119th SEAC A.P. List of applications to be placed in 119th SEAC, A.P. meeting -11th, 12th & 13th October, 2018 at Visakhapatnam, A.P. Sl.No Online Online Portal No. / Inw No. Name of the Project application Line of Activity accepted date Day One: 11.10.2018 - 10.00 A.M. 111 15.06.2018 SIA/AP/MIN/75437/2018 9.290 Ha. Colour Granite Minre of M/s.Kishore Granites at Colour Granite Sy.No: 323,Laxminarayanapuram Village, Parvatipuram Mine Mandal, Vizianagaram District,Andhra Pradesh. 222 15.06.2018 SIA/AP/MIN/75438/2018 6.0 Ha. Colour Granite Miner of Smt.M.Madhu Priya at Sy.No: Colour Granite 323,Laxminarayanapuram Village, Parvatipuram Mandal, Mine Vizianagaram District,Andhra Pradesh. 333 19.06.2018 SIA/AP/MIN/75472/2018 12.695 Ha. Black Galaxy Granite Mine of M/s. The Andhra Black Galaxy Pradesh Mineral Development Corporation Limited at Survey Granite No. 29/1C, 2C, 29/2C,29/3C, 32/2C, 3C, 33/1C, 33/2C, 33/3, 33/4, 33/5, 34/3, 35/3, 38(P), 39(P), 40/1, 40/6, 31/6, 31/7 and 31/8 , R. L. Puram(V), Chimakurthy (M), Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh. 444 28.06.2018 SIA/AP/MIN/75439/2018 7.646Ha Road Metal, Building Stone and Gravel Mine of Sri. Road Metal, Korla Vishnu at Sy.No: 74, UndrakudiaVillage, Vajrapukotturu Building Stone and Mandal, Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh State Gravel Mine 555 03.07.2018 SIA/AP/IND/28001/2018 (TOR) M/s. Carbon Resources (P) Limited, Plot No: 1A & 1B, Growth Coke oven plants Center, APIIC, Bobbili, Vizianagaram District of Andhra Pradesh 666 05.07.2018 SIA/AP/NCP/75717/2018 Sri Kollipara Vasudeva Rao & Sri Kollipara Joga Rao at Survey Construction no. 245/2, Kanuru (V), Penamaluru (M), Krishna District, State Project Andhra Pradesh 777 05.07.2018 SIA/AP/MIN/75719/2018 6.903 Ha. Colour Granite Mine of M/s. Rathna Minerals Colour Granite Enterprises at Survey No. 214/P (Old) (New Survey No. 285/1, Mine 285/2) & 217/1, 2, Agaram Village, Gudupalli Mandal, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh Day One: 11.10.2018 - 02.00 P.M. 888 11.07.2018 SIA/AP/NCP/22387/2018 Construction Project of M/s Sree Vibhava Estatesat Sy. No Residential 147/1, 159/5, 161/5, 161/5A, 162/5A, 162/5A(1), 163/A,163/B, & Apartments 164/B, Ippatam, Mangalagiri Mandal , Guntur District, Andhra Construction Pradesh Project -TOR issued on 999 12.07.2018 SIA/AP/MIN/75784/2018 2.428 Ha. Kristipadu Dolomite & Streate Mine at 162-B2, 163- Dolomite & Streate A1 & 165-2, Kristipadu (V), Peddavaduguru (M), District Mine Ananthapuram, State Andhra Pradesh 101010 13.07.2018 SIA/AP/NCP/75809/2018 Construction Project of Anne Venugopala Krishna Murthy and Construction Others at Survey no. 156/2A, 156/2B, Kanuru (V), Penamaluru Project (M), Krishna District, State Andhra Pradesh 111111 13.07.2018 SIA/AP/IND2/18700/2017 Sri Kusuma Haranadha Agro fural Limited, Unit II, Sy Nos. Synthetic organic 119/3, 120/7, 118/2,119/3, 98/4, 118/2, 117/2, 119/6, 120/2 and chemicals industry 120/5, Allivedu Revenue Village, Vijaya Rai Panchayat, (dyes & dye Pedavegi Mandal, West Godavari District, A.P. intermediates - TOR issued on 121212 13.07.2018 SIA/AP/NCP/22392/2018 Construction Project of