Fall 2019 The Stars Alcyone and Aldebaran in the Constella- tion of Taurus Maureen Temple Richmond The Star of Intelligence and of the Individual and The Eye of the Bull Abstract Introduction ocated in the constellation of the Bull, the tar life as sources of distinct evolutionary L stars Alcyone and Aldebaran are often S energies constitutes one of the unique fac- discussed in the esoteric astrology of Alice tors of the metaphysical literature generated by Bailey and hence merit study. Using relevant Alice A. Bailey under the inspiration of the passages from Alice A. Bailey’s Esoteric As- Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul. In this literature, trology, supportive information from the Theo- the Tibetan Master referred not only to entire sophical literature of H.P. Blavatsky, and rele- constellations as sources of energies impelling vant sources in astronomy and myth, this essay spiritual evolution, but also to specific stars. demonstrates that Alcyone and Aldebaran can Alcyone and Aldebaran are two such. Denom- be understood as intensified versions of the inated by the Tibetan Master as the Star of In- star groupings in which they are found. For telligence and of the Individual and the Eye of Alcyone, this is the Pleiades; for Aldebaran, it the Bull respectively, these two stars play a is the greater and inclusive constellation of significant role in both the objective and sub- Taurus. Drawing on these placements and in- jective dimensions of manifestation, the first terpreting the myths and legends associated associated with tangible geological forces with these stars and constellations, the discus- which act at the ends and beginnings of vast sion uncovers the central themes of Alcyone evolutionary periods as well as with the estab- and Aldebaran of importance to striving seek- lishment of the sense of individuality, the sec- ers, disciples, and initiates: the intelligence in ond representative of fundamental subjective matter, response of matter to changes of evolu- spiritual lessons concerning desire, its con- tionary periods, the submergence of old Atlan- quest through right detachment and the tis, the crisis of individualization, the power of _____________________________________ axial rotation as a segregative force, the nature of desire, the transcendence of desire, the de- About the Author struction of personality obstacles, distribution Maureen Temple Richmond is a lifelong astrolo- sequences for the transmission of stellar ener- ger and esotericist known for her scholarly study gies, and transformation through the vision of titled Sirius, a comprehensive examination of the synthesis. The essay concludes with the re- teaching on that great star as revealed in the works minder that the published literature of Alice of Alice Bailey. Author of numerous essays, poetry, Bailey’s esoteric astrological doctrine provides and fiction, Richmond holds a M.A. in English and no mathematical or geometrical method for Creative Writing from SNHU, and is currently locating star energies at specific degrees of the working on a Ph.D. program in Heritage Studies at zodiac in birth chart astrology, but rather calls Arkansas State University where she now makes the seeker to a recognition of encompassing her home. A counseling astrologer, Richmond ad- issues and labors of universal relevance on the vises Anglophone clients around the world. She can be reached at: [email protected]. spiritual path. Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 13 The Esoteric Quarterly destruction of subjective impediments, and To zero in on the type of esoteric influence ultimately the victorious expression of the Di- radiated by this star, a study of its name and vine Will. Significantly, the esoteric influence mythic associations might be of help. The of these two stars is grounded in the issues and name of Alcyone apparently hails from the transformations associated with the constella- Greek words alkyonein and alkyonion, terms tion Taurus, the Bull. Hence, understanding the for a type of bird known as a kingfisher.1 The natures of these two stars rests on a journey kingfisher is important in this context because which leads outward from and back again into it makes a nest which was thought by the an- the fundamental ground of the constellation cient Greek-speaking people to resemble a cer- Taurus. Ultimately, these two stars embody the tain type of soft coral. Soft corals in general universal perspective which is proper to the were called in Latin alcyonium, a word which great solar beings which inhabit them. They also figures into the genesis of the name for the radiate the universal light which streams down star, Alcyone.2 Thus, it would seem that the upon and into Humanity and Hierarchical dis- word origin for the name of this star is linked ciples, providing inspiration for evolution and in some way with the marine life form known eventual initiation. as coral. An important question is here to be raised. Why would