THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by A ithority of the Republic of Kenya (Registere, as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. CVII-No. 35 I NAIROBT, 20th May, 2005 Brice Sh. 40 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES GAZE~ENOTICES-(Contd.) PAGE The Children Act-Appointment of Chairman ................ The Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act-Environmental impact Assessment Study The University of Nairobi Act-Appointment of Reports ............................................................................ 1151-1 153 University Council Members ......................................... Local Government Notices ................................................ 1153-1 157 Task Force to Review Competition Law-Appointment ......................................................... The Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited-Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Adjustment, The Board of Adult Education Act-Appointment of etc .................................................................................... Chairman ....................................................................... The Kenya Railways-Tariff and Fare Adjustments ....... The Exchequer and Audit Act-Appointment of Chairman of the Ministerial Tender Committee, etc. .... Disposal of Uncollected Goods ......................................... The Registration of Titles Act-Issue of Provisional Loss of Policies .................................................................. Certificates ....................................................................... Change of Names ............................................................ The Registered Land Act-Issue of New Land Title Deeds, etc ........................................................................ The Customs and Excise Department-Goods Held in SUPPLEMENT No. 34 the Customs Warehouse, Kilindini, etc ......................... Legislative Supplement Probate and Administration ............................................... LEGALNOTICE NO. Industrial Court Award .................................................. 40-The Central Bank of Kenya Act-Description of New Issue of Five Cents, Ten Cents, Fifty Thc Records Disposal (Courts) Rules-lntended Cents, One Shilling, Five Shillings, Ten Destruction of Court Records. ....................................... Shillings and Twenty Shillings Coins ................. The Co-operative Societies Act-Appointment of Interim Committee ......................................................... The Physical Planning Act-Completion of SUPPLEMENT No. 35 Development Plans .......................................................... Acts, 2005 . The Advocates Act-56th Quarterly Report..................... PAGE The Companies Act-Appointment of a Liquidator, etc. The Supplementary Appropriation Act, 2005, .................. 1 The Bankruptcy Act-Receiving Order ............................ (Published as Special Issue on 19th May, 2005) 1 1 10 THE KENYA GAZETTE 20th May, 2005 CORRIGENDA GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3692 IN Gazette Notice No. 3417 of 2005, amend. the deceased's name TA.SK FORCE TO REVIEW COMPETITION LAW printed as tslohana Mwangi Kiragu'' tlj read àtW ilson Mwangi Kiragu'' A/POINTMENT where it appears. ' IT IS notified for the general intbrmation of the public that'the Minister for Finance has appointed the following persons to be IN Gazette Notice No. 3522 of 2005, delete thc word Ithree'' and ' bcrs of a Task Force to Review Competition Law for à mCm . period of insert G6one' where it appears. 0ne( j ) year, with effect from 5th May, 2005: IN Gazette Notice No. 3523 of 2005, delae the word 'tone>.'. and Petcr Muchoki Njoroge (Dr.)- (C/!tzfrnlJ7M. irtscrt tithree'' where it appears. Mcntbers: Elizabeth Ng.' angla, lx Gazette xotice xo. 3421 of 2005, amend the expressiott Arthur 0k0th Owiro, çesuccession cause ko. 144 of 2004'. to rectf xTspccession Cause No. Wang'ombe Kariuki. 144 of 2005:, where it appears. pâ - e srsg,N vfrybrence: The terms of reference of the Task Force are to- GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO (a) review the institutional framework to provide for an autonomous . 3690 Competition Authority. with an established mechanism . t.or THE CHILDREN ACT ' management and technical manpower and to provide for çN fuqçtions and powers of the Authority; o. 8 //200 1) . A . revisc the enforcement procedures to make theln easy to follow PPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN by Competition off -icials, fhe courts and also the business IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 31 (1) (t'z) of the Cömmunity; ' Children Act, 2001, 1, Mwai Kibaki, President and Commander-in- provide, if necessary, the time frames and thresholds for merger ef of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kenya, appoint- and take-over cases; ' AMB. DENIS AFANDE (d) clearly spell out Iitigation procedures and to assign specific to be Chairman of the National Council for Children's Services, for a functions to each institution; Operiod of three (3) years. The appointment of Lady Justice Effie . assess the relevan. ce of part IV of the Restrictive Trade Practiceg.' w uor*, is revoked. Monopolies and Price Control Act on price controls; Dated the 20th April, 2005. - . MWAI KIBAKI (/7 revfew the tunctions of the Comjetition Tfibunal; , President. (g) rev'iew provisions of the Restrictive Tradç PracticesM onopolies *G.N. 5272/2002. ' and Price Control Act rqlating to exem' ptions; , . .