
Editorial Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease: A Work in Progress Jason R. Bydash§ and Areef Ishani§¶ Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 6: 2555–2557, 2011. doi: 10.2215/CJN.09560911 Short-term outcomes of acute kidney injury (AKI), tients with diabetes who sought ambulatory and in- §¶Minneapolis Veterans such as length of hospital stay and inpatient mortal- patient treatment within the Veterans Affairs health- Affairs Health Care ity, are well documented. Recently, the impact of AKI care system between January 1, 1999, and December System, and § on long-term outcomes—a largely undefined body of 31, 2004, and followed them until December 31, 2008. Department of knowledge—has come into focus. Evidence associat- Prospective patients were identified as having diabe- Medicine, University of Minnesota, ing AKI in the inpatient setting with extended out- tes, based on ICD-9 codes, during at least one outpa- Minneapolis, Minnesota comes of mortality and the development of chronic tient clinic encounter. After excluding patients with kidney disease (CKD) has materialized. Several stud- fewer than three creatinine levels or an eGFR Ͻ30 Correspondence: Dr. ies have linked severity of AKI with increased likeli- ml/min per 1.73 m2 at the time of first creatinine Areef Ishani, Section of hood of mortality, developing end-ESRD, or chronic measurement, 3679 patients remained for evaluation. Nephrology, Minneapolis Veterans kidney disease (1–3). Others have found an associa- AKI was defined according to the Acute Kidney In- Affairs Medical Center tion between temporary dialysis support for AKI in jury Network criteria. A total of 1822 patients re- (111J), 1 Veterans CKD patients and progression to ESRD (4). quired at least one hospitalization, 530 of 1822 pa- Drive, Minneapolis, The detrimental effect of AKI episodes on the de- tients experienced one AKI episode, and 158 of 530 MN 55417. Phone: velopment and progression of CKD has been ex- patients experienced two or more AKI episodes. The 612-467-3279; Fax: 612-727-5640; plored in animal models. For instance, Nath et al. mean age of patients in the study was 61.7 years, E-mail: Isha0012@ found that repetitive nephrotoxic insults over time mean baseline creatinine was 1.10 mg/dl, and mean umn.edu results in chronic renal disease in rats (7). Further- time of observation was 61.2 months. The study’s more, Basile et al. found persistent changes at the gene findings reveal a significantly increased hazard of transcription level in the kidneys of rats subjected to developing stage 4 CKD and mortality in individuals ischemic insult, even after serum creatinine levels had suffering from AKI during hospitalization compared recovered to match those of untreated controls (8). with individuals without AKI. In addition, each ad- These findings support the clinical findings associat- ditional AKI episode (up to three total) was associated ing AKI episodes with progressive kidney disease. with an independent and cumulative increase in the A review of the recent literature reveals several risk for the development of stage 4 CKD (hazard studies linking AKI to the progression of kidney dis- ratio ϭ 2.02). ease, five of which are presented in Table 1. Of the There are several aspects of Thakar’s work that five presented, the length of studies ranged from 3.3 require special attention. First, the results of the mul- to 8 years in various settings. With regard to out- tivariable Cox proportional hazards model suggest comes, three out of five studies used ESRD as the that while AKI is a significant risk factor for stage 4 primary outcome, two used progression of CKD as CKD, it also has the same magnitude of risk as pro- the outcome, and one used incident CKD. In general, teinuria (defined as an either urinary microalbumin all studies demonstrate an increased risk of adverse concentration of Ͼ30 mg/g creatinine or a protein- renal outcomes, irrespective of how AKI was defined. creatinine ratio of Ͼ0.5 g/g, or a dipstick with Ͼ100 For example, of the studies using ESRD as their pri- mg/dl protein), a well defined risk factor for ESRD in mary outcome, the hazard associated with an AKI patients with diabetes. This finding suggests that de- episode ranged from 1.45 to 11.74 (2–6). Unfortu- termining a history of AKI in diabetic CKD patients nately, the role of recurrent AKI on development and may be on par with proteinuria with regard to assess- progression of CKD remains underexplored in the ing risk. Second, the association between AKI and clinical realm. Most recent studies have examined progression of CKD is of similar magnitude irrespec- the impact of one episode of acute kidney injury on tive of baseline eGFR, suggesting that an AKI history, patient outcomes. In the current issue of CJASN, even in patients with preserved kidney function, may Thakar