May 21, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 10 13431 INTRODUCTION OF THE EMPOW- of New Jersey, for working with me on this im- existing shortage of primary care physicians, ERING MEDICARE PATIENT portant legislation. this bill develops a new, promising career path CHOICES ACT ESTABLISHES A As health care reform efforts move forward, for primary care physicians who can own and PHASED IN PROGRAM TO SUP- we have a golden opportunity to provide high- operate Independence at Home organizations PORT SHARED DECISION-MAKING quality care for our most vulnerable seniors and receive reimbursements for house calls. IN MEDICARE BY EQUIPPING right in their own homes at dramatically lower The Independence at Home Act addresses BENEFICIARIES WITH UNBIASED, costs. The bi-partisan Independence at Home the needs of patients with multiple chronic dis- EVIDENCED-BASED RESOURCES legislation we are reintroducing today aims to eases and holds providers accountable for THAT CAN HELP THEM BE BET- better coordinate care for Medicare bene- producing savings. As such, I believe this bill TER INVOLVED IN TREATMENT ficiaries with multiple, debilitating chronic dis- to be a critical part of our efforts to reform DECISIONS eases, including Alzheimer’s, congestive heart health care because it will produce better, co- failure, diabetes and other chronic conditions. ordinated care and reduce costs. I look for- HON. EARL BLUMENAUR In many cases, our frail elders prefer to re- ward to working with my colleagues in the main in their own homes, in the comfort of fa- OF OREGON House to turn our ‘‘sick-care’’ system into a miliar surroundings, rather than enter a nurs- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES true health care system, and I look forward to ing home or hospital. Our current health care working on this bill with my colleagues as ef- Thursday, May 21, 2009 system does a poor job caring for seriously ill forts proceed to pass comprehensive health Mr. BLUMENAURER. Madam Speaker, Americans, who often are ‘‘lost in transition’’, care reform this year. today I am proud to introduce the Empowering struggling to manage multiple illnesses as they f Medicare Patient Choices Act of 2009. transition between emergency room, hospital, The onset of an illness creates intense nursing facility and home. The Independence CONGRATULATING CHRIS stress and anxiety for patients and families. In at Home Act holds great promise for reducing ECONOMAKI, THE 2009 RECIPIENT addition to the weight of a diagnosis, patients hospitalizations, preventing medication errors, OF POCONO RACEWAY’S BILL struggle to learn about their illness and deter- and lifting the spirits of those who, after a life- FRANCE AWARD OF EXCELLENCE mine which treatments to pursue. During this time of contributions to our society, deserve time, people often feel helpless and unpre- the dignity and peace of mind that comes with HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI pared to make such critical decisions, but it living independently. OF PENNSYLVANIA doesn’t have to be that way. We have the op- This legislation builds on successful house IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES calls programs operating around the country portunity to improve both the quality of health Thursday, May 21, 2009 care and patient satisfaction by better engag- and at the Department of Veterans Affairs by ing patients and families in treatment deci- establishing a 3-year pilot program in Medi- Mr. KANJORSKI. Madam Speaker, I rise sions. care that would enable beneficiaries with today to ask you and my esteemed colleagues The Empowering Medicare Patient Choices chronic, complex conditions to receive the in the House of Representatives to pay tribute Act will create a shared decision-making proc- care they need in their own homes. These pa- to Chris Economaki, the dean of motorsports ess between physicians and patients within tients see roughly 14 physicians and fill about journalists, who has dedicated himself to the Medicare, offering incentives for doctors to 50 prescriptions each year. Due to a lack of promotion of a national sport that has enriched provide resources such as DVD’s and web- coordination between their many doctors, the lives of countless people for more than 60 based, interactive programs. These materials these patients often receive disjointed care, years. provide unbiased, evidence-based information conflicting information, and multiple diagnoses Mr. Economaki is the first journalist to re- on treatment options. After reviewing the deci- for the same symptoms. At the same time, ceive this award, first presented in 1977, sion aids, patients and families are better pre- Medicare beneficiaries with multiple chronic which is dedicated to the memory of William pared to have meaningful conversations with conditions account for a highly dispropor- H. G. France, the founder of NASCAR. This their doctors to determine the course of action tionate share of Medicare spending. award is presented annually to a person, orga- right for them. The Independence at Home Act creates a nization or corporation that has made out- The legislation introduces shared decision- three year pilot program that utilizes a patient- standing contributions to the sport of NASCAR making into Medicare in three phases. Phase centered health delivery model to ensure that Sprint Cup Series Racing. I is a three-year period pilot program allowing Medicare beneficiaries with multiple chronic Born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1920, Mr. ‘early adopting’ providers to participate, pro- conditions can remain independent, in their Economaki’s father was a Greek immigrant viding data and serving as Shared Decision- homes, for as long as possible. Our model is while his mother was a great niece of Robert Making Resource Centers. Phase II expands a better, more coordinated way of getting E. Lee. He witnessed his first auto race in At- the pilot for a three-year period during which these patients the care they need by physi- lantic City at the age of nine and was imme- a larger pool of providers will be eligible to re- cians who know them and are experienced in diately hooked on the sport. He started his ca- ceive reimbursement for the use of certified managing their unique needs. reer at the age of 13 selling copies of National patient decision aids. The final stage requires The Independence at Home care teams Speed Sport News newspapers. He wrote his providers to use patient decision aids for cer- tasked with coordinating the care of these pa- first column at the age of 14 for the National tain conditions as a standard of practice. tients will be comprised of qualified and expe- Auto Racing News. In 1950, he became editor Shared decision-making is a common-sense rienced physicians, physician assistants, and of the National Speed Sport News. He began program that will improve quality of care, but nurse practitioners. Participating organizations a column for that publication, titled ‘‘The Edi- more importantly, support patients and families will be required to produce improved health tor’s Notebook,’’ that he still writes more than during difficult times. outcomes, demonstrate patient and caregiver 50 years later. He eventually became owner, f satisfaction, and show that their methods re- publisher and editor of the National Speed sult in savings to Medicare. In order to realize Sport News. His daughter, Corinne INTRODUCTION OF THE these savings, our bill holds participating pro- Economaki, is the current publisher and the INDEPENDENCE AT HOME ACT viders accountable for demonstrating a min- paper is still considered ‘‘America’s Weekly imum savings of 5 percent to Medicare. As an Motorsports Authority.’’ HON. EDWARD J. MARKEY incentive, providers are able to keep a portion His autobiography is entitled ‘‘Let Em All OF MASSACHUSETTS of savings they achieve beyond the initial 5 Go: The Story of Auto Racing by the Man IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES percent. Whereas our current health care sys- Who Was There.’’ tem runs up costs by reimbursing for the vol- Mr. Economaki worked as a race track an- Thursday, May 21, 2009 ume of care, the Independence at Home nouncer in the 40s and 50s. He covered races Mr. MARKEY of Massachusetts. Madam model incentivizes the value of care. at Indianapolis, Daytona, LeMans and many Speaker, I rise today to introduce the Inde- This proposal also encourages the adoption other locations. His motorsports coverage on pendence at Home Act. I would like to thank of electronic medical records and other tech- radio and television became legendary. my colleague and fellow co-chair of the bipar- nologies that will result in more efficient and Mr. Economaki has been the recipient of nu- tisan Alzheimer’s Task Force, Mr. CHRIS SMITH cost-effective care. And, to help address the merous major motorsports award and he was VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:05 Sep 19, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E21MY9.000 E21MY9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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