teams are filled a Social Sciences scat. Several Speaking through an interpreter. ~idual!i that will be before us next arc a wide range of issues listed, ev- teams fonned within the department senate scats remain open. Wakai said. "In Japan, the day nurs- Education / See page 5 Housing regulations, problems discussed Rupananda Misra Vicker.; said housi ng concerns "af- mcntation are the key." University Leader fects all of us" and is "cvcryhody's Vickers said the best advice for a "Know your right!i and responsi- concern . landlord is to let the tenant know bilities as a ten af)t; a.~ a pro ... idcr" was "One should \:nnw the rights and about fair housing rules, put poster$ the theme of the free fair housing responsihihtics a.\ regard<; housing in of the rules and regulations in the seminar Tuesday in the Memorial Hays:· Vickers said. business office and kt the tenant see Union. She ~id the FFHA Act of 1988 the rules and regulations before sign- The meeting wa.~ part of a project prohibit,; discrimination in ref,!ard to ing the lease . sponsored by the Kansas Human Re- housing t,ascd on family status. dis- "Business is business:· Vickers lations Aswciation (KHRA ). ability. race. ~ll . national origin. reli- ~id. "Good business protects every- KHRA is compo<,edoflocal human gion and color one and all busines.,; should be done in relatioM commissions and depan- 1nc Fair HoU$in!l Amendment~ Act writing." mcnts of city government.~. who arc Of 1988 requires that all people be One of the problems for the stu- responsible for enfon:eJT1ent of equal given an equal opportunity to live in. dents in Hays is the "availability of opponunity ordinanc~ in the area of IO buy or to rent the housing for whi ch housi ng:· Hannes Zacharias, Hays housing, employment and puhlic ac- they qualify financiall y.
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