~o 'CHrCAtiO DA~Y TRIBUNE~ FRIDAY. OCTOBER rg'. 1933. WHY SHOULDN'T Satin and Lace in Combination =--- ---=11 Today and OUR WOMEN BE Tomorrow at DAVISCoMPA y __~ ~._._ _._..._~ ;..-+-. : 4. __ ~'...•.~_~• __ ~-- ~-'-;:- - -- - ..•. ~ mE--; __ __. .•.•--.,..•• ~ __:_-_~~_~ SO BEAUTIFUL? Modern Science Keeps THESE GRAND VALUES FOR MEN IN Them That Way. BY ELEANOR NANGLE. When State street was young a woman's shopping IIst was confined to such utterly practical, sober Items STATESTREETS IOOthANNIVERSA as a bolt of blue denim, a bargain In beans and sturdy high shoes for • herself and her brood. As the dust ruffle of her petticoats brushed the cobblestones and the plume of her bonnet bobbed demurely she may have wished, with Irrepres- sible feminine vanity, that she could buy something more effective, If not more exciting, than mutton tallow to soften her water roughened hands. But she never, even on her wildest shopping spree, thought of buying beauty. And If she had she couldn't have found It. A Century of Beauty Progress. Wouldn't she expire-of shock and of pure feminine envy-If she could see the fruits of a century of beauty progress? If she could see her grand- Smart New Fall daughter shop around today, with as much care for a facial or a reducing I treatment or a new shade of eye STETSO~ shadow, as she does for her new fall • suit of British tweeds? If It could be truthfully said that woman wants but little here below, that little is to be beautiful-and HATS beautiful she is nowadays. Science To thou.and. 01 and human ingenuity have done every- men in Chicago thing to help her in the last century. In the modern beauty salon she Fruhaul C lot he. $ can have her figure molded to fit her need no introduc- favorite evening gown. Her skin can tion, for year. in be flawless, her hair glossy as satin, Chicago Fruhauf her hands smooth and pink tipped. Good judgment, good care-and care- ha« catered to a d i • c rim ina ting After Nov. 1 the ""1 ful shopping can insuce all this. A negligee of white satin wtih sleeves of heavy lace combined in a Price Will Be $6.50 A Help for All Problems. most attractive manner worn by Miss Jeanne Millet of New York. clientele. We now In her favorite salon the woman of [Associated Press Pho to.] introduee them You can be assured you are 1933 can find every conceivable beauty well turned out on top if aid. Creams and lotions for every the label in your hat reads skin problem are available at all J. B. Stetson, they have prices. Powder can be blended to suit AUTUMN GLOVES FOR THE CO-ED class, style and are quality her own individual skin tints. Ex- made all the way through. perts will choose her rouge, her ltp- OF WOOL APPEAR Other Stetson Hats at $7 stick. and the eye shadow that grows and $10. more and more important in the IN MANY STYLES FIRST FLOOR-NORTH. beauty scheme of things. Scrag-gly eyebrows are a sin against the cult of beauty; the woman who doesn't shape her own can step into They're Popular for the modern salon and have it done by hand or by machine. Daytime Wear. With a Sale of Hand beautifying treatments are commonplace nowadays-and breathes BY ELEANOR PAGE. there any woman with a soul so dead Of all the new gloves that are now she doesn't have manicures? Well being shown in State street stores groomed hands are indispensable; as some of the newest and snappiest for for beautifying the nail tips there are daytime fall wear are the wool ones. some eighty shades from which to These are being featured in a variety TWO choose. You wear the shade that suits of colors, models, and prices. your type, your mood, or your gown. Among these a style designed by Arlsport is outstanding. This glove Tints for the Hair. is made of a brown and white woven A woman can change her hair tint wool that looks like a tweed-Angora, whenever she feels like it. If she's with a suede palm, and a suede cov- gray haired-and it's very tashton- ered elastic belt around the wrist. The able to be that these days-she gets a flaring cuff reaches a point midway TROUSER blue-stlver or a lavender rinse every between the elbow and wrist, which now and then when the spirits need seems to be the fashionable new uplifting. Entirely aside from dyes. length. there are the rinses for her natural A Glove for Sports Wear. shade. Bronze or copper or gold are Another popular and handsome wool particularly exciting, and hers for the glove is one by Chanel. It comes in