KB RELIGIOUS LAW IN GENERAL. COMPARATIVE RELIGIOUS LAW. KB JURISPRUDENCE Religious law in general. Comparative religious law. Jurisprudence Class here comparative studies on different religious legal systems, as well as intra-denominational comparisons (e.g. different Christian religious legal systems) Further, class here comparative studies on religious legal systems with other legal systems, including ancient law For comparison of a religious legal system with the law of two or more jurisdictions, see the religious system (e.g. Islamic law compared to Egyptian and Malaysian law, see KBP) Comparisons include both systematic-theoretical elaborations as well as parallel presentations of different systems For influences of a religious legal system on the law of a particuar jurisdiction, see the jurisdiction For works on law and religion see BL65.L33 Bibliography For personal bibliography or bibliography relating to a particular religious system or subject, see the appropriate KB subclass 2 Bibliography of bibliography. Bibliographical concordances 4 Indexes for periodical literature, society publications, collections, etc. Periodicals For KB8-KB68, the book number, derived from the main entry, is determined by the letters following the letter for which the class number stands, e.g. KB11.I54, Dine Yisrael 7 General Jewish 8 A - Archiu 8.3 Archiv - Archivz e.g. 8.3.R37 Archives d'histoire du droit oriental 9 Archiw - Az 9.3 B e.g. 9.3.U43 Bulletin/International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists 10 C 11 D e.g. 11.I54 Dine Yisrael: shanaton le-mishpat ʻIvri ule-mishpahah be-Yiʼsrael 12 E - Etuder 12.3 Etudes - Ez 13 F 14 G 15 H 16 I e.g. 16.T87 ʻIture kohanim 17 J - Jewisg 17.2 Jewish The book number is determined by the second word of the main entry e.g. 17.2.L39 Jewish Law Annual 17.2.L395 Jewish lawyer 17.3 Jewisha - Journak 17.4 Journal The book number is determined by the second word of the main entry e.g. 17.4.O34 Journal of halacha and contemporary society 17.5 Journala - Jz e.g. 17.5.U84 Justice/International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists 18 K 1 KB RELIGIOUS LAW IN GENERAL. COMPARATIVE RELIGIOUS LAW. KB JURISPRUDENCE Periodicals Jewish -- Continued 18.3 L 19 M e.g. 19.E37 Mehkere mishpat 19.3 N e.g. 19.3.A88 National Jewish Law Review 19.3.E94 Newsletter/International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists 20 O 20.3 P 21 Q 21.3 R 22 S e.g. 22.E43 Selected topics in Jewish Law 22.H46 Shenaton ha-mishpat ha-ʻIvri shel ha-Makhon le-heker ha-mishpat ha-ʻIvri 22.3 T 23 U 23.3 V 24 W 24.3 X 25 Y 25.3 Z Islamic 26 A e.g. 26.R33 Arab law quarterly 26.U97 Aux sources de la sagesse: revue islamique trimestrielle 27 B 27.3 C 28 D 29 E - Etuder 30 Etudes The book number is determined by the second word of the main entry e.g. 30.2.D4 Etudes de Droit Musulman 30.2.D57 Etudes d'Islamologie: Droit Musulman 30.3 Etudet - Ez 31 F 32 G 32.3 H e.g. 32.3.A68 Ḥaqq: sharīʻah wa-qānūn 33 I e.g. 33.R77 Irsyad hukum 33.S578 Islamic law and society 33.S58 The Islamic Quarterly 33.S585 The Islamic Review 34 J - Journak 34.2 Journal The book number is determined by the second word of the main entry e.g. 2 KB RELIGIOUS LAW IN GENERAL. COMPARATIVE RELIGIOUS LAW. KB JURISPRUDENCE Periodicals Islamic Journal -- Continued 34.2.O35 Journal of Islamic and comparative law 34.2.O354 Journal of Islamic law & culture 34.3 Journala - Jz 34.4 K 35 L e.g. 35.A94 Law majallah 36 M - Majallas 36.3 Majallat The book number is determined by the second word of the main entry e.g. 36.3.A43 Majallat al-fiqh al-Islāmī 36.3.A433 Majallat al-fiqh al-Mālikī wa-al-turāth al-qaḍāʻī bi-al-Maghrib 36.3.A435 Majallat al-ḥuqūq wa-al-sharīʻah 36.3.K85 Majallat Kullīyat al-Fiqh 36.3.K855 Majallat Kullīyat al-Sharīʻah wa-al-Qānūn 36.4 Majallata - Mz e.g. 36.4.O83 The Moslem World 37 N 37.2 O 37.25 P 37.3 Q 38 R - Revud 38.3 Revue The book number is determined by the second word of the main entry e.g. 38.3.A43 Revue al-Ulum al-Qanuniya Wal-Iqtiṣadiya 38.3.D47 Revue des Etudes Islamiqiues 38.3.D85 Revue du Monde Musulman 38.4 Revuea - Rz 39 S e.g. 39.H37 Shariʻah: the Islamic law journal 39.T83 Studia Islamica 40 T e.g. 40.R35 Traite de Droit Musulman Compare 41 U e.g. 41.C58 UCLA journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law 42 V 43 W 44 X - Y 45 Z Christian Including all Christian denominations 46 A - Archiu 46.2 Archiv - Archivz e.g. 46.2.R34 Archiv für evangelisches Kirchenrecht 46.2.R345 Archiv für katholisches Kirchenrecht 3 KB RELIGIOUS LAW IN GENERAL. COMPARATIVE RELIGIOUS