and colleagues examine the association be- be a risk marker for adverse renal outcomes. tween solitary and multiple AKI episodes and the While Thakar’s study demonstrates an association risk of chronic kidney disease in a cohort of diabetic between both solitary and multiple AKI episodes, and patients (9). an increased risk of reaching stage 4 CKD, it does Briefly, Thakar et al. studied a cohort of 4082 pa- have limitations. This study does not include infor- www.cjasn.org Vol 6 November, 2011 Copyright © 2011 by the American Society of Nephrology 2555 2556 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Table 1. Recent studies linking AKI to long-term outcomes Length of Study Authors (Years) Setting Definition of AKI Outcomes Results, HR Newsome et al. (5) 4.1 (median) Acute MI Increase in serum creatinine ESRD 0.1 mg/dl increase, HR (increments of 0.1 mg/dl) from 1.45 baseline during hospitalization 0.2 mg/dl increase, HR for acute MI 1.97 0.3 to 0.5 mg/dl increase, HR 2.36 0.6 to 3.0 mg/dl, increase HR 3.26 James et al. (2) 3.3 (maximum) Coronary AKI stage 1, 2, or 3, according of ESRD AKI 1, HR 4.15 angiography Acute Kidney Injury Network AKI 2 to 3, HR 11.74 definitions within 7 days postcoronary angiography Hsu et al. (4) 8 (maximum) Hospitalization Ն50% increase in serum creatinine ESRD/death (combined) AKI, HR 1.30 compared with last outpatient value and receipt of dialysis during hospitalization in patients with baseline eGFR Ͻ45 ml/min per 1.73 m2 Lo et al. (3) 8 (maximum) Hospitalization Ն50% increase in serum creatinine Stage 4 or 5 CKD AKI, HR 28.1 compared with last outpatient value and receipt of dialysis during hospitalization in patients with baseline eGFR Ն45 ml/min per 1.73 m2 Ishani et al. (6) 5.1 (mean) Cardiac bypass Percent change in serum CKD (i), CKD (p) 1% to 24% increase; HR 1.4 creatinine comparing peak value (i), 1.5 (p) within 7 days postbypass with 25% to 49% increase; HR baseline value 1.9 (i), 1.7 (p) 50% to 99% increase; HR 2.3 (i), 1.7 (p) Ն100% increase; HR 2.3 (i), 2.4 (p) AKI, acute kidney injury; MI, myocardial infarction; HR, hazard ratio; eGFR, estimated GFR; CKD, chronic kidney disease; (i), incident; (p), progression. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 6: 2555–2557, November, 2011 Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease, Bydash and Ishani 2557 mation on whether patients with an AKI episode required Disclosures temporary dialysis or on its duration, a likely strong effect None. modifier. Also not reported is the number of individuals who progressed to ESRD and required chronic renal re- placement therapy by the end of the study, an outcome of References significant importance to both patients and clinicians. Fi- 1. Parikh CR, Coca SG, Wang Y, Masoudi FA, Krumholz HM: nally, it is likely that this study overestimates the risk of Long-term prognosis of acute kidney injury after acute myo- developing stage 4 CKD but not of mortality. Individuals cardial infarction. Arch Intern Med 168: 987–995, 2008 with CKD have fluctuations in their serum creatinine lev- 2. James MT, Ghali WA, Knudtson ML, Ravani P, Tonelli M, els, potentially resulting in temporary eGFR drops. These Faris P, Pannu N, Manns BJ, Klarenbach SW, Hemmelgarn BR: Associations between acute kidney injury and cardiovas- temporary declines of eGFR likely are not the result of cular and renal outcomes after coronary angiography. Circu- CKD stage progression, as they are not likely representa- lation 123: 409–416, 2011 tive of the patient’s true eGFR. It is possible that a number 3. Lo LJ, Go AS, Chertow GM, McCulloch CE, Fan D, Ordonez of individuals with these transient nonsustained dips in JD, Hsu C: Dialysis-requiring acute renal failure increases the kidney function, either from variation around their base- risk of progressive chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int 76: 893–899, 2009 line or from undergoing outpatient AKI episodes, are 4. Hsu C, Chertow GM, McCulloch CE, Fan D, Ordonez JD, Go flagged as having achieved stage 4 CKD, potentially mag- AS: Nonrecovery of kidney function and death after acute on nifying the risk attributable to AKI. Finally, it remains chronic renal failure. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 4: 891–898, unknown how AKI episodes are associated with progres- 2009 sive CKD. Could it be that individuals with progressive 5. Newsome BB, Warnock DG, McClellan WM, Herzog CA, Kiefe CI, Eggers PW, Allison JJ: Long-term risk of mortality kidney disease have an increased risk of AKI, in which case and end-stage renal disease among the elderly after small the AKI episode is simply a marker of progressive kidney increases in serum creatinine level during hospitalization for disease? Alternatively, AKI may not be causal of progres- acute myocardial infarction.
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