-- - (h ) jjarjyjonjze tl'je Competitiorl IaWS With Other laws regulating Competitioll ill Otl1Cf SCCtOFS; GAZETI'E NOTICE'NO. 3691 . THE UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI ACT (i) review theyprovisions dealin: with Restrictive Trade Practices; (No' 1 j o; jj)g5) (j) harmonize the 1aw with ihe best international practices and more . specifically with the proposed E.A.C. and COMESA laws in APPOINTMFNT OF UNIVBRSITY COUNCIL MEMBERS cases involving cross border competition) IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 41 (1) (tz) and align tlie law with Kenya's intern'ational obligations in the W of the University of Nairobi Act, 1985, 1, Mwai Kibaki, President Competition qrea; ' . and Commander-in-chicf of the Armed Forces of the Republic of ' ' . Kenya, appoint- (I) present a report and a draft Bill to the Minister within a period of one year. Under section 14 (1) (J)- Dated the 1 3th Méy, 2005. John Sîmbz- lchairman), DAVID MWIRARIA, Nicholas Ngzngz--fvice-chairtnanj, Minister for Finance. Philip Kinisu- t//tm/rcry Treasurer), ' . .. ' . Under section 14 (1) (/)- - . ' GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3693 lsaack Awuondo, s K. Macharia, TLIE BOARD OF ADULR' EDUCATION ACT : Idlc Omar Forar, (cg?. 223) Manu Chandaria (Dr.), . Tèiry Davidson. APPOINTMENT OF CIAIRMAN TJaonme WMs. hKinarduiku (Ms.), ' IN EXERCISE of the powers confened by section 4 ( 1) (c) of the , . 'B. Board of Adult Education Act, the Minister for Gender, Sports, etty Gikonyo (Dr.), C Bella Ochola Wiison (A4rs.), ulture and Social Serviçes appoints- The Permanent Secretary, M biistry of Education, Science and jovcE UMBIMA . Technology, ' ' The Permanent Secretary/Director, Directorate of Personnel to be Chainnan of the Board of Adult E( j ucat j o yj ,sr a ptvjod of three Management, ' - (3) years'. The appointment of Slaukat Ali Abdulrazak (Prof.)*. is The Permanent Secretary, M inistry of Finance, 'rcvoked. to be members of the University of Nairobi Council, for 'a period of Dated the 28th April, 2005. three (3) years. ' ' 0. G. M. AYACKO, Millisterfor Gender, Sports, Dated the 20th April, 2005. c'ulture and social Services. xw x! xlsajtj, President. *G.N. 1432/2005. 20th M ay, 2005 THE KENYA GAZETTE , 1 111 GAZETIE NOTICE NO. 3694 ' Of title, registered as I.R. 64632/1, and whereas sufhcient evidence hag been adduced to shoA that the said'certificéte of title issue'd tlzreof has Tlœ EXCHEQUER AND AUDIT ACT been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of ninety (90) days (cap. 412) from the date hereof, 1 shall issue a yrovisional certitkate of title provided that no objection has been recmved wiihin tlmt mriod. TIIE EXCHEQUER AND AUDIT (PUBLIC PROCUREMENT) . REGULATIONS, 2001 Dated the 20th M ay, 2005. (; G Gxcm m , LL.N. 51 of2001) Reniztrar of Titles, Naîrobi. APPOINTMENT OF CHAfRMAN OFTHE MINISTERIAL TENDER COMMITTEE , IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by regulation 6 of the Exchequer and Audit (Public Procurement) Regulations, 2001, the Pennanent Secretary, Ministry of Water and Irrigation appoints- GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 3698 AMB.JOHN w . K. MIJKURIAH THE REGISTERED LAe ACT as the Chairman of the Ministerial Tender Committee, Ministry Of (cap. 3Y, section 35) W ater and lrrigation. ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TI'I'LE DEED D WHEREAS Gdlamhussein Nanli, of P.O. Box 1506, Kisumu in the ated the 11,* May, 2005. ' jjc of xznya ' Repub , is registered as proprietor in absolute ownersMp PG. 0. KRHODA, interest of that piece of land containing 0.0465 hectare or tllereeatm ts, crtnanent Secretary, Ministry ofWater and Irrigation. Ksiitsuuamteu Ninu ntihceip adlitsyt/rBiclto cok f7 /K28is5umu, tegistered under title No. , and whereas kufficient evidence ' - . - . lms been adduced to shqw tlmt the land title deed issued thereof has. been lost, notice is giveh that after the expiration' of sixty (60) days GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3695 from the date hereof. I shall issue a new land title deed provided êllse THE EXCHEQUER AND AUDIT ACT no objection has been received within that pe.riod. (C+ . 412) Dated the 20th May, 2005.* N . N. NIENGA, THE EXCIIEQIJER AxD Auol'r (PuBLIC PROCUREMENT) undRenistrar. (AMENDMSNP REGULATIONS, 2002 Kist.'nu Di,frfcf. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN 0F THE DISTRIW TENDERCOMMIW EE ' ' . - IN EXERCISE of the yowers conferred
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