- . •. ;r* \ PAGE SIXTEEN _ ThdWMthar M em orial Lod^, "No. S8, « 1 p. B. Weatiwr I KnIfhU of Pythiaa, rwiil hold a About Tpwn ■pedal meetinf at S p.m.. today at Netc Sewage Facilities Project a Liberty Hall on <)olway at. for ••w Ma. Neatly elMdY Th«n4ay, Mmertal Tempi*, Pythian rank work. A diapenMtlon to hold Mite aHMar. MgM alMWte^ ten. wui1 holdbold a'meetlna In Odd, the Rperial meeUnR waa (granted' Approved, by District Board fcy ■•••. RIgk te m M ■ j F rik— n n- lUll at 7:1(1 tonight. After j by Orand Chancellor Donald Dodg- Plan* have been completed, for J3*or|i«^L> Gfakiadlo Jr., aon of the meeting, a military whlat and kin*. Tomorrow at t p.m.. the local , BlgHUi D latiict Board > the Buckley School Pi’A Fair to Mr. ^ d Mra/Oeorfa-Graiiadio of baked good* aale will 1m held, with I lodge wllKjoin Damon Lodge. No. | Director* lagt nigpt voted to pro- Kiiga|{<>d be hekf«t the achool on Sgtiirday, l09 H*n^ spirit tha weekend (TWENTY-KUSOT PAGAS»TW 0 SBCT1 0 N8 ) MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY. APRIL . If M Nonnle Htldtng and hei*.commute* 17, of Rockville, for rank work at l«:ccd with the Inatailatioh of new May 28, ffkjh.lO aim. to 2 p.m. For 2 1 in charge. : the ‘VFW Hall, Elm St., Rockville. | aewage facllitlea In’the North End. with hlif -pdrenta after arriving In \ PRICE FITE CENTS I* ... I The action waa taken In an the cblldren';.there will be decora­ ted, doll carriage and bike paradea, th^ United SjAtea from a 1-monlh Dr. Thomaa Healy, a mem ber of Miea Jean Handley. 29 R o b ert' »**c'*tlVe aeaklon following a piib- world tour, he tooli'ag. preaident of the chib, and newly elected preai* moviea and a flab pond. For par­ Rd., executive secretary j«f the ' hearing In the North End (Ire- *1 dent o( the Chamber W Commerce, Connecticut League of Women j hottae that waa attended by aome ents, there will pe p n auction at the World Council ot Young Mert'a ( n o'olor k/giay barjiar booths and Bus. Firm wOI be the kpeaker at the meeting Voter*, will be one of acven State I to peraony. Service Cluba. of the Klwania Club Thuraday neon At the hearing, live property ' a fbod dnd. calce sale. Lunch will be Graziadlo, aeting ■■ an Unoffi­ League ofllciar*. to attend the 'served from llrSO to. 1:30. Mra. at 1>;18 a t the Country Club. day Natrona! I.,eague convention j; ow'nera objected. to the project, cial American good win ahibaasa- achediiled to ' atari April 30 at I which will coat about L'rO.OOO. I Laa.'.rup Splwak la general, chair­ dor. Visited Sydney, Australia: orting The Sunday School ataff of the Chicago. I Soipe 4.1 property owner* will man.' Her committee Includes the Nakarta, Indonesia; Bangkok, Ike Says Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church jahare this coat on a (ront-fr>ot following: Mra. Herman Alport, .Thailand: New Delhi, India; Kara­ lose to Top will meet at the' church tomorrow The anntuil deaaert-bridge of the haala. Mra. Dar;-ell M orriaaette, Mra: chi, Pakistan; ■''Cairo, E g y p I; night at 7 :9P * ' Rulld of St. Agnea. Saturday, .May i Involved In the project la the Henjy Angel, Mra. Donald Paine, Bel^^t, Lebanon; Ankara, Turkey; Integration will he held In the ballroom of, “I ‘he aanlury aew- MrL Raymond Bernstein. Mra. Rome, Faria, Brussels, Rotterdam. Mr. and Mr*. John Quaglla were, the Statler Motel, Hartford. Play- »y»tcni hlon« Krederifk Rd„ Samuel Pieraon. Mra. George I Hamburg,. Germany; London. given a houaewarming Saturday ing wit) atari at r.30 There will ^nrlon Rd.. Tn|mbull ltd., Duval i Biadlaii, .Mrs. aiffrfrd PrlR^e. While In Auatria. Graaiadlo Montgomery, Alt., April 26 night at their new home. 119 Wad. ‘ aUo he a faahlon ahow. Ticketa St.. Woodland St. and Hilliard St. Mrs. George Chandler, Mrs. iW ! opened . the Apex Coq.ve'htion in (JP)—A bipi company* official W l IM., by Mm. Quaglia‘a aiater, i may be aevured from anv of the Also ihvolv'erl la the'inatailatioh dore Raddlnjc, Mra. Victor D od^ 'Ljamobe, Apex la the national aa- promis'^ to<lay to back up Mra. aarence Strickland. Preaent; following local memberar .Mra, ' of a pumping atatlon at Diiyal man. Mra. Samuel Regan. Mrs., sbeiation of young men's civib Worthwhile any driver arrested for per­ on Guid^ I!?” .. "5*1! •"'* *nd Oeorge H. Willlama, .Mra Wlllmm and Hilliard Sta.. apd a prea Edwin Doughty, Mrs. Calvin! clillw. \ T5,*^ Finnegan. Mra. Maurice O'Connor, I Une. Tlieae faoilltlea are np^ed Stelneker, Mra, Morion Herman..! Mrs. .Marjorie Hall Hla tour was cut abort four days mitting racial