seeking. navy, black, brown, or beige ribbed SUITS With the present day knowledge of wool, into which a bit of lastex has beauty, women value the preservation been knitted to keep the glove in its This selling of Fruhauf Suits will of what the gods gave them. Facials simple lines and lend depth to the 'AT are figured in on almost every budget ribs. This should be exceptionally appeal to discriminating dressers, to Full Zipper Suede and the town abounds in experts to smart with sports clothes. Bags and men who put good taste before medi- give them. hats to match are also shown. For her skin care at home the ocrity, who want the finest of hand A Duveteen glove on these lines may workmanship and the appreciative woman of 1933 chooses the creams and be purchased in every deep fall shade. Jacket lotions that suit her best and maybe Another Duveteen that the stores find attention it brings. Fruhauf clothes one or two little gadgets the shops hard to keep in stock Is that which Extra are worked by human hands • . • provide, perhaps a patter to stimulate comes in black Or brown, with a large Trousers they are not machine made ... as- circulation, perhaps one of these brand flared cuff of patent leather. $5.95 included new dripless, iceless ice packs she can For warmth and softness the rab- sembled garment by garment, not keep in her refrigerator. bits wool glove cannot be praised too at no fabricated in hundred layer units ..• Full talon, well made zip per A 'I'r icky Affair. highly. Rabbits wool is a finely knit extra cost. cut by expert designers ... hand tail- jacket of selected hides. Knit col.• This, by the way, is pretty tricky, soft wool. The glove is made in clas- lar, cuffs and bottom. Cocoa and ored in many operations by real art- reindeer color. Sizes 36 to 48. and a help in warding off wrinkles. sic style, four or six button length. It's a hollow, sealed bowl shaped like In the less expensive gloves the slip. ists . finished to their remotest Fine Wool Sweater a f1attish egg, and filled with a freez- on fabric of two or four button length seams with the little niceties of ing solution. Wielded with a wooden is still good. There is a new eel gray custom making and revealing the un- handle it gets at chin and eye hollows fabric and an excellent brown one. mistakable distinction of custom- Pigskin for actual sport wear reigns Coats In gratifying fashion. An unbecoming haircut Is rarer than supreme. If one cannot afford the like tailoring. genuine pigskin there is a remarkable an unbecoming hat, and with the hat We introduce these suits in the new- situation the way it is, that's some- Imitation of it In a glove made of $1·95 thing of an achievement. But why capeskin, which is very durable. est fall styles, fabrics and colors in not? There is a John or a PauloI' Satin Gloves for Evening. Shirley Grey wearing an ensemble a special selling at $38.50. Button front style, well tailored an Antoine, or a Charles in almost comprising a black and white check coat with two pockets. Colors: Velvet gloves should be worn more navy. blue, black and heather every salon who is an artist with in the afternoon-and you will think woolen frock with long black woolen mixtures Sizes 36 to 46. the shears, and more than willing to so, too, when you see the satin eve- coat that repeats the checked ma- Other Fruhauf Suits, $45-$55-$65 SECOND FLOOR-NORTH. do his part. ning gloves that have made their terial in the lining and lapel. It THE DAVIS STORE-SECOND FLOOR-NORTH. With all this within her reach, we debut to take the place of the velvet ask you, would the woman of 1933 gloves worn with evening clothes duro will be popular with the co-eds re- call 1833 "the good old days "? ing the last months. \"hile the velvet turning to college this fall. glove has not changed in style from [Acme Photo.J plain hand and palm with a top of slx- Right in Tune with the Weather EMERSON MODERN TOWEL teen button length shirred down to We've Reserved This Sensational that of fourteen buttons, It is being and Sale Priced Event for the lOOth Anniversary MAY DRAW MEN made of a new Imitted velvet that is Bright Satin Blouses much softer and more comfortable TO DISH DRYING than ordinary velvet. for Wear with Suits SHOES As an ally In enticing a man into The satin glove for evening wear Satin blouses slide under your the kitchen to lem that helping hand comes in every evening shade.
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