Sustainability Report 2018 Sustainability Report 2018 Sustainability Report 2018 Index 8 16 Methodological Note THE LAVAZZA GROUP 1.1 Lavazza in 2018: A Year of Recognition 1.2 Group Governance 1.3 “Goal Zero” 40 92 PEOPLE AT THE CORE ENVIRONMENTAL 2.1 Coffee-growing communities COMMITMENT and the commitment of the 3.1 Lavazza’s Environmental Lavazza Foundation Performances 2.2 Suppliers and Customers: 3.2 Continuous Improvement Valuable Partnerships 2.3 The People of the Lavazza Group 122 Appendix Lavazza and the Global Compact 2 LAVAZZA 3 Sustainability Report 2018 Alberto Lavazza, “Responsibility” for Lavazza is the by- of thought, hosting major international The year 2018 marked further mile- in Lavazza’s business have been recog- Antonio Baravalle, Chairman word for the “engine of change”: the events in the field of economics, culture stones in the journey of expansion un- nised by stakeholders and civil society: Chief Executive Officer sense of responsibility that we have al- and sustainability. dertaken by Lavazza in recent years: in 2018, for the first time and taking top ways nurtured towards consumers and We are a family-run Company that has increasing globalisation of the market spot among Italian companies, Lavazza colleagues, but also towards our planet believed in a project for more than 120 and the Company, accompanied by pro- entered the “2018 Global CR RepTrak” and all the communities in which we years and that wants to perpetuate and gressive growth in the most dynamic ranking, a list of the Top 100 global operate, drives us to innovate and con- develop it over time: it is for this rea- segments and in the emerging markets companies with the best CSR reputation, stantly seek cutting-edge inspirations son that we are working to achieve ever for coffee. which reflects how public opinion per- and solutions. greater integration of sustainability in We can quote a few significant figures: ceives the corporate responsibility of the At Lavazza we combine a constant fo- the business and to disseminate prin- a 9.3% increase in consolidated revenue companies analysed. In 2018, Lavazza cus on people with an analysis of world ciples for safeguarding the planet and in 2018 compared to 2017, a rise from also reconfirmed its endorsement of development, so we can chart a course humankind. 17 to 27 billion cups of coffee served the United Nations Global Compact, able to tackle the challenges of sustain- But a better future cannot be built worldwide and a workforce that grew undertaking to respect its fundamental ability in a concrete manner, cultivating alone: in 2017, we decided to embrace from 2,500 in 2014 to around 4,000 in principles within the company’s own op- dialogue with persons and active en- a process of collaboration with the ma- 2018. Last year two new companies erations. gagement of local areas. jor bodies that are proposing to create also joined the Lavazza Group, further These important results bear witness to 2018 saw Lavazza continuing to con- a system built on the sustainability strengthening its direct operations in the Group’s ever greater engagement in solidate and develop its own process of goals, endorsing the UN Agenda 2030 all the coffee segments, particularly the the journey to integrate sustainability globalisation: so, it is increasingly im- and its 17 Sustainable Development Away-From-Home segment. themes. portant for the Company to evolve tak- Goals and joining the Italian Alliance This important growth was always ac- The Sustainability Report, “A Goal in ing account of the new areas in which for Sustainable Development and the companied by Lavazza’s continuing Every Cup”, is intended to be the instru- it operates, benefiting from and enhanc- United Nations Global Compact. vocation for quality excellence and the ment for narrating the story of this jour- ing their distinctive social and cultural During this two-year period we have consolidation and development of its ney. features. conducted an in-depth analysis of the status as a responsible and sustaina- Nuvola Lavazza, the new headquarters impact on the different Sustainable ble company. These values integrated which opened last year, innovative and Development Goals and implemented open to the world, is a fitting embodi- a programme to engage our stakehold- ment of this spirit: that of a truly global ers and disseminate as far as possible Company, rooted in the area where it knowledge of the Global Goals. was born. In Nuvola we share our his- “A goal in every cup” is the title of tory and our identity — through the Lavazza’s Sustainability Report, to recall Lavazza Museum which has already together the final stages of our long cor- attracted 25,000 visitors in just a few porate responsibility journey. months — and we are open as a place 4 LAVAZZA 5 