integration on ceived many ^autlful gifta for j Mra. F'oaler Willlama, Mra. Fran- ;, to ■ help carry sewage' to th Mra, Irving Twomey, Mrs. Robert} because of strife 'in the Middle. Reading • J • a bus in Montgomery. their home. A buffet luncheon waa cia Breen. Mr.a. Matthew-.Morlartv. il* lf‘ " diaposAl pla Johnson; Mrs. Erwin Unga.,, „ , Mr.s. Marjorie Hall, local soprano and East. The sUtement from B, W. ■efved. Mrs. Raymond Hagednrn and Mra. **‘ltIl.tloo tp th c a e /p ro jc c ta j Carson Manchester and Mrs. Mail-j mppiber of the CThamlnade Qub, While on iua brief slay in Man­ FVanklyn, vice president of Nation­ House Unit which Individual propei;ty. owners I rice Willey. ‘ i . for your whole fomily The midweek celebration of the I I'"PP?n- ^ ^ will be one of the featured soloists chester before heading fofr hi* Los al City Unea, Inc., of Chicago, will pay for. A lexander'Jarvis will Angeles, Cklif., home. Graziadlo in the world-famous poget came at a news conftrencc. Mont- Install aanitary aeweya In hla 128- at the club conceit at Luther Hall, of The Chrisfion SCienCe Rejects Adlai’s Plea M argaret'/aide. Ng. 280. v^*ite<l 'bl* grandm other. Mra. Wil­ fernery Oty Urtes Inc., which op­ in ' D»ughters. of Isabella, will < clc- home Woodhill Heigjita siibdlvislon " VrnlK Hiudin Emanuel Lutheran Church, on the Backs Ike’s off Duval St. 7 ■ Retreat Pianned liam J. Douglas, In Rutland. Vt. Monitor. Enjoy Erwin. D. erates the city’s only bus senrics, OmretT ** Mary a Epiacopal.j hrate its 32nd anniversary with a Barbara Jean Martin evening of May 7. Is s subsidiary of the Chicago Arm. c^nuren. dinner tomorrow at 6:30' p.m. at ■ While braring/llu- coal for, this Conhom's newest stories, piojei l, .which/will eventually be Mr. and Mrs. John Michael Boyle By I-A)eal Chapter .Mrs. Hall waa a soloist and penetrating notional ond in- There gas still no indication of m, ___________________________! Cavey’a. Mra. Richard Roaa la member of a quartet in Central actual integreUon oh the buses Rights Plan To CaR Off H-Test chairman of the committee I passed on to persons buying homes announce the engagement of their ternofionol news Coveroge, In the subdivision, Jarvjswill psy daughter, Barbara Jean .Martin, to Congregational Chi'irch. Fall River, despita ths company's order to its charge, f- The men ot the Mamhe.«ter Mass., for 12 years. She' was a how-to-do features, ftome- drivers to stop enforcing segrega- the larges^lnglf share of the pres David Arthur Chagnol. son of Mrs. Chapter of the Hol.y Family Re­ moking tideos. Every issue Washington, April 26 (JP)— MARVIN LAkROWSMrhl sure line/an<l_piimping station in- Alfred f^sgnot and the late Mr. soloist In St. Michael's Episcopal Uon. Reporter* who watched the I "Jesus as I.ord Over the Home," treat .League will make their an- (3iuich In Bristol, R. 1.} for sev- brings you helpful iosy-to> buses for ths jwcoad day said ths The Hpase Judidar)’ Com­ j is the subject of the meeting to- atallatlofia- some $21,000, accord­ Chagnol of .Manchester Rd , Glas-. u«l retreat .May 11-13 at the Holy daV w k I hI m ’ Elaunhower said to- ing to 'estlmilted flgiirea read la.sl tonbiiry. , ^ etal years and sang solo parts in reOd ortiCles. Negroes they sew rads in ths rear mittee todgy approv^ Presi- V® *>««mKspu around ths '.morrow at 7:30 at the Covenant Family R etreat Hoii.se in F arm ­ Gilbert and Sullivan ligitt opera Where they always heve. , Congregational Church. pi(5ht. ( Miss Martin will graduate from ington. The number of men Inak- You Con get this interno« Jsenbowur’s proposal on ”'**^*"*^"* in developmunt of fuided TELSA While aomo of the liroperty own­ and "Thf* Bohemian G irr’ while ini AhShbre T h r^ ■Manchester High Schoo' Jn the tnj( this .anmial retreat has been tionol ddily newspoper from ers groaned last night'When In­ Bristol. She ha* been soprano solo-1 rights. Administration OlVES YOjU THE lEST class of 19,'>8. growing steadily, and about 160 Frenklyn, with an' attorney a t I - V - EiMnhower madu tlie sUtement at a news conference in formed what their estimated coats Her fiance attended Mamhes- iat in various churches in Man-1 Boston by moll, . without his ’ side, made his ststem snt in spelling out the proposals men are expected to lake »(«t- | I hester and is presently a member | ANY SIZE XCLEVlStON SERVICEMEN’S GIVE HER - w^[>uld he, the Board held out aome lei High School and is now em­ vantage of this opportunll.t'’ to get extro Chqrge.
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