ancient sea-faring peoples Alcyone have associated a star with the calciferous re- ituated in the shoulder of the Bull constel- mains of underwater sea life? After all, the S lation, Alcyone is Eta Taurii, the seventh two are a bit disparately positioned, to say the brightest star in the constellation of Taurus, least. The answer to this question will reveal certainly not the brightest star in that constella- important facts about the star under considera- tion. That distinction goes to the star Aldeba- tion, just as might be expected from the Tibet- ran, discussed below. In this section however, an’s general dictum that more real occultism the star of the moment is Alcyone, which in- hides in the names of the stars than has previ- deed claims pride of position as the star of ously been recognized. greatest magnitude (or brilliance) within the As the reader may recall, the stars in the Pleia- subgrouping of the Pleiades. This fact might des grouping were referred to by famed nine- well suggest that the nature of Alcyone is an teenth-century Theosophical occultist H.P. intensified and concentrated version of all the Blavatsky as the Atlantides.3 Today we call themes associated with the Pleiades. These these stars the Pleiades, but to Blavatsky, they themes constellate around the theme of form were the Atlantides. The moment the esoteri- and its production. Thus, Alcyone as the most cist hears the word Atlantides, the notion of the noticeable star in the Pleiades might be ex- great Atlantean continent leaps to mind, and pected to reproduce that theme in some form. indeed, this connection is relevant. As it turns In fact, it might legitimately be expected that out, the term Atlantides comes from the fact Alcyone shall prove to be the very epitome of that the seven stars of the Pleiades were con- the themes and energies radiated generally by sidered in Greek myth to have been the daugh- the entire Pleiades grouping, which itself is ters of Atlas. Hence, they can be referred to positioned in the constellation Taurus. Thus, under a permutation of their father’s name. But the subject of inquiry here resembles a nested there is more to this patronymic name game Russian doll: Taurus is the biggest doll, the than meets the eye. It takes but little imagina- Pleiades the next smaller, and finally tiny Al- tion to see that the name Atlas is a great deal cyone. In this case, the interior smallest doll like the word Atlantic (as in Atlantic Ocean), represents a great intensification of the general or even Atlantis. Indeed, Blavatsky equates characteristics typical of its two greater con- Atlas with just this, with the etymologically texts. Still, the nature of Alcyone is much of a similar Atlantis in particular, and goes on to mystery. The Tibetan Master mentions it often, say that the seven daughters reputed to be the however, so it’s a topic worthy of study. progeny of Atlas are in fact none other than the 14 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2019. Fall 2019 seven subraces which ran their courses on the at the appearance and disappearances of the Atlantean continent.4 In other words, the oc- various root races.7 Since a change of root rac- cult reading of the Atlantides is that they are so es (from the Fourth or Atlantean to the Fifth or named because they constitute the seven races Aryan) is exactly what occurred at the sub- spawned by Atlas. Since the Atlantides equal mergence of the Atlantean continent, the link- the Pleiades, this means that the seven races age of the Pleiades in general and Alcyone in which manifested during the Atlantean period particular with the site of such an occurrence are either symbolically or literally represented near the close of the Fourth Race is entirely by the constellation today called the Pleiades. consistent. It is as if ancient peoples stated to posterity in their choice of a name for this star, Such a dramatic assertion is of course difficult “The influence of this star causes great lands to to reconcile with the twenty-first century’s as- subside, and to join the underwater world tronomical concepts. According to Blavatsky, where corals can be found.” Hence, it might be the knowledge had by contemporary astrono- concluded that the only slightly veiled refer- my about the Pleiades is but a weak and pale ence to undersea life in the name of Alcyone reflection of actual historic events, vaguely does just what the Tibetan Master said it hinted at by the name and myths connected would, for it both conceals and reveals actual with these stars. “Astronomically,” she stated, occult teaching. “the Atlantides have become the seven Pleia- des….”5 In this process, all has been forgotten However, there exists yet another explanation about the seven races run on the continent of for the origin of the name, Alcyone, this one Atlantis, save a very tattered remnant in the offered by Blavatsky in her Theosophical form of exoteric stellar lore.
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