Alakananda by Shree Estates at R.S. Area Development Nos. 121(P), 127, 129(P), 140(P), 141, 148/1(P), and 148/3(P), projects - TOR Muktyeswarapuram Village, Jaggayyapeta Mandal, Krishna issued on District, Andhra Pradesh 14.05.2018 - EIA report submitted 131313 14.07.2018 SIA/AP/MIN/75706/2018 17.681Quartz, Feldspar and Mica Mine of M/s. Sri Mahalakshmi Quartz, Feldspar Minerals at Sy. No.373, Mamuduru (V) Chejarla (M), SPSR and Mica Mine Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh . 141414 28.07.2018 SIA/AP/MIN/75874/2018 4.90 Ha Colour Granite Mine of M/s. S.L.N.S. Granites at Colour Granite Sy.No: 121 (P), Buduruwada Village, Parvatipuram Mandal, Mine Vizianagaram District, Andhra Pradesh. Day Two: 12.10.2018 - 10.00 A.M. 151515 10.08.2018 SIA/AP/IND2/21924/2018 Production Expansion of M/s Divis Laboratories Limited (Unit- Bulk Drugs & 2) – Bulk Drug Unit at Chippada and Annavaram Villages, Intermediates Annavaram Taluka, Bheemunipatnam Mandal, Visakhapatnam manufacturing District, Andhra Pradesh Unit - Expansion - TOR issued vide 161616 09.02.2018 & SIA/AP/MIN/72841/2018 14.5 Ha Quartz Mine of M/s Jaishree Industries Limited Sy.No. Quartz Mine - EC 03.09.2018 1, Vaggampalli Village, Pamuru Mandal, Prakasam District, for expansion Andhra Pradesh. 171717 21.07.2018 SIA/AP/NCP/28353/2018 (TOR) MVV & MK Housing at Sy. No. 157/1P,3P,4,5, 6,7P,8P&160/P, Townships and Paradesipalem (V), Visakhapatnam (Urban), Visakhapatnam Area Development District. projects 181818 26.09.2018 SIA/AP/NCP/29140/2018 MVV & MK Housing at Sy.no: 60-1, 59-1B, 58-3 Patta no: 61 & Townships and 62, Kurmannapalem village, Zone –V, Ward no: 58, GVMC Area Development limits, Visakhapatnam projects 191919 25.07.2018 SIA/AP/MIN/75936/2018 6.173 Ha. of Quartz & Feldspar Mine of M/s A ONE Quartz & Feldspar MINERALS,Sy. No. 482 Chakalakonda Village, Vinjamoor Mine Mandal, S.P.S.R Nellore District. Andhra Pradesh. 202020 26.07.2018 SIA/AP/MIN/75910/2018 10.0 Ha Quartz Mine of Sri K. Sreenivasa Reddy at Survey No. Quartz Mine - EC 194, Chinnahyatha Village, Holagunda Mandal, Kurnool expansion (EC District, Andhra Pradesh State issued vide dt: 29.06.2010) 212121 14.09.2018 SIA/AP/NCP/29065/2016 Ramakrishna Housing Pvt. Ltd., Survey Nos. 83/B3(P), 83/A(P), Construction 84(P), 85/3(P), 86/A, 89/B, 89/A2(P), 90(P), 91, 92/3 (P) and Project - EC 93/3(P), Khaza Village, Mangalagiri, Guntur District, Andhra Ammendment Pradesh. Day Two: 12.10.2018 - 02.00 P.M. 222222 28.07.2018 SIA/AP/MIN/75969/2018 12.808 Ha Quartz Mine of M/s. Southern Rocks & Minerals Quartz Mine Pvt. Ltd. at Sy.No.288/2, Vatlabayalu Village, C.S Puram Mandal, Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh 232323 SEIAA,A.P. Mine Leases of major and minor minerals having extent less ** than 5.0 Ha. – Clarification on requirement of prior Environment Clearance. 