Sustainability Report 2018 Methodological Note Document objectives Drafting principles Reporting scope and period and reference standards The Sustainability Report 2018 repre- The Lavazza Institutional Relations References to the selected GRI Standards Lavazza is present on five continents, in The figures provided in this Report 1 The subsidiaries sents the tool that Lavazza uses for dis- & Sustainability Department has co- are provided in the final table on indicators. more than 90 countries worldwide, and refer to: included in the closing the Company’s annual results ordinated the preparation of the Having endorsed the United Nations operates through both direct subsidiar- • financial years 2016, 2017 and 2018 scope of the about Sustainability to its stakeholders. Sustainability Report 2018, gathering Global Compact, Lavazza has also opted ies and a broad network of distributors. with regard to Luigi Lavazza S.p.A. Sustainability This year, the reporting scope has been contributions from the entire organisa- to include in its Sustainability Report the Lavazza’s industrial system consists of and its foreign subsidiaries includ- Report 2016 extended to additional Lavazza’s foreign tional structure of the Group’s compa- Communication on Progress (COP), the ten manufacturing plants: three in Italy ed in the scope of the Sustainability are: Lavazza companies, with the goal of preparing, nies included in the reporting scope. contents of which have been enriched (Turin, Gattinara and Pozzilli); the Carte Report 20161; Deutschland GmbH, in the coming years, a Report including This document has been drawn up ac- with a view to informing all internal and Noire plant in France and that of Kicking • financial years 2016 and 2017 with ref- Lavazza Kaffee the whole Group. cording to the technical and methodo- external stakeholders about the activi- Horse Coffee in Canada; the Lavazza erence to foreign subsidiaries includ- GmbH, Lavazza A detailed description of the subsid- logical reference provided by the Global ties undertaken and results achieved Professional plants (two in the United ed in the scope of the Sustainability Coffee UK Ltd, iaries included in the scope of the Reporting Initiative Sustainability in implementing the Global Compact Kingdom and one in the United States); Report 2017 for the first time2; Lavazza Sweden Sustainability Report 2018 is provided Reporting Standards (hereinafter “GRI principles. The section in the Appendix and two production hubs, one in Brazil • financial year 2018 only with re- AB, and Merrild in the section “Reporting Scope and Standards”), issued by the Global “Lavazza and the Global Compact” pro- and one in India, which serve the local gard to the Indian subsidiary Fresh Kaffe Aps. Period”. Reporting Initiative in 2016. In detail, vides further COP details. markets. and Honest Café Limited, included according to the GRI 101 Standard: Each chapter of this Report contains The Lavazza Group workforce is com- for the first time in the scope of the 2 The subsidiaries Foundation, paragraph 3, Lavazza has references to the UN Sustainable posed of about 4,000 people worldwide. Sustainability Report 2018. included in the opted to prepare this document accord- Development Goals (SDGs) applicable to In Italy, Lavazza reaches its consumers Any exception is set out within the doc- scope of the ing to the “GRI Referenced” approach, Lavazza. directly through operators such as re- ument and/or with dedicated footnotes. Sustainability using a selected set of standards to re- tail chains and Ho.Re.Ca. points of sale. Report 2017, besides port the information presented in this Abroad, Lavazza operates across differ- those listed for Report. ent markets through its subsidiaries and 2016, are: Lavazza The GRI indicators were selected con- a network of distributors specialising in Premium Coffees sidering the importance of the various the Home and Away-From-Home chan- Corp., Lavazza material topics to Lavazza. nels. Australia Pty Lavazza caters to all consumption Ltd, Carte Noire needs, offering its customers a wide and Sas, Carte Noire diverse range of products. Operations Sas, and Lavazza France. 8 LAVAZZA 9 Sustainability Report 2018 LUIGI LAVAZZA S.p.A. FOREIGN SUBSIDIARIES Parent company, based in Turin of the Lavazza Group3, both commercial and manufacturing Headquarters, Manufacturing Luigi Lavazza Deutschland GmbH Lavazza Kaffe GmbH Innovation Center plants of Turin, a Frankfurt-based German commercial a Vienna-based Austrian commercial and Sales Areas Gattinara subsidiary, part of the Lavazza Group subsidiary, part of the Lavazza Group and Pozzilli since 1987 since 1988 Lavazza Coffee UK Ltd Lavazza Sweden AB, previously a London-based British commercial Lavazza Nordics
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