September- October 2015 NEWSLETTER OF COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY immortality, he added. Cusat Vice-Chancellor Dr. J. Letha, who presided over the function, honoured Sri. Sree- kumaran Thampi by present- ing him with a memento as a token of respect. Sri. Sree- kumaran Thampi in his acce- ptance speech said that the poet in him was awakened by his education in science and technology. According to Ind- ian belief, the Universe origi- nated from sound- and music Token of admiration: Cusat Vice-Chancellor Dr.J.Letha is presenting a citation is the language of sound, he to Sri.Sreekumaran Thampi, the legendary Music Composer during Cusat Day Celebrations, Dr. M.K. Muneer, Hon. Minister for Socal Welfare is looking on. added. Cusat honors legendary music composer The staff and students of said. They exude the simplicity Post graduate students of Cusat celebrated Cusat Day and generosity of Kerala's Cusat who topped in their with much fanfare on 19 respective departments, teach- September 2015. Various Cusat Day 2015 ers and non-teachers who had cultural programmes were made commendable achieve- culture. A life based on moral presented by the University ments in various sectors as values contributes to his staff and students. The famous poet, lyricist and film-maker Sri. Sreekumaran Thampi was honoured on the occasion. Noted poet V. Madhu- sudhanan Nair said in his keynote address that Kerala as a geographical entity was inflicting damage on itself. A culture that had lost its basis would be rendered meaning- less. It is the duty of an artiste to help retain the cultural Cusat Vice-Chancellor Dr. J. Letha handing over a Memento to Sri. Sreekumaran Thampi, during the Cusat Day programme. Dr. N. Mohanan, Dr. K. A. heritage. It is in such a context Zakkariya, Dr. A. N. Balchand and Sri. Irfan Habeeb (Syndicate Members), Dr. that Sreekumaran Thampi's Poulose Jacob (PVC) & Prof. Madhusoodanan Nair are looking on. works assume significance, he (see page 2) munication Technolo- scientific awareness and Editorial... gies will be fully func- scientific temper among tional by this academic the school children with It is commonly said year itself. The 5000 sq. Science park, butterfly that in these times of ft. facility in the main garden, ISRO Pavilion, constant change, change campus will be devel- Space Pavilion, e-Scien- is the only constant. oped at a cost of Rs. 5 tia and children's labo- Change is universal and Cr. and managed by the ratories has attracted resistance to change can Centre for Innovation, around 2 lakh school cause one's downfall Technology Transfer and children till now. Industrial Collaboration through sheer stagna- plying for and obtaining The Sophisticated Te- (CITTIC). The TBI will tion alone. This is appli- a patent is a herculean st and Instrumentation incubate ideas on mul- cable to individuals as task, since it is infinitely Centre (STIC) establis- tifunctional and broad- well as industries. Uni- lengthy and strenuous. hed in the University band filters, couplers versities also have to The IPR Facilitation Cell with State Govt. collabo- and power dividers, bro- change in order to keep at the Cusat Inter Uni- ration boasts an aca- demic research facility Changing with the times with ultra-modern equ- ipments and cutting- up with the times. No versity Centre for Intel- adband and multiband edge technology. It pro- longer are Universities lectual Property Rights antennas, metamateri- vides consultancy ser- mere centres of higher Studies (IUCIPRS) has als and periodic struc- vices to industry and education, they facili- been established with tures, radio-frequency research institutions. tate research and un- the singular purpose of identification, wireless The sophisticated ana- dertake various activi- facilitating the filing of and mobile communi- lytical instruments fa- ties that directly or indi- patent applications by cation technologies, etc. cility for elemental de- rectly are of benefit to University researchers The ST Radar facility tection and analysis is a the public. Our Univer- and innovators. This is installed in the campus, boon to the industry as sity, I am proud to say, a uni-que and innova- in addition to the nor- well as individual resear- has been the front-run- tive initiative being in- mal research activities, chers. ner in such activities, troduced free of cost will start providing wee- making us the most initially, aim-ed exclu- Such diverse activi- kly weather bulletins sought-after in all areas sively at inventors affili- ties make our Univer- that can equally benefit of activity. ated to all Universities sity different from the farmers and the com- in Kerala to achieve their rest, standing head and As Patents count mon man, making our patent aspirations. shoulders above the among the hottest top- University by far, the crowd. After all we are ics of discussion today, As you are already most unique in the state. unique, by design. 