LAW. KB JURISPRUDENCE Periodicals Christian Archiv - Archivz -- Continued 46.2.R38 Archivum Historiae Pontificiae 47 Archiw - Az 48 B e.g. 48.U44 Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 49 C e.g. 49.A87 Catholic Historical Review 49.O47 Commentarium pro religiosis et missionariis 49.O475 Communications 49.O53 Concilium 50 D e.g. 50.E923 Deutsche Zeitschrift für Kirchenrecht 50.E925 Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 50.I75 Il diritto ecclesiastico 50.3 E e.g. 50.3.P48 Ephemerides Juris Canonici 50.3.P484 Ephemerides Theologicae Lovaniensis 50.3.V36 Evangelische Kirche 51 F 52 G 52.2 H 52.3 I e.g. 52.3.U82 Ius canonicum 52.3.U823 Ius Ecclesiae: rivista internazionale di diritto canonico 52.4 J - Journak 52.5 Journal The book number is determined by the second word of the main entry e.g. 52.5.O32 Journal du droit canon et de la jurisprudence canonique 52.5.O33 Journal of Church and State 52.5.O356 Journal of law and religion 53 Journala - Jz 53.2 K e.g. 53.2.I73 Kirche und Recht 54 L 54.3 M e.g. 54.3.O55 Il monitore ecclesiastico 55 N e.g. 55.E34 Nederlands Archiv voor Kerkgeschiedenis 56 O e.g. 56.R54 Orientalia Christiana Periodica 56.S75 Ostkirchliche Studien 57 P e.g. 4 KB RELIGIOUS LAW IN GENERAL. COMPARATIVE RELIGIOUS LAW. KB JURISPRUDENCE Periodicals Christian P -- Continued 57.R93 Praxis juridique et religion 58 Q 59 R - Revist 59.3 Revista The book number is determined by the second word of the main entry 59.4 Revistaa - Revud 59.5 Revue The book number is determined by the second word of the main entry e.g. 59.5.D42 Revue de droit canonique 59.7 Revuea - Rz 60 S e.g. 60.T83 Studia canonica 60.T85 Studia Gratiana 61 T 62 U 62.3 V 63 W 64 X - Y 65 Z - Zeitschrifs 66 Zeitschrift The book number is determined by the second word of the main entry e.g. 66.D47 Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Kanonistische Abteilung 66.F873 Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 66.F874 Zeitschrift für Kirchenrecht 67 Zeitschrifta - Zz 68 Annuals L'Année canonique see KBR21 Annuarium historiae conciliorum see KBR21 68.D35 Daimon: annuario di diritto comparato delle religioni 70.A-Z Monographic series. By title, A-Z Cutter numbers listed below are provided as examples For works related to a particular denomination, see the appropriate KB subclass 70.A55 Annali di storia dell' esegesi Canon law studies (The Catholic University of America) see KBR22 70.J88 Jus ecclesiasticum 70.K57 Kirchenrechtliche Abhandlungen 70.M43 Medieval Studies Monumenta iuris canonici see KBR22 70.S82 Staatskirchenrechtliche Abhandlungen Studia et documenta juris canonici see KBR22 73 Collections. Compilations (General and comprehensive) Auxiliary sciences 74 General works 5 KB RELIGIOUS LAW IN GENERAL. COMPARATIVE RELIGIOUS LAW. KB JURISPRUDENCE Auxiliary sciences -- Continued 78.A-Z Archaeology. Symbolism in law. By author or title, A-Z Subarrange each author by Table K4 Class here general and comparative works on legal symbolism (including works on concepts represented by schemata or stemmata such as "arbores"), present in the sources of different legal systems Cutter numbers listed below are provided as examples For works on legal symbolism relating to a particular legal system, see the appropriate K subclass, e.g. KBR78; KJ78; KJA78; KL78, etc. 78.C65 Conrat, Max (1848-1911) (Table K4) 78.C65A3-.C65A39 Individual works. By title e.g. Arbor iuris des frühen Mittelalters 78.E58 Eis, Helko (1936- ) (Table K4) 78.E58A3-.E58A39 Individual works. By title e.g. Zur Rezeption der kanonischen Verwandschaftsbäume Johannes Andrae's Cf. KBR1775.A3A+ Giovanni d'Andrea. Super arboribus consanguinitatis et affinitatis 78.S25 Schadt, Hermann (Table K4) 78.S25A3-.S25A39 Individual works. By title e.g. Die Darstellungen der Arbores consanguinitatis und der Arbores Affinitatis: Bildschemata in juristischen Handschriften 90.A-Z Encyclopedias. Law dictionaries. Terms and phrases. Vocabularies. By author or title, A-Z Cutter numbers listed below are provided as examples For works of pre-Tridentinum (before 1545) periods relating to both Roman and canon law (e.g. Johannes, de Erfordia, ca. 1250-ca. 1325. Tabula utriusque iuris) see KBR56 90.C34 Calvinus, Johannes (d. 1614) 90.S25 Scot, Alexander (fl. 1591) 90.V52 Vicat, Béat Philippe, 1715-1770? 100 Proverbia. Legal maxims. Regulae juris 102 Brocardica juris 122 Biography (Collective) Legal research. Legal bibliography. Methods of bibliographic research 130 General 132 Systems of citation.
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