242424 109th SEIAA SIA/AP/MIN/74972/2018 10.449 Ha. Limestone Mine of Smt. D. Anitha Reddy at Sy. Nos. Limestone Mine 284 & 285 of Cherlopally Village, Owk Mandal, Kurnool Agenda District Item:109.03 252525 109th SEIAA SIA/AP/MIS/26005/2018 (TOR) M/s Jindal Urban Waste Management (Visakhapatnam) Common Limited, Scientific Landfill facility Survey No: 410, Municipal Solid Agenda Kapuluppada Village, Bheemnipatnam Mandal, Visakhapatnam Waste Item:109.21 District, A.P Management Facility 262626 109th SEIAA SIA/AP/MIN/28024/2009 20.243 Ha Silica Sand Mine of M/s. Surya International Mines Silica Sand Mine - and Traders at Survey No. 209, Loddipalli (V), Orvakal (M), EC Amendment Agenda Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh for Name Change Item:109.27 272727 109th SEIAA SIA/AP/NCP/74997/2018 Proposed New Residential Building of M/s Satya Constructions Construction at Sy.No: 218, 219/2, Chinakakani Village and Grampanchayat, Project - Defered Agenda Mangalagiri Mandal, Guntur District case Item:109.29 282828 109th SEIAA SIA/AP/MIN/75182/2018 14.00 Ha. Quarrying Road Metal Mine of M/s.Vikram Mines & Quarrying Road Minerals at Sy No: USHB/Part & 365 Bhanumukkala Village, Metal Mine Agenda Banaganapalle Mandal, Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh Item:109.33 292929 109th SEIAA SIA/AP/IND/27762/2018 (TOR) Sponge Iron Plant (35,000 TPA to 66,500 TPA) of M/s. Sree Sponge Iron Plant Rayalseema Green Steloy Limited at Sy. Nos. 143/A, 143/B2 and Agenda 198B of Aswathapuram Village, Kallur Mandal, Kurnool Item:109.58 District Day Three : 13.10.2018 - 10.00 A.M. 303030 03.08.2018 SIA/AP/NCP/28561/2018 (TOR) Development of Industrial Park by APIIC at Thatiguntapalle Industrial Park Village, Valmikipuram Mandal, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh 313131 SIA/AP/IND/28867/2016 M/s. Chettinad Cement Corporation Pvt. Ltd. (formerly M/s. Cement Grinding Anjani Portland Cements Ltd. & M/s.Vizag Cement Grinding Unit Unit), Survey Nos. are 1,2,3,9,10,11,12,13 & 14 in Gaithulapalem Village, Sy. Nos. 181, 182, 183 & 184 in Tallapalem Village & Sy. No. 68 in Narasapuram Village, Kasimkota (M), Visakhapatnam Dist 323232 31.07.2018 SIA/AP/MIN/76024/2018 5.94 Ha Color Granite Mine of M/s. Avani Exports at Colour Granite Sy.No.231 (Old), 240 (New), Kommalapadu Village, Mine Santhamaguluru Mandal, Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh 333333 21.06.2018 SIA/AP/MIN/75504/2018 3.047 Ha. Barytes Mine of M/s. V.M.R Enterprises at (Cluster ) Barytes Mine at Sy. Nos. 1021/P of Vemula Village, Vemula Mandal, Y.S.R. Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh 343434 19.07.2018 SIA/AP/NCP/28309/2018 (TOR) M/s. Sri Priya Projects Pvt. Ltd. at Pinapaka Village, G. Area Development Konduru Mandal, Krishna District Andhra Pradesh projects 353535 21.07.2018 SIA/AP/NCP/28325/2018 (TOR) SRIPRIYA PROJECTS PVT. LTD. (Residential cum Commercial Townships and complex) at Sy. No.339/A, 347/2, 345, 342, 348, 350/2, 349/1, Area Development 347/1, 350/3, 351, 352/1, 350/4, 339, Chevuturu Village, G. projects Konduru Mandal, Krishna District Andhra Pradesh 363636 26.07.2018 SIA/AP/NCP/75944/2018 ‘NRT ICON’ Andhra Pradesh Non-Resident Telugu Society Construction (Residential cum Office cum Retail Complex) at 310, 311, 330, Project 331, 332 & 343, Rayapudi Village, Tullur Mandal, District Guntur, State Andhra Pradesh 373737 01.08.2018 SIA/AP/MIN/75986/2018 17.00 Ha.
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