'patent or perish' has aware, the first phase of The Centre for Science become a hot catch phr- the Technology Business in Society (C-SiS)'s pio- ase. The process of ap- Incubator (TBI) in Com- neering effort to instill Dr. J. Letha (from page 1) melodies of Sreekumaran Tha- well as arts and sports talents mpi followed the formal meeting. who had won national level Dr. M.K. Muneer initiated the contests were also felicitated at musical evening with a Sreeku- the function. maran Thampi song. The Hon. Dr. A.B. Bhasi, Controller of Minister presented an Anga- Examinations, Cusat introdu- vasthra to the legendary com- ced the Chief guest. Dr. Poulose poser Sreekumaran Thampi Jacob, Pro-Vice Chancellor, during the function. Cusat, Dr. David Peter, Regi- The nostalgic musical pro- strar, Cusat, Dr. K.A. Zakkariya, gramme of lyrics titled "Pourna- Dr. A. Mujeeb, Dr. N. Mohanan, michandrika", entralled the Cu- Dr. M.R. Anantharaman, Dr. sat Campus audience was dire- A.N. Balchand, Irfan Habeeb cted by Dr. Suresh Manimala. (Syndicate Members, Cusat) Playback singer Kallara Gopan, also spoke. Chithra Arun, Reena Murali and "Pournamichandrika", a a few stars from Cusat also sung. musical evening comprising the Tejus September-October 2015 2 Nano: The time for tiny batteries has come- Prof. Pulikkal Ajayan future. Although tiny in changes in Material Science or stature, these batteries can Particle Science. Research is store immense amounts of reaching its final stages in energy. This happy news was cancer treatment for shared by none other than the identifying cancerous cells and world famous nano-scientist treating them, he added. Our Prof. Pulikkal M. Ajayan. He country should prepare to was delivering a talk at the welcome nano-technology by KSCSTE sponsored Erudite providing the necessary programme organized by the infrastructure. China, our Dept. of Physics, Cochin neighbouring country has University of Science and already made great advances in Technology on August 10, this field. Noted Nano-Scientist Dr. Pulikkal 2015. Nano-technology has Dr. K. Poulose Jacob, Pro- Ajayan is addressing a gathering at created wonders through its Vice Chancellor, Cusat the Department of Physics, Cusat application in various fields like inaugurated the programme. Batteries as thin as paper energy storage, sensors, Prof. M. R. Anantharaman, Co- and batteries that you can see medicines, defence and ordinator, Erudite Programme through are some of the agriculture. The invention of and Prof. S. Jayalakshmi, wonders that are going to be nano-scale building blocks has Head, Dept. of Physics also part of our lives in the near brought about revolutionary spoke on the occasion. GST Bill: Amendment Necessary - Pinaki Chakraborty Constitutional amendement substantial losses, according to Commission. is necessary for introduction of Dr. Pinaki Chakraborthy, Dr. Chakraborthy was GST. As the deficit caused by the Professor, National Institute of delivering the key-note address introduction of GST will be Public Finance and Policy, Govt. at the National Seminar on "GST borne by the Central Govt., the of India and Economic Advisor Reforms: Implications for states will not face any to the Fourteenth Finance States" organized by K. M. Mani Centre for Budget Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology on 7 September 2015. Cusat Vice Chancellor Dr. J. Letha inaugurated the Seminar which was presided over by Prof. M. A. Oommen, Hon. Director, KMMCBS. Dr. Jose Sebastian, Associate Professor, Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation, Dr. S. David Peter, Registrar, and Dr. Sabu Thomas, Co-ordinator, Dr. Pinaki Chakraborty of the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy is explaining the nuances of the proposed GST Bill during a National Seminar KMMCBS, spoke on the organized by KMMCBS at Cusat. occasion. Tejus September-October 2015 3 Cusat bags Rs. 4 Cr. UGC KAUSHAL Centre The University Grants Com- wledge base. Liberal admission designed to have provision of mission has sanctioned the norms and semester system multiple entry and exit at vari- Deen Dayal Upadhyay Centres based on credits will be followed ous levels culminating up-to a for Knowledge Acquisition and here. research degree level. Another Upgradation of Skilled Human The KAUSHAL Centre in objective is to formulate courses Abilities and Livelihood (KAU Cusat will conduct two M.Voc at postgraduate level keeping in SHAL) aimed at arming youth courses in Mobile Phone App- mind the need of i) Industry in with entrepreneurial skills to lication Development & Techn- specialized areas; ii) Instru- Cusat. The University will rece- ology and Management Consult- ctional design, curriculum des- ive a grant of Rs. 4 Cr. during ing, according to Dr. K. A. Za- ign and contents in the areas of the course of two years. kkariya. Ano- skills development; iii) Peda- Although 700 proposals ther salient gogy, assessment for skills deve- were received from different feature of the- lopment education and training; parts of the country, only 48 se four semes- iv) trained faculty in the areas were approved by the UGC.
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